IMPEACHMENT Hearings On The Horizon: Barack Hussein Obama In The House Republicans Cross Hairs

Adina Kunticki reported: BEFORE patriots (even those of us expats from as far away as Israel) bring out the party hats at the advent of some (hopefully) good news, it is imperative to view the following report as just one initial step, out of many others, which must ensue to “right” the ship of state. Anything less will be a fool’s errand.

NOT to be a blow hard, but this site championed said trajectory from the onset of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s despoiling of the People’s House, back in 2008. On the domestic front, his “hope and change” “transformation” mantra became an immediate concern – a glaring red light – as his socialist/red policies jumped forward – march.

Foreign policy-wise, the POTUS’s “outreach” tour to the Muslim world in 2009, starting in Cairo, read more like a siren/love song to Islamists, than to those who championed freedom world over. None of this should be news to those who have been keeping apace with his crimes against the American people.

In fact, the biggest hint of all emerged when he bushwhacked Iran’s freedom fighters – as they valiantly fought to remove the boot of the mullahs from their necks in June 2009 – at the same time that Barack HUSSEIN Obama acted as an Islamic shield for its brutal Hitlerite regime ! Indictment sealed – against the POTUS and  Iran’s freedom seekers.

Due to the above, plus so much more, every opportunity was utilized to shine a spotlight on his crimes, thus, the imperative to commence impeachment proceedings. Wrapped up in a bow, regime gone wild set one end of the stage, as did a book review requested by the publicists for Bringing Down America. A deeply disturbing assignment.

To clarify the indictment as much as possible several commentaries were penned, starting back in 2012, with an actual charge of fraudHeavy and heady.

Shortly thereafter, Benghazigate’s underpinnings surfaced to the fore, and more heft was added to move the indictment forward.

As an outgrowth, the POTUS’s impeachment loomed larger, yet not from the aforementioned direction. What else was he hiding? More tellingly, other groups started jumping aboard the impeachment bandwagon, and whose voices do you think were joining the fray? It’s all laid out within.

As a result, a growing chorus can be heard for his impeachment, and a 36 page compendium was compiled to effectuate said goal. Hmm….which leads us straight up to the House….

House Republicans Schedule Obama Impeachment Hearings

Oct 14, 2013

GOP Leaders Cite Inability to Halt Government Shutdown

Republicans in the House of Representatives have scheduled impeachment proceedings against President Obama, claiming his inability to halt the federal government shutdown makes him unfit for office.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced a resolution to impeach Obama this morning and referred the matter to the House Judiciary Committee. Senior aides close to judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte say hearings will begin Thursday.

“I think it’s high time President Obama be held accountable for his crimes,” explains Bachmann. “For two weeks now, vital government services have been disrupted, federal workers have gone without pay and national memorials have been closed, all because of the president’s refusal to negotiate over Obamacare.

“This isn’t just poor leadership. The Obama administration is corrupt to the core. The scandals surrounding the IRS, Benghazi, the Fast and the Furious (sic) and Solyndra have shown us this cabal will do anything to stay in power.

“But in shutting down the government President Obama has committed economic treason against the United States of America, and he must be removed before it’s too late. The Constitution provides us the mechanism of impeachment. It’s time to end this dictatorial regime and return the presidency back to the American people.”

Sour Tea

The U.S. federal government shut down on Oct. 1 after House Republicans refused to fund it unless President Obama agreed to repeal his signature health care reform, the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.

Although most polls show that a majority of Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown, many in the Tea Party feel President Obama is at fault  for not immediately acquiescing to their demands.

“The tipping point for me was closing the World War II memorial,” says Texas Republican Louie Gohmert, who voted for the bill which effectively shut down the government. “I can’t believe Obama did that. I mean how dare he put politics ahead of our veterans.

“All this clown needs to do is repeal the most important law he ever passed, and then this will all be over. Why is that so hard? The Tea Party represents almost 22 percent of Americans. Only a dictator would refuse to give us everything we want. Obama should be more than impeached — he should be in jail.”

Hearings in the judiciary committee are expected to last for two weeks, after which the committee will create specific impeachment charges and refer them to the full House. If a majority of House members vote to impeach the President, the matter is referred to the Senate, where the Democratic majority makes ultimate success unlikely.

“We probably won’t be successful,” admits Ted Cruz, one of the few Republicans in the Senate supporting the impeachment process. “But we have to try. This guy is worse than Hitler. We have to do something.”

While the gov’t shutdown surely rates as more than dysfunctional, signifying the inability of the Commander-in-Chief to behave as a leader operating in good faith, the fact of the matter is that his “in your American face” contempt, his “FU finger”, opens up the discussion for impeachment, even if unlikely to pass the Demster vote-controlled outcome. And even if a deal is inked at the 11th hour to “save” the gov’t from free fall, it is apparent that whatever shakes out is less than a band aid for a sinking ship of state. In any case, turning up the heat to a boiling point is more than doable. It is mandatory. It is a patriot’s obligation. Alas, a major operation is needed to save the entire body politic from disintegration.

So, armed with more than enough open source information, as well as bomblets which have never entered the public domain (for reasons which can not be discussed herein), this site pushed forward for impeachment proceedings, even as naysayers intoned: good luck with pie-in-the-sky expectations.

Again, not to be a blow hard…and yes, keep the party hats in abeyance – for now.

UPDATE: ALERT – Texas Lt. Governor Calls for Impeachment of Obama

The Ultimate List of Obama Shutdown Outrages

Barack Hussein ObamaWND reported: In South Dakota, the federal government blockaded portions of a state highway during a devastating early season blizzard near Mt. Rushmore to prevent sightseers from snapping a picture of the storm-obscured landmark.

Priests have been threatened with arrest for, well, doing what priests do for parishioners on military bases.

 Private businesses have been ordered closed down.

“Gestapo-like” rangers ordered tourists in Yellowstone, who had paid their admission, to get back on their bus and go to their hotel, where armed officers guarded the doors.

There even was an attempt to close an ocean.

This all would be preparation for a massive terror threat endangering millions?

Or maybe for a natural disaster?


All because the White House disagreed with Republicans over funding for a portion of the federal government.

The egregious federal government actions during the partial government shutdown, triggered when President Obama refused to even talk with Republicans about their compromise budget offers, have left Americans shaking their heads, from veterans at a World War II memorial in Washington that is open to the air but “barrycaded” by the Obama administration, to those wondering how a government could close an ocean.

One National Park Service worker quoted by the Washington Times said the orders from the Obama administration were to punish Americans.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” he said.

WND columnist Gina Loudon already has listed the “top 10 most insane moments” of the Obama-Reid shutdown.

They included:

1) “Not only did Obama include the National Institute of Health’s experimental treatments for children with terminal cancer in the shutdown, he has threatened to veto funding that Republicans have offered to reinstate. And all along we thought it was Republicans who wanted children to die.”

2) “Military suicides are at an all-time high. Obama’s answer to that? Remove their chaplains! The chaplains know the importance of their work for our service members during this tumultuous time in the throes of the Navy Yard shootings, Benghazi and the rest of it, so they offered their services for free. Obama’s response? He said chaplains can be arrested if they voluntarily serve our military.”

3) “The Library of Congress website was shut down until Oct. 4. was redirected to a notice that it was no longer available due to the shutdown. On Friday, one of the essential bureaucrats in Washington discovered that leaving the website up actually costs nothing. At last glance, the LOC website is back up and running. In related news, the FCC social media team announced they will not be tweeting due to the shutdown. What will we do without tweets from the FCC?”

4) “National Park Service employees descended onto the home of George Washington at Mt. Vernon to erect barricades after the government was shut down. But, just as Washington ran the British out of Boston after they barricaded the city, the staff at the estate turned the government employees away and removed the barricades. Mt. Vernon has been privately funded for 150 years, and the government had absolutely no authority to shut it down.”

5) “Although no funding exists to keep the World War II memorial open, somehow, funding was found to erect a barricade. Each day, as veterans in their eighties and nineties break through the barricades at the memorial like they did at Omaha Beach, federal employees are paid to come reconstruct them.”

6) “Just as Hitler posted troops at Normandy to keep the allied forces out, President Obama is now turning away those who wish to pay their respects at the Normandy American Cemetery. More than 9,000 patriots who gave their lives were laid to rest at the D-Day Memorial, and respecting their service and sacrifice is not allowed during the shutdown, thanks to the Barack Obama and Harry Reid.”

7) “The Armed Forces Network will not be broadcasting sports programming to our troops overseas. While our troops on the front line in the war on terror will have their MLB and NFL games blacked out, you can bet that President Obama will still be watching Sports Center in the White House every night as he is known to do.”

8) “Although an automated camera has been posting pictures of Old Faithful’s eruptions on the web around the clock for years, it has been shut off. Teams of rangers have been busy erecting and maintaining barricades around Yellowstone National Park and running off anyone trying to enjoy the natural beauty of the park, but they took a break from all of that work to pull the plug on the geyser’s webcams.”

9) “We know the president’s priorities, and golf is at the top of that list. Golf courses at military installations remain open and funded while grocery stores at those sites are shut down.”

10) “WJLA is reporting that scenic overlooks next to roadways have been barricaded and signs have been erected telling passersby that they are closed due to the shutdown. These areas where tourists may stop to enjoy a scenic view of the nation’s capital cost nothing to keep open, but the Obama administration is trying to create a scenic view of its own – a city that he has shut down and seeks to blame Republicans.”

But there are so many other examples.

Katie Pavlich at Townhall reported the National Park Service blocked the road leading to “the sacred ground near Shanksville, Pa., where 9/11 Flight 93 crashed 12 years ago.

“The petty and ghoulish Spite House strikes again,” she wrote. “Barrycades blocking WWII vets from their memorial, denying death benefits to military families and now this. The Flight 93 National Memorial is an open field for crying out loud.”

Loudon noted that Jeff Reed of American Family Radio put it like this: ‘The sad reality is … Obama sent more guards to keep WWII vets from entering their memorial than he sent to Benghazi.”


Read rest of story

Barack Hussein Obama

Hidden Message on Obamacare Website Reportedly Warns Users: ‘No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy’

Terms and ConditionsTheBlaze reported: A secret message has reportedly been uncovered in the coding used to make the exchange website for President Barack Obama’s signature health care program — and it involves the privacy of potential enrollees.

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system,” the message reads, according to the Weekly Standard.

“At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system,” the message reportedly continues. “Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose.”

The message allegedly appears when the terms and conditions page is visible and can only be seen using an Internet browser’s “view source” tool.

The wording, however, does not appear in the actual terms and conditions agreement users sign when they enroll in the exchanges.

Multiple attempts to verify the Weekly Standard’s report were made by TheBlaze Monday, but were ultimately unsuccessful due to glitches in the website preventing TheBlaze from even creating an account on























A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services was not immediately available for comment to TheBlaze.

According to the Weekly Standard, however, the phrase “no reasonable expectation to privacy” is a “stock phrase” that is “used in the terms and conditions of many government websites and information systems.”

Big Labor Set to Win ObamaCare Delay

Trumka-BacklitBreitbart reported: As Senate leaders hammer out a deal to end the partial government shutdown and lift the nation’s debt ceiling, sources on Capitol Hill tell Breitbart News that labor unions are poised to win a significant delay in an ObamaCare tax. The delay in the tax, which has long been a goal of Big Labor, is expected to be part of a spending agreement brokered by Sens. Reid and McConnell.

At issue is a “reinsurance” tax levied against all group health plans. The funds raised would be used to compensate insurance companies for providing coverage to extremely sick individuals. Labor unions have made eliminating the tax a top priority, arguing that it would drive up the cost of health insurance for union members. At the recently concluded AFL-CIO annual meeting last month, union members passed a resolution calling for a repeal of the tax. The outlines of the emerging Senate spending deal will delay imposition of the tax for one year.

When House Republicans passed their government spending bill, with a one-year delay in ObamaCare’s individual mandate, President Obama countered that the health care program was the “settled” law of the land. Which, apparently, is true unless one has a PAC that showers millions of dollars in campaign contributions on lawmakers.

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration delayed for one year the mandate that large employers provide health insurance to their employees. This came soon after a similar one-year delay in the set-up of health exchanges for small businesses. Since ObamaCare passed Congress, the Administration has issued hundreds of waivers to special interests, exempting them from the effects of the law.

It seems that only the average American citizen will be made to comply with the ObamaCare program. Democrats, throughout the fiscal stand-off, have argued that ObamaCare should not be altered or reformed. Unless, of course, you are a labor union.

Rand Paul: Powerful Speech at Values Voter Summit War on ‘There’s a World-Wide War on Christianity’

At the Values Voter Summit this week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke at length about the persecution of Christians all across the Middle East. He also referenced the percentage of Muslims in Egypt, Jordan, and Pakistan who “sympathize with violence against Christians”. That number adds up to over 40 million and it precisely these no-nonsense figures that westerners should have been focusing on for years.

Video: Obama’s Plan To Destroy America Revealed By CIA Whistleblower

In the 1976 movie “Network,” news anchor Howard Beale proclaimed, “We’re in a lot of trouble!” He had no idea.

We’ve watched as the Department of Homeland Security has beefed up to the point that SWAT teams under DHS authority from no less than seventy government agencies, including the National Weather Service and the Library of Congress, can load some of their 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition (enough to fight an Iraq-intensity conflict for 24 years) into their thousands of brand new MRAPS and take down a major city, as we saw recently in Boston.

This is the “domestic army as powerful as the U.S. military” that Barack Obama promised to raise when he campaigned for President; and according to CIA whistleblower Dr. Jim Garrow, who has just come in out of the cold world of international espionage after a 45-year career as a CIA operative in China, he is about to unleash it upon the American people.

Dr. Garrow revealed earlier this year that Obama was giving General officers in the United States military a “litmus test,” a loyalty test, asking if they would fire on American citizens. Over thirty high-ranking Admirals and Generals have been removed from duty in the past year, including two Three-star generals in charge of nuclear weapons in just the past few days.

On Friday, the Air Force fired Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, who was in charge of its nuclear missiles., citing “alcohol abuse.” Two days earlier, the Navy deep-sixed Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, SAC’s second-in-command. The reasons given for his dismissals was “gambling.”

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, Dr. Garrow tells me the explosive truth about the origins of Barack Hussein Obama, his parents and grandparents, and his Communist upbringing as a young Muslim child who was schooled in an Indonesian Madrassa.

Even more shockingly, Dr. Garrow confirms information published by The Truth Is Viral last year that Obama relies on Iranian-born White House advisor Valerie Jarrett to make foreign policy decisions. According to another former CIA spy, Iranian-national Reza Kahlili, Jarrett has even been conducting secret negotiations with Iran with the intent of betraying the United States to the Iranians should hostilities break out with Israel, a scenario that would necessitate the involvement of the United States.

Those hostilities could begin over Israeli retaliation for a WMD attack launched from Syria by either the Iranian-backed government of Bashar al-Assad or the al-Qaeda terrorists backed by Barack Obama, or they could begin should Israel strike Iranian nuclear facilities. Either way, the U.S. would be dragged into the conflict. With Russia and China recently asserting influence and projecting forces into the Eastern Mediterranean, and Russia especially stating that they would not allow U.S. airstrikes on Syrian targets, the possibility for a much wider conflict is uncomfortably high.

MSNBC Analyst: Confederate Flag At Protest ‘Threat’ To Obama

Breitbart reported: MSNBC contributor and columnist Irin Carmon when asked about Confederate flag at a protest rally “To me, this is a threat, This is a house where a black family lives, This is a symbol that is nostalgic for a time when black people were subjugated and enslaved. I think there is something deeply enraging to these folks that there is a black family living in the White House right now,”

“I think it’s a threat,”

“It certainly is very menacing,” Carmon clarified. “And I think there are people who would say that’s not what it means, but Ii think the problem is that the Republican grass roots is no longer even the underbelly that are out there screaming. There were only a couple hundred folks, but there were leaders like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz indulging their worst paranoid fantasies,”

Obamacare: The Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn’t Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are

A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away.

“ was initially going to include an option to browse before registering,” report Christopher Weaver and Louise Radnofsky in the Wall Street Journal. “But that tool was delayed, people familiar with the situation said.” Why was it delayed? “An HHS spokeswoman said the agency wanted to ensure that users were aware of their eligibility for subsidies that could help pay for coverage, before they started seeing the prices of policies.” (Emphasis added.)

As you know if you’ve been following this space, Obamacare’s bevy of mandates, regulations, taxes, and fees drives up the cost of the insurance plans that are offered under the law’s public exchanges. A Manhattan Institute analysis I helped conduct found that, on average, the cheapest plan offered in a given state, under Obamacare, will be 99 percent more expensive for men, and 62 percent more expensive for women, than the cheapest plan offered under the old system. And those disparities are even wider for healthy people.

That raises an obvious question. If 50 million people are uninsured today, mainly because insurance is too expensive, why is it better to make coverage even costlier?


Full article here