Cruzade: Defunding Effort Nearing 30 Votes in Senate

John McCainBreitbart reported: According to sources on the Hill, there is growing support among Senate Republicans to support Sens. Cruz and Lee’s efforts to scuttle Sen. Harry Reid’s attempt to reinstate ObamaCare funding in the House Continuing Resolution. On Friday, the Senate is set to vote for cloture on the CR, which, if successful, will then allow Reid to resurrect ObamaCare funding with a simple majority. The effort by Cruz and Lee will most likely fail, but each additional GOP Senator that joins their block is another vote against Senate GOP Leadership.

This is not the place to unpack the confused and convoluted Senate rules. On Friday, the Senate will vote to end debate on the House CR that defunds ObamaCare. After that vote, the Senate will consider amendments to the bill and vote for final passage, all of which requires 51 votes. Ordinarily, the cloture vote would come after all amendments have been considered. The early cloture vote allows Reid to amend the bill and move to final passage on a partisan vote.

Technically, a vote for cloture on Friday would move the House CR forward to the point that Sen. Reid can reinstate ObamaCare funding. Were he to lose the cloture vote, he would have no ability to do this. Sens. Cruz, Lee and their allies have drawn a line in the sand and will vote against cloture, i.e. they will not vote to move the bill to where Reid can reinstate ObamaCare.

The Senate GOP Leadership is against the Cruz and Lee move. Sens. Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn, the top 2 GOP leaders in the Senate, are actively urging Senators to vote against Cruz and Lee and support cloture on the CR. In other words, they want to move the bill further in the process, which they know will allow Reid to restore ObamaCare funding.

According to Hill sources, over 20 GOP Senators are set to buck Leadership on Friday and reject this procedural game, by voting against cloture. By some accounts, up to 30 Senators could vote against GOP Leadership, which would represent an existential crisis within the caucus. McConnell and Cornyn have publicly put their reputations on the line. If more than half the caucus votes against them, the center of power within the Senate Republicans will have shifted.

There are many, including this author, who questioned the strategy of Cruz and Lee. There are others in the GOP establishment who openly mocked them and joined in a media assault against them. It was certainly true that had almost no chance to prevail. What they were able to do, however, was focus the country’s attention on ObamaCare for the past several weeks and, with Ted Cruz’s pseudo-filibuster, provide a klieg light on the failings of ObamaCare, just as the public was starting to pay attention.

General Ulysses S. Grant lost his first battle after being given command over all the Union forces. Rather than taking the lead of his predecessors and retreating, he gave a very famous order, “march to the left.” In other words, we’re not retreating, we’re not retiring, we are going to engage the enemy across the entire line.

Grant went on to lose several individual engagements while ultimately winning the war. Simply because he never retreated.

Cruz and Lee will lose the vote tomorrow. The roll call of the vote, however, will tell us who is with us in this fight. If they vote for cloture now, after the debate and the battle has been framed, then they are no better than fair-weather warriors.

Do not take this wrong politically, but we must “march to the left.”

Cruz on Cloture: ‘I Will Vote No on Cloture Tomorrow, That Vote is the Fight,’ Any Senate Republican Who Votes Yes, is a Vote for Harry Reid

Ted Cruz on ClotureBreitbart reported: On a conference call Thursday with reporters, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that the next stage in the fight to defund Obamacare occurs Friday when the Senate votes for cloture on the Continuing Resolution. Cruz says Senate Republicans must unite against Obamacare funding by voting against cloture.

“The vote that matters is the vote tomorrow on cloture,” Cruz explained, in response to a question from Breitbart News. “Any senator who votes yes on cloture tomorrow, is voting to give Harry Reid the power to fully fund Obamacare. I will vote ‘no’ on cloture tomorrow. That vote is the fight.”

Cruz continued his answer “the vote tomorrow is cloture on the bill. That’s a vote to cut off debate, to stop debating the bill. That is the vote, that if 60 senators vote in favor of it, it will enable Harry Reid to fund Obamacare with a strict party-line 51-vote partisan majority.”

“They [Senate Republicans who are voting “yes” on cloture on Friday] have pointed to the subsequent vote on Reid’s amendment to fund Obamacare as the vote that matters,” Cruz said. “That’s a show vote. The vote on the amendment will be a straight party-line vote. Every Democrat at this point is likely to vote ‘yes,’ for Harry Reid to fund Obamacare, every Republican is going to vote ‘no’ – 46 Republicans are going to vote ‘no’ on Harry Reid’s amendment. And that’s a complete show vote because they know at the time they cast the vote that Reid’s going to win.”

Cruz said that “show vote” is meant to allow establishment GOP senators to go home to their constituents to claim they opposed Obamacare funding even if they did not fight hard enough.

“So it is a vote that enables those Republican senators to go home to their constituents and say they voted ‘no,’” Cruz said. “But it is a vote that at the moment they cast it, they knew there was no chance at prevailing. That’s why it’s the cloture vote that matters. If 46 Republicans stick together on the cloture vote, Reid can’t fund Obamacare. In fact, we only need 41 Republicans. And so the vote that matters tomorrow is the cloture vote on the bill and if Republicans stand together, if Republicans are united, we can prevent Harry Reid and Barack Obama from using this bill to fund Obamacare. If Republicans are divided, if Republicans stand with Harry Reid instead of standing with conservatives, then Harry Reid can fund Obamacare and that’s why the vote that matters tomorrow is the cloture vote.”

Cruz added later in the call that “until we unite Republicans, we will not succeed in picking off any Democrats.”

“Right now, unfortunately, where the effort to defund Obamacare is running into the biggest, most significant obstacle, is in working to unite Senate Republicans. Right now, by all appearances, Senate Republicans are not united. As long as Senate Republicans are divided, as long as there are Senate Republicans publicly saying they’re going to vote with Harry Reid on cloture, no Senate Democrat is going to break with their party.”

Cruz said that if 41 Senate Republicans stand together like House Republicans stood together, “the pressure, I believe, will begin to focus on Democrats, and in particular, red state Democrats.”

Cruz said the only way to get those red state Democrats, many of whom are up for re-election, to split with their party is for Senate GOP leadership to unite the party like House Speaker John Boehner united the House GOP conference.

“You know there are a total of seven Democratic seats up for re-election in 2014 in red states where Mitt Romney won,” Cruz said. “Six of those seven, Barack Obama got 42 percent or less. If we hold cloture tomorrow, the focus I believe will shift to those red state Democrats. If you’re a Mark Pryor or you’re a Mary Landrieu, and you start getting 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 calls from your constituents, that changes the calculus, that changes the calculus significantly. But none of those red state Democrats are going to flip as long as Republicans are divided.”

Cruz added that all the Republicans who attack his efforts, or publicly work against them, are undermining any attempt to convince Democrats to side with Republicans and the grassroots against Obamacare.

“Every Republican who goes out and throws rocks at the effort to defund Obamacare is ensuring that no Democrat will cross the aisle,” Cruz said. “The critical prerequisite to winning Democratic votes in the Senate is first unifying the Republicans. We still have a significant distance to travel before we can unify Senate Republicans behind defunding Obamacare.”

Obamacare: Likely to Subsidize Between 71,000 and 111,500 Abortions Per Year

ObamacareTheBlaze reported: President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul will likely subsidize between 71,000 and 111,500 abortion per year, according to a new report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, a pro-life think tank.

The report explains that the abortions will be subsidized via federal premium tax credits and Medicaid expansion.

CLI’s Chuck Donovan explains how this is possible under the new health care law:

Passage of [Multi-State Plans] required one other major finesse from Democrats on the Hill. In order to deal with the abortion coverage MSPs might provide, the law stipulated that each state must have at least two MSPs and that at least one of them must be a plan that confines its abortion coverage to situations defined by the Hyde Amendment, which are, to simplify a bit, cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in danger.

While the law provided no specific assurance that the other MSPs (one or possibly many more) would cover elective abortion, it has seemed clear from the start (and blisteringly obvious from observing its past patterns) that the Obama administration would ensure that abortion-covering state plans (let’s call them ASPs) would be available everywhere possible (especially inasmuch as the MSP program might ultimately prove a gateway to single-payer).

Approximately 5.57 million girls and women “potentially gain coverage for abortion under ObamaCare,” the report said, “split roughly equally between Medicaid expansion and exchange insurance that covers elective procedures.”

“If 2% of all women of childbearing age have abortions each year, an estimated 111,500 girls and women who will have abortions in coming years will have new coverage in effect for them,” it adds.

Additionally, if one third of women who are newly privately covered for elective abortions file for them, that could add an additional 18,397 to the number of abortions being paid for each year by Obamacare.

The group also estimates that publicly funded abortions will increase as much as 53,000 (with increases occurring primarily in New York and California).

“Taken together, the data suggest that ObamaCare’s annual net increase in insured abortions that are either fully publicly funded through Medicaid or heavily subsidized through the exchanges could be as high as 71,000 to 111,500,” the report reads,  “depending on how many girls and women forego insurance and pay out-of-pocket.”

Here’s a full copy of the report:

On Point Donovan Multistate Plans Sept 2013


Liberal Idiot: Mike Malloy Offers Weapon to Murder Sen. Ted Cruz

Mike MalloyTo be honest, I don’t pay attention to this guy… at all.  He’s not worth a minute of anyone’s time.  But when he threatens one of our own, my ears perk up.

Now, Mike Malloy is obviously disturbed. And it’s certainly not the first time Malloy has expressed a desire to see conservatives and Republicans murdered.  But it’s time we make a stand against this raging idiot; his liberal antics will not be tolerated.  Read the article below to learn more.

The Examiner reported: After Ted Cruz’s marathon 21-hour filibuster on the Senate floor, liberal talk show host Mike Malloy expressed a desire to see the Texas Republican killed, offering to provide the murder weapon, Newsbusters’ Tim Graham reported Wednesday.

“And wing nut radio host Mark Levin or Levin said yesterday, the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, just stabbed Ted Cruz and Mike Lee in the back! Oh, what if that were true? Oh my God, oh my God! Mitch! I tell you what! I’ll make you a deal! I’ll provide the butcher knife,” he said.

Cruz has come under fire for his effort to defund Obamacare from both sides of the political aisle, but liberal rhetoric, as usual, has gone over the top.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, for example, called Cruz a “problem for our Republic,” and Graham added, talk show host Thom Hartmann compared Cruz to a Taliban-style suicide-bomber.

It’s not the first time Malloy has expressed a desire to see conservatives and Republicans murdered.

Last November, Malloy said he wished an “angel of the Lord” would kill every member of the Tea Party by cutting off their heads.

“These Tea Bag bas***ds who by the way, I just wish they would all just go away — or, like in Passover, I just wish there was an angel of the Lord that would pass over — instead of killing the first born in all the households of Egypt just wipe out all the Tea Baggers,” he said.

“Just, you know, the terrible swift sword, just lob their heads off,” he added.

In May 2011, Malloy suggested that SEAL team 6 assassinate George W. Bush.

More recently, he said he wished the entire Republican Party was dead.

“But I have an interest in seeing the entire Republican Party die. I mean, on their backs, their little squiggly legs up in their air. I want to see the Republican Party dead,” he said.

Malloy is not alone in his desire to see Republicans and conservatives murdered.

As we have reported over the last three years, liberals have repeatedly expressed genocidal fantasies involving conservatives, Republicans, supporters of gun rights and the NRA.

Now, it seems some on the left — like Mike Malloy — want to murder those who oppose Obamacare.

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Benghazi Scandal Grows Limbs: More Weapons Ending Up In The Hands Of Terror Groups, ‘Far Worse than We Previously Reported or Thought’

More Benghazi Weapons Ending Up In Hands Of Terror Groups, including millions of dollars worth of weapons. Some of the missing? Twenty-three GMV’s, hundreds of weapons, and what’s really disturbing to the military are two different types of ‘night technology’ is gone! Part II of the Benghazi treasonous scandal begins.

WATCH: Muslim Al Qaeda Leader In Syria Photographed Inside A U.S. Aid Tent

Glenn Beck shows a photo of an Islamic Al Qaeda leader fighting inside Syria against secular forces. Beck pulled out this photothat seems to show Commander Muhajireen Kavkaz wa Sham, a leader of an Al-Queda linked group, inside a USAID tent.

Glenn Beck shows a photo of an Islamic Al Qaeda leader fighting inside Syria against secular forces. Beck pulled out a photo that has been circulating the internet that seems to show Commander Muhajireen Kavkaz wa Sham, a leader of an Al-Queda linked group, inside a USAID tent.

The USAID website explains that the organization “carries out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad.”

“America, this should be on the front page of every newspaper. This is the result of our (foreign) policy. This is, again, if this isn’t aiding and abetting the enemy, I don’t know what is — in a USAID tent, holding a rocket launcher, an Al Qaeda rebel,” Glenn said while holding the photo.

ThBlaze has been unable to confirm with certainty that the photo is real, but TheBlaze’s Sara Carter told Glenn: “We can’t verify the authenticity of this photo yet, but according to the people that I’ve been speaking to, they believe it to be authentic.”

Why is the United States of America siding with American enemy Al Qaeda who wants to destroy the USA, Canada and all of our western ways? Al Qaeda is going to kill all the Christians, Alawites, Shiites, remaining Jews, atheists, and other non-Sunni Muslims. Al Qaeda wants to destroy secularism, women’s rights, and human rights in Syria and is behind the Syrian civil war.