Black Thug Punches Female Store Clerk and Causes Permanent Damage to Her Eye… Over 41 Cents

A 23-year-old California woman was punched in the face by a man nearly twice her age over a cigar that cost less than $2, and investigators are asking for the public’s help to find the attacker.

The victim was working behind the counter at a Chevron gas station at Lakewood and Del Almo boulevard in Lakewood when the assailant tried to buy a $1.41 Swisher Sweet cigar. After waiting in a long line, the customer handed the employee a $1 bill. When she told him he needed 41 cents more, he threatened the clerk and tried to grab the cigar from her hand, sheriff’s officials said. The worker stuffed the cigar under the counter and told the man to leave, officials said. Leaning over the counter, the man then winds up, punches the woman between the eyes then runs away.

Mohamed Elibiary: Influential DHS ‘Adviser’ to Obama, Has Ties With Islamists, Muslim Brotherhood, and a Convicted Hamas Terrorist

It’s common knowledge to informed patriots anyway, that Muslims, particularly Muslims with radical ties to Islam, are infiltrating key governmental positions.  Barack Hussein Obama has openly subscribed to such tactics, and has done really very little to hide the fact that he is purposely appointing Muslims into the U.S. Government.

There will be a time when the full agenda of the Islamists will become known in history.  For now, Islamaphobia doesn’t exist because that implies a false fear.  However, to the informed, the threat is real and we are on high alert.

Mohamed Elibiary

Judicial Watch unveals a very prominent position in Obama’s cabinet of ‘advisers’ that has infiltrated our government. His name is Mohamed Elibiary.

Judicial Watch reported: A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism.

While this may seem incomprehensible to many, it’s all documented in a disturbing report published this week by the Center for Security Policy, a Washington D.C. think tank dedicated to promoting national security. The 33-page document is actually based on a lengthy, five-part interview with Elibiary, an influential member of Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Elibiary admits he’s a longtime friend of a self-described Islamist (Shukri Abu Baker) convicted in 2008 of financing the terrorist organization Hamas through his U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, the Holy Land Foundation. Elibiary reveals that he donated to the Holy Land Foundation monthly until it was shut down by the U.S. government and he defends Baker, depicting his prosecution as a case of political persecution.

He also admits knowing the Muslim Brotherhood “social network” and supports a partnership with Islamists, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. and abroad. “I simply find it counterproductive to American national security interests to treat the Muslim Brotherhood like the mafia, Nazi party, fascists, communists or any other entity we politically ostracize,” Elibiary says. He adds that Muslim Brotherhood members “naturally exist everywhere at this point, but that’s not a problem in and of itself because there have been MB members inside the US abiding by the law for a very long time.”

The document includes a number of alarming details of Elibiary’s close relationship with a wide array of U.S. Islamist groups, including the radical Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America which declares that the only legitimate law according to Islam is Sharia. The group also urges American Muslims to nurture hostility towards U.S. law, according to Arabic documents discovered and translated into English by the Center for Security Policy.

As troubling as this may seem, Elibiary wields tremendous power in national security issues, promoting a narrative that the Muslim brotherhood and other Islamists are moderates. He has also worked to purge even the most basic information about the doctrinal drivers of terrorism from U.S. government training materials. The root cause of terrorism and Islamic extremism is not the Islamist ideology but legitimate gripes against Western policy, Elibiary insists in the interview.

When former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced Elibiary’s DHS appointment in 2010 Judicial Watch reported that he was a backer of the Ayatollah Khomeini and a well-known Egyptian jihadist named Sayyid Qutb. In fact, Elibiary participated in a tribute to Khomeini, the ruthless Iranian revolutionary whose teachings continue to govern Middle Eastern terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. Last year JW reported that Elibiary leaked classified documents to a media outlet that had declined to do a story supposedly exposing DHS’s promotion of “Islamophobia.”

Ted Cruz: Smacks Down CNN’s Candy Crowley, Addresses Obama’s Enacting Saul Alinsky’s Rule #12 [Rules for Radicals]

We have stated repeatedly on CA that Barack Obama is abiding to Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules of Radicals in his first term, and especially his second term of office.  Senator Ted Cruz specifically addressed the Democratic theatrics led by Obama and his radical dogma, during the government shutdown.

Sunday, Ted Cruz provided a lesson in how to handle a liberal-progressive, partisan, journalist in an interview when Candy Crowley came armed with Democrat talking points and tries at every opportunity to apply Saul Alinsky’s rule 12 … “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cruz, refused to play her game, he didn’t allow Crowley to make up her own facts (or use actual facts skewed to fit her own argument to support the Dems), and he turned her use of Alinsky’s #12 and her parroting the Dems’ party line right back on her. Cruz keeps nailing her over and over (This is seen starting at the 12:10 mark).

John McCain’s [Very Close] Ties With America’s Enemy [al-Qaeda] Chronicled

Walid Shoebat reported: Senator John McCain continues to become perilously close to bedding with America’s enemies. In the latest example, he’s closer to Hamas, a State Department Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, than any elected official in U.S. Government should ever be. Let’s take a look at McCain’s buddy, Mouaz Moustafa, the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a group that may be defunct. Let’s forget for a second that Moustafa hired a guy in Ahmad Soliman – who was up to his neck in Muslim Brotherhood connections – as his Research Associate.

John McCain with Mouaz Moustafa

Let’s forget that Moustafa posed with McCain and a couple of kidnappers in Syria last May. The company that Moustafa keeps – to include McCain’s new Legislative Assistant Elizabeth O’Bagy – doesn’t end with those connections. Consider a Panel discussion on September 23, 2013, that was sponsored by the Brookings Institute. Moustafa was one of three panelists. The other two were Abed Ayoub, President of Islamic Relief USA and Maria Stephan, a U.S. State Department bureaucrat who works with U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in her role as a Strategic Planner with the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations at the State Department. After Ayoub was finished speaking, Moustafa began by stating:

“You know, first of all, thank you for having me here, and it’s really an honor to be here with this distinguished panel.” {emphasis ours}

For the record, “distinguished” means “made conspicuous by excellence”. This was also not the first time Ayoub and Moustafa shared a panel together. Last year, the Clarion Project’s Ryan Mauro wrote the following about Ayoub:

Abed Ayoub, the CEO of Islamic Relief USA, a powerful charity with links to Hamas is an official advisor to the State Department and USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), a investigation has found. Ayoub has been advising the Obama Administration since at least April 2010. He and his organization have been publicly embraced by President Obama and Vice President Biden.

How about Ayoub’s connection to the Islamic Society of Boston mosque founded by convicted terrorist fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi and attended by the Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Writes Mauro:

IRUSA will be holding its First Annual Change the World Banquet on December 1 in Anaheim, California with Imam Zaid Shakir… Also scheduled to speak is Imam Suhaib Webb of the Islamic Society of Boston, a mosque linked to Sheikh Yousef Qaradawi, an influential terrorism-supporting Muslim Brotherhood cleric. The mosque was founded by Abdurahman Alamoudi, a highly successful Brotherhood operative that is now in prison on terrorism-related charges.

Under the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California’s banner on a Constant Contact page, the December 1, 2012 event Mauro seems to be referencing is announced:


The page lists a slew of Muslim Brotherhood groups as being “Member Organizations” but if that isn’t enough, consider that the Chairman of the Shura Council is Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, who used to be the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. Just last month, Moustafa referred to Ayoub as a “distinguished” panelist. As CEO of Islamic Relief USA, Ayoub has underneath him a Public Relations Director by the name of Omar Shahin. Shahin was at the center of controversy in 2006 as one of six Muslims in the “flying imams” case in Minneapolis.

According to his bio, Ayoub was appointed to the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid in April 2010, where he “provides advice, analysis and recommendations to USAID on the most pressing development issues in the world today.” He was reappointed to another two-year term in May. {emphasis ours}

That leads us to a photo that appeared on the Blaze website, one day after Moustafa and Ayoub sat on that Brookings Institute panel together. It shows an al-Qaeda linked terrorist posing with an RPG and a USAID backdrop:


Here is John McCain from August assuring people that he knows who the Syrian rebels are and that they are “freedom fighters” who warrant U.S. support. Said McCain:

“I know who they are (freedom fighters). I’ve met with them. I’ve been in Syria with them and anybody who tells you that they’re taken over by extremists, they are not. There are plenty of extremists in the area but we would know who to get these weapons to.”

McCain has turned against his country. Period.