Glenn Beck: ‘They Have Gone From Nudge to Shove, This is Another Example that They are Deep into Shove, Your Next Step is Shoot’

Glenn Beck warns that the closing of the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. and a POTUS who would deliberately inflict maximum pain on the American people would also be capable of killing millions in a complete Communist takeover.

‘If you do not begin to stand and make your voice heard and very clear and the way you do it is through the GOP, defund the GOP if you don’t straighten up that one party it will be too late.’


Fascism Alert: Priests Threatened with Arrest if They Minister to Military During Shutdown

Daily Caller reported: In a stunning development, some military priests are facing arrest if they celebrate mass or practice their faith on military bases during the federal government shutdown.

“With the government shutdown, many [government service] and contract priests who minister to Catholics on military bases worldwide are not permitted to work – not even to volunteer,” wrote John Schlageter, the general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, in an op-ed this week. “During the shutdown, it is illegal for them to minister on base and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so.”

According to its website, the Archdiocese for the Military Services “provides the Catholic Church’s full range of pastoral ministries and spiritual services to those in the United States Armed Forces.”

In his piece, Schlageter worries about this restriction as Sunday nears. “If the government shutdown continues through the weekend, there will be no Catholic priest to celebrate Mass this Sunday in the chapels at some U.S. military installations where non-active-duty priests serve as government contractors,” he wrote.

Because of the lack of active-duty Catholic chaplains, the military relies on hiring civilian priests to serve as government service and contract ministers. Those civilian priests are not allowed on the bases during a shutdown, Schlageter wrote.

One Republican lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee told The Daily Caller on Friday that this “crosses a constitutional line.”

“The constitutional rights of those who put their lives on the line for this nation do not end with a government slowdown,” Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo, a graduate of West Point and an Army veteran, said in a Friday statement. ”It is completely irresponsible for the president to turn his back on every American’s First Amendment rights by furloughing military contract clergy.”

Added Pompeo: “The President’s strategy during the slowdown, just as during the sequestration, is to create as much pain as possible. However, this action crosses a constitutional line of obstructing every U.S. service member’s ability to practice his or her religion.”

UPDATE: A number of politicians have weighed in on the matter after this story was published:

Priests are threatned with arrest

Navy SEALS Capture Two of the World’s Most Wanted Terrorists of al Shabaab

al ShabaabNBC News reported: In twin raids in Africa on Saturday, U.S. commandos captured two of the world’s most-wanted terrorists – a senior al Qaeda official who allegedly planned 1998 embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania and a “high-level target” from Somalia’s al Shabaab, sources tell NBC News.

Word of the dual operations came in quick succession, with the sources first saying that U.S. Special Operations forces captured the unidentified “high-value target” during a pre-dawn raid on an al Shabaab stronghold in southern Somalia, striking back at the Islamic militant group blamed for the recent attack on a Kenyan shopping mall.

A short time later, sources said that U.S. forces also had captured Anas al Libi, a longtime al Qaeda member, near Tripoli, Libya. Al Libi, whose real name is Nazih Abdul-Hamed Nabih al-Ruqai’I, has been wanted for more than a decade by the U.S. and has a $5 million reward on his head.

Al Libi has been a member of al Qaeda since at least 1994 and was a confidante of Osama bin Laden. He also is a computer expert for the group and is believed to be one of the masterminds of the 1998 U.S. Embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 12 Americans and more than 220 Kenyans. He has been indicted in New York in connection with the attacks and could ultimately be brought to the U.S. to stand trial.

In discussing the Somalia raid, the sources declined to identify the target of the operation, but one senior US official said, “It was a very good day.”

Early reports from the region said there was heavy gunfire during an assault by foreign forces on a building or complex in the southern Somali town of Barawe.

Al Shabaab had claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on the Westgate shopping mall that killed dozens of people in Nairobi, Kenya, two weeks ago.

The sources said they have no information that any British were involved in the actual raid. Al Shabaab had reported earlier that a British commander and several commandos were killed in the raid conducted by British and Turkish forces. Turkey has denied its forces were involved.

Ride for WW II Veterans Memorial UPDATE!

Bikers rolled into Washington DC this weekend to lend their support to WWII veterans who are there to see their “barrycaded” memorial. As part of the Regime’s “shutdown theater”, Park Service rangers have been instructed to make life as difficult for people as they can – including the 80 – 90 year old members of our greatest generation.

Bikers greeted WWII vets from Florida:

Bikers Honor Flight Ride

Riders sang Happy Birthday to Veteran “Bob.” [As far as I know, “Bob” is not one of those pictured below]

Bikers Escort Vets WWII_Memorial

Folks…PLEASE NOTE: There are NO pics of those officers assisting [in removing barricades] ~ we would never jeopardize them just like we would never jeopardize our folks on the scene.

REMINDER: Private Citizens donated the majority of funding for the World War II Memorial. It was NOT government funded. Of the $197 Million cost, the U.S. government, using taxpayer funds, contributed $16 Million.

REMINDER: Bill Clinton did NOT deny access to Memorials in the 1995 shutdown. Visitors centers were closed but the Memorials were open – after all, these Memorials are “open air.”

Read the rest of the story at

Glenn Beck: New School Program in Dallas Schools That Paves the Way for a ‘Communist Utopia’ and ‘Toilet Paper Lines’

TheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck told his radio audience on Friday that a new program implemented in Dallas schools could lead to society standing in line for toilet paper.

What program was he discussing?  Earlier this week, it was announced that all of the Dallas school district’s 159,000 students will now get free breakfast and lunch, following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s announcement that it will no longer only make the meals available based on financial need.

Apparently district officials believe the overhaul will actually save money by eliminating 40 positions — costing $300,000 — dedicated to filling out paperwork for students who qualified, public information, and more.  This way, it will simply be available to everyone.

“For free, it’s going to save a lot of money. Okay. Right,” Beck said in disbelief.  “A. I think this is Cloward and Piven, collapse the system. But more importantly, this is, again, indoctrination. This is, teach kids from the very beginning that Mom and Dad do not provide breakfast or lunch…The state provides that. By the time you get out of school, you’ll be like, ‘Why am I paying for breakfast? I’ve never paid for breakfast a day in my life! Why am I paying for it?’”

School Lunch

In this Sept. 4, 2013, file photo, students at the Maurice J. Tobin K-8 School in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood eat free lunches consisting of a sandwich with meat, a vegetable dish, a piece of fruit, and milk. (Photo: AP)

Beck continued: “Once you indoctrinate your kids that Mom and Dad are not responsible at all for breakfast or lunch – that the state is – you are on your way to that communist utopia where it’s universal housing, universal education, universal [healthcare] and universal food.”

He added that you’re also on your way to “universal toilet paper lines.”

“That’s what happens,” Beck said.  “You stand in line, eventually, for toilet paper. Because nobody does anything anymore. Because the state has taken everything — including the will to do anything. And so people stand in line for toilet paper.”

Beck added that when society descends into such a state, it usually lasts for about seventy years.

“It’s that way pretty much every time,” Beck said.  “Seventy years of darkness. If we lose it ‑‑ and remember, we’re the United States of America. There’s nobody else fighting for this. If we lose our freedom, we will never see it again, nor will our children. It will take 70 years to get out of the darkness…And here we sit with a school district in Texas – Dallas, Texas – [claiming] that this is actually going to save money. How is that even possible?”

Beck said later in the program that progressives call themselves by that name because they don’t want a revolution — they know Americans would never accept it.  Though they agree with their “communist friends on universal healthcare, universal housing, [and] universal jobs,” Beck said progressives go about achieving those ends differently.

“‘We don’t want a revolution, and so we’re going to take it and break it up into baby steps,’” Beck said.   “That’s what they are. They are communists. They are authoritarian communists.”