Are You a Fan of Glenn Beck and Despise Obama? MSNBC’s Ed Shultz Wants You to Go to This Website

TheBlaze reported: Suggesting that anyone who happens to believe Obamacare will be harmful to the United States is stupid, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz on Monday advised all Glenn Beck “disciples” to visit a special website to get the facts on the law: “**.”

Schultz was seemingly attempting to be humorous just hours before the so-called Affordable Care Act officially goes into effect.

The MSNBC host first aired the official Obamacare website ( for his views, calling it a “great guide, if I may say, for any of you out there who feel so confused by all these right-wing commercials that are just permeating through your television screen.”

Then he took a shot at Beck and his viewers.

“If you are a Glenn Beck disciple and you hate President Obama, then the website would be**,” the always classy Schultz added.

Don’t bother visiting Schultz’s special Obamacare website. Obviously, it doesn’t exist.

JAW DROPPING: Egypt Can Now Directly Link Obama Regime to Terrorism!

Your mouth will be hanging open by the end of this video!

One would think this is a spectacle, a U.S. President linked to Muslim Brotherhood? A U.S. President linked to terrorism? Can’t be… well listen for yourself and you be the judge. See if you agree that Walid Shoebat has evidence that links Barack Obama to terrorism.

Share and Like This! Spread the news like a Wild Fire!

The Obama administration certainly knows of Walid Shoebat work, and is has become a direct target of harassment. Listen for yourself:

White House Throws a Government Shutdown Fundraiser

Washington Times reported: The Democrats are throwing a fundraising government shutdown party.

Vice President Biden has dispatched two emails to supporters slamming the Republicans over the budget and potential government shutdown that also seeks contributions to the Democratic Party of up to $2,000.

Shameless? Biden suggests it’s the Republicans who are the bad guys in the crisis, and he claims that they’ve given the party over to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is leading the fight to defund Obamacare.

“One senator is running the show in the Republican Party right now,” wrote Biden in emails sent Sunday afternoon and another on Monday. “But for some reason I can’t understand, the Republican Party is letting Ted Cruz lead their charge against Obamacare — a law that they’re still fighting tooth and nail, despite the fact that every branch of the federal government has approved it, and despite the fact that we’re seeing real signs that it’s starting to work.”
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In his email today, he added: “If you’ve been watching what’s been happening here in Washington over the past couple of weeks, and you still think you need more reasons to support Democrats over Republicans, I’m not sure what to tell you. The choice is pretty clear.”

Biden is quick to come back to the purpose of his emails, though: the Sept. 30 political fundraising deadline for this quarter, which conveniently lands right before the potential shutdown — a good fundraising hook for the veep.

“Before Monday’s fundraising deadline, support the organization that’s standing up for Obamacare, and chip in $3 to the Democrats,” he wrote.

Friend —

One senator is running the show in the Republican Party right now.

He’s not my senator. And he’s not your senator.

But for some reason I can’t understand, the Republican Party is letting Ted Cruz lead their charge against Obamacare — a law that they’re still fighting tooth and nail, despite the fact that every branch of the federal government has approved it, and despite the fact that we’re seeing real signs that it’s starting to work.

Now, Ted Cruz isn’t a bad guy. But he needs to be reminded that he’s not representing the will of the American people when he tries to obstruct and defund Obamacare.

Before Monday’s fundraising deadline, support the organization that’s standing up for Obamacare, and chip in $3 to the Democrats.

There was a time when leaders from both parties came together to do what made sense for the country.

This isn’t the Congress I remember being a part of. And it sure isn’t a Congress that represents the American people.

Fight back against the far right by chipping in today:



Obamacare: Hidden Taxes You Probably Don’t Know About, And So The Healthcare Tax Attack Begins

Obamacare is looming in our near future. Are you ready for the ‘transformation’ away from the best healthcare system in the world onboard to the ultimate ‘trainwreck?’ Well, here’s a quick list of Obamacare hidden’ taxes you may not know about.

Here’s a short list, watch the video for more information:

1. ‘Cadillac’ Tax Plans will be taxed at 40%: If your company or your employer gives you a really good tax plan, and it’s too good, the government will tax you 40%.

2. FSA (Flexible Spending Accounts) could be capped at $2,500.

3. 10% Taxes on Indoor Tanning Service.

4. 2.3% Tax on Medical Devices costing more than $100.

Hang on patriots, because we are in for a very bumpy road.