Mark Levin: ‘You Lay One Damn Hand on One of Those World War II Vets at that Memorial and I’ll Bring Half a Million People to that Damn Memorial!’

I want to say this loud and clear to the people on Capitol Hill who are listening, to this administration. You lay one damn hand on one of those World War II vets at that memorial and I’ll bring half a million people to that damn memorial! You got that?!

I’m sitting here stewing thinking about this – playing these damn games? You’ll ignite a movement in this country like you’ve never seen before! The biker patriot army – veterans from all over the country, every single war and battle in this country, Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever!

I’ll be damned if one president, with his feet up on the desk in the oval office, with a smirk on his face, looking at his golf card…I’ll be damned if this president or anybody else is going to shut down that WWII memorial. Period! These men are in their 80s and 90s.

So let me repeat! You lay one hand on one of those men and arrest them for going to their memorial, which they fought for, which was not paid by you dammit, it was paid by the American people – we will come out of every town and city in this nation! We will come out of every county. And both coasts! Both borders! And we will march on Washington against your tyranny!

You’ve been warned!

Obama Impeachment Movement: Truckers Set to Roar into D.C. for the Second Phase of Restoring the Constitutional Republic

Truckers to D.C.In less than 2 weeks, we will have the second phase of patriots roll through Washington D.C. in an attempt to root out tyranny and restore the Constitutional Republic. The goal?  ‘Wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.’

Stay tuned, we will bring you updates here at CA as the date approaches!

WND reported: In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.

The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.

Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.

Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.

“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”

He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”

Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Facebook tries to shut truckers down

On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.

“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.

“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”

Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.

According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”

While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.

Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.

“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”

The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”

‘Wake up the sleeping giant’

What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?

Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”

Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.

“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”

Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”

But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.

“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.

He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.

Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.

“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.

By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.

However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.

“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”

Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.

Time to rally, contact lawmakers

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.

“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”

However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.

“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”

Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.

American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.

“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”

But Andrews is undeterred.

She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”

Ted Cruz: Obama Blocks WW II Vets from Their Memorial to Force Obamacare on Americans, And We’ve Got the Full List (164) Democrats for You

Harry ReidBriebart reported: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz made the following statement today regarding the government “shutdown,” and the World War II Memorial:

“President Obama is so fixated on forcing Obamacare on the American people that he’s even willing to deny World War II veterans the right to access the memorial they have earned through their heroic service.

“This scenario encapsulates the bigger problem in Washington. President Obama is so set on imposing his destructive, far-left ideology that his government is literally barricading World War II veterans out of their memorial and blocking funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“The House is on track today to pass individual CRs to fund Veterans Affairs and National Monuments, but Senator Reid and President Obama say they refuse to consider them, even though they agreed to pass a similar CR covering military pay on Monday night.

“This is untenable and our veterans deserve much better, especially our disabled vets. During this debate we should focus on those areas of agreement and pass those CRs. That’s the practical way to proceed and the House deserves great credit for its leadership.”

Yesterday, Senator Cruz proposed a bill to fund all parts of the VA during the government shutdown.
There are more than 3.2 million veterans who currently receive disability compensation and 300,000 veterans who receive pension benefits that are at risk from a lack of funding due to the government shutdown. Our disabled veterans in Texas and around the nation have earned these benefits from their service and sacrifice to our nation and Congress should immediately act to ensure they are supported.

Here is the full list of the 164 Democrats who blocked funding for veterans’ benefits.

QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass
BILL TITLE: Making continuing appropriations for veterans benefits for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes

Bishop (GA)
Brady (PA)
Brown (FL)
Brownley (CA)
Castor (FL)
Castro (TX)
Davis (CA)
Davis, Danny
Frankel (FL)
Green, Al
Green, Gene
Hastings (FL)
Jackson Lee
Johnson (GA)
Johnson, E. B.
Kelly (IL)
Larsen (WA)
Larson (CT)
Lee (CA)
Lujan Grisham (NM)
Luján, Ben Ray (NM)
Maloney, Carolyn
Miller, George
Negrete McLeod
Pastor (AZ)
Pingree (ME)
Price (NC)
Ryan (OH)
Sánchez, Linda T.
Sanchez, Loretta
Scott (VA)
Scott, David
Sewell (AL)
Smith (WA)
Swalwell (CA)
Thompson (CA)
Thompson (MS)
Van Hollen
Wasserman Schultz
Wilson (FL)

Mark Levin: EPIC Monologue Against the Obama Regime and Government Shutdown: ‘You’d Think We Were Suffering from the Plague!’

‘So the parks are shut down, they’ll be open in a couple weeks…’

‘Obamacare’s already a bureaucratic disaster it’s corrupt it’s corrupt tens of millions of dollars being siphoned off to pay for democrat party operatives!’

‘We’re losing our country forget about the damn federal government, we’re losing are country and that’s what we’re fighting for!’

‘We have nine and a half million Americans that have left the workforce doing this presidency almost 10 million Americans have dropped out no hope no job…’

Treasury: US to Exhaust Funds Oct 17 Without Debt Hike

Jack-Lew-ObamaBreitbart reported: The US Treasury said Tuesday that the government shutdown did not affect its position and it would still run out of funds on October 17 without a debt ceiling hike.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner in a letter that the partial shutdown of the government, which began Tuesday due to lack of a budget, would not materially change the projections he made last week for when the Treasury would hit its limit.

Although the lack of a budget for the new fiscal year “creates some additional uncertainty,” it would not change the Treasury’s position unless the impasse continues “for an extended time.”

Lew warned again that not increasing the debt ceiling by October 17 would force the US government to default on its obligations — though he did not specify which of those obligations it would likely fail to pay.

“Not later that October 17,” he said, “we will be left to meet our country’s commitments at that time with only $30 billion.”

“This amount would be far short of net expenditures on certain days, which can be as high as $60 billion,” he added.

Congressional Republicans have refused both to pass a budget for the fiscal year which began Tuesday, and to raise the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling, as they push for political and fiscal concessions from the Democratic White House of President Barack Obama.

The country is running a deficit of about $60 billion a month and needs to raise that much from lenders to finance its deficit.

The Treasury has been able to operate just under the ceiling since May using “extraordinary measures” to adjust its accounts and continue to pay the country’s bills, from salaries and pensions to servicing debt.

But Lew said those measures have been exhausted and that new borrowing will be required by October 17, or some bills — or the debt — will go unpaid.

“If we have insufficient cash on hand, it would be impossible for the United States of America to meet all of its obligations for the first time in history,” he told Boehner.

Reid Promises Obamacare will be Popular as Medicare, Social Security

Breitbart reported: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “…One reason they are so afraid its just like social security, its just like medicare. You know, Republicans hated those two programs and now they are so popular with everybody and given a little bit of time ObamaCare is going to be supported by 99 percent of the American people just like medicare.”

Shutdown: 91% of IRS Workers Have Been Furloughed and Considered ‘Non-Essential,’ Is the Government Shutdown Really So Bad?

For all the drama surrounding today’s political drama (which came and went largely unnoticed by a stock market hypnotized by the Federal Reserve), the bottom line is that the key impact of the government shutdown has been nothing more than the temporary unpaid leave of absence, i.e. furloughs (with all accrued, owed payments promptly being remitted once the government is unhalted) of some 815,932 civilian government workers, out of a total of 2 million, or a 41% furlough rate.

WSJ: ‘some agencies, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, are seeing all but a handful of their employees go home without pay. Others, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security, kept the vast majority of their workers on the job. Certain divisions of government, such as the U.S. Postal Service and the Federal Reserve, don’t operate under the normal appropriations process and their staffing remained unaffected.”

So, with 91% of the IRS’ total 94,516 workers considered ‘non-essential,’ is the government shutdown really so bad?

WSJ reported: More than 800,000 of the U.S. government’s civilian workers faced furloughs after the government shut down Tuesday. Some agencies, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, are seeing all but a handful of their employees go home without pay. Others, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security, kept the vast majority of their workers on the job. Certain divisions of government, such as the U.S. Postal Service and the Federal Reserve, don’t operate under the normal appropriations process and their staffing remained unaffected.

Here is an estimate of the number of workers furloughed across most of the government:

IRS: 91% Furloughed