KISS Gene Simmons: Defends Tim Tebow from Religious Hypocrisy on His Christianity

IJReview reported: KISS singer-songwriter Gene Simmons stopped by Fox & Friends to promo the Arena Football League’s offer to unsigned NFL player Tim Tebow, who has doubtless received a lot of media flack for being a public Christian.

“All those pundits in the peanut gallery who pick on [Tebow] because he is an avowed Christian, and proud of it, demonstrate the [most] heinous thing of all sports reporting and journalism. Because he is a man who believes in his God, and people pick on him. If he was a Jew or a Muslim and did that [was devout], people would never care. But for some reason, because he’s a Christian, you’re allowed to pick on him.”

Simmons said the journalists who have treated Tebow this way “should be held accountable.”

“They’re never going to pick on a guy who tortures dogs [a reference to Michael Vick, and can we get an Amen for that?] or… perhaps has gone to jail for murder,” Simmons added. “But if he believes in Christ his Lord, then he’s open season… it’s like what country are we living in?”

Despite his alter-ego as the frontman Gene Simmons (an Israeli Jew born as Chaim Witz) of the hard rock band KISS — his nickname, after all, is “The Demon” — Simmons does not have a reputation as a licentious, drug-abusing, strung-out rockstar. Simmons defied music industry expectations with his support of the George W. Bush administration and the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

“I’m ashamed to be surrounded by people calling themselves liberal who are, in my opinion, spitting on the graves of brave American soldiers who gave their life to fight a war that wasn’t theirs…in a country they’ve never been to… simply to liberate the people therein,” Simmons famously wrote on his website.

Simmons thus knows firsthand the kind of media blowback that Tim Tebow has faced as an unabashed practicing Christian. It’s inspiring to see people who have the guts to stand up to left-wing media bullying and speak their minds freely.

Lois Lerner: Tea Party “Dangerous,” Terrorists Are Okay, Including Obama’s Half-Brother Malik

Lois LernerLois Lerner pegged Tea Party as ‘dangerous’ but fast-tracked a foundation headed by a man who works for the Sudan’s Muslim Brotherhood government, who just happens to be the half-brother of Barack Obama, Malik Obama.

Shoebat reported: In newly released emails penned by Lois Lerner, Director of Tax Exempt Organizations at the IRS, it’s been learned that this woman identified Tea Parties as “dangerous”. Conversely, she fast-tracked the 501(c)(3) application of a foundation headed by a man who works for the Sudan’s Muslim Brotherhood government. That man also happens to be the half-brother of Barack Obama, Malik Obama.

Via the Wall Street Journal (h/t DC):

In a February 2011 email, Ms. Lerner advised her staff—including then Exempt Organizations Technical Manager Michael Seto and then Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz—that a Tea Party matter is “very dangerous,” and is something “Counsel and [Lerner adviser] Judy Kindell need to be in on.” Ms. Lerner adds, “Cincy should probably NOT have these cases.”

That’s a different tune than the IRS sang in May when former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller said the agency’s overzealous enforcement was the work of two “rogue” employees in Cincinnati. When the story broke, Ms. Lerner suggested that her office had been unaware of the pattern of targeting until she read about it in the newspaper. “So it was pretty much we started seeing information in the press that raised questions for us, and we went back and took a look,” she said in May. {emphasis ours}

So, according to Lerner’s email, Tea Party groups led by people like Becky Gerritson of the Wetumpka, Alabama Tea Party are dangerous…

Yet, according to Lerner’s signature at the bottom of Malik Obama’s Tax Exempt approval letter, she gave expeditious, favorable, and illegal tax-exempt status to a foundation headed by a man who is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood. We are left to conclude that Lerner doesn’t think mass genocidal murderers like Sudan’s Omar Al-Bashir are dangerous…

Malik Obama

Back on August 29th, House Ways and Means Committee member, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) took a call during a radio town hall and told a caller who brought up the scandal involving Lois Lerner and Malik Obama that he was “spot-on”:

[Video]: ‘Liberal Chick’ Collects Signatures From College Students to Send ‘Care Packages’ to al Qaeda Muslim Brotherhood Rebels, Watch and Weep

Clash Daily’s “Liberal Chick” went to a college campus – clipboard in hand – to plea to college students to sign a petition to send care packages to poor, oppressed “Muslim al Qaeda brothers being persecuted in Syria.” She told each prospect that for each signature she received, a care package would be sent to a al Qaeda freedom fighter. An additional selling point for the college crowd was it’s being done with Obama’s imprimatur.

Surely, only 12 years after 9/11, even naive college kids wouldn’t be duped into signing on to such a ridiculous thing…

These people vote. In fact, Obama made sure of it in 2012. During early voting in Ohio, the Obama campaign provided a steady stream of buses after his college rallies to take the rally goers right to the polls.

Report: Syria Transported Chemical Weapons to Iraq

Syria Moving Weapons to IraqIt was reported today by Jerusalem Post, that Syria is in the process, or have completed, moving equipment and material used for chemical weapon manufacturing to their neighbor Iraq… seems like a logical choice.

The Jerusalem Post reported: Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into neighboring Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported on Sunday.

The government in Baghdad has denied allegations that it is helping the Syrian government conceal chemical stockpiles.

The report came just a day after the United States and Russia struck a deal stipulating that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime would destroy its chemical arsenal to avert an American military assault.

The newspaper reported that the trucks crossed the boundary separating Syria with Iraq over the course of Thursday and Friday. Border guards did not inspect the contents of the trucks, which raises suspicions that they contained illicit cargo, according to Al-Mustaqbal.

Al-Mustaqbal, a publication that has long been affiliated with anti-Syrian political elements in Lebanon, quoted a spokesperson for Iraq’s interior ministry, Saad Maan, as saying that security forces were deployed along the border and were checking all vehicles coming into the country.

“Iraq today is not Saddam Hussein’s Iraq,” he said. “It is not an Iraq which resorts to the use of chemical weapons against its own people or against its neighbors.”

“These accusations are all rumors and are useless and no one believes them,” he said.

Last week, the head of the Free Syrian Army told CNN that opposition intelligence indicated Assad was moving chemical arms out of the country.

“Today, we have information that the regime began to move chemical materials and chemical weapons to Lebanon and to Iraq,” General Salim Idriss told CNN.

“We have told our friends that the regime has begun moving a part of its chemical weapons arsenal to Lebanon and Iraq. We told them do not be fooled,” Idris told reporters in Istanbul.

“All of this initiative does not interest us. Russia is a partner with the regime in killing the Syrian people. A crime against humanity has been committed and there is not any mention of accountability.”