The Threat We Face: Barack Obama’s Quest to Destroy America

ObamaBelow is a speech given by David Horowitz at the Kohler conference of the Bradley Foundation. It has been revised and edited for publication as an article.

This is a long read, but extremely insightful and worth the time.

Front Page reported: I was born at the beginning of the Second World War into a family of high school teachers who were members of the Communist Party, and therefore were actually part of a vast conspiracy dedicated to the destruction of this country, although they would never have looked at it that way, and so-called liberals would be the first to deny it.

In those days, the schools were old fashioned enough that my parents did not use their classrooms to indoctrinate students as tens of thousands of university professors and even more K-12 teachers regularly do today. It is also an unhappy but hugely important fact that the conspiracy to which my parents belonged has steadily migrated into the heart of the Democratic Party until it now occupies the Oval Office in the person of our president, Barack Obama, and his closest advisors.

The president, his chief operative Valerie Jarrett and his chief political strategist David Axelrod all came out of the same Communist left and the same radical new left as I did, and all have remained heart and soul a part of it. As someone who turned his back on that destructive movement, I can say with confidence that they have not. If a person belongs to an organization or is the supporter of an idea that they come to see as destructive or evil, the first thing they will want to do when they leave is to warn others against it, to warn them of the dangers it represents. If a person does not do this – that tells me that he or she hasn’t left the destructive movement or abandoned the pernicious idea but has just put another face on them. Instead of calling themselves communists or socialists they call themselves liberals and progressives. This camouflage is very old. I never once heard my parents and their party friends refer to themselves as Communists. They were progressives – and registered Democrats.

This is why – to take one disturbing example, I know that Hillary Clinton’s right hand, Huma Abedin, the former deputy secretary of state, and chief foreign policy adviser on Muslim Affairs is a Muslim Brotherhood operative. Huma Abedin’s late father was a Muslim Brotherhood leader, and her mother and brother still are. For 12 years until the moment she was hired by Hillary, Huma Abedin worked for Abdullah Omar Naseef, one of the top three funders of Osama Bin Laden who is still wanted by our government for his role in the 9/11 attacks.

Huma Abedin has never to my knowledge uttered a word of disapproval about the Muslim Brotherhood’s desire to rid the world of Christians and Jews or to bring all infidels under the heel of totalitarian Islamic law. Her spiritual adviser Yusef al-Qaradawi is the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood. Qaradawi has publicly said that the Holocaust of the Jews was God’s punishment for their corruption, and that it would come again, and when it did, “Allah willing it will be at the hands of the believers.” Huma Abedin has not broken her relations with this evil man or dissociated herself from his genocidal remarks. Nor has she opposed the policies enacted by Obama and Hillary, which have supported the Muslim Brotherhood at home and in the Middle East.

On the contrary. when the Obama administration supported the Brotherhood’s rise to power in Egypt, Huma Abedin was our government’s key adviser on Muslim affairs. She was at Hillary’s side when security was not provided to our diplomatic complex in Benghazi and when al-Qaeda fanatics murdered our Ambassador. The murder of Ambassador Stevens led to the most shameful presidential act in our history when the President turned his back on the cries for help of three American heroes who served him and who were in a desperate fight for their lives. It is a time honored American code never to abandon our warriors on the field of battle. But America’s commander-in-chief turned his back on these brave fighting men and left them to die; and then lied to the American people to cover up his crime.

Ever since Barack Obama was elected and began his radical course, American conservatives have been in a state of shock, as though they couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Until then there had been a general collusion in the practiced deceptions of the left as commentators on all sides would refer to unrepentant radicals, and dedicated socialists as “liberals,” and turn half blind eyes to their anti-American agendas. What is “liberal” about the mean-spirited intolerant people of the left, except their attitude to hard drugs, sex, and criminal behavior? Oh yes, and spending other people’s money?

Today the Obama juggernaut is systematically bankrupting our country, and undoing our constitutional arrangements. Its contempt for consultative and representative government is relentlessly on display. This week Senate Majority leader Harry Reid defended his refusal to negotiate with Republicans over Obamacare and the debt in these words: “We are here to support the federal government. That’s our job.” End quote. Forget about representing the people whom our Founders made sovereign. Forget what America is about.

The fact that I had a radical past allowed me to see much of this coming. But even I never thought we would be looking so soon at the prospect of a one-party state. Those words may sound hyperbolic, but take a moment to think about it. If you have transformed the taxing agency of the state into a political weapon – and Obama has; if you are setting up a massive government program to gather the financial and health information of every citizen, and control their access to care; and if you have a spy agency that can read the mail and listen to the communications of every individual in the country, you don’t really need a secret police to destroy your political opponents. Once you have silenced them, you can proceed with your plans to remake the world in your image.

The good news is that the bad five years we have just been through have aroused a sleeping giant among Americans who didn’t see it coming and couldn’t imagine that it would. For the first time since the Cold War, people with a public voice are calling socialists by their right name; conservatives are finally organizing at the grassroots to defend their freedom; and at last we have leaders who are willing to stand up to the thuggery of the left and who have the spine not to back down.

As a sometime Jonah freed from the whale let me offer some intelligence about the political forces arrayed against us. Do not make the mistake of thinking that progressives and conservatives are people who merely differ about practical agendas. There are four defining features of the left, which distinguish it as a movement of individuals who approach politics quite differently from pragmatically-minded conservatives.

The first of these features is their alienation from country: If you ask progressives about their patriotic feeling, they will tell you that they don’t think of themselves first as Americans but as “citizens of the world.” That even has a Harvard imprimatur. They are, in fact, so profoundly alienated from their country as to be in some sense foreigners to it. They are hostile to its history and to its core values, which they see as reflections of a society that has been guilty of racism and oppression on an epic scale. And they are fundamentally opposed to its constitutional arrangements which the framers specifically designed to thwart what they deemed “wicked projects” to redistribute income and share individual wealth.

This is perhaps the hardest feature of their progressive adversaries for conservatives to comprehend. It is difficult to imagine that people as privileged by America’s generosity as Barack Obama and his entourage of despoilers should be so alienated from their country as to feel themselves in it but not of it. And there is no more shocking example of this than Benghazi. No matter what your politics, or what solutions you propose to the problems that confront this nation, ask yourself this: Could you have done what Barack Obama did that night? Could you as commander-in-chief abandon three Americans fighting for their lives under your command? These men had served their country for more than a decade. For seven hours they cried out for help from their government, but you refused to give it.

How, as a fellow American, could Obama have just left these men to die? No one with an ounce of patriotic feeling could. But he did. Even Alexei Kosygin, the Soviet premier of a Communist dictatorship, maintained contact with his astronaut as he burned up in space. But not our president. When the attack on our embassy in Benghazi began, he hung up the phone and went to bed, and then on to a fundraiser with Beyonce and Jay-Z in Las Vegas in the morning. This, with four Americans including our ambassador dead.

Read rest of the story

Glenn Beck: History Is Repeating Itself…But You May Have Never Heard of What He’s Referring To

TheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck shared the history of the little-known Jay Treaty on his television show Monday, having been told by a listener that it resembles “what is happening right now.”

Beck agreed, and began: “John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. President George Washington sent him to negotiate a treaty with the British. It was in the mid 1790′s and there were still several conflicts between America and Britain and again, we were on the verge of war.”

Beck said some of the most pressing issues at the time included the full evacuation of remaining British troops and the British acknowledgement of freedom of the seas.

“Well, Jay was a federalist, and the federalists were the guys who had a lot power,” Beck continued. “[Jay] negotiated something that amounted really to nothing more than appeasement, and the largely outnumbered federalists were in favor of the deal that he worked out, because it would get those big businesses back in business.  But the regular people were vehemently against it, and they took to the streets en masse to protest.”

Beck said the deal “wasn’t so much of a deal as it was America taking it on the chin.”

“Here’s a people who have given up everything to defeat Great Britain, and then they had to agree to absorb all of the financial losses arising from debts to British merchants in acceptance of the British definition of neutrality of the sea,” Beck remarked.  “America yielded on almost every issue. Washington ended up signing the treaty…It was because of his weight that it barely got ratified, but the American people were not happy. In fact they were outraged…”

Beck said some called it treason, and other called for Washington’s impeachment “because they viewed it as a product of what happens when a select few of the ruling classes ignore the will of the people, and that’s what were supposed to be about.”

By 1812, relations with Great Britain fell apart despite the deal, leading to what was known as the second War of Independence.

“Here’s the lesson,” Beck concluded. “All they did by appeasing the British was prolong the inevitable. By refusing to stand on principle and for the best interest of America, they didn’t solve anything. In fact, it came down the road and probably was worse because they waited. History is repeating itself, and we can either learn from it and prosper, or we can become another lesson for future generations in possibly a new republic, if it is one, to come.”


Petulent Obama: Wastes No Time Putting the Memorial Barricades Back Up… With Furloughed Employees

Western Journalism reported: During a weekend of protests in Washington, D.C., a number of veterans stood up to a vindictive federal government by removing barricades erected around outdoor war memorials. These heroes transported the iron obstacles to the White House in a show of defiance against an administration that dismisses and devalues their worldview.

When the rallies and marches were over, National Park Service employees worked feverishly Monday to reinstall the barricades, making sure no other visitors get to see the monuments.

While these tourist destinations require very little funding to operate, the Obama regime is telling America they must be closed because of the federal government shutdown. Instead of actually saving the money associated with keeping them open, though, he sends even more park rangers to enforce their closure.

Though the administration is doing everything possible to erase any evidence of the conservative onslaught, many who participated said the experience was a rewarding one.

Veteran Joseph Corulla spoke to the Western Center for Journalism about his experience, saying he spent the entire day Sunday protesting with fellow servicemen and women.

“The mood was outstanding,” he said. “We were stoked — Tea Party, truckers, bikers.”

While some reports surfaced regarding overreaction by law enforcement, Corulla said the presence of police was mostly unobtrusive.

“The law did respect us,” he explained. “We had some tense times, but they stood down.”

He said the turnout was impressive, noting “there were more than I could count,” with a few leftist loudmouths thrown in for good measure.

“There were some counter-protesters, but we shut them down,” he said. “We told CNN to go away and they did.”

When the rally reached 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Corulla said “that’s when the real fun started.”

In all, the protest gave people an opportunity to voice their displeasure with the federal government while surrounded with others who are similarly outraged.

“We were all proud Americans,” Corulla said, “and we wish it didn’t end.”

From his perspective, the latest rally was an indictment of Obama’s rule and could be the catalyst for even more demonstrations to come.

“I really think they got our message,” he said, “but I think there will be more and bigger [protests] if this man stays in the White House.”

Whether he would ever admit it or not, Obama cannot send the NPS to clear barricades off of White House property without realizing a large portion of this nation is absolutely disgusted with his narcissistic, power-hungry brand of leadership.

Is Obama Punishing Egypt for Punishing Muslim Brotherhood? You Bet He Is and Here’s the Proof

Egypt Aid ObamaWalid Shoebat reported: All around the globe – from the far east to the middle east to Europe and even to North America – governments have been unable to effectively deal with Muslim Brotherhood-inspired movements. In recent history, there has been one glaring exception – in Egypt. It’s found the antidote for a virus that has been running rampant all over the world.

Yet, despite this, the Obama administration is punishing Egypt for not engaging in more Muslim Brotherhood outreach. The New York Times reported that military aid to the country is being withheld precisely for punitive reasons:

To signal its displeasure at the Egyptian military’s bloody crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, officials said, the United States would withhold the delivery of several big-ticket items, including Apache attack helicopters, Harpoon missiles, M1-A1 tank parts and F-16 warplanes, as well as $260 million for the general Egyptian budget. {emphasis ours}

Regardless of where one comes down relative to whether the ouster of Mohammed Mursi was a coup or not, one thing is plain. The Egyptian government led by Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi is in the process of neutralizing and defeating the Muslim Brotherhood like no other nation. Shortly after Mursi’s removal, the new Egyptian government began arresting the group’s leaders and hasn’t let up. In fact, last month an Egyptian court banned the group.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella group for Al-Qaeda, Ansar Al-Sharia, Hamas, Boko Haram, The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Al-Shabaab, and countless others. To illustrate just how large the Brotherhood’s global reach is, consider that Al-Shabaab, the group that claimed responsibility for the Westgate mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya last month, has cells all over Africa, not just in Somalia / Kenya.

A Kenyan Intelligence document obtained by Sky News reveals how extensive the group’s reach is:

The intelligence report, which is 35 pages long, gives a detailed breakdown of how the network is operating throughout Africa with recruits and cells working in a huge range of countries including Somalia, Uganda, Burundi, Zambia, Tanzania, Mali and South Africa as well as further afield in Yemen and Pakistan.

Back to the New York Times article, which reports that some aid will continue to be sent to Egypt:

Among the assistance that will be untouched, officials said, are programs to train and educate Egyptian military officials in the United States; the delivery of spare parts for many American-supplied weapons; and aid for health care, education and the promotion of business in Egypt. {emphasis ours}

It’s at minimum ironic, that the U.S. would withhold aid from a government that is cracking down on the Brotherhood but keep aid in place that would train that government’s military officials in the U.S. One such military official – Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm – was trained by the U.S. Air Force and is a lead suspect in the Benghazi attack of 9/11/12. As we reported, by formally identifying the Jamal Network as a terrorist entity, the U.S. State Department included Al-Azm as a terrorist as well; he was a leader with the group and was arrested by Egyptian security officials in October of 2012.

The times then quotes a woman who leads a group that holds regular forums with Muslim Brotherhood members, sympathizers, and apparatchiks through the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF). In that regard, it might have been preferable for her to issue full disclosure:

Some experts said the moves were meant to be more symbolic than substantive.

“This is not a signal to the generals to get their act together,” said Tamara Cofman Wittes, director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. “It is an effort by the administration to say, ‘You did what you did, and we want to keep working with you, but there is some price to be paid for not listening to us.’ ”

“At the end of day,” she added, “it is a pretty symbolic price.”

Cofman Wittes: Led Muslim Brotherhood-friendly conference in June.

Cofman Wittes: Led Muslim Brotherhood-friendly conference in June.

This past June, Cofman Wittes led the U.S.-IWF – an annual event held in Doha, Qatar – with Durriya Badani. The annual forum is rife with Muslim Brotherhood leaders and supporters. Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Mohamed Magid, President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Haris Tarin, the Muslim Public Affairs Council’s (MPAC) Executive Director from Washington, D.C. were all in attendance.

At minimum, Cofman Wittes’ connection to these Brotherhood figures should have warranted some disclosing before being quoted as simply being a member of a Saban Center group from Brookings.

In 2011, Badani’s name was on the list of attendees at the White House iftar dinner while others – like Tarin and Magid – were not, though they were in attendance. The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro reported at the time that Badnani said the guests were “not controversial at all”. Again, this is the woman who led the U.S.-IWF with Cofmann Wittes.

Durriya Badani: led pro-Muslim Brotherhood Forum with Cofman Wittes.

Durriya Badani: led pro-Muslim Brotherhood Forum with Cofman Wittes.

Badani and Coffman Wittes are not new to the U.S.-IWF and helped to lead the forum in 2012 as well. In the photo below, Wittes can be seen on the right and Badani can be seen on the left. The guy in the middle is Stephan Grand:

Yes, we believe it’s possible that Grand was humming this tune at the time this photo was taken (then again, he’s possibly a clown and a joker):

Then Senator John Kerry (D-MA) attended the 2011 version, which happened just a couple of months after the removal of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak. That removal laid the foundation for the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 2012, which was no doubt, supported fervently by most – if not all – of those in attendance at the U.S.-IWF.

John Kerry: In attendance at the 2011 U.S.-IWF.

John Kerry: In attendance at the 2011 U.S.-IWF.

As for Egypt’s reaction to the Obama administration’s decision to delay / withhold aid, the Washington Free Beacon / Reuters reports:

Egypt’s government, the second largest recipient of U.S. aid after Israel, said it would not bow to American pressure. The country’s military, which has been leading the crackdown against Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, can afford to be even more defiant.

Hundreds of Brotherhood members were killed and about 2,000 Islamist activists and Brotherhood leaders, including Mursi, were arrested.

Army chief Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has emerged as the most popular public figure in Egypt, and he is well aware that many Egyptians have both turned sharply against the Brotherhood and bitterly concluded that Washington supports the movement.

It’s clear to Egyptians – and it should be clear to Americans – that the Obama administration is favoring the Brotherhood in Egypt. In large part, this has to do with an administration that has been infiltrated by Brotherhood operatives; Egyptians understand this too.

As a result, the Obama administration has decided to punish Egypt for doing what no other nation has been so effective at doing in such a short period of time – punishing the Muslim Brotherhood.

It’s just that simple.

Original Article

Veterans: Second Protest is Scheduled for Oct. 15 to Demanding the End of Government Shutdown

Vets Another Protest ScheduledAnother group of military veterans is scheduled to arrive in D.C. tomorrow morning to carry out a second protest, demanding lawmakers immediately end the government shutdown.

The protest is being organized by the Military Coalition (TMC), a group of 33 organizations that represents 5.5 million people. Members are comprised of the uniformed services—active, reserve, retired veterans, survivors and their families.

The event is scheduled for Oct. 15, 2013 from 9:45am-11:00am and will begin at the National WWII memorial. Some of the participating organizations include: the Air Force Association, CWOA, US Coast Guard, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Wounded Warrior Project. Click here for a full list.

The Washington Times reports that TMC wants to let the government know that they need to stop putting servicemen in the “middle of their political games.”

TMC’s protest arrives on the heels of the “Million Vet March” that occurred over the weekend attracting thousands of veterans who marched on the National Mall and the White House to peacefully demonstrate their anger over the government shutdown.

Veterans voiced their displeasure for the closing of the memorials as they took down the barricades and carried them to the White House where they stacked them neatly out front.

“This is our way of life. We will not stand by and let the U.S. government dishonor the legacy of sacrifice of the generations before us. It’s time to make a stand,” read the Million Vet March’s website.

TMC believes in strength in numbers and hopes the rally will grab the attention of lawmakers tomorrow, and put an end to the suffering inflicted on veterans stemming from the government shutdown. Veterans on disability and GI Bill benefits are unsure if they’ll receive their next check, and their availability of medical care has been severely limited following the rollout of Obamacare.

Families who have lost loved ones in the 13-year hoax known as the “war on terror,” have been denied government death benefits, which are allocated to the families for funeral expenses. Fortunately non-profit groups stepped up and used their own savings to help military families cover funeral expenses for their loved ones. has started a petition asking Washington to “keep veterans our of their political nonsense.” Click here to sign.

The country is growing increasingly agitated as the government shutdown enters its second week. A computer glitch over the weekend spurred “mini riots” after food stamps holders exploited temporary unlimited credit balances. Food stamp holders cleared shelves at Wal-mart stores across the nation in an attempt to purchase food with balances that didn’t exist, prompting some managers to close their stores.