DHS Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary: ‘I Do Consider the United States of America an Islamic Country with an Islamically Compliant Constitution’

Yet one more post on nefarious DHS Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary, who should be immediately removed from his position and deported.  If this one doesn’t get you enraged to no return, nothing will; read with caution.

[H/T FrontPage]: In his 2002 letter to the American people explaining why he perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden asked, “What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?,” and then immediately answered his own question: “The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.” Wednesday his coreligionist Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, declared victory: “I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution.”

Mohamed Elibiary

It could be a canny new Homeland Security strategy: end the jihad against the U.S. by surrendering to it. If Elibiary can convince the Islamic jihadists who are waging jihad warfare against the United States that America is already “an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution,” they will have nothing left to fight for, at least against us, since the goal of jihad is to impose Islamic law wherever possible, and ultimately over the world entire.

In retrospect, then, Janet Napolitano’s tabbing of Elibiary for the DHS Advisory Council, much as I criticized it at the time, looks like a genius move. The amount of money that the U.S. will save on security costs will be enough in itself to save the economy, and Obama will at least be able to make good on his 2008 campaign promises to mend relations with the Islamic world. It’s peace in our time!

There are still a few things to iron out. Will America as an Islamic country be Sunni or Shi’ite? Whichever one Elibiary and his colleagues choose, they will need to be careful to maintain friendly relations, insofar as it is possible, with the spurned party. After all, if America becomes a Sunni state, Iran might be angered by failing to gain as a Shi’ite partner the powerful nation that Barack Obama already described several years ago as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world” – and an angry Iran could be dangerous. The same, of course, can be said of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan if the U.S. goes Shi’ite.

Also: will the payment of the jizya, the poll tax that the Qur’an (9:29) demands be paid by the subjugated non-Muslims, be written into the existing tax code, or will it become a new layer of the Washington bureaucracy, bringing with it a new raft of forms for beleaguered American taxpayers, and a new raft of thorny problems for H & R Block? And what of the same verse’s command that the subjugated people display “willing submission” to the Muslims, and “feel themselves subdued”? A huge new bureaucratic apparatus will be needed to ensure that non-Muslims are denied equality of rights with Muslims in every way possible, and the civil rights community will have to turn on a dime to trying to secure equal rights for all citizens to working to deny them for non-Muslims and women.

This will take some doing. Will a cabinet-level Department of the Dhimma be established, perhaps with Elibiary himself as its first Secretary?

Elibiary would certainly protest that all this wasn’t what he meant. The point he was making was substantially that of the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, who has claimed that the U.S. Constitution and government are already Sharia-compliant, because – he claims – the Constitution and Islamic law reflect the same values and principles. “The only truly clashing area,” Rauf has claimed, “is the penal code, and no Muslim has the intention of introducing that to America. The penal code is the area that people in the Western world are worried about – but these are things that aren’t even observed today in most of the Muslim world. Apart from the Taliban and a few places like that, where do you see this happening?”

Well, Brunei, which has just introduced Sharia punishments such as stoning for adultery, amputation for theft, and flogging for homosexuality; Yemen and Nigeria, where thieves were recently sentenced to amputation; and everywhere else where Sharia is fully implemented. But in any case, the claim of Elibiary and Rauf that aside from these punishments the U.S. is essentially Sharia-compliant already depends on its hearers being ignorant of Sharia’s institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims, its denial of the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, and more.

Elibiary is not ignorant of those things. On the contrary, his record is illuminating of his real agenda. Investigative journalist Charles C. Johnson noted several weeks ago in the Daily Caller that Elibiary was “an old friend of an activist who was convicted in 2008 of financing the terrorist organization Hamas. In an interview with The Daily Caller, Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, reiterated claims he made this summer that former Holy Land Foundation president and CEO Shukri Abu Baker is innocent and a victim of political persecution. Elibiary, who in his position on the council has regular access to classified information, also said the United States insults Muslim dignity and compared the Muslim Brotherhood to American evangelicals.”

Read rest of article

DHS: Wants to Lift 30-Year Ban On Libyan Nationals to Work or Train in U.S. ‘Aviation Maintenance, Flight Operations, or Nuclear-related Fields’

One word comes to mind: Sabotage.  We are being set up by a government that ‘should have one purpose’ and one purpose only — protecting the American people.  Instead they are destroying us.

Yesterday, we published an article on DHS Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary, that shouldn’t even be granted entry into our country, let alone reside in a key position of the Domestic Homeland Security (DHS).  Well now, the very same department wants to lift the 30 year ban that would bring in potential terrorists to work in “aviation maintenance, flight operations, or nuclear-related fields.”

[H/T CNS News]: A draft regulation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would lift a 30-year-ban on Libyan nationals coming to the United States to work or train in “aviation maintenance, flight operations, or nuclear-related fields.”

The 11-page proposed rule was Libyan Nationalsobtained by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).

In a statement on his congressional website, Rep. Chaffetz said that the draft final regulation could take effect without prior notice and comment. The congressmen say the prohibition was put in place in the 1980s after the wave of terrorist incidents involving Libyans.

“The administration justifies lifting this ban by claiming that the United States’ relationship with Libya has been ‘normalized,’” the statement said.

But the congressmen also say, “the terror threat continues and numerous news reports document recent terror-related stories coming from Libya. And just over a year ago the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, which resulted in the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.”

The draft regulation is currently entitled, “Rescinding Suspension of Enrollment for Certain F and M Nonimmigrant Students from Libya and Third Country Nationals Acting on Behalf of Libyan Entities.”

In its summary, the proposed rule states: “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is amending its regulations by rescinding the regulatory provisions promulgated in 1983 that terminated the nonimmigrant status and barred the granting of certain immigration benefits to Libyan nationals and foreign nationals acting on behalf of Libyan entities who are engaging in or seeking to obtain studies or training in aviation maintenance, flight operations, or nuclear-related fields.”

“The United States and the Government of Libya have normalized their relationship and most of the restrictions and sanctions imposed by the United States and the United Nations toward Libya have been lifted,” the rule reads. “Therefore, DHS, after consultation with the Department of State and the Department of Defense, is rescinding the restrictions that deny nonimmigrant status and benefits to a specific group of Libyan nationals.”

The U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on fire in the early morning of Sept. 12, 2012. (AP)A House Judiciary Committee source said the document is an “internal draft regulation” and is not final yet, and was obtained by Reps. Chaffetz and Goodlatte. It is not known yet when DHS, formerly headed by Secretary Janet Napolitano — and now awaiting a new leader — will officially issue the regulation.

Libyan nationals who want to come to America to study aviation or nuclear science would have to undergo the “Visas Mantis” security clearance, reads the regulation, and be subject to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security-threat assessments.

Goodlatte, in a statement on Chaffetz’s website, said, “Just over a year ago, four Americans were killed in the pre-planned terrorist attacks on the American Consulate in Benghazi.  We still haven’t gotten to the bottom of the Benghazi terrorist attacks and continue to face additional terrorist threats from Libya, yet the Obama Administration is preparing to lift a longstanding ban that protects Americans and our interests.”

Chaffetz said, “It is unbelievable that this administration would again put Americans in harm’s way by lifting a decades old security ban on a country that has become a hotbed of terrorist activity. We must work with the Libyans to build mutual trust that ensures safety and prosperity for both countries to enjoy.”

Judicial Watch, a government watchdog organization based in Washington, D.C., commented, “It’s incomprehensible that the U.S. government is even considering reversing the longstanding policy banning Libyans from working or training in areas so crucial to national security.”

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, 4 of the 19 terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks received flight training at U.S. flight schools. Those terrorists were Hani Hanjour, Ziad Jarah, Mohammed Atta and Marwan al Shehhi.

– See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/james-beattie/dhs-plan-let-libyans-train-here-flight-operations-nuclear-related-fields#sthash.K0xblQ6f.dpuf

Dr. Carson: February 7th, 2013 National Prayer Breakfast Speech REVISITED

—————–> DOWNLOAD Dr. Carson’s Full Speech <—————-

Dr. Carson inspired and gave us all hope, during his National Prayer Breakfast speech last February 7th, 2013.  It was at a time when many were just beginning to realize the pitfalls and destructiveness of socialized medicine — Affordable Care Act (ala Obamacare).  The speech was an absolute hit and many Americans rallied around Dr. Carson at that moment, becoming a spokesman for Conservatives literally overnight.

The reason for revisiting this speech is to first give appreciation to a glorious speech delivered by a good man.  Second and more importantly, let us use this speech as a catalyst for change (and revolution!).  Let us use Dr. Carson’s wisdom to combat this nefarious administration.  Let us gain the courage to do what’s necessary in order to take back our country — there’s still time!

Top Generals: Obama is ‘Purging the Military… Worse than We Have Ever Seen’

[H/T WND]: WASHINGTON – Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, as well as other top retired officers, say President Obama’s agenda is decimating the morale of the U.S. ranks to the point members no longer feel prepared to fight or have the desire to win.

Obama Purging Military“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND.

 “They are purging everyone, and if you want to keep your job, just keep your mouth shut,” one source told WND.

Not only are military service members being demoralized and the ranks’ overall readiness being reduced by the Obama administration’s purge of key leaders, colonels – those lined up in rank to replace outgoing generals – are quietly taking their careers in other directions.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was with Delta Force and later Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush, says it is worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.

“Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause,” Boykin said.

“I believe there is a purging of the military,” he said. “The problem is worse than we have ever seen.”

Boykin points out that the military adheres to the constitutional requirement of a civilian leadership over the military. As a consequence, officers are not allowed to criticize their civilian leadership, as occurred when Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal was relieved in 2010 of his command of the International Security Assistance Force and commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan.

He was relieved due to what has been described as unflattering remarks made about Vice President Joe Biden and other administration officials in a Rolling Stone magazine article. He was recalled to Washington where Obama accepted his resignation as commander in Afghanistan.

Boykin says that because of the fundamental civilian leadership over the military, McCrystal was “appropriately forced to retire.”

Read the words of the Founders, in “America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations.”

Some officers were involved in adulterous affairs and those situations, Boykin said, also were grounds for dismissal.

Boykin specifically said that because of the civilian-military relationship, he did not see any prospect for a “coup” coming from the military ranks.

“People I’ve spoken to would like to see the military ‘fulfill their constitutional duty and take out the president,’” Boykin said. “Our Constitution puts a civilian in charge of the military and as a result a coup would not be constitutional. You’re not going to see a coup in the military.”

Nevertheless, Boykin said the future of the military is becoming more and more of concern, since colonels who would be generals also are being relieved of duty, if they show that they’re not going to support Obama’s agenda, which critics have described as socialist.

“I talk to a lot of folks who don’t support where Obama is taking the military, but in the military they can’t say anything,” Boykin said.

As a consequence, he said, the lower grades therefore have decided to leave, having been given the signal that there is no future in the military for them.

Boykin referred to recent reports that Obama has purged some 197 officers in the past five years.

These reports suggest these officers were suspected of disloyalty or disagreed with the Obama administration on policy or force-structure issues. As Boykin pointed out, a number of them have been relieved of duty for no given reason.

“Morale is at an unprecedented low,” Boykin said, part of which is due to sequestration.

Sequestration has seriously cut back operational readiness for the military to the point where Boykin said that often they have no ammunition and are unable to conduct training because of the planned cuts.

“These officers want to train for war but are not be allowed to” because of the preoccupation not only with sequestration, but what Boykin said were other concerns surfacing in the military under Obama as commander-in-chief.

He referred specifically to the recent repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which now allows openly homosexual personnel in the military. In addition, he said the integration of women into the infantry “will reduce readiness of units.” He also was critical of the rules of engagement which he says favor “political correctness over our ability to fight to win.”

“The last time we won an all-out war was in 1944,” Boykin said. “Now, we don’t have the will to win.”

Brady, who was a legendary “Dust Off” air ambulance pilot in Vietnam and detailed his experiences in his book, “Dead Men Flying: Victory in Viet Nam,” said, “The problem is military people will seldom, while on duty, go on the record over such issues, and many will not ever, no matter how true.

“I hear from many off the record who are upset with the current military leadership and some are leaving and have left in the past,” he said.

Brady referred to additional problems in today’s military including “girly-men leadership [and] medals for not shooting and operating a computer. This president will never fight if there is any reason to avoid it and with a helpless military he can just point to our weakness and shrug his shoulders.”

Brady made similar references in a recent article he wrote for WND in which he said “just when you thought the leadership of this government could not get any worse, it does. Never in history has an administration spawned another scandal to cover the current one.”

The reference was to the recent firing of a number of generals to mask “Obama’s serial scandals, all prefaced by lies – Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS” among others.

WND reported that three of the nine firings by Obama this year alone were linked to the controversy surrounding the Sep. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the CIA special mission in Benghazi, Libya.

In one case, U.S. Army Gen. Carter Ham, who commanded U.S. African Command when the consulate was attacked and four Americans were killed, was highly critical of the decision by the State Department not to send in reinforcements.

Obama has insisted there were no reinforcements available that night.

But Ham contends reinforcements could have been sent in time, and he said he never was given a stand-down order. However, others contend that he was given the order but defied it. He ultimately was relieved of his command and retired.

Now, new information in the Washington Times reveals there were Delta Force personnel in Tripoli at the time of the attack and two members volunteered to be dispatched to Benghazi to assist in protecting the Benghazi compound, contrary to stand-down orders from the State Department.

Another flag officer involved in the Benghazi matter – which remains under congressional investigation – was Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette. He commanded the Carrier Strike Group.

He contends aircraft could have been sent to Libya in time to help the Americans under fire. He later was removed from his post for alleged profanity and making “racially insensitive comments.”

Army Major Gen. Ralph Baker was the commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti, Africa. Baker contended that attack helicopters could have reached the consulate in time on the night of the attack.

“To understand the insufferable assaults on our military and veterans, who should be exempt from political squabbles but are often at the forefront of Obama threats, we need to understand the psyche of the elite in this country led by Obama,” Brady said.

“It is no accident that the president used the Obama sequester and shutdown to punish the military family,” he said. “It is part of his DNA. In fact it is in the psyche of the entire liberal/progressive establishment – the elite. President Clinton outed himself and this ilk when he declared his loathing of the military. Who could believe progressives/liberals care about veterans and military?”

Brady said that some people who fear for the future of the United States believe it needs to be “re-moralized.”

“We cannot survive without increasing patriotism, a youth schooled in the Constitution,” Brady said. “If the uncommon common American is to prevail against the elite, we need to return to the truths of our Constitution.

“We need to realize that this recent assault on the military and veterans is no accident,” Brady added. “It is purposeful. The elite loathe our military, the one sure guarantor of our freedom. These elite – not a shutdown or default – and their assault on the Constitution and our military are the real threat to our future.”

Army Major Gen. Paul E. Vallely similarly has been very vocal in his opposition to the Obama administration.

Vallely said the White House won’t investigate its own officials but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”

“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

Vallely served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command. Today, he is chairman of the Military Committee for the Center for Security Policy and is co-author of the book “Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.”

Duty personnel seem to back up this concern, suggesting that the firings are meant to send a message to “young officers down through the ranks” not to criticize the president or White House politics.