Lois Lerner: Denied Scrutiny and Granted Expeditious Tax Exempt Status to Malik Obama, Who is Now Being Considered for Terror Watch List

Lois LernerWalid Shoebat reported: Much has happened this past weekend. On Friday, September 20th, Malik Obama spoke publicly – for the first time – about charges that he is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. On the morning of Saturday, September 21st, about a dozen terrorists from al-Shabab, an Islamic terror group, launched an attack inside the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. On Monday morning, September 23rd, it was learned that IRS Tax Exemptions Director Lois Lerner was resigning.

Coincidence? Most assuredly, but that doesn’t mean Lerner should be off the hook for her decision to grant illegal tax-exempt status to Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) in 2011.

As we’ve reported, Barack Obama’s Muslim family, who lives in Kogelo, Kenya (less than 300 miles north of Nairobi), are involved in financing and supporting Islamic fundamentalism. That is if you believe the words of Musa Ismail Obama. Musa (Barack Obama’s cousin), who told Al-Jazeera in an interview that monies donated to the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF) are used to send Kenyan students to the most virulent Wahhabist schools in Saudi Arabia. Musa also implicated Barack’s uncle Sayid as the main conduit between Barack and his Muslim family in Kogelo.

The other Obama family member in Kogelo with ties to Islamic fundamentalists is Malik Obama. As we have reported, Malik is the Executive Director of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is an arm of the Sudanese government, led by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Omar al-Bashir. There are photos of Malik at the IDO Conference in 2010, which was led by al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity.

A day before the Nairobi attack, Malik spoke publicly for the first time about charges that he is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s worth underscoring that the IDO is under the charge of a Muslim Brotherhood member in President al-Bashir of Sudan. Here is some of what Malik is quoted as saying, via Rasseen (article translated from Arabic):

For the first time, comes a statement directly from the object of the reports and accusations controversial owner Hussein Obama, who said today (Friday), told the Anatolia news in a telephone interview: “I know these allegations are spread on the Internet.” He also denied all the allegations, saying that charges he is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood are ‘nonsense’.”

As an aside, as we’ve reported, Malik’s position as Executive Secretary has caught the attention of the new Egyptian government, which is considering placing the President’s half-brother on the terror watch list. Malik addressed these concerns as well:

He stressed that he did not travel to Egypt in the past, and said: “Yes, I am a Muslim but I do not encourage hatred and violence was not linked to any extremist groups in my life.” and suggested that if these allegations were credible, why wouldn’t the Kenyan media pick it up before international media. Malik continued: “I am employing people in the area of ​​peace and the foundation is registered to carry out peace and charity work.” He stressed the foundation’s role in promoting world peace, adding: “As a member of the large Obama family, I do my duty in the promotion of world peace and human development through the Foundation (Barack Hussein Obama) I founded, just as my brother is doing his duty to the American people and to the world.” {Malik Obama quotes in bold}

Let’s get back to Lois Lerner. Three days after those comments from Malik Obama, we learned that she is resigning. Back on May 22, 2013, Lerner told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that she “(had) not done anything wrong”. If that’s true, why is she resigning? Nealy two weeks ago, emails surfaced in which Lerner referred to Tea Party applications as “very dangerous”, which implicates her in the commission of perjury, despite invoking her fifth amendment right because of what she said prior to doing that.

In response to Lerner’s resignation, Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said (h/t Daily Mail):

“We still don’t know why Lois Lerner, as a senior IRS official, had such a personal interest in directing scrutiny and why she denied improper conduct to Congress. Her departure does not answer these questions or diminish the Committee’s interest in hearing her testimony.”

As we have long maintained, a different version of this question needs to start getting asked. We would like to slightly adjust Issa’s quote to illustrate the point:

“We still don’t know why Lois Lerner, as a senior IRS official, had such a personal interest in directing scrutiny denying scrutiny and why she denied improper conduct to Congress. Her departure does not answer these questions or diminish the Committee’s interest in hearing her testimony.”

When it comes to Malik Obama’s BHOF, Lerner denied scrutiny while providing expeditious and illegal tax-exempt status to that foundation without investigating its dealings.

According to the Daily Mail Lerner resigned in order to keep her pension, which will likely be over $50,000 annually. Had she been fired, which is what an internal investigation was set to recommend, she would not have been eligible.

This past July, according to POLITICO, Lerner’s attorney said she will not testify unless she is granted immunity. Now that it’s been all but confirmed that she committed perjury (demonstrated by resigning), is going see a significant reduction in annual pay, and is no longer trying to protect her job, perhaps it’s time to grant her immunity so she can tell the world why she granted illegal tax-exempt status to the President’s half-brother.

Lois Lerner Signature

IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund, and the Circus Continues

The proposed gatekeepers of Obamacare some how lost the whereabouts of a $67 Million slush fund for… oops, Obamacare.  And We the People are going to trust these characters with our lives?

That’s right.  The IRS is unable to account for $67 million spent from a slush fund established for Obamacare implementation, this according to a TIGTA report released today.

IRS Jokers

American for Tax Reforms reported: WASHINGTON, D.C. – The IRS is unable to account for $67 million spent from a slush fund established for Obamacare implementation, according to a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) report released today.

The “Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund” (HIRIF) was tucked into Obamacare in order to give the IRS money to enforce the tax provisions of the healthcare law.  The fund, totaling some $1 billion of taxpayer money, was used to roll out enforcement mechanisms for the approximately 50 tax provisions of Obamacare.

According to the report:  “Specifically, the IRS did not account for or attempt to quantify approximately $67 million [from the slush fund] of indirect ACA costs incurred for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2012.”

The report also found several other abuses of taxpayer funds, including:

Travel abuse:  The report states, “Specifically, we identified 38 IRS employees in two judgmentally selected business units whose travel was charged to the HIRIF in FY 2012, but no portion of their salary and related benefits was charged to the HIRIF.” In short, the IRS was not making sure that employee travel reimbursements had anything to do with the purpose of the fund. This is not the first time that IRS employee travel has created a scandal for the agency.

1,272 IRS Obamacare enforcement agents: The report estimates that total slush fund spending cost taxpayers the equivalent of 1,272 new full time IRS agents.

The IRS requested an additional 859 IRS Obamacare enforcement agents for Fiscal Year 2013: According to the report, “The IRS informed us that it requested $360 million and 859 FTEs for FY 2013 to continue implementation of the ACA. However, the IRS did not receive this requested amount for FY 2013.”

To add insult to injury, the IRS has told the Inspector General that it will comply with the recommendations made in the report; unfortunately, the slush fund has been fully spent, making that promise meaningless.

Obama: Best Friend from High School is Charged with Brutal Rape

Obama Best Friend Charged with RapeNew York Post reported: President Obama’s best friend in high school has been arrested in California on charges he brutally raped and beat a woman.

Keith Kakugawa, who played the role of an older brother to Obama when they were growing up in Hawaii, allegedly attacked the woman in her apartment after going out to dinner with her on Sept. 13.

Following an investigation by police from Arcata, Calif., Kakugawa, 54, was charged with false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery. He is being held on $400,000 bond.

Obama wrote about Kakaguwa, whom he called “Ray,” in his memoir “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

Kakugawa, two years older, became friends with Obama when the future president was a 9th grader. Obama praised his “warmth and brash humor.”

In recent years Kakugawa has had a series of run-ins with the law. He was arrested on May 7 for assault, according to the Humboldt County (Calif.) Sheriff’s Office.

3 Black Teens Beat 46 Year-Old Homeless Man to Death While Playing a Game of ‘Knockout’

Ralph Eric Santiago, 46 was followed by the three teens while walking on 3rd Street between Adams and Jefferson Streets in Hoboken on Sept. 10 when one of the juveniles threw a punch at Santiago’s head in what detectives believe was a game of “knockout.” Santiago then collapsed onto the fence, wedging his neck between two iron fence posts, where he died, the prosecutor said.

Ted Cruz: Compares Obamacare to Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th

Ted Cruz: Obama Nightmare on Elm StreetBreitbart reported: Horror movies were referenced in comparison to Obamacare by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) during his lengthy speech-a-thon between Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday at 7:00 AM, Cruz described remembering the eerie music from the films The Shining and Psycho.

“And it occurred to me that perhaps one of the great philosophical conundrums with which we must all wrestle is whether Obamacare is more like (Friday the 13th’s) Jason or (A Nightmare on Elm Street’s) Freddy,” said Cruz.

Cruz stated:

Argument for Jason, because Obamacare is the biggest job killer in this country. When Jason put on his hockey mask and swung that machete, boy there was carnage like nothing else. On the other hand, You could make a powerful argument for Freddy, because as James Hoffa, the President of The Teamsters, said, ‘Obamacare is a nightmare. It’s a nightmare for the men and women of America. While the Senate slept, the men and women didn’t get their respite from the nightmare causing them to lose their jobs, never get hired, be reduced to 29 hours a week, driving up their health insurance premiums and jeopardizing their health care.’

Cruz even brought up the horror film Freddy vs. Jason,  forgetting precisely what happened in the film other than the title character’s fight, he explained how he he thought Obamacare should be stopped.

“But the only way to stop Jason and Freddy is if the American people rise up in such overwhelming numbers that the members of this Senate listen to the people, and we step forward and avert this train wreck.  We step forward and avert this nightmare,” said Cruz.

Clinton and Obama Claim Obamacare Will Slash the Deficit

Clinton Global InitiativeTheBlaze reported: While Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) filibustered the funding of Obamacare, two Democratic presidents claimed the law is making health insurance cheaper for individuals and actually reduce deficit spending.

President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton spoke in a talk show like setting Tuesday in New York in a forum about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative.

“You remember our president said our structural deficit would disappear if we had a consistent health care system in terms of cost with the French and Germans,” Clinton said.

“In the last three years, since we started doing this, rise in health care costs has dropped for three years in a row for the first time in 50 years,” Clinton later added. “Before that, the costs were going up at three times the rate of inflation for a decade.”

Obama praised the law for being fiscally responsible, arguing that costs will shrink and thus so will government expenditures.

“We’ve raised enough money to pay for providing health insurance for those who don’t have it through providing tax credits in the market place and at the same time, because we’re driving down costs, we actually end up saving a little money,” Obama said. “It is a net reduction of our deficit. The irony of those who are talking about repealing Obamacare because of it’s so wildly expensive is if they actually repealed the law, it would add to the deficit.”

But a non-partisan government report released last week said the slower rate of increased costs is due to the slow economy. The National Health Expenditures Report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) states that health care costs will be on the upswing.

“By 2022, the ACA is projected to reduce the number of uninsured people by 30 million, add approximately 0.1 percentage-point to average annual health spending growth over the full projection period, and increase cumulative health spending by roughly $621 billion,” the report states.

“Health spending growth through 2013 is expected to remain slow because of the sluggish economic recovery, continued increases in cost-sharing requirements for the privately insured, and slow growth for public programs,” the CMS report adds. “These factors lead to projected growth rates of near 4 percent through 2013.”

The increase will be in part because of Obamacare and anticipated economic growth, the report says.

“However, improving economic conditions, combined with the coverage expansions in the Affordable Care Act and the aging of the population, drive faster projected growth in health spending in 2014 and beyond,” the report continued. “Expected growth for 2014 is 6.1 percent, with an average projected growth of 6.2 percent per year thereafter. Over the 2012–22 period, national health spending is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.8 percent. By 2022 health spending financed by federal, state, and local governments is projected to account for 49percent of national health spending and to reach a total of $2.4 trillion.”

A recent Forbes magazine analysis found the law would increase health care costs by $7,450 for the average family of four.

In the face of a potential government shutdown over funding the law the president is going on the offensive to change public opinion on the law. Part of that offensive is turning to the politician who was instrumental in his 2012 reelection.

Obama was able to do what Clinton could not, which was push a massive health care overhaul through Congress. A Democratic-controlled Congress shot down the Clinton-backed plan in 1994.

Obama reminded the former president of his failure bringing up the well known “Harry and Louise” ad campaign that helped sway public opinion against the Clinton universal health care plan.

“Sometimes people come up to me and say ‘well, if this is such a good deal, how come the polls show it’s not popular,” Obama said. One of the things that you and I both know is that when it comes to health care, there is no more personal and intimate decision, and this is something that people really care about. And frankly, the devil you know is often better than the devil you don’t know. That’s what Harry and Louise were all about back in the 90s. It was scaring people with the prospect of change.”

Cancer Patient’s Bill Soars as Result of ObamaCare

Bev VealsBreitbart reported: Coping with advanced cancer, Bev Veals was in the hospital for chemo this summer when she got a call that her health plan was shutting down. Then, the substitute insurance she was offered wanted her to pay up to $3,125, on top of premiums.

It sounds like one of those insurance horror stories President Barack Obama told to sell his health overhaul to Congress, but Veals wasn’t in the clutches of a profit-driven company. Instead, she’s covered by Obama’s law _ one of about 100,000 people with serious medical issues in a financially troubled government program.

Raw political divisions over health care have clouded chances of a fix for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, leaving families like Veals and her husband Scott to juggle the consequences. That’s not a good omen for solving other problems that could surface with “Obamacare.”

“You don’t advertise one thing and then give the customer another thing,” said Veals, 49, who lives near Wilmington, N.C. “I finally felt for the first time going through this cancer that I had something dependable, and somebody pulled the plug.”

In a statement, the federal Health and Human Services department said the program “continues to provide excellent coverage.” But the department said it was unable to provide current enrollment numbers, which might reflect the impact of belt-tightening this summer that led North Carolina and 16 other states to turn their programs over to federal officials.

Known as PCIP, the program was intended as a temporary lifeline for people denied insurance because of medical problems. It’s supposed to provide coverage at premiums that healthy people would typically pay. PCIP will end Jan. 1, when Veals and other enrollees will be able to transition to new insurance marketplaces where they may be able to find lower-cost plans.

Jan. 1 is also when Obama’s law will forbid insurers from turning away people in poor health. At the same time, virtually all Americans will be required to have coverage. Many who are currently uninsured will be able to get tax credits to help pay premiums.

Part of the problem with PCIP stems from a decision by the president and Congress more than three years ago to cap funding at $5 billion. Some experts warned that might not be enough to last through the end of 2013.

Veals is a breast cancer survivor now battling colorectal cancer. A runner, she has participated in more than 125 fundraising races for cancer research. Her husband Scott is self-employed, a slow-motion replay operator for televised sporting events.

Bev Veals had been uninsured for 27 months before she was able to get on the North Carolina PCIP plan early in 2011. She considers herself a strong supporter of Obama’s law.

But even with insurance, deductibles and copays for cancer care strain the budgets of most families. And that doesn’t count lost wages and expenses not covered by insurance.

“It starts as a hand-packed snowball that someone starts pushing down the hill,” said Veals. “It gains momentum and speed, it gets bigger and bigger, and swallows everything in its path.”

The more than $3,000 extra the Veals will have to pay this year “is not discretionary money,” she explained. “This is heat-the-house-in-the-winter money.”

When her home health nurse called her at Duke Cancer Center about the health plan changes, Veals was on a chemotherapy pump. Her first thought was they missed a payment. Then she remembered her premium was set for automatic payment and wondered if their account was low. Her mind racing, she worried somebody had hacked their finances.

Scott Veals called the North Carolina PCIP plan and learned it was being turned back over to the federal government on July 1 because of financing problems. After more digging, he found out their premiums would go down somewhat in the federal plan, to $420 a month.

But there was a catch: They had already met their deductible in the North Carolina plan, and also reached their annual out-of-pocket maximum of $6,250.

With the federal plan, they would have another deductible of $1,000 for the rest of 2013, and a total of $3,125 in out-of-pocket costs before reaching that plan’s catastrophic limit. Deductibles and copayments shift some financial responsibility to patients.

“We are paying 18 months of deductibles and out-of-pocket cost for one year’s worth of coverage to two insurance companies,” said Scott Veals.

The problems with PCIP bubbled up in February, when federal officials unexpectedly announced an enrollment freeze. Although fewer people had signed up than originally expected, very costly cases were draining its budget.

A few months later, federal officials gave states running their own PCIP plans an ultimatum: take on some financial risk or turn the programs back to Washington at midyear. In those 17 states, Washington put in new cost-sharing requirements to help keep the program financially viable through the end of the year.

If the administration saw problems coming, Obama’s budget did not reflect it. The president did not request any new funds for PCIP.

The No. 2 House Republican did make an attempt to pump more money in, but it was fraught with politics. Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia proposed to divert funds from elsewhere in the health care law, unacceptable to Democrats. His idea also failed to get Republican support.

“Our elected officials, some of whom have been impacted by cancer, must come together to identify a bipartisan solution to fund this program for the remainder of 2013,” said Emily Shetty, who handles federal policy and lobbying for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Veals and her husband say they are looking forward to full implementation of the health care law next year. But getting through the next few months will be a struggle.

“We both knew there would be bumps along the road but we never thought there would be this kind of bump,” she said.

ObamaCare Triples Kentucky Family’s Insurance Overnight

Obama-downBreitbart reported: Andy and Amy Mangione of Louisville, Kentucky say their health insurance nearly tripled overnight from $333 a month to $965 due to Obamacare.

“When I saw the letter when I came home from work, it said ‘your action required, benefit changes, act now.’ Of course, I opened it immediately,” said Andy Mangione.

Andy Mangione told Fox News veteran reporter Jim Angle that nothing had changed about the health of his wife, himself, or their two boys.

“This is a high deductible plan where I’m assuming a lot of risk for my health insurance for my family,” Mangione told Fox News. “And nothing has changed, our boys are healthy—they’re young—my wife is healthy. I’m healthy, nothing in our medical history has changed to warrant a tripling of our premiums.”

The Mangiones’s insurance company, Humana, declined to comment. Humana did, however, include the following explanation in the rate spike announcement letter:

If your policy premium increased, you should know this isn’t unique to Humana—premium increases generally will occur industry-wide. Increases aren’t based on your individual claims or changes in health status. Many other factors go in to your premium including: ACA [Affordable Care Act—also known as Obamacare] compliance, including the addition of new essential health benefits.

Obamacare’s government healthcare exchanges go live nationwide in six days.