BREAKING: GOP Turning Against Ted Cruz, ‘I Got Unsolicited Research and Questions, Not from Democrats But From Top Republicans, to Hammer Cruz’

GOP is turning their back on Ted Cruz and Mike Lee shouldn’t surprise anyone, in fact I’m sure they were waiting for it.

Don’t back down Ted Cruz, don’t let these career politicians change your righteous cause.  Continue to stand for this country and defund this train wreck.

Things are about to get ‘down and dirty’ for Team Cruz this week. Hopefully, they will only draw more strength from what they are about to face, career politicians destroying the best country in the world. Stay strong Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you guys are our only hope and we’re with you every step of the way!  In case you missed it, see Ted Cruz’s interview with Chris Wallace earlier that day.

Fox News reported: (FOX NATION) — Chris Wallace said Sunday morning that he’d received opposition research from other Republicans about Senator Ted Cruz  in advance of Cruz’s appearance on ‘Fox News Sunday’.

“This has been one of the strangest weeks I’ve ever had in Washington,” Wallace said. “As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz.”

Karl Rove responded: “This was a strategy laid out by Mike Lee and Ted Cruz without any consultation with their colleagues”  “With all due respect to my junior Senator from Texas, I suspect this is the first time that the end game was described to any Republican Senator. They had to tune in to listen to you to find out what Ted’s next step was in the strategy.”