Hannity to Ted Cruz: Obamacare Defunding a ‘Tipping Point for the Country’

Obama FistBreitbart reported: Fox News host Sean Hannity told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Monday evening that the battle he is waging against Obamacare by trying to defund it in the Continuing Resolution (CR) is a nexus point in the grassroots fight against the political establishment.

“Senator, I applaud your efforts, I’m with you in this,” Hannity said. “To me this is a tipping point for the country. Every Republican ran on this. Why they are opposing you, I don’t know. But I appreciate you fighting the good fight and it’s going to be a very interesting and historic week. Thank you for being with us.”

Cruz told Hannity he is going to fight with every bit of procedural means he has available to him. “I’m going to use whatever procedural means available to me to fight this fight,” Cruz said. “This is a multi-stage fight. Everything [is on the table], including filibuster.”

Cruz then walked through the multiple stages he is using to fight the battle. “The first stage was unifying the American people,” he said. “We’ve got over 1.6 million people who have signed the national petition at DontFundIt.com. The second step was the House vote on Friday defunding Obamacare. Just a couple of weeks ago, Washington said that was impossible. The third step is this week unifying Senate Republicans, getting all 46 Senate Republicans to stand together. And the next step is getting red state Democrats to come together to listen to the American people and stop the train wreck that is Obamacare.”

Cruz added that he thinks a vote by any Republican on Friday to allow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to fund Obamacare through a series of procedural tricks to strip out the House-passed Obamacare defunding language is a vote for Obamacare.

“I can’t imagine any Republican who campaigned against Obamacare voting on Friday along with Harry Reid and every Senate Democrat to empower Harry Reid to fund Obamacare,” Cruz said. “It’s that Friday vote that matters. And this week, the phone calls to the Senators are going to make all the difference.”

At the beginning of the interview, Hannity noted that the fight right now falls onto the shoulders of Senate Republicans. Cruz agreed.

“The fight is in the Senate now, and the real question is whether Senate Republicans are going to unite and stand alongside House Republicans,” Cruz told Hannity.

Despite reports now that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn are working against Cruz and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Cruz remains optimistic that Republicans like them and others who campaigned against Obamacare will eventually lock arms with Cruz and Lee to fight Obamacare. “I think the votes are fluid right now,” Cruz said. “A couple of weeks ago, everyone agreed there was no chance the House would vote to defund Obamacare. And then on Friday, they did so. Right now, in the Senate, I think the votes are fluid.”

Later in the interview, Cruz added: “I hope and believe that all 46 Republicans should vote together on Friday against cutting off debate, against giving Harry Reid the power to fund Obamacare.”

Hannity also asked Cruz about all the efforts by certain GOP establishment types to undermine him, or make it appear as though he does not play well with others. “Look Sean, I have civil relations with every one of my colleagues, and there are some folks in Washington that are trying to make this issue about personalities, trying to make this about individual politicians,” Cruz said. “Look, most Americans don’t care about politicians in Washington. They care about their lives. They care about their jobs. They care about their families. Obamacare isn’t working. It’s killing jobs. It’s driving up health insurance premiums. It’s causing people to lose their health care. And so my view, I am ignoring all of the slings and arrows that are tossed around. It’s not personal about anyone in Washington. It’s about doing our job, about listening to the American people and bringing back jobs and economic growth.”

Hannity also asked Cruz that he cannot “name a single Republican Senator in either the House or the Senate, please correct me if I’m wrong, that did not run on a platform to repeal and replace Obamacare.”

“Right,” Cruz responded. “Right.”


Obama Becomes The Joke at UN When Hassan Rouhani of Iran Declines Offer to Meet

Well now, Barrack Obama has one up on the Jimmy Carter. So not only is Obama the first president since Carter to break bread with the leader of a country (Iran) that would prefer to see Americans dead, he becomes the butt of a joke at the United Nations, when Hassan Rouhani (Iran) disses him, declining the invitation to meet.  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…

Politico reported: President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will not meet at the United Nations on Tuesday, senior administration officials said.

The White House had offered to have “an encounter” between the two leaders on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, but Iranian officials ultimately declined.

Obama and Rouhani

“The Iranians have an internal dynamic that they have to manage and the relationship with the United States is clearly quite different than the relationship that Iran has with other Western nations,” a senior administration official said.

U.S. and Iranian officials had been discussing the possibility of an Obama-Rouhani meeting for days, an official said. Ultimately, though, “it was clear that it was too complicated for them.”

Rouhani skipped a lunch at the United Nations that offered him and Obama the most likely chance of an informal meeting, as both leaders signal willingness to engage in new talks.

While Obama and Rouhani did not meet face-to-face while in New York, the two have taken steps to thaw the U.S.-Iran relationship, exchanging letters in recent weeks. On Tuesday morning, Obama publicly reached out to Iran.

“The roadblocks may prove to be too great, but I firmly believe the diplomatic path must be tested,” he told the General Assembly. “For while the status quo will only deepen Iran’s isolation, Iran’s genuine commitment to go down a different path will be good for the region and the world, and will help the Iranian people meet their extraordinary potential — in commerce and culture, in science and education.”

While U.S.-Iran “mistrust has deep roots” dating back more than three decades, Obama said he is open to cautious cooperation. “I do believe that if we can resolve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road towards a different relationship, one based on mutual interests and mutual respect,” he said.

Given Rouhani’s expressed willingness to engage in talks, Obama has asked Secretary of State John Kerry to lead U.S. efforts, working with the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China.

Rouhani was not in the hall for Obama’s speech, though a delegation led by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif did watch the president speak. Reporters in the room didn’t see the delegation visibly respond to Obama’s offer of a new round of diplomacy.

Had Obama and Rouhani met, it would have been the first time that a U.S. president and a leader of Iran had met face-to-face since Dec. 31, 1977, when President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, were New Year’s Eve guests of the Shah. Carter praised his host for leading “an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world,” and for cooperating closely with the United States on foreign policy.

Within weeks, protests against the Shah intensified and, in early 1979, he was forced into exile. Later that year, Iranians took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held Americans hostage there for 444 days. In the three decades since, U.S.-Iran diplomatic interactions have been minimal.

Ted Cruz: Watch LIVE, Cruz Settles in for Long Speech on Senate Floor

Ted Cruz’s heroic deed has ended. His pre-filibuster, aka ‘Senate speech’ ended in grandiose style that only Senator Ted Cruz could deliver. He spoke from 2:21 pm EST on Tuesday until noon EST. Thank you Ted Cruz for standing and speaking for America!

Here was his parting shot:



Live: Watch Ted Cruz filibuster on senate floor, in an attempt to save us from socialized medicine and forever destroy the private sector.

Twitter handle: #MakeDCListen: Stand With Ted Cruz Against Obamacare.

Mitch McConnell: Rejects Senator Ted Cruz’s Crusade to Stop ObamaCare and to Save America

Mitch McConnellIf you live in Kentucky, remember this face.  If you are from Kentucky, remember the name Mitch McConnell.  If you are from Kentucky, remember that this is the senator that voted against Ted Cruz on his crusade to save America.

WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) doesn’t back the push by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to vote against bringing up a bill to defund Obamacare, a McConnell aide told The Huffington Post.

“Senator McConnell supports the House Republicans’ bill and will not vote to block it, since it defunds Obamacare and funds the government without increasing spending by a penny,” McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said.

Until now, McConnell has been largely quiet as Cruz has been ramping up his calls on Senate Republicans to filibuster the funding bill when it comes up for a vote this week. The measure, passed by the House Thursday, would do two things: fund the government past Oct. 1 and defund President Obama’s health care law. Since Democrats control the Senate, and since they’ve already vowed to strip out the Obamacare provision and only hold a clean vote on funding the government, Cruz is urging Republicans to vote against bringing up the bill at all — and be willing to risk a government shutdown. On top of that, Cruz has argued that anyone who even votes to bring up the bill is, in effect, voting for Obamacare.

Stewart said McConnell is far more interested in voting directly on the bill to defund Obamacare.

“He will also vote against any amendment that attempts to add Obamacare funding back into the House Republicans’ bill,” Stewart said. “If and when the Majority Leader goes down that path, Washington Democrats will have to decide — without hiding behind a procedural vote — whether or not to split with their leadership and join Republicans and their constituents in opposing the re-insertion of Obamacare funding into the House-passed bill.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the senior senator from Cruz’s home state and the number-two Republican in the Senate, also doesn’t support Cruz’s filibuster strategy.

“Sen. Cornyn will not block a bill that defunds Obamacare,” Cornyn spokeswoman Megan Mitchell told The Huffington Post.

Earlier Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) also rejected Cruz’s strategy, saying it’s “not the best tactic” for Republicans to risk a government shutdown over Obamacare.

Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World And Obama Wants Us To Ally With Them

Obama Embracing IslamAmerican Dream reported: Over the past couple of days, we have witnessed some absolutely horrific examples of Islamic terror groups specifically targeting Christians and those from other non-Muslim religions.  Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon.  Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet.  The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism.  In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.  If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.  In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.

Is Obama insane?

In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation.  The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded.  To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…

The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.

The attack occurred as hundreds of worshippers were coming out of the church in the city’s Kohati Gate district after services to get a free meal of rice.

‘There were blasts and there was hell for all of us,’ said Nazir John, who was at the church with at least 400 other worshippers.

‘When I got my senses back, I found nothing but smoke, dust, blood and screaming people. I saw severed body parts and blood all around.’

Who would do something like that?

In Kenya, a team of Al-Shabaab gunmen stormed a shopping mall in Nairobi and murdered at least 62 people.

What makes that attack even more disturbing is that the terrorists specifically targeted non-Muslims.

In fact, hostages were given a test by the terrorists to determine whether or not they were actually Muslims.  Those that failed the test were executed

The reason the Islamists targeted the Westgate shopping centre was clear from the moment they stormed inside brandishing AK-47s and grenades. Anyone who was not a Muslim, or could not prove that they were, was immediately targeted. Reports from separate floors of the building in the first hours of the assault told how the attackers, speaking rough Swahili and English, shouted at Muslims to identify themselves.

Many people came forward. They were ordered to speak in Arabic, or to recite a verse from the Koran, or to name the Prophet Mohammed’s mother. Those who passed this test were allowed to flee. Those that did not were executed, including children.

You can find some very graphic pictures of the attack right here.

Are you starting to understand why I use words such as “psychotic” to describe these terrorists?

And all over the world these radical jihadists seem to have a particular hatred for Christians.

Just consider what has happened in Egypt over the past few months.  After the Egyptian military removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power, radical Islamists responded by destroying more than 80 Christian churches

On July 4th, the day after the Egyptian military liberated the nation of Muslim Brotherhood rule, Christian Copts were immediately scapegoated and targeted.  All Islamist leaders—from Brotherhood supreme leader Muhammad Badi, to Egyptian-born al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri, to top Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi—made it a point to single out Egypt’s Copts as being especially instrumental in the ousting of former Islamist president Morsi, ushering in a month of pogroms against the nation’s Christian minority.

Among other things in July, unprecedented numbers of Christian churches were attacked, plundered, desecrated, and torched.  According to one Egyptian human rights lawyer, “82 churches, many of which were from the 5th century, were attacked by pro-Morsi supporters in just two days.” Al-Qaeda’s flag was raised above some churches; anti-Christian graffiti littered the sides of other churches and Coptic homes.  Due to extreme anti-Christian sentiment, many churches ceased holding worship services until recently.  Dozens of Coptic homes and businesses were also attacked, looted, and torched.

Should the U.S. military ever be used to help radial jihadists that would commit such horrible acts?

That is such a crazy question that you would think that nobody would ever have to ask such a thing.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what Barack Obama wants to do.

In Syria, radical jihadists are doing all of the same kinds of things that you just read about.  As I have written about on numerous occasions, the Syrian “rebels” are savagely killing Christiansrepeatedly using chemical weapons and dismembering little girls.

In a previous article, I included eyewitness testimony from a Christian missionary who explained what happens when the “rebels” take over a Christian area in Syria…

“The Christian residents were offered four choices: 1. renounce the ‘idolatry’ of Christianity and convert to Islam; 2. pay a heavy tribute to the Muslims for the privilege of keeping their heads and their Christian faith (this tribute is known as jizya); 3. be killed; 4. flee for their lives, leaving all their belongings behind.”

And now this sick philosophy is even rubbing off on little children.  In the Syrian town of Ras al-Ayn, children were recently filmed pretending to behead their enemies while shouting Allahu Akbar.

What kind of place will Syria become if Obama is successful and the Assad regime is removed?

Will it become a jihadist paradise where Christians and all other non-Muslims are systematically exiled or exterminated?

These jihadists are a cancer, and Obama seems absolutely determined to help that cancer spread in Syria and beyond.

What in the world is he thinking?

White House Holds Bisexual Visibility Day, A Closed Door Roundtable Discussion

Bisexual Visibility DayDid you know what the White House celebrated yesterday?  Bisexual Visibility Day.

No, this is not a joke, our tax dollars paid for Bisexual roundtable and they held at the White House.  Yesterday, in honor of Bisexual Visibility Day there were at the White House having a roundtable discussion “about issues facing the bisexual community” attracting bisexual activists from around the nation.

This first-time White House event was called to my attention on Sunday when I saw a piece in the Miami Herald with the headline, “A voice for bisexuals, Miami activist heads to D.C.”

PJ Media reported: The Miami Herald reported:

“I am the Florida representative,” said Ferrer, a longtime bisexual activist who joins about two-dozen others at the roundtable, which coincides with international Bisexual Visibility Day on Sept. 23.

“They decided to celebrate bisexuality day by inviting the national bisexual leadership roundtable to the White House for a policy meeting,” said Ferrer, who received an email invitation about a month ago from the Barack Obama administration.

“It’s a testament to this administration that they are focusing on all elements of the LGBT community and they should be applauded for hosting an event focused on some of the specific issues impacting bisexual people,” said Michael Cole-Schwartz, spokesman for HRC,Human Rights Campaign in Washington.

And then, Washington Post had this piece dated August 22 announcing the event which included this puzzling statement:

The White House will hold a closed-door roundtable discussion on issues facing bisexuals Sept. 23.

Why a closed-door roundtable discussion in the “People’s House”? Wasn’t Obama’s administration supposed to be the most transparent ever?

Shocked is probably an understatement, it was for me anyway.  In a time when our country is in a utter state of disarray, we are finding the time, money, and resources for such an event?

World-Renowned Cleveland Clinic to Lay Off Thousands Due to Obamacare

Obama-Cleveland ClinicBreitbart reported: Northeast Ohio is known worldwide for its excellent hospitals, and the Cleveland Clinic is the main reason why. According to U.S. News and World Report, it is the 4th best hospital in the United States and the #1 hospital for Cardiology and Heart Surgery. People travel to Cleveland from around the world for its world-class health care.

The Clinic is the largest employer in Cleveland and the 2nd-largest in Ohio. Needless to say, they are a major part of the Northeast Ohio economy. In fact, one study shows that the clinic is responsible for 8% of the region’s economic output.

Barack Obama knows that the Clinic is special, too. In 2009, he visited and lauded praise on the hospital system, saying that they “do some pretty smart things” to maintain high quality care while also innovating to keep costs low.

Ironically, the Cleveland Clinic is now being threatened by Obama’s signature policy. Citing Obamacare as the primary reason, the Clinic announced that mass layoffs in the thousands are coming.

(Reuters) – The world-renowned Cleveland Clinic said on Wednesday it would cut jobs and slash five to six percent of its $6 billion annual budget to prepare for President Barack Obama’s health reforms.

The clinic, which has treated celebrities and world leaders such as musician Lou Reed, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and former Olympic gold medal skater Scott Hamilton, did not say how many of its 44,000 employees would be laid off. But a spokeswoman said that $330 million would be cut from its annual budget.

“Some of the initiatives include offering early retirement to 3,000 eligible employees, reducing operational costs, stricter review of filling vacant positions,and lastly workforce reductions,” said Eileen Sheil, Executive Director of Corporate Communications for the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. [emphasis added]

Expect more hospital systems to follow suit as the law goes into full effect. Everything that Republicans warned would happen as a result of Obamacare is coming to fruition, and the law’s popularity is falling to new lows as people are waking up to the reality. The only solution is full repeal, which is only going to happen by retaking the Senate and the White House.