MSNBC’s Schultz: ‘It Amazes Me That People Don’t Love Obama’

ED SCHULTZ: “I just cannot believe this number. Seriously, It amazes me that people don’t love Obama.”

I wonder what will happen to guys like Ed Schultz when they realize what Obama is doing to our dollar when the market collapses. I hate to be a pessimist, but I believe most of our readers understand what’s going on with the market right now. The stock market is hyper-inflated and we are going to fall flat on our face once the dollar implodes.

Michelle Obama: FLOTUS Wants You To Drink More Water Like a Good Little Proletariat

Health through hydration is not really about drinking more water for the most part, it’s about drinking less soda and other sugary drinks. Drinking water is important, but if Michelle Obama wants to really help, soda consumption in this country, is really the culprit to obesity for younger children and teens.

(USA Today) A sign of our divided times: Even a first lady project encouraging people to drink more water is drawing criticism.

Michelle Obama traveled Thursday to Watertown, Wis. — naturally — to promote a new program by her Partnership for a Healthier America to encourage people to drink more water.

“Drink just one more glass of water a day and you can make a real difference for your health, your energy, and the way you feel,” Obama said. “So Drink Up and see for yourself.”

Yet Politico reports several public health experts as saying that the White House is overselling the benefits of water.

Al Gore: The North Polar Ice Cap Will ‘Completely Disappear’ by 2013 Due to Global Warming, BUT Latest Study Shows Polar Ice Cap is at Highest Level Since 2006

Al Gore Global Warming ScamCNS reported: ( – A 2007 prediction that summer in the North Pole could be “ice-free by 2013” that was cited by former Vice President Al Gore in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech has proven to be off… by 920,000 square miles.

In his Dec. 10, 2007 “Earth has a fever” speech, Gore referred to a prediction by U.S. climate scientist Wieslaw Maslowski that the Arctic’s summer ice could “completely disappear” by 2013 due to global warming caused by carbon emissions.

Gore said that on Sept. 21, 2007, “scientists reported with unprecedented alarm that the North Polar icecap is, in their words, ‘falling off a cliff.’ One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week warns that it could happen in as little as seven years, seven years from now.”

Maslowski told members of the American Geophysical Union in 2007 that the Arctic’s summer ice could completely disappear within the decade. “If anything,” he said, “our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer… is already too conservative.”

The former vice president also warned that rising temperatures were “a planetary emergency and a threat to the survival of our civilization.”

However, instead of completely melting away, the polar icecap is at now at its highest level for this time of year since 2006.
Arctic ice

Aug. 26, 2012 satellite photo of Arctic ice. (NASA)

August 26, 2012 Satellite Photo Arctic Ice

Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.

Instead of shrinking, the NASA photographs clearly show that the Arctic ice sheet is much larger than it was at the same time last year. The thick layer of summer ice, which currently stretches from Canada to Russia, is preventing ships from using the North-West Passage.
Arctic ice

Aug. 15, 2013 satellite photo of Arctic ice. (NASA)

August 15, 2013 Satellite Photo of Arctic Ice
A Dec. 12, 2007 BBC article quoted Professor Maslowski and his team of climate researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. explaining how they used “a high-resolution regional [computer] model for the Arctic Ocean and sea ice forced with realistic atmospheric data” to make their predictions.

“This way, we get much more realistic forcing, from above by the atmosphere and from the bottom by the ocean,” he said.

NASA spokesman Steve Cole told that the space agency is in charge of monitoring polar ice “as part of our Earth sciences” mandate. “We have a number of different satellites orbiting the Earth and observing the ice sheets and a lot of other things around the clock, and we are funded to collect that data.” is not funded by the government like NPR. is not funded by the government like PBS. relies on individuals like you to help us report the news the liberal media distort and ignore. Please make a tax-deductible gift to today. Your continued support will ensure that is here reporting THE TRUTH, for a long time to come. It’s fast, easy and secure.

Reagan Was To Gorbachev What Putin Is To Obama, And We Are Stuck With Obama

Ronald Reagan

Putin Didn’t Save Obama; He Beat Him

With the Russian proposal on Syrian chemical weapons, the United States is being escorted out of the Middle East.
Maybe Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin really did discuss the idea of putting Syrian chemical weapons under international control last week on the sidelines of the G20 conference. Putin sure doesn’t care that Obama’s taking credit for the proposal, or that the administration is posturing like a Mob enforcer. “The only reason why we are seeing this proposal,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney, “is because of the U.S. threat of military action.”Right, Putin is laughing to himself. Whatever. If Obama wants to sell it like a Christmas miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue that’s fine with Putin, because Putin won.

Reset with Russia was originally a strategic priority for the Obama administration because it saw Moscow as the key to getting Iran to come to the negotiating table. Putin, from the White House’s perspective, was destined for the role of junior partner. Now Putin has turned “Reset” upside down. By helping Obama out of a jam with Syria, Putin has made himself the senior partner to whom the White House is now beholden. Accordingly, when Putin proposes the same sort of deal with Iran, with Russia having established its bona fides as an interlocutor for Syria, Obama is almost certain to jump at it.

Millionaire Gets Arrested and Faces Years in Prison for Scaring Away Intruder from His Home

George BardwilTheBlaze reported: Millionaire mogul George Bardwil faces years in prison for using a firearm to scare away a home intruder in January. In dramatic surveillance footage played in Manhattan Supreme Court on Thursday, Bardwil is seen pointing the loaded gun — registered to his bodyguard — at an intruder in his Upper East Side home.

Mogul Bardwill Seen With Gun on Video Played in NY Supreme Court

With pistol in hand, Bardwil can be seen frantically rushing from his messy bedroom to the top of a staircase in his East 51st Street town house as his startled Yorkie barks in the background,” the New York Post reports.

The video has apparently not been released to the public.

When police arrived to investigate the break-in, Bardwil told them exactly what happened and voluntarily showed them the surveillance tape. So police arrested him for possessing an illegal gun. He is currently free on $250,000 bail.

In New York City, residents need to apply for permits just to keep a firearm in their homes. The gun, a loaded .40-cal Sig Sauer, was legally registered to Bardwil’s bodyguard and kept in a secure box at the millionaire’s apartment, according to the New York Post.

Further, the Wall Street Journal notes: “Mr. Bardwil allegedly told police he kept the weapon because he feared for his life and said he slept with the gun underneath his pillow in his bedroom.”

The mega-rich linen mogul keeps a bodyguard and a gun because he has reportedly been the victim of multiple burglaries because of his money.

He faces three years in prison for using a firearm to ward off a home intruder.

If you want to know more about the case, NRA News’ Cam Edwards has you covered: