Admiral James Lyons: Benghazi was About a Kidnapping [Christopher Stevens for ‘Blind’ Sheik] Operation Gone Bad

Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons is a former high ranking official, a four-star Admiral, who believes that the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi was possibly a staged kidnapping operation gone awry.

This interview with Lou Dobbs first aired on November 14th, 2012.

Admiral Lyons on September 16th, 2013, confirming his belief at the Heritage Foundation that Benghazi was a plot that went bad.

*Over the next several days, we will be gathering and formulating sources around the Internet in attempt to validate this proclamation made by Admiral Lyons: STAY TUNED.

Special Report: SWAT Team Told to ‘Stand Down’ Rather Than Aid Municipal Cops Trying to Stop Aaron Alexis’ Rampage

Navy Yard ShootingCall me curious, but there just isn’t an obvious reason why specialists were not allowed to do their job to prevent further deaths to innocent people.

One of the first teams of heavily armed police to respond to Monday’s shooting in Washington DC was ordered to stand down by superiors!

A tactical response team of the Capitol Police, a force that guards the US Capitol complex, was told to leave the scene by a supervisor instead of aiding municipal officers.

You’ll have to read the article to get your take; please leave your thoughts below.

BBC News reports: A tactical response team of the Capitol Police, a force that guards the US Capitol complex, was told to leave the scene by a supervisor instead of aiding municipal officers.

The Capitol Police department has launched a review into the matter.

Aaron Alexis, 34, killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard.

“I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say that some lives may have been saved if we were allowed to intervene,” a Capitol Police source familiar with the incident told the BBC.

Assault weapons ready

A former Navy reservist, Alexis was working as a technical contractor for the Navy and had a valid pass and security clearance allowing him entry to the highly secure building in south-east Washington DC.

About 8:15 local time (12:15 GMT), Alexis entered Building 197, headquarters for Naval Sea Systems Command, which builds and maintains ships and submarines for the Navy, and opened fire.

Armed with a shotgun and a pistol he took from a guard he had shot, he sprayed bullets down a hallway and fired from a balcony down on to workers in an atrium.

He fired on police officers who eventually stormed the building, and was later killed in the shootout.

Multiple sources in the Capitol Police department have told the BBC that its highly trained and heavily armed four-man Containment and Emergency Response Team (Cert) was near the Navy Yard when the initial report of an active shooter came in about 8:20 local time.

The officers, wearing full tactical gear and armed with HK-416 assault weapons, arrived outside Building 197 a few minutes later, an official with knowledge of the incident told the BBC.

‘A different outcome’

According to a Capitol Police source, an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington DC’s main municipal force, told the Capitol Cert officers they were the only police on the site equipped with long guns and requested their help stopping the gunman.

“Odds are it might have had a different outcome”

Jim Konczos Capitol Police Officer

When the Capitol Police team radioed their superiors, they were told by a watch commander to leave the scene, the BBC was told.

The gunman, Aaron Alexis, was reported killed after 09:00.

Several Capitol Police sources who spoke to the BBC asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal.

Capitol Police Officer Jim Konczos, who leads the officers’ union, said the Cert police train for what are known as active shooter situations and are expert marksmen.

“Odds are it might have had a different outcome,” he said of Monday’s shooting and the decision to order the Cert unit to stand down. “It probably could have been neutralised.”

Capitol Hill Police chief Kim Dine has ordered “a comprehensive, independent review of the facts surrounding the Capitol Police’s response to the Navy Yard shootings”.

The Capitol Police Board responded by establishing what it called a “Fact Review Team”, led by Michael Stenger, a former assistant director of the US Secret Service.

Earlier, Capitol Police spokeswoman Lt Kimberly Schneider said its officers had “offered and provided mutual support and assistance at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday”.

Read rest of story>

Purchase Health Insurance or Pay the Penalty? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Obamacare GETTYTheBlaze reported: Obamacare is right around the corner, with most of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) policy changes taking place in early 2014. But one recent change to the ACA could drastically affect many individuals who thought their employer would provide the requisite coverage.

A major component of the ACA is the requirement of organizations with 50 or more employees to provide health insurance benefits to their full-time staff. However, this component was postponed until January 1, 2015. That means that the employees of companies who fall into this category may not immediately receive health benefits through their employer or coverage that is sufficient to meet the criteria, and will be required to either purchase individual health insurance by March 31, 2014 or pay a fine that will be collected when filing 2014 income taxes.

This delay will end up directing more people into the new federal and state insurance exchanges, or “Health Insurance Marketplaces.” Plans are available in four tiers of premiums and deductibles designated as “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold”, and “Platinum”. Purchasers can compare plans and pick insurance policies that best fit their needs.

The question many people are asking themselves is, “Should I buy health insurance or pay the fee?”

What Is the Penalty?

Adults who do not carry health insurance for at least nine months in 2014 will pay a penalty (or tax, according to a Supreme Court ruling) of $95 per adult and $47.50 per child up to $285 per family, or 1% of income, whichever is greater. This amount escalates each year with a maximum penalty equal to the average cost of a basic insurance policy sold through the appropriate insurance exchange. The penalty is not deductible for tax purposes.

Can I Avoid the Penalty?

Yes, certain groups will not be penalized for failing to purchase health insurance. These groups include:

  • Members of religious organizations opposing healthcare benefits
  • Individuals qualified for the new income limits for Medicaid, but whose state of residence has chosen not to expand Medicaid eligibility
  • Members of a federally recognized Indian tribe
  • Individuals whose income falls below the amount required to file an income tax return ($10,000 for an individual, $20,000 for a family in 2013)
  • Those who are uninsured for less than 3 months of the year

If you don’t fit into one of these categories, you can apply for an exemption for special circumstances, but the exemption may not be approved.

Are There Subsidies for Government-Backed Insurance Plans?

Under the ACA, you may qualify for financial help depending on your income level. These insurance plan subsidies are in the form of:

  • The Advance Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit. According to a recent report by Families USA, 25.7 million people will be eligible for the credit in 2014. The amount of credit depends on your family size and income. If you earn less than four times the Federal Poverty Level ($94,200 for a family of four in 2013), you may be eligible for a credit. For example, the Kaiser Family Foundation Subsidy Calculator estimates that a family of four (two adults, two children, non-smokers) with an annual income of $75,000 would pay $9,869 in premiums for a Silver Plan on an insurance exchange and receive a government tax credit of $2,744. The same family earning $50,000 would receive a credit of $6,504. The credit can be used at the time the insurance plan is purchased , rather than waiting until the end of the year when taxes are filed.
  • Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs in Specific Circumstances. These savings apply only to those who choose a Silver Plan (the second tier of plan alternatives) and meet specific income and family size limitations. For example, a family of four earning less than $58,875 annually would be eligible for some savings while families of four earning above that amount would not. Savings result from lower deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments so while you pay the premiums of a Silver Plan, you get the benefits of a Gold or Platinum Plan.

Can I Afford to Go Without Coverage?

A number of people, even those who can afford health insurance premiums, decide not to purchase insurance because they are young, healthy, and unlikely to need care. A young, high-income earner who falls into this category probably won’t feel induced to acquire insurance based on the tax penalty. However, this practice ignores the possibility of accidents, epidemics, environmental disasters, and other emergencies that can strike at any time. As such, every knowledgable financial adviser would recommend the purchase of health insurance, regardless of age or health status.

The combination of a Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Bronze Plan offered by an insurance exchange may be the best solution for those who believe they’re bulletproof or whose companies don’t offer health insurance. A HSA – effectively a tax-advantaged savings account combined with a high-deductible healthcare plan (HDHP) – can be used to pay health insurance premiums, copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles if the need arises. Because an HSA is also a savings account, unused funds can help build financial security for later in life. In 2014, IRS regulations will allow individuals and families to deduct $3300 and $6550, respectively, from gross income for HSA contributions. Those over 55 can put an additional “catch up” amount of $1,000 into their plans annually.

Purchase Health Insurance or Pay the Penalty? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

When employers become subject to the ACA in 2015, they’re more likely to offer high-deductible health plans to their employees. A recent survey by Towers Watson and the National Business Group indicates nearly 80% of employers will offer a HDHP alternative in 2014. Transferring from a policy purchased through an insurance exchange to an employer-offered policy is easy with a HSA.


Because companies of at least 50 employees will not be required to provide health insurance benefits until 2015, many uninsured individuals will be required to purchase their own plan through the health insurance marketplace… or pay the penalty. The fact is, a serious accident or illness can financially destroy even those with healthy incomes and significant assets. Going without insurance simply isn’t advisable. If you’re stuck in a position where you’re waiting on employer-provided insurance in 2015, go ahead and hedge your bets by choosing a high-deductible health care plan to tide you over. Initial enrollment with pricing information begins on October 1, 2013 with coverage starting January 1, 2014.

Are you looking forward to the health insurance marketplace?

Glenn Beck: ‘I Called Today for the Very First Time in My Career on this President’ to Impeach Barack Obama, ‘He is Arming Terrorists!’

Beck called today for the first time in his career, to impeach Barack Obama. On Monday, Obama waived a federal provision specifically designed to prevent the U.S. from supplying arms to terrorist groups in order to begin providing military assistance to the Syrian rebels.

Defunding Obamacare Not ‘Suicide’ After All

Death PanelsBreitbart reported: Beltway conservatives have been warning for weeks that the movement to defund Obamacare through the upcoming budget debate is a political loser. Even columnist Charles Krauthammer, often sympathetic to the Tea Party movement, recently called the move to defund Obamacare a “suicide caucus” because of the risk that their efforts would force a government shutdown just as Republicans were gaining an edge on Democrats.

However, a new poll by Rasmussen indicates that a majority of Americans–51% to 40%–would favor shutting down the government, at least partially, rather than funding Obamacare. Americans who now face the prospect of higher insurance costs, fewer working hours, and the loss of their health coverage or their jobs are willing to suffer a brief interruption in non-essential government services until those problems are solved.

In other worse, the conventional wisdom is wrong–at least about the politics of defunding Obamacare.

GOP insiders had subscribed to the left-wing view that Democrats would benefit from any government shutdown, as they did in the 1990s. They believed, like NPR’s Nina Totenberg, that “all” of the polling data showed that while people dislike Obamacare, “people don’t want to defund it.”

If that were ever true, it is no longer.

Americans oppose Obamacare by strong and growing majorities, but the Republican Party has failed to build an agenda around that majority. They failed most painfully in 2012, when the party’s nominee–the only one who could be elected, also according to conventional wisdom–was Mitt Romney, who enacted a very similar reform as Governor of Massachusetts. Since then, congressional leaders have continued to neglect the issue.

Even on aspects of Obamacare that are opposed almost universally by the American people–such as the new congressional staff exemption, rejected by 94% of Americans–Republicans in Congress have largely been silent (worse, some even supported the exemption).

It is true that Americans might turn against a shutdown once it actually began to bite. But the risk is one that visionary political leadership would be ready to tackle.

The Democrats who plotted–years in advance–to use universal health care in 2009 as a battering ram for even more radical legislation were confident that people would never give up their new entitlement once they had it. Today, it is the conservative wing of the Republican Party that is fighting for Americans’ right to keep their health insurance.

This is a bread-and-butter issue like no other. It is no “suicide mission.” It is a no-brainer.

New Obamacare Ad Targets Uninsured Americans High on Acid, Ecstacy and/or Shrooms

Obamacare AdTheBlaze reported: Can you think of any other explanation for this ad promoting Obamacare in Oregon?  (At least Ithink it’s promoting the state’s Obamacare exchanges — it doesn’t actually mention health care at all…)

This is what happens when you elect hippies to public office:


According to Americans for Tax Reform, this ad will be running as part of a $3.2 million taxpayer-funded info campaign.

We Shall Call Him ‘Resident Obama Occupier of the People’s House’

Barack ObamaTheBlaze reported: Upon winning election to the highest office in the land, Mr. Barack Obama declared that he intended to fundamentally transform America.  Mission accomplished.

America is no longer a model for prosperity as unemployment has only dropped one-tenth of 1 percent every year Obama has occupied the Oval office.

Individual freedoms are no longer more guaranteed here than in any other nation in the world as demonstrated by the draconian law, Obamacare.  It’s a law from which elites have sought and received exemptions.  It’s also a law that a vast majority of Americans has never wanted.

And America is no longer that beacon of freedom, shinning to the world’s oppressed and down-trodden.  Just ask the families of those slaughtered in Iran’s Green Revolution, the people of Libya and Egypt and the real rebels in Syria, if Obama has lived up to the freedom-promoting standards set by previous American presidents.

If only Obama’s transgressions stopped there.  But he has not only transformed America, but he’s tried to redefine the office that he holds.

Let’s just set aside the copious rounds of golf while Americans suffer.  Let’s ignore the numerous opulent vacations taken by the Obama’s.  Let’s forget the party atmosphere at the “People’s House” these last five years with a steady stream of singers, violence promoting rap artists and Hollywood heavyweights.  Let’s focus on how Mr. Obama has approached his job.  Ecclesiastes says, “To everything there is a season,” but not for Mr. Obama.

In fact, even after winning election twice, Obama has consistently stuck to what he does best, campaigning.  This tactic has enabled President Obama to push for, impose and sign into law destructive policies that nobody seems to associate with him.  He’s also been the most partisan president in memory as he never misses an opportunity to belittle, misrepresent and condescend to the GOP, even in situations where past president’s would have been more statesman-like. Imagine being Paul Ryan or a Supreme Court Justice and having the occupier of the Oval Office single you out rather than looking for common ground or remembering the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

In his latest address on the economy, dubbed a five year anniversary speech on the economic crisis, Obama just bashed Republicans again.  We were treated to another repackaged speech that has been delivered, in one form or another, throughout Obama’s entire failed term in office.  Obama blamed the results from his policies on Republicans.  A day before Mr. Obama stomped his feet, refusing to address America’s debt crisis saying, “What I haven’t been willing to negotiate, and I will not negotiate, is on the debt ceiling.”

While he bashes Republicans for not seeing things his way, he simultaneously insists he won’t give an inch to Republicans.  Many Obama supporters will gripe that Obama’s detractors have few nice things to say of him.  That may be true.  But those people were not elected president.

Even President George W. Bush, after enduring vile and unfair slurs from the left, knew when it was time to govern.  Mr. Obama hasn’t received the memo.

Obama is under the mistaken impression that it is his job that gives him credibility.  It’s not occurred to him that credibility was an attribute he needed to bring to the job.  No greater example exists of Obama’s attempted reformation of the office of President than an American foreign policy in shambles.

We’ve watched the “lead from behind” approach taken by Obama yield expected results.  For the first time in history we have a person elected to the highest office in the land who doesn’t believe in America’s foundational values.  For the first time we have an alleged leader who views America as a force of “bad” in the world not a force for “good”.

Obama withdrew American troops without a status of forces agreement in Iraq to guard the peace won through President Bush’s surge.  That country has descended into chaos, death and Iranian influence.

Libya is a country in turmoil, a breeding ground and safe-haven for the terrorists who murdered four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

And Obama’s dithering in Syria has robbed the American people the opportunity to influence a hotbed of terror.

Obama missed a shot at dealing a huge blow to Iran and Russia.  His inaction has ensured that the only boots on the ground in opposition to the dictator Bashar al-Assad belong to Al Qaeda.  Obama is so weak that he drew a “red line” for the use of chemical weapons in Syria during campaign 2012.  When weapons were used, his only recourse was to try and convince Americans that he never drew the “red line” to in the first place.

Mr. Obama is too cool.  He’s too cool to be bothered with the traditions and conventions that have governed past presidents.  He has set out to transform America and in turn has attempted to lower expectations for the office of president.

There is nothing special about Barack Obama. He’s a committed extremist liberal. He is a simple politician, a rank partisan and an unserious man who seems content to host parties at the White House and watch America and the world burn.

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, the Presidency is not his to change.  In fact, the office of President belongs to “We the People.”  It is we who set the standards and expectations for our presidents.  Those expectations extend beyond two election days.

Since Mr. Obama refuses to behave in the manner commensurate with the office of President of the United States, I think we are under no obligation to bestow that honor upon him.  He does deserve the title.  He has three more years to unleash his destructive policies on us.  We can’t very well call him “Obama” the entire time.

I toiled, looking for an appropriate title, for the occupier of the Oval Office.  I thought of “used-car-salesmen.”  It’s been done.  I thought of “Amway salesmen.”  Amway is a successful enterprise, not worthy of Obama.  I credit the audience of the Jay Severin Show for the winning term.  Obama is simply taking up space and being a general nuisance, like the Occupy Wall Street crowd with whom he share much affection and much in common.

Hence forth, Obama will be known as “Resident Obama Occupier of the People’s House,” or “Resident Obama” for short.  If you think about, it fits.

Obama Defends Economic Record, Rips GOP as DC Attack Unfolds

Obama Aipac SpeechBreitbart reported: Just minutes after the Washington DC police chief said that two shooters might still be on the loose in the Navy Yard mass murders, President Obama held a previously scheduled event to defend his economic record.

The president opened his remarks by condemning a shooting that has reportedly left six dead and as many as 10 injured.

President Barack Obama is mourning what he called “yet another mass shooting” in the United States that he says took the life of American patriots.

Obama promised to make sure, quote, “whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible.”

The president then went into a lengthy and familiar defense of his economic record as events surrounding the Navy Yard murders continued to unfold.  Obama criticized Republicans in advance of the upcoming budget battle, mocked Mitt Romney as having lost after calling for a repeal of ObamaCare, and talked about the economy he inherited from George W. Bush:

President Barack Obama says the nation’s financial system is `safer’ five years after the collapse of a Wall Street giant plunged the nation deeper into a recession.

Obama marked the fifth anniversary of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers by surrounding himself with Americans the White House says have benefited from the administration’s economic and banking policies.

Obama says his administration has laid a “new foundation” for a stronger economy. But he admits that the benefits are not being felt by many middle class Americans.

While the president spoke, law enforcement officials just a few miles away took care of the wounded and dead, and attempted to track down two additional shooters suspected of being involved.

IRS Scandal: Officials Thought Obama Wanted Crackdown on Tea Party Groups

Lois Lerner IRS

Washington Times reported: IRS employees were “acutely” aware in 2010 that President Obama wanted to crack down on conservative organizations and were egged into targeting tea party groups by press reports mocking the emerging movement, according to an interim report being circulated Tuesday by House investigators.

The report, by staffers for Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, quoted two Internal Revenue Service officials saying the tea party applications were singled out in the targeting program that has the agency under investigation because “they were likely to attract media attention.”

In the report, the investigators do not find evidence that IRS employees received orders from politicians to target the tea party, and agency officials deny overt bias or political motives.

But the report says the IRS was at least taking cues from political leaders and designed special policies to review tea party applications, including dispatching some of them to Washington to be vetted by headquarters.

“As prominent politicians publicly urged the IRS to take action on tax-exempt groups engaged in legal campaign intervention activities, the IRS treated tea party applications differently,” the staff report concludes. “Applications filed by tea party groups were identified and grouped due to media attention surrounding the existence of the tea party in general.”

That finding contradicts Democrats on Capitol Hill, who argue that some liberal groups also were given special scrutiny, thus showing there was neither a witch hunt for conservatives nor political pressure from the White House.

“The fact is that not a single piece of evidence has been unearthed that suggests there was any political motivation or outside involvement,” Democratic staffers on the House Ways and Means Committee said in a memo Tuesday outlining the state of the investigation. “Republicans, however, believe that if they continue to repeat their baseless accusations of a ‘White House enemies’ list, it will become true.”

For years, Republicans in Congress charged that the IRS was targeting specific groups, but top agency officials denied it.

But four months ago, with an inspector general’s report about to be released, the IRS carefully staged a question at a conference so officials could reveal that they had been treating tea party applications differently.

Several congressional committees have since opened investigations including open hearings, document requests and depositions of agency employees.

The latest oversight report is meant to take stock of where the investigation stands and to lay out what Republicans know and what they suspect. The report says the conclusions are preliminary and that tens of thousands of pages of documents have yet to be examined.

In one of the key findings, investigators said negative press coverage of the tea party was one reason why the IRS gave the groups special scrutiny.

“It was my understanding that the reason they were identified is because they were likely to attract media attention,” Steven Grodnitzky, one of the employees in the exempt organizations division, told investigators.

Another supervisory employee in Washington, Ronald Shoemaker, also said press attention helped shape IRS policies, telling investigators that media attention to those cases “was the basis” for designating them as significant cases requiring special examination.

The Republican oversight report traces the growing pressure on the IRS to act, beginning with Mr. Obama’s criticism of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision in his 2010 State of the Union address to calls from top members of Congress for the IRS to give special scrutiny to tea party applications. Read More