Ted Cruz: Smacks Down CNN’s Candy Crowley, Addresses Obama’s Enacting Saul Alinsky’s Rule #12 [Rules for Radicals]

We have stated repeatedly on CA that Barack Obama is abiding to Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules of Radicals in his first term, and especially his second term of office.  Senator Ted Cruz specifically addressed the Democratic theatrics led by Obama and his radical dogma, during the government shutdown.

Sunday, Ted Cruz provided a lesson in how to handle a liberal-progressive, partisan, journalist in an interview when Candy Crowley came armed with Democrat talking points and tries at every opportunity to apply Saul Alinsky’s rule 12 … “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cruz, refused to play her game, he didn’t allow Crowley to make up her own facts (or use actual facts skewed to fit her own argument to support the Dems), and he turned her use of Alinsky’s #12 and her parroting the Dems’ party line right back on her. Cruz keeps nailing her over and over (This is seen starting at the 12:10 mark).