Col. Allen West: Obama Is ‘Spoiled Brat Child’ and ‘Pathological Liar’

Col. Allen West took out all stops when describing Barack Hussein Obama today, calling him a ‘spoiled brat’ and ‘pathological liar,’ something clear-thinking Americans have been saying aloud for 5 years now.

You won’t find Col. West mincing words much, he calls it like it is; and is one of the reasons why he resonates with Conservatives.

Malik Obama: The OIC and the US-IWF Are Painted as Moderate Organizations, But Are They?

Walid Shoebat reported: Westerners are led to believe that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is a mainstream outfit, one that brings together the moderate forces of Islam to help create a better Islamic world, right? Its charter talks about – among other things – preserving “lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity”. The idea that the OIC and other Islamic groups / events have become mainstream is far more than a little bit troubling; the situation the West finds itself in has taken years. The mainstreaming of groups like the OIC is a case in point.

Malik Obama, the half-brother of Barack Obama, who we’ve demonstrated is in bed with terrorists and works for an arm of the Sudanese government – which is a State Department designated State Sponsor of Terror – met with the Secretary General of the OIC in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at the group’s headquarters in 2011, via Barack H. Obama Foundation

2011: Malik Obama with the Secretary General of OIC in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

2011: Malik Obama with the Secretary General of OIC in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Malik also proudly displays a photo of himself at the OIC headquarters with Ahmed Nasher, about whom there is little information:

Malik Obama and Ahmed Nasher at OIC Headquarters in Jeddah, 2011.

Malik Obama and Ahmed Nasher at OIC Headquarters in Jeddah, 2011.

The Secretary General to the OIC – an organization westerners are supposed to believe is mainstream – is a Turk named Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. Even President George W. Bush appointed the first U.S. envoy to the OIC in 2008; his name was Sada Cumber. Like so many other things Bush did, this appointment made it easier for his successor to not only replicate the move but to replace Cumber with someone like Rashad Hussain, who has memorized the Qur’an and has been tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here is a photo of Ihsanoglu praying with Sudan’s Omar Al-Bashir, who is wanted on seven counts of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court (ICC); Al-Bashir is also an employer of Malik Obama:

Al-Bashir and OIC's Secretary General praying together.

Al-Bashir and OIC’s Secretary General praying together.

Ihsanoglu has also been a prominent figure at the annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum event that has taken place in both Doha, Qatar and Washington, D.C. This event, which we have referenced often, is co-sponsored by the Saban Center – an arm of the left-leaning Brookings Institute – and the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World.

Here is Ihsanoglu speaking at the 2012 U.S.-IWF:

OIC's Ihsanoglu at the 2012 U.S.-IWF.

OIC’s Ihsanoglu at the 2012 U.S.-IWF.

Here is another photo from the 2012 U.S.-IWF, in which Ihsanoglu can be seen with Nihad Awad, the Executive Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood front group:

OIC's Ihsanoglu and CAIR's Nihad Awad, 2012.

OIC’s Ihsanoglu and CAIR’s Nihad Awad, 2012.

None other than Benghazi’s Accountability Review Board (ARB) Chairman Thomas Pickering was in attendance – as were Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and Rashad Hussain – at the 2013 edition of the U.S-IWF. Pickering, who has been roundly and rightly criticized for conducting a Benghazi whitewash investigation at the behest of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, can be seen at the U.S.-IWF (center, with head turned down and to his right):

Benghazi's ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering at the U.S.-IWF in June.

Benghazi’s ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering at the U.S.-IWF in June.

Speaking of Benghazi, Hillary Clinton and Ihsanoglu, then Secretary of State Clinton and Ihsanoglu both attended the U.S.-IWF in 2011. Here’s a photo of the two shaking hands:

OIC Secretary General Ihsanoglu and HIllary at the 2011 U.S.-IWF.

OIC Secretary General Ihsanoglu and HIllary at the 2011 U.S.-IWF.

Video: Rock Star Says He ‘Almost’ Wishes ‘Bad Things Upon’ Second Amendment Supporters, And Some Other Harsh Criticism

Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder has never been one to shy away from discussing his far-reaching (left) political beliefs.

And in a new interview with professional surfer Mark Richards (wow man), the aging rock singer decided to take aim at supporters of the Second Amendment.

Mind Numbing: Recorded Phone Call with Obamacare Representative, This Will Make Your Head Spin!

A recorded phone call with an Affordable Healthcare Act representative will leave your head spinning… that is for anyone that has the courage to listen to it.

Once people begin to sign up (after the bugs are fixed), the impact will surely be felt across this country. People will leave frustrated and clueless as to how it will affect their family. Obamacare is a sham my friends.

Ted Cruz: Heckled at Value Voter Summit… But He Has a Good Response and with a Typical Cruz Flair

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was forced to stop speaking several times while delivering a speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., Friday morning. But in Cruz fashion, he shot back at his hecklers and accused them of being ”President Obama’s paid political operatives.”

‘It seems that President Obama’s paid political operatives are out in force today…’

‘You know it’s a nice thing, the left will always tell you who they fear… and they fear you (around 2:36 mark).

Radio Lefty Bill: ‘I Think It’s a Big Mistake to Pay the Death Benefits’ to Military Families

Newsbusters reported: Just hours before the Senate voted to approve a measure that was passed by the House on Wednesday in a 425-0 vote to restore the death benefits paid to the families of fallen soldiers, liberal radio talk show host Bill Press showed his true colors when he said it would be a “big mistake” for the government to do that because “once the government starts making special exceptions, it allows the shutdown to continue.”

In a stumble similar to one Senate majority leader Harry Reid made last week, when the Nevada Democrat accused CNN reporter Dana Bash of being “irresponsible” and “reckless” for asking if he would help “one child who has cancer” and is receiving treatment through the NIH, Press stated: “When you shut down the government, a lot of great things are not going to get done, and why should we make an exception for those that just happen to pop up and get a lot of media attention?”

The liberal host on the Free Speech TV channel began his morning rant by declaring:

What I’m going to say, no one else will say, but I’m going to say it anyway. It will probably upset you.

“I think it’s a big mistake to pay the death benefits to the families of members of the military who are killed in Afghanistan and whose bodies are being brought back to Dover Air Force base and were not going to get benefits because of the government shutdown,” Press asserted.

“Our brave men and women put their lives on the line,” he continued. “Many of the families can’t afford to give them a decent farewell, and the government always takes care of that program” until it was halted as part of the government shutdown.

After noting that the Pentagon had warned Congress ahead of time about the lack of funds needed to continue the system, which gives spouses and families of service members who die $100,000 as well as other benefits, such as the cost of burial, travel and housing, Press singled out the GOP as the culprits behind the crisis.

Republicans didn’t listen. Republicans did it anyway. And then, once they realized what they’d done, they started blaming president Obama. “We had to make an exception for that just like we had to make an exception for air traffic controllers, we have to make an exception for the World War II Memorial.”

“Yesterday, [White House press secretary] Jay Carney said that when the president himself heard about this, he told his people to fix it,” Press continued before praising the Fisher House Foundation. He then said the organization had “stepped up to the plate” and is paying the benefits until the government shutdown is over and the foundation is reimbursed.

“So the whole thing was fixed without an act of Congress,” he stated before noting other government functions that are not currently being funded. As Press stated:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has to stop its seasonal flu prevention program. They’re not re-opening that. Why not? Isn’t that important?

The WIC [Women, Infants and Children] program provides healthy food supplements for millions of pregnant women, new mothers and babies We’re not doing anything about that.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration is stopping most of its inspections of the workplace. The Food and Drug Administration is not able to continue its food safety and nutrition activities. The National Institutes of Health are canceling new cancer trials.

“There’s a lot of important stuff that’s not going on,” he added before recommending that the GOP give in and pass a “clean” Continuing Resolution, which would include funding for ObamaCare.

During the federal government shutdown, House Republicans have passed bills to fund the more politically damaging elements of the closure. However, Reid had refused to being them to votes in the Senate, not wanting to lessen the impact of shutdown and relieve pressure on Republicans.
That was until Thursday, when the Senate approved by a voice vote the House’s legislation to restore military death benefits even though Reid said the measure was “unnecessary” because benefits were already flowing from the Fisher House Foundation.

This issue is largely moot. It’s clear the action on this legislation is just for show.

Interestingly, Reid was a guest on Press’s show last week, when he explained the Democrats’ strategy:

We can’t fall into the trap, and here is the trap of the [Texas senator Ted] Cruz-led Republicans, and that is this: Listen, we’ll cherry-pick, we’ll open this today and this tomorrow, and finally at the end, everything will be open except the money to finish ObamaCare.

Also on Thursday, John Cornyn of Texas — the second-ranking Senate Republican — explained that he pushed for the measure because he was concerned about legal issues that might arise from the special contract the Pentagon has made with Fisher House.

However, Carney said that president Obama opposes the legislation. “Our view has been, this piecemeal funding is, again, a gimmick.”

Nevertheless, the shutdown has demonstrated several federal programs that are truly needed and others that aren’t. It’s a shame that the president and the Senate want everything passed before they’ll negotiate with the Republicans, when that becomes a pointless exercise.

Battle of the Barricades: Vets Prepared to “Go to Jail” to Rebuke Tyrannical Government

Vets Barricades

InfoWars reported: Veterans from across the country are prepared to go to jail as they plan to storm barricaded memorials and monuments this weekend in a forceful rebuke to the government shutdown, setting up a potential confrontation with National Park Service employees who have been ordered to “make life as difficult for people” as possible.

One of the defining moments of the backlash against the shutdown was when veterans stormed past barricades at the World War II Memorial in DC last Monday. The federal government subsequently ordered that the barricades be reinforced and wired shut.

Similar scenes are set to be repeated over the next few days as vets from numerous states descend on memorials built in their honor and prepare to remove anything or anyone that gets in their way.

The federal government has indicated that some barricades will be opened to allow the veterans access, but other sites will remain closed.

– Honor Flight veterans from New York plan to break through barricades that have been placed around the Iwo Jima Monument near Arlington National Cemetery. They have asked for help from attendees of the Million Vet March, a protest taking place in DC on the same weekend which will demand the monuments be kept open.

– Las Vegas veterans plan to visit the DC Memorial on Saturday. 90-year-old World War II veteran Ed Turken says he is prepared to “go to jail” to see the monument if feds try to block access. “If I’m going that far, and it’s just a couple hundred feet from looking at it, why shouldn’t I be able to go in? It is the country’s monument,” Turken told the Las Vegas Review Journal, adding, “We won the war. Now the guys we put into office for crying out loud aren’t doing their jobs. Their job is to help us, govern us, and they’re closing everything that we worked for.”

– 89-year-old World War II veteran John Domino will leave from Palm Beach International Airport to visit DC for what he believes is his last chance to see the memorial. Asked what he will do if feds try to block access, Domino told CBS 12, “I don’t know. If I can climb over the fence, I would climb over it. I would like to see it,” adding, “The whole thing doesn’t make sense. We have such a beautiful country here, and its not run properly.”

– Veterans with the Kansas Honor Flight left on Wednesday for a “battle with the barricades” in Washington DC. “For them to block it off and keep these veterans who freed this country is just totally ridiculous,” said Honor Flight Executive Board Member Tom Demayo.

– East Tennessee veterans will also visit the nation’s Capitol to see the DC memorial. “They’re the reason we’re free and they’re the reason that these memorials are there to honor them,” Sen. Rusty Crowe told Johnson City Press.

– Veterans from East Texas will visit the main DC memorial as well as the Vietnam, Korean, and Lincoln Memorials. “Trip organizers say they are hopeful the veterans will be able to keep their full itinerary despite the shutdown,” reports KLTV.

– Veterans from Northeastern Wisconsin will visit Washington on October 17 to see the memorials. “We don’t want any surprises,” organizer Diane MacDonald told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Many have charged that the administration has set about vindictively using the government shutdown as an excuse to punish the American people. An equal amount or even more resources than would normally be needed to keep national parks, canals, hiking trails and memorials open has been put into closing and policing them.

Although the White House claims the national parks were closed because there was no money to fund their operation, Park Rangers have been deployed to patrol them “around the clock” and are now arresting people for trespassing, while treating the tourists who remained in the parks up until the shutdown was announced more like like terrorists.

The total cost of closing national parks amounts to around $750 million in lost revenue, underscoring how their shutdown has nothing to do with saving money and everything to do with the Obama administration playing spiteful political games.