Obamacare Navigator Director [Maria Marroquin] Is an Illegal Immigrant

Maria MarroquinJudicial Watch reported: In the ultimate insult to Americans, an illegal immigrant who proudly defies U.S. law—and encourages others to do the same—is benefiting from our tax dollars as a subcontractor recruiting customers for Obamacare.

The recruiters are known as “navigators” because their task is to help people “navigate” the complicated health insurance exchanges set up under the controversial law. A few weeks ago Judicial Watch reported the huge potential for corruption in the Obama administration’s navigator program, which has doled out $67 million to dozens of leftist community organizations throughout the nation.

Here are some examples of the types of groups that have received navigator grants from the government; an Arizona nonprofit called “Campesinos Sin Fronteras” that provides services to farm workers and low-income Hispanics; a south Florida legal group that will provide navigators in “racially, ethnically, linguistically, culturally and socioeconomically diverse” communities; three Planned Parenthood branches—in Iowa, Montana and New Hampshire—got a combined $655,000 to serve as navigators.

In the Big Apple a group called Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York got navigator funds from Uncle Sam, according to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a nonprofit that researches legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The health education organizer for the Restaurant Opportunities Center is an illegal immigrant activist named Maria Marroquin, CIS reveals in a report published this week. That means she will be in charge of the publicly-funded Obamacare recruitment efforts for the New York organization, which is known to be a labor union front group.

Marroquin, an illegal alien from Peru, has been arrested for participating in disruptive demonstrations protesting the deportation of fellow undocumented immigrants and calling for amnesty. She is a hero in the open borders movement who publicly came out in a widely distributed video as “undocumented and unafraid.” The 25-year-old also helped create a nonprofit that fights to enact amnesty measures and build “immigrant power” in communities throughout the U.S.

“Marroquin practices the political tactics of left-wing extremists, flouting her illegal immigration status before cowed law enforcers and politicians,” CIS writes in its report, further pointing out that Obama’s amnesty has invigorated her to break the law even more. It’s beyond comprehension that this admitted lawbreaker is essentially working for the government now. “It would be hard to make up something this outrageous,” according to CIS. Few would disagree.

Besides the outrage of hiring an illegal immigrant to promote a U.S. government program, it’s equally disturbing to know that navigators will have access to the sensitive personal information of healthcare enrollees. This includes Social Security numbers, which can be used for identity theft, a rampant crime among illegal alien populations seeking to establish residency and land jobs in the U.S.

Obama to Push Immigration ‘The Day After’ the Debt Plight, To Enter Into the Final Stage of ‘Transformation’

Obama’s handlers will be on him hard to begin the final leg of transforming America into a liberal cesspool.

The ‘day after’ the debt debacle is resolved (resolved in his small mind that is), he will begin to shove Immigration reform down the throats of Americans until the GOP once again caves.

Obama to push ImmigrationReuters reported: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that stalled immigration reform would be a top priority once the fiscal crisis has been resolved.

“Once that’s done, you know, the day after, I’m going to be pushing to say, call a vote on immigration reform,” he told the Los Angeles affiliate of Spanish-language television network Univision.

The president’s domestic agenda has been sidetracked in his second term by one problem after another. As he coped with the revelation of domestic surveillance programs, chemical weapons in Syria, and a fiscal battle that has shut down the U.S. government and threatens a debt default, immigration has been relegated to the back burner.

But Obama, who won re-election with overwhelming Hispanic backing, had hoped to make reforms easing the plight of the 11 million immigrants who are in the United States illegally.

In June, the Senate passed an immigration overhaul, but House of Representatives Republicans are divided over the granting of legal status to those in the country illegally, a step many see as rewarding lawbreakers.

Although the president had sought comprehensive reform, he said last month he would be open to the House taking a piece-by-piece approach if that would get the job done.

Obama on Tuesday blamed House Speaker John Boehner for preventing immigration from coming up for a vote.

“We had a very strong Democratic and Republican vote in the Senate,” he said. “The only thing right now that’s holding it back is, again, Speaker Boehner not willing to call the bill on the floor of the House of Representatives.”

Boehner said the sweeping Senate bill would not pass the House and has said the lower chamber would tackle the issue in smaller sections that would include stricter provisions on border protection.

Trey Gowdy: Destroys National Park Service Director for Treating ‘Pot Smokers’ Better Than Nation’s Veterans

TheBlaze reported: During a U.S. House hearing concerning the closure of national parks and monuments during the partial government shutdown, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) scolded the director of the National Park Service for treating “pot-smoking” demonstrators in the Occupy movement with more respect than the nation’s war veterans.

Gowdy relentlessly challenged National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis to cite the federal regulation that prompted his department to put up barricades to keep veterans out of war memorials on the first day of the shutdown. He also pointed out that the Park Service failed to issue a single citation when Occupiers camped out at D.C.’s McPherson Square for 100 days — 100 days in “non-compliance” with federal regulations.

“That was two years ago,” Jarvis explained.

“Well, I can cite you the regulation that you did not follow two years ago. Can you cite me the regulation that required you to erect barricades from accessing a monument that they built?” Gowdy pressed.

The Republican congressman repeatedly asked for a straight answer as to why Jarvis ignored a federal regulation for 100 straight days when dealing with protesters, but erected barricades on the first day of the government shutdown.

“On the very first day of the closure, I implemented a closure order for all 401 national parks in compliance with the Anti-Deficiency Act,” Jarvis replied. “And immediately, that day, also included, as a part of that order, that First Amendment activities would be permitted on the National Mall.”

Unimpressed, Gowdy snapped back: “Do you consider it First Amendment activity to walk to a monument that you helped build, or is it only just smoking pot at McPherson Square?”

“We are content-neutral on First Amendment on the National Mall,” Jarvis replied calmly.

“That wasn’t my question,” the South Carolina Republican pressed. “Do you consider it to be an exercise of your First Amendment rights to walk to a monument that you helped build?”

Jarvis then claimed that the veterans would have been permitted to enter the war memorials if they “declared” they were exercising their First Amendment rights.

“Who were they to declare it to? A barricade?” Gowdy responded sarcastically. “Mr. Chairman, I want the record to reflect that no statute or code of the federal regulation was cited to justify the erection of barricades.”

VIDEO: Barack Hussein Obama’s Impeachment And Trial For War Crimes

DOWNLOAD ‘You Can Still See Their Blood’ by Human Rights Watch.

Western Journalism reported: On October 11, 2013, the 110-page Human Rights Watch report entitled “You Can Still See Their Blood” was published, in which it was found that Obama’s al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels have been engaged in nothing short of war crimes.

According to the report, in the Syrian province of Latakia,  Obama’s al-Qaeda rebels, accusing the residents in the surrounding villages of helping Syrian government forces, went on a murderous rampage beginning August 4, 2013. Over 200 civilians were slaughtered, including 57 women and 18 children. Entire families were decimated. Dozens of civilians were decapitated. In several villages, the residents were set on fire and burned alive. An eighty-year-old blind woman was shot dead in her bed. The victims were thrown into mass graves reminiscent of Hitler’s murderess SS traversing the countryside, leaving a wake of carnage.

The report rightly calls this “crimes against humanity”—“war crimes.” All under funding and with weapons supplied by Barack Hussein Obama.

We know that Obama has directed the CIA to not only fund and arm the al-Qaeda-linked  Syrian rebels, but is training them and has CIA agents embedded within their ranks. Obama therefore knew about the war crimes and covered it up and is therefore himself guilty of crimes against humanity.

Explosive Hannity Interview with Democrat on Debt Ceiling: ‘Let Me Get This Through Your Liberal Head!’

TheBlaze reported: A discussion about the debt ceiling heated up rather quickly on Tuesday night when television host Sean Hannity was joined by Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA). The three clashed intensely over budgets, deficits and the national debt.

While Hannity argued that the debt ceiling deadline is “artificial,” Smith disagreed and warned that a default would leave the U.S. government unable pay some of its obligations.

There would be enough money coming in to handle the interest on debt already incurred, Smith said, but other needs would simply not be met.

“The federal government has a lot of bills. Social Security, veterans pay,” the congressman maintained. ”Maybe we won’t be able to pay workers, maybe we won’t be able to pay contractors. We will not be able to pay the bills we have incurred.”

Hannity, though, said that this isn’t entirely true and that there would be enough money to pay the big bills associated with Social Security, Medicate and interest on the debt.

The host admitted that some cuts might need to be made, but noted that not all of the government’s functions are essential and that living temporarily without the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, wouldn’t derail the nation.

Smith, of course, shot back that it wouldn’t be right not to pay government employees who might be trimmed if cuts are made.

“How would you like to run a business where you said … I’ve just decided not to pay a third of my employees this month?” the congressman rhetorically asked.

While Smith agreed that America has “a deficit problem” and said that it needs to be addressed, he said that a simply not paying the nation’s bills isn’t the answer.

“Let me get this through your liberal head. Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing from our children and grandchildren,” Hannity responded.

Smith obviously found this “insulting.”

Obama to Push Immigration Reform ‘Day After’ Shutdown, Debt Ceiling Resolved

Obama-lipsBreitbart reported: President Barack Obama has vowed that he will pressure Congress to take up comprehensive immigration reform “the day after” the government shutdown and the debt ceiling are resolved.

“Once that’s done, you know, the day after I’m going to be pushing to say, call a vote on immigration reform,” Obama told Univision’s Los Angeles affiliate Tuesday. “I’m going to do so because I think it’s really important for the country.”

Obama vowed that he would “keep pushing” on comprehensive immigration reform. Last Saturday, the President used his weekly radio address to say one of the reasons the government shutdown had to end was so that Congress could pass comprehensive immigration reform, his “number-one priority.”

While the Obama administration barricaded open-air memorials like the World War II Memorial during the shutdown and sent riot police to greet veterans protesting those actions on Sunday, it allowed protesters demanding comprehensive immigration reform to use the National Mall, which was supposedly “closed” due to the shutdown, for a rally last week.

Obama praised the immigration bill the Senate passed, which Senators like Marco Rubio (R-FL), John McCain (R-AZ), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) helped to write and provides a “pathway to citizenship” for all of the country’s illegal immigrants. He blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) for not allowing a vote on the Senate’s bill, which the Congressional Budget Office determined would reduce the wages of working class Americans. House Republicans said they would not bring up the Senate bill.

Instead, House Republicans have been working on piecemeal immigration legislation of their own—even during the budget negotiations—and Republican leaders have also indicated immigration reform would be on the agenda after the budget issues are resolved.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested any immigration bill that passes the House would go to a conference with the Senate, where provisions like a pathway to citizenship would most likely prevail. For that reason, Pelosi said she and other Democrats were willing to do “whatever it takes” o ultimately conference with the Senate on comprehensive immigration reform.

Doctors, Hospitals Demanding Patients Pay Entire Deductible Up Front Thanks to Obamacare

ScalpalBreitbart reported: The rocky rollout of Obamacare isn’t limited to website problems. According to a report from Bloomberg, many doctors and clinics are now demanding that people pay the entire deductible on their insurance before they will be seen. Obamacare will increase that practice, since a huge number of plans under Obamacare have low premiums with huge deductibles.

The second-cheapest Obamacare plan in California has a $2,000 annual deductible. Hospitals want deductibles paid up front to ensure they receive their cash rather than being stiffed on the back end. Meanwhile, employers are jumping on the high deductible bandwagon, with 34 percent of insured workers having deductibles higher than $1,000.

There are 15.5 million people with high deductible plans, an increase of 12.5 million since 2005. Both doctors and hospitals at New York University Langone Medical Center insist on full payment of deductibles before care, according to administration.

White House: Delaying Medical Device Tax Would Be ‘Ransom’

White HouseTheBlaze reported: The White House on Tuesday seemed cold to the possibility of delaying the medical device tax, even amid mounting speculation it will be the key to a final deal on raising the debt ceiling and ending the partial shutdown of the government.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the administration is not interested in discussing the tax in the current context of negotiating a deal.

“Discussion of the medical device tax or other elements within the Affordable Care Act that lawmakers want to talk about in order to improve the Affordable Care Act we are willing to have,” Carney told reporters. “But not in the context of or as ransom for opening the government. That is why a provision like that appears in a proposal that seems to be going nowhere by House Republicans because it’s an effort to try to buy votes from tea party Republicans who shut this government down in the first place.”

The medical device tax is part of Obamacare, and amounts to a 2.3 percent levy on manufacturers of medical devices such as pacemakers. crutches and prosthetics.

The House GOP voted to ditch the tax, and the Democrat-controlled Senate voted to repeal it by 79-20. While the House GOP has asked for a repeal, but Senate Majority Harry Reid has insisted on a “clean” continuing resolution and debt ceiling increase.

Carney added, “We’re not going to pay a ransom, from the American people to the Tea Party.”

“When it comes to the medical device tax, I think it’s important to note, that those who portray themselves as paragons of fiscal responsibility and discipline often propose making that change without acknowledging the fact that it would raise the deficit,” Carney said.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met with House Democrats at the White House Tuesday, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) continued to work on details for an agreement.

Palin, Hannity: GOP Establishment Too Often Embraces ‘Far-Left Agenda’

Palin-on-Hannity-FoxBreitbart reported: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Fox News host Sean Hannity blasted the Republican establishment for vilifying conservatives trying to keep their promises to constituents. The two reluctantly suggested that formation of a third party may be the only way to allow the voices of Americans who feel disenfranchised by the two-party system to be heard.

Palin appearied on Hannity’s radio show on Tuesday. On Monday, Hannity said that it may be time for a conservative third party, if the GOP continues to push fights down the road on vital matters like Obamacare.

For her part, Palin has called Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) leaders of a party of “good guys” in Congress.

Hannity said he was “furious” with Republicans. He complained that it was irritating that conservatives actually trying to fulfill their promises to voters to fight Obamacare and for limited government “have somehow become the bad guys in all of this.”

“Maybe there needs to be a third party,” Hannity said again.

Palin told Hannity to “keep thinking along those lines” and mentioned that Hannity, like her husband and her closest friends and family, is not even a registered Republican.

Palin said people close to her are not registered Republicans because “they have seen how the machine works” and would rather vote for conservative, common-sense independent candidates and make decisions not based on what some “establishment” tells them. She added that, if the Republican Party leaves them, “we will have nowhere to go but a third party.”

Palin said that what the establishment in the party is doing right now is: “they are joining too often in that far-left agenda to kind of break our spirit and wear us down and try to make us helpless so that only government can be the answer, so that our politicians can be trusted to make decisions that are ‘wiser’ than we as individuals and businessmen and women can make for ourselves.”

Hannity noted that pushing the fight against Obamacare down the road proves, “there is no difference between… the two parties at this point” and said, “this is one of those bold-color difference moments that Reagan talked about.”

Palin emphasized that conservatives can’t capitulate and “cave and wave the white flag,” because “we have to show them the voice of the people is wise and strong.”

“And maybe what it takes is getting out of that political machine that is called the GOP,” Palin said.

Echoing Hannity’s remarks, Palin also said that establishment Republicans want to fight on a “smaller hilltop” when the “mountain in front of us is financial catastrophe.” Palin said Obamacare has “much to do with” the country’s dire financial straits, and she said conservatives opposed to Obamacare are fighting against tyranny and for more control over healthcare.