Are You a Fan of Glenn Beck and Despise Obama? MSNBC’s Ed Shultz Wants You to Go to This Website

TheBlaze reported: Suggesting that anyone who happens to believe Obamacare will be harmful to the United States is stupid, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz on Monday advised all Glenn Beck “disciples” to visit a special website to get the facts on the law: “**.”

Schultz was seemingly attempting to be humorous just hours before the so-called Affordable Care Act officially goes into effect.

The MSNBC host first aired the official Obamacare website ( for his views, calling it a “great guide, if I may say, for any of you out there who feel so confused by all these right-wing commercials that are just permeating through your television screen.”

Then he took a shot at Beck and his viewers.

“If you are a Glenn Beck disciple and you hate President Obama, then the website would be**,” the always classy Schultz added.

Don’t bother visiting Schultz’s special Obamacare website. Obviously, it doesn’t exist.