Barrack Show: Did Pickering Spill the Beans on Benghazi?

A plethora of interesting segments from last Thursday’s House Oversight Committee hearing where Rep. Cynthia Lummis unleashed a series of pointed questions at Thomas Pickering, with ‘mixed results.’  Are we getting closer to the truth of Benghazi?

If you’re short on time, begin listening at the 8:10 mark — this will be sure to capture your attention.

Also covered in this show, is the Clinton relationship with prominent Brotherhood leaders, one of which is charged with inciting violence, Gehad el-Haddad.  This is worth the listen.

Walid Shoebat reported: Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), and Jim Jordan (R-OH) may have stolen most of the headlines when it came to the House Oversight Committee hearing on September 19th but the most explosive questions may have come from Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY).

While questioning Ambassador Thomas Pickering, Chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB), Lummis asked two excellent questions. In answering the first, Pickering appeared to have divulged classified information. In answering the second question, Pickering’s testimony appeared to blatantly contradict the accounts of Benghazi survivors and witnesses.

Be sure to listen because we may have a new development in Benghazi, thanks to Lummis.

As we have reported previously, Pickering was on-hand at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF) this past June. Guess who attended this forum in 2006 with the mother of Huma Abedin, Saleha Abedin. The answer may surprise you.

Speaking of the Abedin’s, there’s an interesting development in Egypt. A man who used to work for the Clintons has been arrested by the new Egyptian government for inciting murder. Gehad el-Haddad was an employee of the William J. Clinton Foundation and then went to Egypt, where he reportedly became the Chief of Staff to a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader. In fact, Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns met with this leader last month. Are we beginning to see why?

Glenn Beck: ‘Dictatorship 101,′ A Chilling Break-Down of The Parent Arrested After Questioning Common Core, And What it Means for America

TheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck told his audience on Monday that the arrest of a Maryland father who was asking questions about Common Core is frightening evidence of the country moving further along the path that he says goes from “nudge,” to “shove,” to “shoot.”

For those unfamiliar with the terms, Beck explained that “it’s how every Marxist utopian dream begins.”

“You start simple, with just a little ‘nudge,’” he said.  “It’s Cash for Clunkers. It is trying to figure out a way to make energy prices ‘necessarily skyrocket,’ to nudge you into hybrids.”

During a public forum on Common Core, Robert Small stood up because he had a question (it should be noted that the flyer for the event encourages, “your chance to get answers to your Common Core questions” but parents were asked to submit their questions on paper).

“He wasn’t merely arrested,” Beck said. “He was removed with excessive force, and today he faces 10 years in prison…Did he look at all out of control? …This is the way it used to happen in mother Russia, not America.”

Small was charged with second degree assault of a police officer, faced a $2,500 fine, and up to ten years in prison, but it was announced shortly after Beck’s program concluded that all charges have been dropped.

But that wasn’t all that shocked Beck.

“Where were the teachers as he was being removed? You know, the ones who always teach about how it’s wrong to bully people?” he asked. “Did not one person have the decency to stay stop, up there on the board?”

“We have seen in the past few months teachers stand up for a colleague who raped an 8th grade student, but the teachers don’t stand up against this?” he added.

As Small was being pushed out of the room, he expressed shock at how the crowd was sitting there like “cattle,” urging them to “question these people.”

Beck agreed: “Time to get out of the herd, because you’re being led to slaughter. Perhaps people were afraid to speak because they were afraid of being dragged off by a police officer…And when nobody is there to stand up for you, it’s because you weren’t there to stand there for everybody else that was dragged off.”

Beck told his viewers to mark the day in their journals, and that it really doesn’t matter if Small goes to jail or not, the damage has been done.

“Did people learn their lesson?” he asked. “It’s dictatorship 101 — make someone an example, and the rest will stay in line.”

He said thousands should show up at the area’s next Common Core meeting, though he doubts that will happen.
Complimentary Clip from TheBlaze TV

Beck brought in two local activists who were at the event in Maryland where Small was arrested, Ann Miller — who took the video — and Cindy Sharretts, who was sitting a few seats behind Small.

The two remarked that nothing was taken out of context — Small was not making a disturbance before the video began, for instance, and that they think many likely regretted not having stood up.

“Everybody has those moments where you think, in hindsight, I should have done this, I should have said that,” Miller said. “I think a lot of us had a learning moment that evening.”

They added, however, that they didn’t know at the time that the man was being arrested; they just thought he was being escorted out of the room.

Glenn Beck speaks with Cindy Sharretts and Ann Miller (Photo: TheBlaze TV)

“Parents really need to understand how political our school system is,” Miller urged. “We think that we’re working together, parents and teachers…[but] it’s a top-down power structure, and then you throw in money, which is Common Core.”

“In Maryland, we received a quarter of a [billion] dollars when we adopted Common Core three years ago,” she said. “Now in that time, we’ve had an information blackout. We didn’t even know we adopted it…”

Beck noted that if a private company treated people in such a way, “you’d sell your stock and get out.” But you can’t when it’s the government. More than that, you turn your kids over to them for the majority of the day.

Kyle Olson of the the Education Action Group, who joined later in the program, told Beck: “This moment right now is a call to arms against Common Core, against this thug bureaucracy that we’re seeing right now, and it’s critical that people stand up and fight back.”

Miller and Sharretts urged people to join or look at the Facebook group, Don’t be Cattle! Fight Common Core!, to stay updated on the latest.

BREAKING: Scandal-Ridden Lois Lerner Out, Update: Accountability Review Board Was About To Suggest Lerner Be Fired For Role In IRS Scandal

(FOX NEWS) –  Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the heart of the scandal involving the targeting of Tea Party groups, is retiring.

Lois LernerLerner, who headed the division in the tax-collecting agency that handles applications for tax-exempt status, had been placed on paid administrative leave in May. Calls for her dismissal came almost immediately following allegations she had participated in unfairly targeting conservative groups.

The IRS confirmed on Monday that she has resigned, though it’s unclear how that decision might affect the ongoing congressional investigations into the scandal.

“Since May, the IRS has taken decisive actions to correct failures in Exempt Organizations management, replacing top leadership throughout the chain of command,” the agency said in a written statement announcing her retirement. “In addition, IRS Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel created an Accountability Review Board to fully review information to ensure proper oversight in handling personnel issues.”

The announcement has not quieted calls for a thorough probe into the agency’s actions. It’s also not clear what kind of government-paid retirement benefits Lerner might be receiving.

“Just because Lois Lerner is retiring from the IRS does not mean the investigation is over. Far from it.  In fact, there are many serious unanswered questions that must be addressed so we can get to the truth,” Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a written statement.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said: “Lois Lerner’s exit from the IRS does not alter the Oversight Committee’s interest in understanding why applicants for tax exempt status were targeted and inappropriately treated because of their political beliefs.”

“We still don’t know why Lois Lerner, as a senior IRS official, had such a personal interest in directing scrutiny and why she denied improper conduct to Congress. Her departure does not answer these questions or diminish the Committee’s interest in hearing her testimony,” he said.

Lerner first disclosed the IRS targeting at a May 10 tax law conference.

Lerner then infamously refused to testify at a hearing before Issa’s committee, citing her constitutional right not to incriminate herself. Three congressional committees and the Department of Justice, though, launched investigations into the IRS and its actions.

Eventually, the agency acknowledged that while she was in charge, IRS agents improperly targeted Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status from 2010-2012.

Earlier this month, newly released emails seemed to support accusations against the embattled IRS official and her role in scrutinizing applications.

The agency had initially tried to spin the story, claiming the unfair targeting was the work of rogue Ohio-based employees.

One email dated February 2011 from Lerner said, “Tea Party Matter very dangerous” – before going on to warn that the “matter” could be used to go to court to test campaign spending limits.

Lois Lerner Tweet








Harry Reid Blocks Ted Cruz, Keeps Shutdown and Default on Table, Cruz: ‘He is Willing to Risk a Government Shutdown’

Harry ReidBreitbart reported: On Monday afternoon, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz asked for unanimous consent to immediately consider the House Continuing Resolution to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. The legislation would also take steps to avoid a default on government debt while Congress debates a raising of the debt ceiling. Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid was on hand to block the request.

After Reid’s block, Cruz noted in remarks that the move keeps open the possibility of a government shutdown next week and a default on the national debt later in October. “He is willing to risk a government shutdown,” Cruz said about Reid. “He is willing to force a government shutdown,” to continue funding ObamaCare.

Cruz noted that if the Senate passed the House CR all the talk about a shutdown or government default “would just go away. Those count-down clocks that are showing up on TV, would disappear.”

Reid’s move means the Senate will now proceed to a vote to begin consideration of the House CR. It will then take a second cloture vote that, if successful, would allow the House CR to be amended by a simple majority. In the Senate’s regular order, amendments are subject to a 60-vote threshold.

Cruz also asked Monday for unanimous consent that amendments to the CR would still require 60 votes. Reid blocked that request as well.

These were just the opening moves in a debate that will consume the Senate, and America, this week.

Allen West: ‘The Only Way to Deal with Islamists is to Kill Them’

Colonel Allen WestFormer Congressman Allen West believes that we should we just kill all terrorists.  To many, this is a no brainer, do you agree with him?

Breitbart reported: And America is entertaining Hillary Clinton as President after she took part in abandoning Americans to die in Benghazi? Santayana said, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Keep electing these weaklings, America, and more Americans will be attacked, and unfortunately lose their lives. The only way to deal with Islamists is to kill them, as the Al Shabab attackers stated, “there will be no negotiations.” I concur! –Allen West

Ted Cruz: Conservatives Were Embarrassed to Vote for McCain in 2008′

Ted CruzWestern Journalism reported: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took a veiled swipe at Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in a GQ profile released Monday, saying he was “embarrassed” to have voted Republican in 2008.
“I don’t know a conservative who didn’t feel embarrassed voting in 2006 or 2008,” Cruz said. “I think the Republican Party lost its way. We didn’t stand for the principles we’re supposed to believe in.”

McCain was the Republican presidential candidate in 2008. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who endorsed Cruz in his 2012 Senate campaign, was McCain’s running mate.

McCain and Cruz have been locking horns since the combative Texas Republican first arrived in the Senate. The two have been openly critical of one another on a range of issues, including drone strikes, foreign policy and the nomination of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

Ted Turner: ‘Men (Should) be Barred from Political Office,’ There would be Less Need for ‘Army and the Navy and the Marine Corps’

SALLY RANNEY, MODERATOR: There’s one other number that I want to put on the table here and that is that there is only 20 percent, 20 percent of the parliamentarians in the world are women. That’s another number that intersects here, and we have to get a lot more women into elected office. And I think, Ted, I remember you had a theory about women being elected.

TED TURNER: Well, I came up with the idea at least 20 years ago that we needed more women in politics. It would take a different turn. And I suggested that men be barred from political office. They could do everything else, be president of universities, business leaders, but they just couldn’t serve in any elected position for 100 years.

I think we’d have a lot more emphasis on education and healthcare and a lot less on Army and the Navy and the Marine Corps.

It would be a very positive step, but it hasn’t happened yet. But it still might. And then they just toss in the towel. They can’t come up with a budget.

RANNEY: That’s true.

Former World Chess Champion Discusses the ‘Games’ of Vladimir Putin

TheBlaze reported: Former World Chess Champion and Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation Garry Kasparov — who recently made headlines for his fiery interview with MSNBCB’s Lawrence O’Donnell — appeared on Real News From TheBlaze Friday night to discuss “the reign” of Russian President Vladimir Putin in light of the news that he may be running for a 4th term.

With elections not until 2018, if Putin ran and succeeded, he would become the longest-serving Russian leader since Josef Stalin.

When asked to give viewers as sense of “just how repressive and how much of a downturn in civil society and freedom” there has been in Russia under Putin, Kasparov responded that it’s not a “classical dictatorship of the past, when they have to threaten everybody in the country.”

“They’re much smarter now,” he explained. “They can pinpoint the key areas, and just target the people who could cause any problems for the regime, and they create this quasi-constitutional, quasi-legal environment where nothing that threatens the government is available for Russian citizens.”

When asked whether there is support on the ground for yet another term for Putin, Kasparov said with a smile that the difference between the big cities and the countryside in Russia “is much bigger than between New York and Kansas.”

“In Russia it’s very generational,” he said.  “You can see that the middle class, the young people…they’re really frustrated, they’re annoyed.  They don’t want to see Putin’s face again and again for the next ten years.  But there’s too much money available in Russia…and Putin proved to be a very smart ruler who knows how to play all these games, to push all the right buttons, and so far it’s very hard to reach a critical mass…to overthrow the regime.”

Watch the clip below for more from the intriguing interview:

‘My Kids! My Kids!’: Blood-Curdling Raw Video Captures First Moments of Islamic Terrorist

Kenyan Mall Raw VideoTheBlaze reported: As the ear-piercing gunshots rattle off, terrified shoppers scurry down store aisles and hide behind displays and shelves.

A few heartrending seconds are filled with what sounds like a mother yelling, “My kids! My kids!” and what sounds like children screaming just after.

Just a few moments this raw clip captures of the outset of the Kenyan shopping mall massacre Saturday, in which Islamic terrorists killed 68 people and injured 175 others, including many children.

No gunmen or injured people are seen in the clip, which was recorded by a journalist from CCTV Africa, a division of China Central Television launched in Kenya in January 2012, the Daily Mail notes.

Near the end of the clip a man is heard behind a door in the mall speaking on a cell phone and saying, relatively calmly, “They think they are terrorists.”

Raw Video Captures First Moments of Islamic Terrorist Massacre in Kenyan Shopping Mall

Here’s the clip:

Kenyan’s military said late Sunday it had rescued “most” of the remaining hostages held by al-Qaida-linked militants after launching a major operation to end a two-day standoff.

The assault, which began shortly before sundown, came as two helicopters circled the mall, with one skimming very close to the roof. A loud explosion rang out, far larger than any previous grenade blast or gunfire volley.

Kenyan police said on Twitter that a “MAJOR” assault by had started to end the bloody siege.

“This will end tonight. Our forces will prevail. Kenyans are standing firm against aggression, and we will win,” Kenya’s National Disaster Operation Centre said on Twitter.

Kenya Defence Forces later said it had rescued most hostages and had taken control of most of the mall. Officials did not immediately release the number of hostages rescued or the number that remained. Four Kenyan military personnel were wounded in the operation, the military said.

The assault came about 30 hours after 10 to 15 al-Shabab extremists stormed the mall Saturday from two sides, throwing grenades and firing on civilians.

Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked rebel group, al-Shabab, claimed responsibility for the attack that specifically targeted non-Muslims. The attackers included some women. The Islamic extremist rebels said the attack was retribution for Kenyan forces’ 2011 push into neighboring Somalia.

Al-Shabab said on its new Twitter feed — after its previous one was shut down Saturday — that Kenyan officials were asking the hostage-takers to negotiate and offering incentives.

“We’ll not negotiate with the Kenyan govt as long as its forces are invading our country, so reap the bitter fruits of your harvest,” al-Shabab said in a tweet.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta reiterated his government’s determination to continue fighting al-Shabab.

“We went as a nation into Somalia to help stabilize the country and most importantly to fight terror that had been unleashed on Kenya and the world,” said Kenyatta. “We shall not relent on the war on terror.”