Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 10/26/2013: Unloads on Obama Administration, Lock, Stock, and Barrel

‘Mr. President with all due respect, six more weeks, now I don’t want you to treat me any better than anyone else do what you do for yourself, federal employees, Congress, and your union friends, don’t give me six more weeks give me and damn waiver! And to top it off your take no responsibility administration says the delay is on related to the website problem of course it is so then why isn’t the website working why can’t people sign up?!’

Judge Jeanine unloads on the Obama administration in typical Judge Jeanine fashion, Lock, Stock and Barrel.

Benghazi Witness: Hired to Train Guards said ‘The State Department Wouldn’t Allow His Guards to Carry Guns’

We are now hearing from a direct witness who was in Benghazi on 9/11/12 when terrorists attacked the US Consulate and safe house and hearing for the first time that the terrorists said “We’re here to kill Americans,” which is exactly what they did when murdering four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya.

Jones said he was annoyed the State Department wouldn’t allowed his guards to carry guns.

‘An independent investigation of Benghazi found that the mission’s security was grossly inadequate and that requests for additional security were not approved.’

CBS correspondent Lara Logan spoke with a British citizen, who had been hired to train the Libyan guards at the U.S. mission. He calls himself Morgan Jones to protect his identity.

Video: The Audacity of Barack [and Michelle] Obama, The Corrupt and Dark Dealings You May Not Know About

‘Don’t listen to Obama’s brainwashed supporters, everything in this video has been fact-checked.’

Barack and Michelle Obama are swindlers of the worst kind and this video shows yet more reasons we cannot trust them.  They continue to rob and fleece Americans.  Just listen to some of the corrupt dealings the Obama’s have been, and continue to be involved in, with many of them directly related to kickbacks from sponsoring ‘Obamacare.’

‘One of her passions public service work led her to leave what could have been a lucrative career in law for public service but making lots of money was never her goal within months after her husband was sworn in as U.S. Senator, Michelle Obama received up a increase of one hundred ninety five thousand dollars from and not for profit hospital where she works.’

Video: Military Police Leak FEMA Gun Confiscation Plan

[H/T InforWars]: Infowars has confirmed the identity and authenticity of the source of the video below as a member of the U.S. Army military police in Arizona.

The video, shot in September 2013, shows an army commander briefing the MPs on their new command structure under the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security for domestic operations with the National Guard.

The MP began recording the exchange after being shocked to hear that they were now under FEMA control.

In this video you can clearly hear the commander discuss the suspension of the Constitution for martial law and gun confiscations in America.

In essence, the military police is to provide security for FEMA while the agency confiscates our guns during a government-declared domestic crisis.

“They did that in Katrina, right,” the commander said. “They just go on and take away people’s guns.”

This is yet another piece of the larger pattern of demonization of gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, Christians and anyone who will not bow down to enslavement by a hijacked government occupied by ruthless tyrants who desire only total control.

Michelle Obama: Princeton Classmate is Executive at CGI, the Company That Built Obamacare

Michelle Obama[H/T TheBlaze]: Toni Townes-Whitley is senior vice president at CGI Federal, the company that earned the “no-bid” contract to build the $678 million Obamacare website. She is also reportedly a former Princeton classmate of First Lady Michelle Obama, a curious connection first noted by the Daily Caller.

Townes-Whitley and the first lady reportedly graduated from Princeton in 1985 and are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Following the publication of the Daily Caller’s report, CGI Federal told the website that there would be “nothing coming out of CGI for the record or otherwise today.”

More from TheDC:

Toni Townes ’85 is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, West Africa. Her decision to return to work, as an African-American woman, after six years of raising kids was applauded by a Princeton alumni publication in 1998.

George Schindler, the president for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federal’s parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

As reported by the Washington Examiner in early October, the Department of Health and Human Services reviewed only CGI’s bid for the Obamacare account. CGI was one of 16 companies qualified under the Bush administration to provide certain tech services to the federal government. A senior vice president for the company testified this week before The House Committee on Energy and Commerce that four companies submitted bids, but did not name those companies or explain why only CGI’s bid was considered.

It should be noted that Townes-Whitley’s connection to Michelle Obama could be nothing more than a coincidence — but that doesn’t mean questions shouldn’t be asked.

For CGI Federal’s part, the $678 million Obamacare website has been described as everything from a “train wreck” to a “disaster” as “glitches” and other problems continue to plague the site.