Sean Penn: Ted Cruz and Other Tea Partiers in Congress Need To Be Committed By Executive Order

Actor and activist Sean Penn said Monday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) and other Tea Partiers in Congress need to be committed by executive order.

Such was said to a laughing Piers Morgan on the CNN program bearing his name (video follows with transcript and commentary):

[H/T Newsbusters]: SEAN PENN: It is funny, because what you were talking about before we went to the break, you know, I, I was in Port-au-Prince when the shutdown happened. And, and I said to people — they need, I had stuff that it was demanding on me in Port-au-Prince but I, I had to come home. I said, “Listen I, I have to leave Haiti now because I have to travel to the third world county that I come from.”


You have been, you know, this I think, you know, on the forefront of this gun thing. All of these things, and this is also where you get people who think these things.

I think for let’s, let’s go to the Tea Party influence on Congress on this thing. I think they have, there’s a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think, because these our American brothers and sisters. We shouldn’t be criticizing them, attacking them. We should take their — this is a cry for help.

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You literally commit what …

PENN: I think …

MORGAN: … people like Ted Cruz?

PENN: He’s, he’s my American brother. I want, we think, we should take care of him. He’s in trouble.

MORGAN: [Laughs] Well, actually have him committed.

PENN: Yeah, I thinks it’s a good idea.

MORGAN: [Laughs]

PENN: [Laughs] But then you look at, you know, the, look, there’s a lot of reason to take a shot at me and I’m giving people a lot reason to over the years. But the thing you’re talking about and, and the way people’s perception of political positions are, is a direct reaction to their lack of, of their education which is a huge problem that we’re dealing with in the country. And between an uneducated people and the solipsism of the people like Ted Cruz and their party, it’s a poisonous thing.