Al-Qaeda Leader Calls for More Attacks on American Soil, And Obama is Arming and Financially Supporting Them

Ayman al Zawahiri
We have learned that Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a speech on 9/11/2013 calling for terror attacks inside the U.S.  What will come as shocking to Americans is that we are in fact, supporting the same faction that wants to destroy us!

Essentially, the CIA is arming a terrorist group which is directed by the head of Al-Qaeda, who is simultaneously calling for terror attacks inside the United States – and it’s all being conducted in plain view.  None of these groups even find a need to hide these hideous facts.  Americans are seeing their tax dollars being used to equip terrorists that have slaughtered 3,000 Americans in New York, and continue and plot to kill more!

Breitbart reported: Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a speech on the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and called for more attacks on U.S. soil in order to start a “war on its own land.” He wants these attacks to hit the American economy by forcing the United States to overspend on defense.

We should bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security, for the weak point of America is its economy, which has already begun to stagger due to the military and security expenditure.

Al-Zawahiri was Osama bin Laden’s physician and second in command. He took over al Qaeda when bin Laden was killed in May 2011. The 72-minute speech was released and translated on the SITE Intelligence Group website. It was produced by al-Qaeda’s media as-Sahab.

“To keep up the hemorrhage in America’s security and military spending, we need to keep the Unites States on a constant state of alert about where and when the next strike will blow,” Zawahiri said. “Keeping America on its guards only requires from us scattered strikes here and there.”

He promoted “lone-wolf” attacks, called for more attacks like 9/11, and told Muslims to kidnap westerners to exchange for Muslim prisoners. He thinks Muslims should not buy American products or anything from their allies because the spending would only help fund wars in Muslim countries. Al-Zawahiri went on to praise the bombing at the Boston Marathon:

“The Boston incident confirms to the Americans … that they are not facing individuals, organizations or groups, but they are facing an uprising Ummah (Muslim community), that rose in jihad to defend its soul, dignity and capabilities,” he said.

“What the American regime refuses to admit is that al-Qaeda is a message before it was an organization.”

However, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller, who met al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan, told CBS This Morning the message shows desperation:

“He’s looking at the Boston Marathon bombing, which was a terrorist attack but rather small. He’s seen the profound effect it’s had on Boston and he wants more,” said Miller. “To me, the tacit admission is that al Qaeda does not feel it’s in the position, organizationally, to do what it used to do, which is organize and launch it themselves.”

“I think he lacks the charisma of bin Laden,” added Miller. “He’s an Egyptian pediatrician and he’s a smart guy, but his message hasn’t resonated.”

Boston School: Recites Muslim Poem Instead of Pledge of Allegiance on 9/11 Anniversary

Muslim PoemA school in Boston made the decision to recite a Muslim poem over the Pledge of Allegiance as an obvious move to be seen as ‘politically correct’ and to promote ‘cross-cultural understanding’.  Is this what we’ve become, a society that is passive aggressive against the very same foundation that built our country?

Business Standard reported: A school in Boston reportedly had a Muslim poem recital over the intercom instead of the Pledge of Allegiance on the 12th anniversary of 9/11.

The principal of Concord Carlisle High School, Peter Badalament issued an apology and said that a ‘small number’ of people were outraged at the poem, which was meant to promote ‘cross-cultural understanding’.

According to the Washington Times, the Pledge of Allegiance was not read because of some confusion and the principal said that the school was unaware that their student pledge reader was unavailable that day.

The report said that Mohja Kahf’s ‘My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears’ was recited in which a granddaughter’s account of watching her grandmother adhere to the religious Muslim custom of washing her feet five times a day, is described.

Badalament said that the district will integrate the feedback that has been offered into their future work with students, the report added.

CNN Chief Propagandist Amanpour Demands “Moral” Intervention in Syria

CNN Chief Propagandist Christiane Amanpour flipped out on the Syria panel Thursday night, calling out the “false moral equivalence” of anti-interventionists.

She clashed with blogger Andrew Sullivan over the emotion in the case, shouting down her fellow panelists to get a word in edgewise.After Anderson Cooper and Sullivan brought up the need to separate the emotion from the policy, Amanpour sighed and said, “I can barely contain myself at this point.” She proceeded to go on a rant about the “false moral equivalence” in arguing against going in.

How many more times do we have to say that weapons of mass destruction were used, and as bad as it is to decapitate somebody, it is by no means equal. We can’t use this false moral equivalence about what’s going on right now. They tried to do it in the second World War, they tried to do it in Bosnia, they tried to do it in Rwanda, and they’re trying to do it now.

There is no moral equivalence.When the others tried to jump in, Amanpour shouted, “Wait just a second!” She firmly argued that Obama simply cannot allow Assad to get away with using chemical weapons, noting how Bill Clinton is still apologizing for Rwanda. Sullivan jumped in to say, “This is not reason, this is emotion.” Amanpour fired back, “It’s not emotion. This is history coming out.They clashed over whether turning away from such terrible crimes is sometimes in America’s national interests, while Charles Blow accused Amanpour of painting a “false choice” about not caring about dead kids and not wanting to bomb Syria. She cried, “Nobody’s saying that! You’re playing rhetorical games!”

9/11 Memorial: Protestors Rip Out 2,977 Flags to Protest ‘American Imperialism’

5 Liberal Idiots pull 2,977 Flags from 9/11All I can say is wow… Five protestors decided that 2,977 that lost their lives on 9/11/2001 was not as important as their liberal idiotic protest of ‘America’s imperialism.’

The Middlebury Campus reported: Two of five unidentified protestors uproot flags dedicated to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks in a midday protest. (middbeat/Rachel Kogan)

A 2,977 flag memorial was ripped out of the ground in front of Mead Memorial Chapel shortly before 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11 by a group of five protestors claiming that the flags were on top of a sacred Abenaki burial site.

The flags — meant to commemorate each of the 2,977 lives taken in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks — have been posted in the grass between Mead Chapel and the Davis Family Library annually in a joint effort between the College Republicans and Democrats for nearly 10 years.

Ben Kinney ’15, president of the College Republicans, spent two hours putting the flags outside of Mead Chapel on Tuesday night, and happened to be walking up the hill towards the chapel when he saw four females and one male stuffing the miniature flags into black trash bags.

“I got there just as they were taking the very last of them out of the ground and putting them in piles,” he said. “At first, I the group was comprised of College Democrats helping put the flags away before the rain rolled in, but then I realized what they were doing.”

Kinney said the protestors told him they were “confiscating” the flags in protest of “America’s imperialism.”

Julia Madden ’14, was walking back from Proctor when she saw the five people uprooting the flags.

“I was just getting out of class, but when I saw what they were doing I decided to say something,” she said. “They were quickly putting them into two big plastic trash bags. I’m mad at myself for not being more aggressive. I was just dumbfounded.”

There was no discussion. No compromise. We asked if we could put them somewhere else, but they wouldn’t listen.”

Sasha Schell ’15 also walked by the protest.

“I was thinking to myself ‘why are people cleaning them up now and why are they doing it in such a hurried and haphazard manner?’ I went up and asked them what they were doing. They said ‘this is an Indian burial ground and you can’t have anything penetrating the earth.’”

“It is really disrespectful to our community. It is disrespectful to the firefighters who went into the towers to save people. Most of all, it is disrespectful to anybody who lost somebody on that day,” he said. “It was completely out of line for anybody to come remove those flags. This is a travesty.”

Kinney, who said he received permission to erect the memorial from Associate Dean of Students for Student Activities & Orientation JJ Boggs, said he had never seen protests against the yearly memorial during his time at the College.

“You can’t say that one death is more legitimate to commemorate than another,” he said.