Obama-Tied Firm: Gets a Cool $100k to Create Michelle’s ‘Let’s Move’ Logo

I know this may come as a shocker for some, but Michelle forked over a cool $100k of taxpayers money to design of the ‘Let’s Go’ logo.

That’s right, apparently a marketing firm that’s tight with the prez received a plum no-bid contract to come up with a logo.

Let's Move Logo[H/T Judicial Watch]: A marketing firm with close ties to the president got a plum no-bid contract for $100,000 to design the “Let’s Move” logo for Michelle Obama’s childhood obesity campaign, according to government documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

The arrangement violates federal contracting rules and is even acknowledged by federal officials as an “unauthorized commitment,” the records obtained by JW show. As a result the agency that illegally awarded the contract, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), prepared a “request for ratification of an unauthorized commitment” to legitimize the expenditure. The justification provided to JW as part of the records is that the program was too important and time-sensitive for the official who awarded the no-bid deal to research the rules.

In all, JW obtained 44 pages of documents from the USDA, the agency largely in charge of distributing funds for the First Lady’s $4.5 billion measure (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act) to revolutionize the inner-city diet and conquer childhood obesity. Among the documents is a scathing electronic mail exchange between the USDA Deputy Director (Jodey Edwards) in the Office of Procurement & Property Management and an agency administrative officer named Yvette Ward. Edwards asks “What did we get for our money … any deliverable? I know this is an unauthorized commitment: however the contractor still must provide evidence of what is being paid for …”

The firm that raked in the cash is Shepardson, Stern & Kaminsky (SS+K), which had previously served as the official agency for Obama for America’s youth initiatives in both 2008 and 2012. SS+K also received a sweet $2 million deal from the Obama Department of Education for the “TEACH” teacher recruitment campaign in 2010. Before the Obama administration started doling out money to the little-known firm, it had landed only one government contract—awarded in 2002 by the Department of Defense—worth $50,000.

The SS+K team that worked on “Let’s Move” consisted of the following: Robert Shepardson a partner in the firm who previously led SS+K’s work on Obama political campaigns; Marty Cooke, who is no longer with SS+K but served as creative director during Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign; Rebecca Matovic, a partner who also did work for the Gates Foundation, the Environmental Defense Fund, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and the governments of Bolivia and Colombia.

The USDA official who inappropriately authorized the no-bid “Let’s Move” slogan deal appears to have been a political appointee named David Lazarus, the records obtained by JW show. Lazarus is a former senior advisor to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack who previously served as National Rural Vote Deputy Director for Obama for America and as an advisor to the Obama-Biden transition team.

Not surprisingly, no significant action was taken against the parties responsible for the violation. Senior procurement officials simply spoke with the offender to “explain the procurement process,” according to the records. Training on procurement rules was subsequently provided to all senior advisors, the files further reveal, adding this: “The Senior Procurement Executive had intended to provide this seminar as part of the training that was given to new incoming political appointees at the start of the administration, but thought administrative oversight this wasn’t done.”

“Let’s Move” is described as “America’s move to raise a healthier generation of kids,” a comprehensive initiative launched by the First Lady dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity. The goal is to solve this crisis within a generation, according to the “Let’s Move” website, by among other things, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food. Looking at the website and the slogan that cost U.S. taxpayers $100,000, it’s difficult to see the “time-sensitive” importance that could justify a no-bid contract.

You can DOWNLOAD the contract here.

AUDIO: Did Barack Obama Purposely Sabotage the Capture of the Most Wanted Benghazi Attacker?

[H/T WND/Aaron Klein]: Did the Obama administration sabotage the effort to capture one of the most important terrorist figures charged with carrying out the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack?

Questions are now being raised about the timing and manner in which the U.S. earlier this month seized wanted militant Abu Anas al-Libi, who was living openly in his home in Libya and likely could have been captured at a different time.

Below, is an 11 minute and 56 second audio of Aaron Klein Online:

———-CLICK PLAY——————————————————————————-

[mp3t track=”www.conservativeangle.com/audio/sabotaged-KleinOnline.mp3″]


Ansar Al-Sharia militia[H/T Audio Aaron Klein]

Al-Libi was accused of playing a role in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

A new CNN report sheds light on how al-Libi’s capture all but thwarted an operation by covert U.S. operatives who were potentially just hours away from grabbing Ahmed Abu Khattalah, a senior leader of the Ansar Al-Sharia militia wanted for the Benghazi attack.

Al-Libi was seized by U.S. Special Forces on Oct. 5 in a daylight raid outside his home. His whereabouts for years were so well known that he had previous given scores of news media interviews in public places in Libya.

The al-Libi raid was carried out as Special Forces were possibly just hours away from capturing Khattalah after tracking his whereabouts, U.S. officials told CNN.

The news agency said U.S. Forces may have been ready to act to capture Khattalah as soon as the day after al-Libi’s arrest, according to some officials.

CNN revealed a top level White House meeting was scheduled for around Oct. 7 to get Obama’s final approval to capture Khattalah.

However, al-Libi’s capture and its subsequent announcement to news media sent Khattalah deep underground and further caused a major rift with the Libyan government, which demanded an end to any further U.S. raids.

CNN reported the Khattalah raid never materialized “partly because there was so much publicity inside Libya and in the Western press about the al-Libi capture.”

The news network reported the aborted Khattalah capture is leading “to sensitive questions inside the administration about the tradeoff between getting al-Libi and going after the perpetrators of the politically charged Benghazi attack.”

Obama previously vowed to make it is a “priority” to bring the Benghazi suspects “to justice.”

On Oct. 9, the New York Times detailed the efforts to track Khattalah had been in place for months.

The newspaper further reported the Pentagon “has been preparing contingency plans for months in the event Mr. Obama orders a military operation” to seize Khattalah and other terrorists for the Benghazi attack.

Due to al-Libi’s capture, the Libyan government has clamped down on any further U.S. raids, making it more difficult to go after the Benghazi suspects.

As highlighted in a Washington Post opinion piece by Mark Thiessen, it was the Obama administration that first leaked the Libyan government’s approval of al-Libi’s capture. That leak came in the form of a New York Times front page story titled “U.S. Officials Say Libya Approved Commando Raids.”

The publicity created a backlash for Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan. He reportedly was kidnapped in retaliation for allowing the U.S. to act on Libyan soil to capture al-Libi.

DHS: To Hire ‘Top Secret’ Domestic Security Force

[H/T InfoWars]: The Department of Homeland Security is to spend $19 million dollars on a private security force in Wisconsin and Minnesota, an armed unit that must have a “Top Secret” security clearance according to an official solicitation.

DHS Hire Top Secret Domestic Security ForceAccording to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the Federal Protective Service, a sub-agency of the DHS, intends to hire “armed Protective Security Officer (PSO) services at various locations throughout the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.”

“The project will have a requirement for the contractor to have a Top Secret facility clearance by the start of performance,” states the FPS notice.

Unlike previous solicitations, which normally detail how the guards will be deployed to protect government buildings, the document does not divulge what role the armed security force will undertake.

The fact that the contractors being hired must have a “Top Secret” security clearance clearly suggests that the DHS is not merely seeking to hire armed guards, but Blackwater-style mercenaries who will be engaged in some kind of clandestine activity.

The notion of an armed security force operating domestically under a “Top Secret” designation, something normally reserved for foreign spying and military operations, underscores how the DHS increasingly treats America like some kind of occupied territory.

The hiring of private mercenaries with Top Secret clearances also suggests the DHS may be planning on using the contractors as cutouts who will be involved in a variety of different operations outside the purview of public and Congressional scrutiny.

For some, the idea of an ever-expanding federal government turning to a private security force with a “Top Secret” clearance will stir memories of Barack Obama’s pre-election promise to build “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded (as the US military).”

The DHS’ purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 12 months has also prompted concerns that the feds are gearing up for trouble.

As we previously reported, the federal agency has spent large sums of money in recent weeks hiring large numbers of armed guards to protect government buildings, a development some have connected to the likelihood of civil unrest in America which could arise from food shortages linked to welfare cuts.

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto suggested that the Department of Homeland Security’s recent $80 million dollar outlay on armed guards to protect government buildings in upstate New York was related to potential food stamp riots.

The federal agency is also seeking to acquire 723,000 hours of armed guard services to protect government buildings in Arkansas and other areas.

The DHS also recently purchased half a million dollars worth of fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations.

Report: New Benghazi Claim: Mystery Man with Slain Ambassador Stevens, Adds New Layer of Intrigue to Attack on U.S. Mission

[H/T WND]: A four-page incident report written by a private contractor that provided security to the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, adds yet another layer of intrigue to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack.

Benghazi: Mystery ManThe report, for the first time, claims that another American aside from Ambassador Christopher Stevens was being treated at the Libyan hospital reportedly controlled by the Ansar Al-Sharia terrorist group.

 The American was described in the report by the private Blue Mountain Group as being “black” and shot in the hand. The report says the man was presumed to be “one of the ambassador’s close protection team as both were black.”

The State Department’s Accountability Review Board report, or ARB, detailed what it claimed was the official version of events during and after the attack. The ARB report does not mention any other American at the hospital with Stevens.

Aaron Klein’s “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office” is available, autographed, at WND’s Superstore

The ARB report states only that Stevens’ body was transported from the hospital to the Benghazi airport. The ARB does not describe how Stevens’ body was released from a hospital said to be under Ansar Al-Sharia’s control.

The Blue Mountain report raises questions about who was holding Stevens’ body, whether the ambassador was kidnapped and whether any other American was present at the hospital.

The State Department confirmed the report leaked to the news media in recent days matches the version sent to the U.S. government by the Blue Mountain Group.

The Washington Post said the incident report was written by the man interviewed by “60 Minutes” last week, identified by the pseudonym Morgan Jones, who is the author of a new book on Benghazi.

The Post revealed what it said was Jones’ real name, Dylan Davies.

The incident report, written in the first person allegedly from the perspective of Davies, contradicts key elements of Davies’ account in his book and in his “60 Minutes” interview.

Davies, however, told the Daily Beast he did not write the report, nor had he ever seen it. The report was not signed by anyone.

The report states Davies returned to his villa immediately after the attack while Davies writes in his book he attempted to reach the Benghazi compound but couldn’t do so because of Ansar al-Sharia roadblocks.

The incident report says Davies learned of Stevens’ death from a Blue Mountain guard who had apparently secretly gone to the hospital and had taken a photo of the ambassador’s body. Davies writes in his book, however, he was the guard who infiltrated the hospital and verified Stevens was dead.

Davies said the Blue Mountain incident report matches a version he told to a superior at his firm. He told the Daily Beast he failed to report his own personal involvement in going to the hospital and the fated compound since a top Blue Mountain executive had asked him to stand down.

While most of the news coverage surrounding the Blue Mountain report focuses on how the version conflicts with the story told by Davies in his book, far more telling may be the details of the report itself.

The Blue Mountain incident report relates that Davies learned of Stevens’ death from another contractor who had gone to the hospital. The report, for the first time, claims a second American was at the hospital.

“I asked (blank) if any other Americans were at the hospital and he said yes, a black man who had been shot in the hand. I presumed that this was one of the Ambassador’s close protection team as both men were black.”

The report does not relate the fate of the other American it said was at the hospital.

The ARB report – reviewed in full by WND – does not mention any other American as being at the hospital.

The ARB details how Stevens’ guard, identified in the State-sanctioned report as “ARSO 1,” brought the ambassador and officer Sean Smith into a bathroom while smoke engulfed the building during the attack.

“ARSO 1” escaped through a window, states the ARB, believing Stevens and Smith were following him, and later re-entered the building to search for Stevens and Smith. He made it to the roof of the compound, where he radioed for assistance.

The ARB relates “ARSO 1” was rescued by a small team that made it back to the nearby CIA safe house.

The ARB states Stevens was taken to the hospital by what it claimed were “Good Samaritans” who found his body in the compound. The ARB doesn’t explain how the supposed Good Samaritans made it past the Ansar al-Sharia checkpoints.

The ARB briefly relates that Stevens’ body was later “brought to the airport in what appeared to be a local ambulance at 0825 local.”

Stevens kidnapped?

There have been questions about whether Stevens was kidnapped.

The questions reached a fevered pitch in June when Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin, who was identified by U.S. officials speaking to the Washington Free Beacon as a known weapons experts for al-Qaida, wrote on a jihadi website that Stevens was killed by lethal injection after plans to kidnap him during the Benghazi assault went awry.

Read rest of story

EXPOSED: List of Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Operatives Inside United States

[H/T Adina Kutnicki]: MANY alarmed readers have requested a concerted listing of Brotherhood Mafia operatives embedded within the U.S. The naming of names. Well, a running list is in progress at this end. Regrettably, it was not ready for inclusion within a most recent interview – The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina KutnickiSo much work to be done…not enough hours in a day. Sleep deprived.

Now for the list of Muslim Brotherhood Mafia operatives:

Obama and Muslim Brotherhood[H/T Family Security Matters]: El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.

Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap…  El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:

In the context of El Watan’s ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood’s cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America.

The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi’s project to “Brotherhoodize” and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt]. Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups  launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to the power.

El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):

Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani
The Egyptian American Foundation for Development
Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York
Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia
The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channelsin America
Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America
Walid Yusari, Chicago
Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston
Ramadan Ridwan, Houston
Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas
Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan
Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania
Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina
Ahmed Shehata, Director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy
Dr. Iman Shehata, New York
Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in U.S.
Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation
Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR)
Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan
Amin Mahmoud, Maryland

As a most recent example, El Watan quotes from an American op-ed published on October 16 (just two days before the publication of the El Watan report itself).  Titled “Egypt: 100 days later” and written by Ahmed Shehata of the Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights, the piece appeared in The Hill, the Capitol’s most widely circulated newspaper, published specifically for Congress.

The op-ed is certainly a prime example of pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda that actually tries to “shame” U.S. policymakers into returning the Brotherhood back to power in the name of “democracy.”

Key excerpts follow:

While the U.S. must consider its own interests in the region, it is baffling and disheartening to think the current administration would choose to discount the suffering that continues to occur on a daily basis as well as the complete violation of democratic principles which it espouses to the rest of the world….  As this past week marked 100 days since the coup and the lives of the Egyptian people continue to be sacrificed, the United States cannot be silent any longer for the sake of their own interests and convenience….  To that end, Egypt represents a golden opportunity for the U.S. to uphold democratic values by pushing for the reinstatement of the democratically elected government, despite their shortcomings. This would aid tremendously in showing the world that, above any one particular physical interest, stands the mantle of freedom and the rule of law.

Anyone familiar with the real happenings of Egypt knows that Shehata’s assertions are complete opposites of the truth: the military ousted the Brotherhood in response to the will of millions of Egyptians-the people, the demos, as in democracy-who took to the streets protesting against the totalitarian Morsi government.   Moreover, it is the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters who have been committing numerous human rights atrocities-including the slaughter and persecution of Christians, the torture and murder of many Egyptians (including before the revolution), and the destruction and torching of some 85 Christian churches.

Shehata seems to think that, if the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters terrorize, murder, destroy, persecute, and betray their nation-which is precisely why tens of millions of average Egyptians rose up against them (though you might not know that following Al Jazeera-led Western media that distorted the popularity of the revolution)-as long as they won “elections” (which from the start many authorities insisted they didn’t), then that is all that matters; and, if need be, the U.S. must war with Egypt’s military and people on behalf of the ousted terrorists-all in the name of “democracy” and “human rights,” as Shehata’s U.S.-based Brotherhood front is laughably called.

That such a shameless piece of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda can be published in the most influential and widely read Capitol Hill publication certainly goes a long way in validating El Watan’s claims that the Brotherhood has its tentacles all around the United States’ points of influence.

The Al-Goring of America: Barack Obama Readies the Masses for His Global Warming Ruse

CA has written several articles on how Obama is destroying this country.  And in the eyes of a Marxist, it’s going swimmingly.

The latest scandals and seemingly endless deceit, is all part of the master plan.  Saul Alinsky is at the heart of the deceit and the Socialist-in-Chief is about to tear a  chapter from Al Gore’s book in order to stick the next toxic needle into our economy.

Obama Global Warming[H/T The Black Sphere]: Barack Hussein Obama presides as President over the greatest and most powerful nation in world History. And he wants to see it destroyed.

It seems almost beyond understanding the way America has moved from one terrible crisis to another since Obama was elected President. Syria, Benghazi, Obamacare, the national debt, the economy, racial unrest…one by one calamities unfold. There’s barely time to breathe between news stories.

Now, just a month into the debacle known as the Affordable Care Act the attack continues.

The ghost of the living (Al Gore) has reared its ugly head to take yet another swipe at America’s pocketbook.

That’s right, my friends. Global warming is alive and well in the Obama White House.

Washington Times reporter Dave Boyer notes:

“President Obama issued an executive order Friday directing a government-wide effort to boost preparation in states and local communities for the impact of global warming.”

Time and again over the past 20 years we’ve been warned that the earth is coming to an end. Seas would boil, Polar icecaps would melt and California would slide into the sea (that was the upside of the warning).

Time and again the claims have not only been proven false, the data itself has been verifiably contrived. Yet Barack Obama, king of all things true (see “You can keep your doctor”), is trumping up yet another crisis before the paint dries on healthcare.gov.

Obama: the man who said with fondness that our energy prices would “necessarily skyrocket.” He’s the guy working to bring down the coal industry which supplies over 40% of America’s energy.

And now the President is embarking on yet another journey to deplete our financial resources. And another will follow… and another until America is not only bankrupt, but is the laughingstock of the world.

It would be pointless to spend much time on the global warming issue because at this point it’s irrelevant: just another nail in the coffin, placed there by Progressives such as Obama.

Many have tried to imply that Barack Obama was an unknown quantity. They say there was little known about the man.


His mindset, his attitudes and his disdain for America were known before he ever took office. The media and the establishment Republicans were complicit in the cover up. Yes, even his “opponent” Senator John McCain refused to speak ill of the man.

But the proof of Obama’s radical ideologies was there. It was all-too available for those with eyes to see.

So, what do we do now?

We can continue complaining that the country is going to hell in a hand basket while doing nothing to change it. Or we can rise up in such great enough numbers that Washington has no choice but to listen. I personally believe finding enough conservatives willing to make their voice known would be a major miracle.

But I’m a firm believer in miracles.

In closing, I believe a quote from our esteemed leader is in order.

“The question is not whether we need to act…The question is whether we will have the courage to act before it’s too late.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama