Woman that Fainted Behind Obama: Wasn’t Even Signed Up for Obamacare

Oh, you know the woman standing behind Obama that [almost] fainted? She wasn’t even signed up for Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), and was still using a private insurance carrier! Yep, but she ‘enjoyed going to the website.’ Watch Glenn break it down for you:


Interpol Chief: Arm Citizens Globally to Thwart and Reduce the Number of Terror Attacks

[H/T InfoWars]: Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble told ABC News that one of the only ways to prevent terrorists from hitting soft targets was to arm citizens globally, noting that the Westgate mall siege would have been averted far quicker if it had taken place in gun-friendly areas like Denver or Texas.

Noble’s statements are a powerful rebuttal to the anti-gun lobby, especially given his background. The Interpol chief was formerly the head of all law enforcement for the U.S. Treasury Department.

Stressing that an “armed citizenry” was the only option besides turning soft targets like shopping malls into enclaves surrounded by “extraordinary security” perimeters, Noble suggested that the siege in Kenya, which dragged on for days and ended in the slaughter of 60 civilians, represented a huge public relations blow for gun control advocates.

“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?” Noble said, referring to states with pro-gun traditions. “What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.”

“For me it’s a profound question,” he continued. “People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc. I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?’”

As we reported last month, an off-duty SAS soldier armed with a handgun helped save at least 100 lives during the Westgate siege, returning to the building a dozen times to rescue hostages.

Noble’s argument that guns in the hands of responsible citizens can prevent bloodshed is backed by hard statistics.

According to a 1993 National Self- Defense Survey conducted by Gary Kleck, Ph.D., a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Americans use guns to defend themselves against a confrontation with a criminal up to 2.5 million times a year. This means that every day in America some 6,800 people use guns to protect themselves.

Scholars Clayton E. Cramer and David Burnett have documented how “a great number of tragedies — murders, rapes, assaults, robberies — have been thwarted by self-defense gun uses.”

Obamacare: White House Taps Baltimore Ravens to Carry the Torch and Promote Healthcare Law to Unsuspecting Victims, Payout Is $130,000

Baltimore Ravens Promote Obamacare[H/T Judicial Watch] The professional football team that won this year’s Super Bowl is getting $130,000 from American taxpayers to promote Obamacare, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch this week.

The deal was secured on September 9 between the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL) and Maryland health officials. The White House has tried recruiting professional sports leagues—especially the NFL and the National Basketball Association (NBA)—to help promote the president’s healthcare law but they have declined.

In fact, the NFL confirmed months ago that it would not participate in the Obamacare public relations campaign, offering the media this written statement: “We have responded to the letters we received from members of Congress to inform them we currently have no plans to engage in this area and have had no substantive contact with the administration about [the health-care law’s] implementation.” Washington D.C.’s mainstream newspaper called it a “blow to the administration.”

But Maryland officials evidently appealed directly to the home team, announcing in early September that the Ravens would help market the state’s Obamacare exchange known as Maryland Health Connection. Both parties refused to offer specifics when the deal was initiated and Judicial Watch filed a Maryland Public Information Act request for details.

In a “Sponsorship Agreement” between the Maryland Health Connection and the Ravens, the state will pay the Super Bowl champs $130,000 to push Obamacare on television, radio, the team’s official website, its newsletter and in social media. This includes the Ravens Report Show on cable TV and a number of pre and post-game radio segments as well as Facebook and Twitter plugs.

Remy: Obamacare Video Contest Song

The official deadline for the government-touted Healthy Young America Video contest, which is designed to promote the benefits of The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), was September 23.

But we figure that, what with all the other delays associated with Obamacare, the kind judges at Young Invincibles will be willing to cut us a few days’ slack.

So here’s Reason TV and Remy’s “Obamacare Video Contest Song.”

Written and performed by Remy. Produced and animated by Meredith Bragg.

About 1.30 minutes. Scroll below for lyrics and visit http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/09/27… for links, downloadable versions, and more.

Subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube channel to get automatic notifications when new material go live. Follow Reason on Twitter at @reason.

Follow Remy on Twitter at @goremy and on You Tube here.

For all of Remy and Reason’s collaborations, go here.


What’s hated by unions
has businesses wary
and dropping coverage
like the ‘Skins secondary?

Causing thousands of layoffs
taking its toll?
What’s so good for people
that they’re forced to enroll?

What’s a law that’s so good
folks who passed and defended it
see it and got waivers
to be exempted? It’s

like Olestra, at first
it sounded hip
but we quickly found ourselves
dealing with a whole lot of sh…

Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair

So to recap, young people,
your hours get cut
and your income goes down
and your premiums up

and the taxes you pay
with the cash you have left
go to pay for a stupid
video contest, touting

Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair

It’s hated by doctors and unions are mad.
Not since Billy Ray Cyrus
has someone made something this bad.

The Loony and Evil Left’s Latest Crusade: Adult-Kid Sex and Other Bizarre Sexual Deviance

[H/T WND.com] So much for the left’s “consenting adults” rhetoric on sex. Forever the consummate conservationists, our self-described “progressive” friends at the ACLU, MSLSD and elsewhere have been ramping-up efforts to downsize from “consenting adults” to merely “consenting” – a far less cumbersome qualifier in the noble struggle for unrestrained sexual license.

Tolerating “intergenerational romance” for “minor-attracted” adults is all the rage these days.

Ever hear of Kaitlyn Hunt? Over the past year or so this poor, misunderstood lesbian woman’s “anti-gay persecution” has become a cause célèbre among “gay rights” activists and other left-wing purveyors of perversion.

Despite mass rallies and online petitions signed by hundreds-of-thousands of the uber-”tolerant,” the clearly “homophobic” Florida criminal justice system has, nonetheless, convicted Ms. Hunt of multiple felonies for sexually assaulting – repeatedly – a 14-year-old girl.


Oh, sure, her minor victim allegedly “consented” to what the “Free Kate” crowd has portrayed as a harmless tryst – but, of course, by law children below the age of consent cannot consent to sex with adults. Period.

Still, the “progressive” establishment evidently felt that, for whatever reason, this was their hill to die on – this was the case that might help them realize the historical “gay rights” goal of rolling-back most, if not all, age of consent laws – statutes designed to protect children from adult sexual predators like, well, Kate.

Veteran journalist Robert Stacy McCain has covered the Hunt case extensively. In a recent piece for the American Spectator headlined “Kaitlyn Hunt is guilty and, yes, there is a movement to ‘normalize pedophilia,’” McCain writes: “Kaitlyn Hunt is a criminal. We can state that as a Neutral Objective Fact, now that the 19-year-old former cheerleader has pleaded ‘no contest’ to multiple felonies related to her sexual affair with a minor. What remains is the question of what her plea in a Florida courtroom Thursday means for what Rush Limbaugh has called the movement to ‘normalize pedophilia.”‘

Here’s the answer: There is no question. There is categorically a movement to normalize pedophilia. I’ve witnessed it firsthand and, despite “progressive” protestations to the contrary, the “pedophile rights” movement is inexorably linked to the so-called “gay rights” movement.

Two years ago I – along with the venerable child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman – attended a Maryland conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT. Around 50 individuals were in attendance, including a number of admitted pedophiles (or “minor-attracted persons,” as they euphemistically prefer).

Also present were a few self-described “gay activists” and several supportive mental-health professionals. World renowned “sexologist” Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote address, opening with: “I want to completely support the goal of B4U-ACT.”

Here are some highlights from the conference:

  • Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society.
  • “We are not required to interfere with or inhibit our child’s sexuality.”
  • “Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult.
  • An adult’s desire to have sex with children is “normative.”
  • “These things are not black and white; there are various shades of gray.”
  • A consensus belief by both speakers and pedophiles in attendance was that, because it vilifies MAPs, pedophilia should be removed as a mental disorder from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, in the same manner homosexuality was removed in 1973.
  • Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to the incremental strategy witnessed at the conference, rather than a scientific calculus that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder: The reason “homosexuality was taken out of DSM is that people didn’t want the government in the bedroom,” he said.
  • The DSM ignores that pedophiles “have feelings of love and romance for children” in the same way adults love one another.
  • The DSM should “focus on the needs” of the pedophile, and should have “a minimal focus on social control,” rather than obsessing about the “need to protect children.”
  • Self-described “gay activist” and speaker Jacob Breslow said that children can properly be “the object of our attraction.” He further objectified children, suggesting that pedophiles needn’t gain consent from a child to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. He then used graphic, slang language to favorably describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child. No one in attendance objected to this explicit depiction of child sexual assault. There was even laughter.

You may think that such abject evil simply represents the fringe of today’s sexual “progressivism.” It doesn’t. It represents the honest.

Consider, for instance, that during Obama’s first term, the official website for the Department of Health and Human Services linked to “parenting tips” that referenced children as “sexual beings” and suggested that they should experiment with homosexuality and masturbation.

You may also recall that Mr. Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the “Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network,” or GLSEN, to the post of “safe schools czar.” The position is now defunct, ostensibly due to national outrage over Jennings’ appointment.

In keeping with the thinly veiled goals of B4U-ACT, GLSEN seems to be “running interference” for pedophiles, having tacitly advocated adult-child sex through its “recommended reading list” for kids.

This of no surprise when you consider that one of Jennings’ ideological heroes was Harry Hay, the “founding father” of homosexual activism. “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay,” he has said glowingly.

Was Harry Hay fringe? No, not among “gay” activists. He’s an icon. Again, he was just honest. In 1983, while addressing the pedophile North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAM/BLA, Hay said the following:

“It seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAM/BLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

If he were alive today, Harry Hay would likely have led the movement to “free Kate.”

And by “free Kate,” he would have meant – and they actually mean – “free us.”

And by “free us,” of course, what they really mean is “free children.”

A separate but related topic, is freakish, outlandish ploys Planned Parenthood is using to advance their agenda. Here’s a video from this article:

Planned Parenthood: Pushing Child Pornography in the Name of Sex Education

[H/T INTELLIHUB] — If you watch the following video[1] without feeling your blood starting to boil and your head turning into a steaming kettle, or worse – feeling an excitement or defending the content while watching, you can be sure that your brain is dead and you have no chance of ever regaining your consciousness.

Your breathing and heart rate which gives you an illusion of life are merely the result of your connection to a dying cultural life support apparatus.

Previously writing about Planned Parenthood as being a eugenicist operation[2][3], I haven’t touched upon its other side which deals with obsession and promotion of sex to children. Sex toys, penis shape balloons, penis shape cakes, vagina cakes, vagina costumes, just to mention a few items which can be found during the Planned Parenthood “community events” or “no pants” sex parties, all in the name of sex education, a government program which by the way costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars at a time when American families are losing their homes, their jobs and in some cases their lives out of desperation.

An assumption that introduced material with explicit sexual content can be considered as “scientific and age-appropriate”, would be met with an outrage by any parent I know and taken as an insult to their intelligence.

Personally speaking, if I found out that my 10-year-old kid was exposed to pornographic material such as presented in the sex book for children pushed by Planned Parenthood called “It’s Perfectly Normal”, containing depictions of naked boys and girls, images of masturbation and cartoons of people engaged in sex, I would go out of my way to evoke public outrage and press criminal charges against all who were involved in production, promotion and distribution of this child pornography.[4]

To be honest, if the sexual content exposed in the video above was not attributed to the Planned Parenthood organization, a government agency funded with federal tax dollars, I would have thought it was produced by the underground child porn industry.

Giving it further thought, I was wondering whether there was a connection between Planned Parenthood promotion of sex and other cultural influences to promote pedophilia. A recent Miley Cyrus show came to mind.

Pondering on where this is all was going, I couldn’t help but thinking about the numerous court cases in which pedophiles were let free. [5]

Quite recently I expressed my thoughts about an attempt to lower the age of consent to 13[6] “in order to help old men to escape prosecution”. It now fits the bigger picture.

Despite the fact that pedophilia is blatantly promoted and attempts to legitimize it are made, the sinister agenda goes mostly unnoticed by the general public while moral values continue to decay.

Talking of morality, or absence of it, another incident has come to mind.

It was during the Civil Justice Sub-Committee hearing in March 2013, when Florida legislators considered a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to infants who survive an abortion were shocked when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion. In other words, it was an endorsement to terminate life of the newly born baby who survived the abortion. You really need to watch it for yourself to draw your own conclusion. [7]

How an organization with an anti-life, perverted mindset, can be trusted with educating American youth about sexual health, remains a question.

And if you are still not hopping mad, read WND’s article on how the ACLU and MSLSD is pushing deviant sexual behavior on our children and beyond.

Liberal Jon Stewart Gives Blistering And Very Funny Review of Obamacare

[From 5:00 mark on is hilarious, especially when John Oliver gets ‘sucked into the mainframe’ when he tries to sign up for Obamacare starting at 7:46]

[H/T Western Journalism]: Though he hosts a popular show on Comedy Central, host Jon Stewart addressed some serious issues on his program Monday night. In a commendable display of honest analysis, the one-time supporter of Barack Obama engaged in a rant regarding the president’s signature piece of legislation and the endless problems plaguing its implementation.

He said Democrats were in an optimal position after successfully pinning the blame for a recent government shutdown on the Republican party. That advantage was squandered, he explained, with the glitch-plagued roll out of the healthcare.org website.

Stewart criticized the reported 10 percent success rate of individuals visiting the site with his own brand of humor along with a healthy dose of disgust.

“How bad is that?” he asked. “Twenty percent is the number of dentists who recommend sugared gum. How low is it? According to a recent poll, more of this country believes ObamaCare has been repealed than have been able to sign up for ObamaCare.”

The debacle has been so disastrous that those who once blindly supported socialized medicine now realize that doing so makes them look ridiculous. Stewart tacitly acknowledged this fact as his rant continued.

“The whole point of websites is to design them so that it is nearly impossible to not sign up for something,” he reasoned, noting the ObamaCare site makes signing up nearly impossible.

“So how are the Democrats going to spin this turd” he asked before airing a clip of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) playing up the fact that 19 million individuals visited healthcare.org.

Instead of conceding Schumer’s point, Stewart concluded that he and other Democrats behind the roll out have “angered a lot of people.”

Leftists are notoriously loyal to each other and, even in the midst of scandal or ineptitude, will stand up for a politically friendly politician. This administration has so utterly failed the American people, however, that even formerly loyal yes men are joining conservatives in the fight against Obama’s policies.

Disturbing: Fundraising Email Apparently Connected to Democrat Congressman Features KKK and a Burning Cross

An email said to be from Grayson for Congress, a group connected to the Committee to Elect Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), sent out on Tuesday is raising eyebrows for how it attacks the Tea Party and features an image of Klan members burning a cross:


Dem. Congressman Features KKK

The picture of the burning cross is captioned: “Now you know what the ‘T’ stands for.”

A spokesperson for the congressman’s office has not yet explained the thinking behind the email despite repeated requests from TheBlaze. So far no one we’ve talked to has denied its connection to the congressman.

H/T TheBlaze

Obamacare: State by State Heritage Chart Illustrates Health Insurance Premiums After Obamacare

State by state it tells you what your health insurance premiums were before Obamacare and the exchanges, what they will be after (i.e., when you go there), and what percentage change it is for an adult age 27, an adult age 50, and a family of four.

We can just sit back now and wait for the government to collapse on its own.

DOWNLOAD Chart Below

Healthcare Premiums by State After Obamacare

H/T Heritage.org