Obama Can’t Prove Bashar Assad Approved The Chemical Attacks

Obama Chemical AttacksThis one small detail seems to get maligned and misrepresented; there has been no proof that Bashar Assad ordered or approved the chemical attacks on his own people.

This revelation to some, continues to haunt the Obama administration and should be a concern for all of us.  There are many that believe that in fact the Syrian Rebels could be responsible for the attack, and that even the U.S. was involved at some level.

Washington Times reported: U.S. intelligence has yet to uncover evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad directly ordered the chemical attacks last month on civilians in a suburb of Damascus, though the consensus inside U.S. agencies and Congress is that members of Mr. Assad’s inner circle likely gave the command, officials tell The Washington Times.

The gap in the intelligence has raised debate in some corners of the wider intelligence community about whether Mr. Assad has full control of his war-weary Army and their arsenal of chemical missiles, which most likely would be treasured by terrorist groups known to be operating in Syria, said officials, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing intelligence matters.

“If there was a rogue general that did it on his own accord, that would be a bigger problem for Assad, because that would imply that he does not have control of his own weapons,” said one senior congressional source familiar with U.S. intelligence assessments on Syria.

Apart from concerns about weapons falling into the hands of such Sunni extremist and al Qaeda-linked groups as the al-Nusra Front, there are also concerns about serious hurdles now likely to lie ahead for the international community trying to assemble a special team to work with Mr. Assad on securing his chemical arsenal.

Some foreign policy insiders, meanwhile, said the lack of specific intelligence about who ordered the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack is the main reason why top Obama administration officials — including the president himself — have in recent days carefully assigned blame to “Assad’s regime” rather than the Syrian leader personally.

Officials stressed there is a high degree of confidence that Mr. Assad had previously delegated authority over the use of chemical weapons to senior military commanders within his regime, even if he didn’t directly order the latest attack or know about it in advance.

The “responsibility for the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons on Aug. 21 rests on his shoulders whether he ordered the attack or not,” one U.S. official said, summarizing the assessment of intelligence agencies. “Nobody doubts that Syrian military leaders report to Assad.”

Outside the Obama administration, some analysts with senior-level Middle East and intelligence experience say doubts about control of Mr. Assad’s chemical arsenal do exist and are very real.

“As far as I know, there’s no intelligence that links [Mr. Assad] directly to the operation, so that does raise the question of command and control,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer who heads the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

In an interview, Mr. Riedel said the question now looms large, particularly since debate around how best to respond to the use of chemical weapons has shifted rapidly from a possible U.S. military strike to a diplomatic effort to get Mr. Assad to give up the weapons.

“The optimistic scenario is that we’re going to now have a U.N. system put in place to monitor and control Syria’s chemical weapons,” said Mr. Riedel. “If there are questions about who is in control of the weapons, it makes that whole mission harder.”

What’s worse, he said, is that as international pressure mounts on Mr. Assad to comply with international specialists, there could be “Syrian military units and generals who believe keeping chemical weapons is their trump card and key to their survival.”

“Any U.N. disarmament effort is going to become even more complicated because they’re going to have to use forces to get that general to give it up — the generals hide things [and] I can envision in the chaos that’s going on in Syria today, some Syrian general saying, ‘I don’t care what the president says, I don’t care what the minister says, I’ve got to have my insurance policy and it is hanging onto a stash of chemical weapons.’”

While President Obama and Secretary of State John F. Kerry have given firm pronouncements blaming the Syrian government for using chemical weapons last month, the administration also has done a rhetorical dance around the question of who actually authorized and carried out the attack.

With the White House appearing to dial back its push for a U.S. military response in the face of resistance from Congress and from other world powers during recent days, some senior administration officials have appeared to acknowledge outright the lack of intelligence directly linking Mr. Assad to the attack.

SICKENING: Obama State Department Ignores 9/11, Benghazi Anniversaries

Obama BenghaziThe deafening silence should surprise nobody.

The Obama administration has been colluding on the Benghazi coverup since inception, most likely before that, and they would like nothing more than to continue sweeping it under the rug.  As far as not observing 9/11/2001, all I can say is Obama is now on the same level as the group responsible for the attack… food for thought.

(THE WEEKLY STANDARD) — At 8:46 a.m. on September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City by terrorists.  Eleven years later on September 11, 2012, events unfolded in Benghazi, Libya, that would ultimately leave a U.S. diplomatic facility gutted and four Americans dead.  As of 8:46 AM today, the U.S. State Department had not acknowledged either anniversary.

Up until yesterday, as noted by THE WEEKLY STANDARD, neither the White House or the State Department had mentioned the upcoming anniversary of the Benghazi attack.  Then Tuesday night around 8 p.m., the White House issued a statement by the press secretary noting a preparedness meeting the president held on Tuesday in anticipation of the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.   […]

The silence from the State Department, however, continues.  There is nothing on Wednesday’s public schedule of the State Department regarding any observance, memorial, or remembrance of either 9/11 or Benghazi.  There are no mentions of 9/11, Benghazi, or Ambassador Christopher Stevens any time recently on the State Department website, the Facebook page, or the Twitter account. Read more via The Weekly Standard…

James Woods: Obama is ‘The Gift From Hell That Keeps On Giving’

James Woods: Obama The Gift From HellJames Woods continues to pound President Barack Obama on Twitter regardless what his Hollywood peers might think.

This time the veteran actor blasts the president for sharing data on Americans with another country.

The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without removing information about Americans, The Guardian reported, citing a top-secret document it said was provided by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

That fired up Woods, an actor known for his intense work in films like The Onion Field, Casino and Nixon. He sent out the following tweet to alert his followers to the latest NSA news.

James Woods on Twitter

Report: Data on Americans shared with Israel http://usat.ly/1e32eY5  Obama: the gift from hell that keeps on giving.

Sarah Palin: Forget Syria — Bomb Obamacare

Sarah PalinTheBlaze reported: While the country’s attention may be on Syria these days, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is here to remind us all not to take our eye off another important target — the repeal of Obamacare.

“Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction,” Palin wrote on Facebook Monday. “Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare.”

The GOP firebrand’s post also included this video, produced by her political action committee SarahPAC:

Glenn Beck: ‘This Is the Week That America Lost Its Superpower Status’

Bilateral MeetingTheBlaze reported: “Write it down in your calendars, because this is the week that America lost its superpower status,” Glenn Beck said on his weekday radio program Tuesday.

Beck was speaking about the international response to the conflict in Syria, and asserted that it has been Russia, not the United States, that has emerged looking like a competent leader.

This is particularly the case after the country offered to take control of Syria’s chemical weapons, thereby potentially averting an international conflict, Beck said.

“When I saw the story that Putin came out and said, ‘I just was wrestling a bear here about 10 minutes ago…and I called up Assad and I said, ‘Hey! You’re gonna give me your chemical weapons.’  And he said, ‘Okay, dude.’  After [Putin] made that statement and then the president said, ‘Okay, uh, we could do that…’  I thought to myself…we’re done as a superpower,” Beck said. “He has just put the final nail in the coffin.”

Beck reminded his audience of Obama’s “hot mic” comment to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, that he would have more “flexibility” after the election, and Medvedev’s response that he would “transmit this message to Vladimir.”

“Maybe this is one of those things that he was going to take care of, somehow or another elevate Vladimir Putin and Russia as the lone superpower in the world,” Beck speculated. “Because I don’t know if you noticed, but the chairs just switched at the table.  Vladimir Putin and Russia is the leading superpower in the world.”

Beck’s co-host Stu Burguiere noted that “they dictate the terms,” “they create the peace,” and do everything else that “we’re supposed to be doing.”

Later in the show, when Beck said he was getting some push-back from listeners for his assertion, Beck’s co-host Pat Gray maintained: “Putin has made this president, our president, and the secretary of state look like absolute pathetic kindergarteners.”

“Morons,” Beck added. “I mean, [Putin] guy was the head of the KGB. While our president was with the ‘Choom Gang,’ that guy was learning how to kill people with his little finger…he doesn’t mess around.”

“[Putin] knows what he’s doing,” Gray agreed. “These idiots in Washington don’t have any clue as to what they’re doing.”


Ted Cruz: Obamacare ‘Ain’t Working’

Ted Cruz - RallyBreitbart reported: On Tuesday at the “Exempt America” rally in Washington, D.C., Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Obamacare needed to be defunded because it is a job-killer that is not working. “Obamacare is a disaster,” Cruz said. “This thing ain’t working.”

Cruz, along with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), has insisted that House Republicans pass a resolution that funds the government except for Obamacare. He argues conservatives should “win the argument” by convincing Americans that President Barack Obama and Democrats would rather shut down the government than give the same exemptions they gave to big businesses and special interest groups to all Americans.

“President Obama is busy giving exemptions to all the favored groups in Washington,” Cruz said, noting members of Congress and big businesses have received exemptions and unions are now asking for theirs. “How about an exemption for hard-working families?”

Cruz said the grassroots are stronger than before, and politics is no longer being played by the old rules. He also blasted House Republicans who wanted to use procedural tricks to make it seem like they are trying to defund Obamacare with the full knowledge that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) would later strip out the provisions. Breitbart News reporter Matthew Boyle obtained a document that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) distributed to lay out such a strategy.

Cruz, though, said the one great thing about America is that sovereignty is not vested in Washington but instead resides in “We the people.”

The “Exempt America” rally was a culmination of a multi-state tour organized by Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica. Breitbart News provided exclusive programming of the event.

2 Million Bikers Roar into Washington D.C. To Roll Over the Muslim March

An estimated 2 Million bikers roared into the nation’s capital today to pay tribute to 9/11, as well as overwhelm the potential for any Million Muslim March that was expected. Mission accomplished.

WND reported: WASHINGTON – It was originally billed at “The Million Muslim March,” though organizers later revised it to the “Million American March Against Fear.”

But at noon today in the nation’s capital, there weren’t a million Muslims or Americans to be found anywhere – not even close.

In fact, a WND-TV news crew on the scene, preparing to provide live coverage of the event in a webcast, has been unable to locate any of the marchers who were supposed to go from the National Mall to the Supreme Court and the White House.

However, the counter-protest by bikers were in evidence everywhere. Driving in from Canada and all over the United States, the bikers, who were denied a permit for their demonstration, were flooding the capital, with some estimates in the hundreds of thousands.

Pictures published by Christian Today appear to justify those expectations.

The name of the “Million Muslim March” to the “Million American March Against Fear” because organizers said the original name proved too “scary.”

In fact, The American Muslim Political Action Committee was criticized for scheduling the march on the anniversary of 9/11.

But, organizers insist the name was changed because, “Many non-Muslim Americans are terrified of Muslims, who are portrayed by Hollywood and the US media as fanatical terrorists.”

AMPAC also claims, “Muslims, too, live in fear – of being dragged off in the night to Guantanamo and tortured, simply for the crime of being Muslim in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Organizers refused to change the date of the march, so significant to Americans because of the terrorist attacks by fanatical Muslims 12 years ago, because, “September 11th, 2001 was the beginning of a new era of fear. Since 9/11, Americans have been terrorized by the media.”

“They have been taught to fear their neighbors. They have been inculcated with fear of other religions. They have been brainwashed into fearing people with brown skins, turbans, and foreign accents,” claims AMPAC.

Alert: Small Businesses May Face $100-Per-Day Obamacare Fine

Obamacare Leaflet Breitbart reported: A little-noticed Obamacare provision could slap unknowing small business owners with a $100-per-day penalty starting in 20 days.

Beginning on October 1, any business with at least one employee making $500,000 or more a year must notify all employees via letter about the Obamacare government exchanges or face up to a $100-per-day penalty, reports Fox Business.

Kimmie Candy Co. CEO Joseph Dutra told Fox News he had never heard about the Obamacare fine.

“My understanding is that a lot of businesses don’t know what the requirements are under the law,” said Dutra. “So many businesses don’t have a designated HR department.”

The Obama Administration’s decision to put off the healthcare law’s employer mandate until 2015 may have led business owners to think they had additional time to comply with the complex law. Not so, says Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council chief economist Ray Keating.

“With this, you are dealing with the threat of a $100-a-day penalty fine, but you also have to go through the process of notifying everyone,” said Keating. “So there are no easy ways out for business owners.”

Guess Where These New Anti-Obamacare Ads Are Going to Start Showing Up?

ObamaCare billboardTheBlaze reported: The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, announced this week it will roll out a series of anti-Affordable Care Act billboards on New York City’s 42nd Street.

The six-story billboards will feature the following message: “Warning—Obamacare may be hazardous to your health.”

The billboards will be unveiled later this week, according to Heritage president and former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint.

“It’s part of The Heritage Foundation’s continuing public education campaign to inform the American people about the dangerous side-effects of this unfair, unaffordable and unworkable law, and how it can be stopped,” DeMint said in an opinion piece on FoxNews.com.

Conservative Group Will Unveil These New Anti Obamacare Ads In New York City

Despite having helped shape a similar law for Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the conservative group has long fought against President Barack Obama’s landmark health care law.

And the group’s president believes its opposition to Obamacare is well placed.

The bill, DeMint argues, will do real harm to Americans.

First, he said, it will lead to many Americans losing their current coverage and getting cut off from the physicians they know and trust.

Additionally, the new law will put “bureaucrats” between Americans and their doctors, DeMint charged, and impose penalties on physicians who do “not satisfactorily submit data” that meets the standards the bureaucrats lay out.

And yet another potential problem posed by the massive bill, according to DeMint:

ObamaCare dumps millions of patients onto Medicaid—a health program so bad that not even Medicaid patients call it “real insurance.” An analyst for the liberal Consumers Union once admitted that a Medicaid card is but a “hunting license”—“a chance to go try and find a doctor” that actually accepts Medicaid patients.

Lastly, DeMint said Obamacare’s reductions in Medicare spending could “undermine the health system for millions of seniors.”

Indeed, according to the Medicare actuary, the law’s spending reductions could cause 15 percent of hospitals to become unprofitable by 2019. Also, DeMint noted, the Medicare actuary projects that a full 40 percent of hospitals could become unprofitable in the long term.

“These hospitals could face the choice between shutting out seniors or shutting their doors for good,” DeMint wrote.

For these reasons, he said, Congress must act defund the law before it has a chance to do real damage to the nation’s health care system and its finances.