Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 10/12/2013: Military Death Benefits OUTRAGE, The Judge Scores a Knockout Punch to Obama

‘Throw them all out, like you I’m fed up!’

‘Roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, put aside your disgusting egos, go to work and figure this one out!’

‘I talk about justice all the time. But if ever there were an injustice… this is it…’

Hillary Clinton: Former Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man, Admits to Killing for Money

Hillary Clinton

This story is coming from the fringes and most likely will not reach mainstream.  As you can see in the article, Fox News had the opportunity but backed off.  Listen to the audio below and decide for yourself the legitimacy.

Freedom Outpost reported: There are bombshells being dropped on that show that go far beyond a trucker’s strike.

The story the listeners are getting is that Larry Klayman was prepared to go on Neil Cavuto’s show tonight and show pictures of National Guard troops that have been assembled to squash the uprising, should it get out of hand. But it is also being reported that Fox News pulled the interview. Why?

Was the Fox interview pulled because Klayman wanted to talk about some other issues as well, including a gentleman named Larry Nichols, who was a longtime associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton? The accusation is that Fox News does not want to share this story and only wants reports of the alleged National Guard troops in D.C.Guerilla Media Network reported on September, 24 2o13:

Clinton Insider Admits To Murder For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money

Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clintons, can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds.  Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton’s impeachment in the 90′s.  Larry says he makes no apologies.

They sent me overseas to kill people for them and told me it was for the good of the Country. So when they asked me to do it for them in the States it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money and I didn’t give a shit about the women I beat and the men I murdered.  The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them.  I had to live with that all of these years and now I just don’t care anymore who knows it.

Larry maintains the Clintons were into so many illegal activities at the time, they had to have a team of mercenaries made up of friends and state-troopers to cover it all up and keep them protected from the public finding out.  According to Larry Nichols, both Bill and Hillary were wild and out of control and both were relentless in their pursuit for money and power.  From running drugs, to the rape and beating of women and young girls, both of the Clintons are guilty of the unspeakable crimes.

When Pete asked Larry about Gennifer Flowers making headlines last week claiming Bill had told her Hillary had eaten more pussy than he had Larry said that’s old news, and indeed it is … Larry had made that same statement on the Pete Santilli show early last spring.  Larry is adamant that Hillary Clinton is a “Dyke” and always has been.

One thing I know for sure She did have enough sex with men to have a kid, but it wasn’t Bill Clinton’s Kid she had … Chelsea is actually the daughter of Web Hubble.

Nichols and many other insiders claim Clinton began having sex with Hubble to gain employment at The Rose Law Firm which she believed would eventually advance Bill Clinton’s chances of becoming Governor of Arkansas.

The above quotes came from a radio interview. I have obtained a video that is posted on the same page. It is 4 hours long and I have not had time to isolate the comments so I have no idea what segment of the show contains them. I am posting the video for those who might have time to listen to it.

WARNING: Some content in the video may be offensive to some in this audience. Pick up the video around the 1Hr 09Min mark.

This is a perfect example of how major stories can be squashed by large media outlets. I was unaware of this story until today. Is it true? Maybe so and maybe not. The point is that if a former associate makes these accusations it should be covered by the media even if their only intent is to discredit such comments.

Larry Nichols was there and he knows what happened. Is he lying? That’s something that only he and others that were there truly know.

If the accusations that are flying on the Pete Santilli show are true, it is just more evidence that we cannot fully put our trust in Fox News.

U.S. Debt Infographic: Who Do We Owe 17 Trillion To?

TheBlaze reported: The U.S. government owes a lot of money.

A lot.

In fact, U.S. debt today stands at about $17 trillion.

Obviously, that’s a little difficult to understand with just words.

So here to help you visualize the debt situation in the U.S. — and help you understand where money is owed — is a helpful chart from National Public Radio:

Who Does U.S. Owe 17 trillion _to

  • We owe most of the money to ourselves.
  • We owe a big chunk of the money — about $6 trillion — to the Federal government. So if there ever were a default (hopefully there won’t be) the government would also be stiffing itself.
  • We owe about $5 trillion to other countries, including China.
  • The total debt to China is only $1.3 trillion. So we’re not in hock to China as much as some people think we are.
  • Yes, it’s a boatload of debt. But the experience of Japan, the U.S. after World War 2, and other countries, suggests that it’s a manageable amount, as long as we eventually get our long-term entitlement spending under control.