Ted Cruz: Liberal Tweets to Staffer, ‘May Your Children Die from Debilitating, Painful and Incurable Diseases’

Look, we all know the name-calling and downright hideous things that come from Democrats, let alone a liberal Democrat; it’s just another way that liberals show their ignorance.

Allan Brauer, Communications Chair for Sacramento County Democrats, took ‘liberal idiocy’ (have a category dedicated to it) to a unparalleled level, spouting off to a Ted Cruz staffer (speechwriter) ‘May Your Children Die from Debilitating, Painful and Incurable Diseases.’Allan Brauer  Later, Brauer apologized and Amanda Carpenter, the recipient of this heinous remark, accepted.

Breitbart reported: When a speechwriter for Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, took to Twitter to tout her boss’ recent work, a California Democrat Party official blasted back, wishing death and “debilitating diseases” upon her children.

Amanda Carpenter, a speechwriter and senior communications adviser to Cruz, tweeted out Friday morning, “GOP beat gun control, changed Obama’s mind on Syria, is holding the line on amnesty. We can defund Obamacare, too!”

But Allan Brauer, who works as the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento County in California, fired back a shocking reply, “@amandacarpenter May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.”

Read about a case that is remarkably similar, where a college professor suggested children of NRA members die.

It wasn’t the first time, however, that Brauer, a longtime activist in the homosexuality movement who co-chaired the University of Chicago’s Lesbian/Gay Student Organization in the 1970s, has used Twitter as an outlet for scathing, personal attacks.

In an lengthy feud with a self-proclaimed tea partier using the Twitter handle @SooperMexican, Brauer has made several crude and even racially charged comments.

For example, he suggested during last year’s election season that SooperMexican “self-deport” and stated, “Are you sure you’re a Mexican? They’re usually smarter.”

The attacks also turned personal and vile: “Your mamma called,” Brauer tweeted at SooperMexican. “She wants her Obama dildo back, but please wash your s— off it first.”

When confronted with the quip as to whether he “kissed his mother” with that foul mouth, he responded, “You eat your mamma’s p—- with that mouth?”

When twitterer SuperChick suggested Brauer had “no clue how to speak to a lady,” he responded: “Let me know when one comes along, c–rag.”

Brauer Tweet

And after catching heat online over his comments toward Carpenter and her children, Brauer initially defended himself with equally personal attacks.

He posted a status update on Twitter about the criticism he’d received, stating, “Busy blocking the tapeworms that have slithered out of hellspawn @amandacarptenter’s a–hole. How’s your day?”

He further responded, “I’m being attacked on Twitter for wishing one of Ted Cruz’s pubic lice to experience the pain her boss is inflicting on Americans.”

After hours of online firestorm, however, Brauer and his California associates began to backtrack.

According to National Review, Tenoch Flores, a spokesman for the California Democrat Party issued a statement to Yahoo! News political reporter Chris Moody condemning Brauer’s personal attacks, even while taking his own shot at Sen. Cruz.

“The problem with this kind of rhetoric is that it lets fringe characters – those who are actively trying to shut down the government – like Ted Cruz, off the hook,” Flores reportedly said. “It’s never acceptable to wish physical harm against political opponents, regardless of how objectionable their policy priorities are.”

Eventually, even Brauer apologized, tweeting, “I am truly sorry for my tweet. I was very upset and lashed out. Your kids are not fair game either. My apologies.”

Carpenter accepted the apology.

Brauer Apology

Warning: New Anti-Obamacare Ads are Guaranteed to Give you Nightmares

Demon sheepTheBlaze reported: I never thought I’d say this, but I miss Demon Sheep

(Image: Screengrab/YouTube)

Sure Demon Sheep was ridiculous, but the latest anti-Obamacare ad campaign is even creepier:

Warning: New anti Obamacare ads are guaranteed to give you nightmares

Yahoo! News reports:

There will be girls. There will be beer. There will be cornhole. And someone will be dressed in the creepiest Uncle Sam costume you’ve ever seen.

Welcome to the strange new front in the war over Obamacare. […]

Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch, will launch a six-figure campaign aimed at convincing young people to “opt-out” of the Obamacare exchanges. Later this month, the group will begin a tour of 20 college campuses, where they plan to set up shop alongside pro-Obamacare activists such as Enroll America that are working to sign people up for the insurance exchanges.

See the creeptastic new video ads after the jump…

The Exam — Creepy Uncle Sam:

The Glove — Creepy Uncle Sam:

Update: Becket has more backstory on the ad campaign here.

Clintons: Employee Tied to Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Shater, and Arrested for Inciting Violence, What is Going on Here?

Walid Shoebat is former Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist, now peace activist and Christian. Whoa, I know, that’s quite a turnaround. However, his insight is like no other, at least from an American perspective.

We will be citing some of his content when applicable here on Conservative Angle.  I encourage you to read his blog and make your own assessment.

Walid Shoebat reported: When Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns went to Egypt last month, along with Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), there was one imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leader Burns seemed to take most interest in. That prisoner was Khairat al-Shater. The meeting between the two men was quite secretive but lasted approximately 90 minutes, despite attempts by al-Shater’s people to say it only lasted 10 minutes.

Khairat al-Sahter, Muslim Brotherhood's Deputy in Egypt (Chief of Staff a Clinton Employee)

Khairat al-Sahter, Muslim Brotherhood’s Deputy in Egypt (Chief of Staff a Clinton Employee)

In fact, the guy who lied about the duration of that meeting – Gehad el-Haddad – was an employee of the Clintons who has since been arrested by the Egyptian government, for inciting violence.

Here is an excerpt from an ABC News report about that meeting between Burns and al-Shater:

The Brotherhood had strongly denied the meeting took place, an apparent attempt to keep any mediation efforts under wraps. Publicly, the group says it is not negotiating and will end its protests if Mohamed Mosi is reinstated as president.

After ABC News initially posted news of the meeting on Twitter, a Brotherhood spokesman called an ABC News reporter and acknowledged that el-Shater met Burns, but called it a “swift exchange” that lasted only 10 minutes.

“It was not a real meeting,” Gehad el-Haddad told ABC News. {emphasis ours}

Could el-Haddad’s connection to his former boss explain any of Burns’ intense interest in al-Shater?

Check out what the Egypt Independent had to say about el-Haddad’s dual role with both the Brotherhood and the Clintons shortly after Mohammed Mursi was elected president of Egypt last year:

Three weeks ago, Gehad El Haddad divided his time between volunteering for the Muslim Brotherhood and heading the Cairo office of the Clinton Climate Initiative, a nongovernmental organization set up by the former American president.

Mixing practical goals with Islamic values has defined the 30-year-old’s life to date. Once a creative entrepreneur, he is now putting all his efforts into the Brotherhood’s Renaissance Project. {emphasis ours}

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater's Chief of Staff and Clintons' employee.

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater’s Chief of Staff and Clintons’ employee.

(Perhaps we’re getting a bit closer to another reason Hillary so supported the Brotherhood in Egypt after Mursi’s victory.)

A short time later, the Independent reported something else about el-Haddad:

He is one of five members of the project’s steering committee, which is chaired by Khairat al-Shater, a wealthy businessman and influential Brotherhood member. His offices are directly beneath Shater’s in Nasr City. {emphasis ours}

El-Haddad’s offices were “directly beneath al-Shater’s”? As to why that might be, the Middle East Monitor may answer that question:

El-Haddad, who has been the main contact between the international media and the Brotherhood, was the chief of staff to Khairat El-Shater; his father, Essam El-Haddad, was an aide to ousted President Mohamed Morsi. He has been charged with inciting the killing of protestors. {emphasis ours}

Now that there is an el-Haddad / Mursi connection, it’s worth noting that EXHIBIT H of our “Ironclad” report is an excerpt from a speech Mursi gave at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on September 25, 2012. In this clip, Mursi called for restrictions on freedom of speech when it comes to Islam:

As for the importance of the elder al-Shater to the Obama administration, consider this excerpt from a Fox News report about why the Saad al-Shater (Khairat’s son) was arrested late last month:

It was not immediately clear why police detained el-Shater’s 23-year-old son. Officials only said Wednesday that police had arrested Saad el-Shater and that he had threatened to release documents allegedly showing ties between his father and U.S. President Barack Obama. Officials did not elaborate.

It would seem this charge is becoming less of a leap the more events in Egypt unfold.

**UPDATE on September 18, 2013, at 10:12pm EST**
This may be an opening to a very explosive development. Consider Addendum G of our “Ironclad” report. It involves the charges made by prominent Egyptian television host Ahmed Moussa, who claimed in July of this year that the passport of one of Christopher Stevens’ assassins was found in the home of Khairat al-Shater. If this is borne out, the Clintons’ relationship to al-Shater’s Chief of Staff (el-Haddad) would instantly become more relevant.

Note: This post was updated slightly on 9/19 to include the ABC News excerpt about el-Haddad’s meeting with Burns.

Obama: Congress is ‘Focused on Trying to Mess with Me’ on ObamaCare, Boo Hoo


Before a crowd gathered at the Ford automotive plant in Liberty, Missouri Friday, President Barack Obama lashed out at lawmakers.

Check that Mr. Prez, Congress is trying to save this country from ruin, ruin that you single-handedly caused.

Kerry Says U.N. Must Act on Syria Next Week

John KerryTheBlaze reported: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday it was essential that a Russia-U.S. deal on eradicating Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal be enforced and that the U.N. Security Council act on it next week.

“The Security Council must be prepared to act next week,” Kerry told reporters. “It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out in the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforceable action to rid the world of Syria’s chemical weapons.”

Kerry also said that recent comments by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who on Wednesday said his government would never develop nuclear weapons, were positive but cautioned that “everything needs to be put to the test.”

Kansas Liberal Professor: Advocates Murdering Children of NRA in Wake of Navy Yard Shooting, ‘Next Time, Let it be YOUR Sons and Daughters’

Western Journalism reported: In the wake of any high-profile shooting, one can expect to hear the clamor of radical leftists calling for an end to the National Rifle Association. The nonprofit advocacy group makes a convenient proxy for those whose real target is the Second Amendment.

While blaming a law-abiding group for the actions of a deranged individual is in itself a radical position, a University of Kansas journalism professor took the hyperbole to a new level of hatefulness.

Posting on his personal Twitter account, David Guth responded to this week’s deadly Washington, D.C., Navy Yard shooting by declaring that “blood is on the hands of the #NRA.”

Guth Tweet

Unsatisfied with merely castigating the bane of his existence, he continued: “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.”

When confronted about the outrageous call for child murder, Guth remained impenitent.

“I don’t take it back one bit,” he said.

Many parents have undoubtedly sent their children off to school, unaware that such a vindictive hatemonger would be leading classes. Unfortunately, both journalism and higher education have long been hotbeds of radical leftism. Considering Guth’s position, it is no surprise that his views are so reprehensibly polarizing.

The university issued an initial response to the controversy, chastising Guth’s comments but stopping short of suggesting he will face any professional consequences.

Our founders drafted the First Amendment to protect ignorant speech such as that contained in Guth’s tweet. It is more than disturbing, though, that someone in such an influential position would subscribe to the notion that gun rights activists should have their own offspring murdered. On the other hand, killing children seems to be a fairly common tenet of the modern, amoral left.

Obamacare is Slowly Lilling World Renowned Cleveland Clinic

Obamacare is slowly killing world renowned Cleveland Clinic

TheBlaze reported: Via US News & World Report:

Administrators at the Cleveland Clinic announced on Wednesday that the health care giant would be cutting as much as $300 million from its 2014 budget, and that the cuts will likely include layoffs.

“Health care reform has really changed things, and the burden of cost is going to be falling on patients,” spokeswoman Eileen Shiel told The Plain Dealer. “We want to make sure we can keep care affordable.”

During a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting, Cleveland Clinic President and Chief Executive Dr. Toby Cosgrove told employees about plans to reduce operating expenses by about 6 percent, and cited the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, as one of the reasons for the cuts.

[Video Clip]: Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis at Forth Worth Buddhist Temple

Breitbart reported: Before he moved to Washington DC for a job, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis spent a lot of time at a Buddhist meditation center called Wat Busaya Dhammavanaram in White Settlement, Texas, which is just a few miles west of Fort Worth.

Twenty five miles north east of the meditation center is a large Buddhist Monastery called Wat Buddharatanaram (also known as Wat Keller). In 2012, Alexis participated in an event called Sart Day at the Monastery. Sart Day is a day each fall in which Thai people remember the dead through the practice of Buddhist rituals.

There is a video clip of the event in which Alexis can be seen walking with the crowd.

[Alexis begins to show up at the 32:30 mark and is seen again at 35:03 mark]

The Beast also taled to Alexis’ former boss at the Happy Bowl Thai restaurant who says “he tried to pick up Thai girls all the time.”

Alexis had spent 45 days in Thailand earlier this year where he reportedly spent a lot of time at massage parlors and met a Thai woman whom he asked to marry him and move to the U.S. She declined and Alexis later claimed she had said she “didn’t like black people.”