ABC Chief WH Correspondent: ‘Chances of a Government Shutdown at 99.9 Percent’

ABC’s chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl said he believes there’s a “99.9 percent” chance that the government shuts down on Monday.

When “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos noted in an interview Sunday with Karl that a shutdown late Monday looks “all but certain,” Karl concurred — and capped it with a percentage prediction.

“Positions have hardened. Time is running out,” Karl said. “I would now put the chances of a government shutdown at 99.9 percent.”

He then noted how swiftly the White House responded to the House measure: “Today Republicans in the House of Representatives moved to shut down the government,” Karl quoted press secretary Jay Carney as saying.

“The Senate absolutely will not pass what just passed in the House,” Karl adds. “And George, the Senate doesn’t get back into session until 2 tomorrow afternoon. That is ten hours before the government shuts down.”

Check out the exchange here: