Rand Paul: Delivers Response to Obama’s Pitch to Start WW 3 (Syria)

Rand Paul was the least bit impressed by Barack Obama national address on Syria.

In his formal response, Paul hit back at Obama’s case for a military strike in Syria, saying destabilizing the war-torn nation will only encourage Al Qaeda and other radical elements working with the Syrian opposition.

“Twelve years after we were attacked by Al Qaeda, 12 years after 3,000 Americans were killed by Al Qaeda, President Obama now asks us to be allies with Al Qaeda,” he began. “Americans by a large majority want nothing to do with the Syrian civil war. We fail to see a national security interest in a war between a leader who gases his own citizens and Islamist rebels who are killing Christians.”

Russian Warships: Go On Offensive In Syria, Await Slightest American Provocation To Attack

(BEFORE IT’S NEWS) — Russian warships have gone into an offensive position in the Mediterranean Sea, awaiting the slightest signs of provocation by US warships in this breaking story from FARSNews. This story also shares that any US attack against Syria will lead to ‘Putin entering the scene and Syria attacking Israel.’ Also warned of are ‘unpredictable consequences’ and Barack Obama’s impeachment by Congress. The story and video reports, including a new Alex Jones video, are below.

TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian warships in the Mediterranean are on the offensive waiting for the slightest aggressive move by the US against Syria, a senior Iranian legislator said.

“Practically, the Russians have lost their bases in the region and the only point that they have kept in the Middle-East is Syria. Therefore, Russians will not repeat their previous mistakes and will not allow the Americans to take control of their allies in the region,” Chairman of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in an interview with Iran-based Arabic-language al-Alam news channel Sunday night.

“The Russian warships have taken offensive arrangement to take action to defend their defined interests in the Middle-East,” he added.

Boroujerdi warned about the unpredictable consequences of war against Syria, and said if the US attacks Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin will enter the scene and Syrians will attack Israel; and then the US congress may show reaction and impeach Obama.

“The US is now facing the problem of the expenses it has to pay in case of attacking Syria …, hence it seems that Obama is looking for a decent way to escape this attack,” member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Ebrahim Aqamohammadi said, pointing to the US president’s asking the Congress to make a decision in this regard.

He underlined that the US Republicans are warmongers and they want Obama’s annihilation, hence they persuade the US president to attack Syria in order to make him pay for the expenses of such attack.

Peter King: Obama Handling Syria Like Community Organizer


Breitbart reported: Rep. Peter King on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“I just wish the president had laid this out better. I wish he’d quit backing away from his own red line. And I wish he was more of a commander in chief than a community organizer.”

“Here’s a person who is vacillating,” the congressman said. “I can’t imagine Harry Truman or John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan or Dwight Eisenhower ever putting the nation in a position like this on a military policy.”

Groups Scrambling to Hire Obamacare ‘Navigators’ With Federal Funds to Avoid ‘Train Wreck’ Transition

ObamaCareTheBlaze reported: CHICAGO (TheBlaze/AP) — With the program known as “Obamacare” only weeks away from its key launch date, hectic preparations are in motion in communities across the country to deal with one of its major practical challenges: hiring and training a small army of instant experts who can explain the intricacies of health insurance to people who’ve never had it.

More than 100 nonprofits and related organizations, which specialize in everything from running soup kitchens to organizing farm workers, have been recruited by the federal government to sign up “navigators” to help the 30 million uninsured people who can now gain coverage.

Obamacare navigators

Many of the groups have little expertise in health insurance. And the timeline for training the workers is tight. According to the new health law, people can begin shopping among the new policies on Oct. 1. The enrollment period lasts six months. Coverage begins in January.

“I think there’s a lot of concern about whether, with all these state requirements, they are going to be ready to go,” said Katie Keith, a former research professor at Georgetown University, who has been tracking the heath care legislation. “You want people out there educating consumers.”

Deploying the guides for the uninsured is one the first hurdles for the new health system as it transitions from an abstract political debate in Washington to a real-life process in communities. It is one of the steps government officials are concerned about as critics warn that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck.”

This report from WTVY-TV details some of the confusion about Obamacare that navigators would be positioned to help clear up:


The guides will be sent to community events with laptops to help people sign up for insurance online. They will work at food banks, shelters, churches and free clinics where the uninsured are likely to be. TheBlaze blog noted last month that Planned Parenthood, for example, is among one of the groups receiving federal grant money hire navigators to help inform people about the new healthcare plan.

CVS has also invited such guides into its stores to help people sign up for Obamacare.

But the short time available for training raises questions about how prepared the workers will be to answer people’s questions about the different policies and government subsidies available. Community groups received the course materials for the 20-hour training only days ago. Many have just begun to post the openings on job boards.

A small scream came from Tara McCollum Plese when she was asked whether her group, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers, has hired any of the 45 workers authorized in its federal grant. “Ack! No,” she said Thursday. Her group has posted a job description, she said, and is now flooded with inquiries for the positions, which pay about $15 an hour. She’s since heard one worker has been hired.

Not one navigator has been hired yet under the $2 million grant obtained by the Ohio Association of Foodbanks. The Illinois Eye Institute, which will help with enrollment in the Chicago area, plans to train a dozen staffers for the task.

The work will be more difficult than what most other temporary employees, such as census workers, do. The navigators must listen to a family’s real-world story, assess its income, and figure out eligibility for the Medicaid program, which provides health care for the poor, or for new tax credits, each with its own complicated rules.

If the system works as federal officials hope, more than half of the nation’s uninsured, which amount to 15 percent of the population, will get coverage.

In Texas, with the highest percentage of uninsured residents, eight groups are receiving a total of $10.8 million and plan to train more than 150 paid workers and volunteers. Tim McKinney, CEO of United Way of Tarrant County, which got the largest grant, said many people without insurance are looking for information.

In Mississippi, workers will go into rural areas without Internet access to help people with the enrollment and policy-shopping process, which is done online.

“When Oct. 1 rolls around, we’re going to be ready to rock ‘n’ roll,” said the Rev. Michael O. Minor of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Hernando, Miss.

In 17 states, navigators have additional hoops to jump through because of new state laws affecting the federal health care law, such as required background checks for the workers.

Republican members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce have also called on some of the assisting groups to explain how consumers will be protected when they speak with a navigator. The Republicans’ letter sets a Sept. 13 deadline for the groups to produce documents.

“This request threw us for a loop quite honestly,” said Plese of the Arizona health center group. “We haven’t even drawn down any funds from the grant.”

Will there be enough time for the hiring and training?

“It has to be enough time,” said Laura Goodhue, executive director of Florida CHAIN, a consumer health group involved in the training. “We have to do what we have to do.”

Obamacare: Regulations Hits 10,516 Pages, 8 Times Longer Than The Bible

ObamaCare(CNSNews.com) – Since March 2010, when President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and its companion Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA), the administration has published in the Federal Register 109 final regulations governing how Obamacare will be implemented.

These regulations add up to 10,516 pages in the Federal Register—or more than eight times as many pages as there are in the Gutenberg Bible, which has 642 two-sided leaves or 1,286 pages.

Using the regulations.gov website and the Federal Register itself, CNSNews.com found 109 distinct regulations for the implementation of PPACA and the health-care related provisions of HCERA that had been finalized by various federal agencies and published in the Federal Register as of Sept. 9, 2013.

The Federal Register publishes documents, including proposed rules, notices, interim rules, corrections, drafts of final rules and final rules. But the CNSNews.com tabulation included only final rules for the implementation of Obamacare. Read more via CNS News…

Obama Uses Secure White House Bunker in Fight for… ObamaCare?

Situation RoomTheBlaze reported: Yahoo News’ Olivier Knox notes:

On Aug. 21, the day of Syria’s alleged chemical weapons attack, President Barack Obama called senior aides together into the White House’s secure, high-tech national security Situation Room to discuss … Obamacare.

The White House released an official photograph of the meeting, which had been scheduled before the apparent massacre, on its Flickr stream. It shows the president at the head of the table in the basement nerve center’s main conference room, apparently addressing officials on various video-conference screens.

That Aug. 21 meeting highlights how the administration has been using a secure facility originally designed to manage the government response to natural disasters or terrorist attacks, or oversee military operations, for purposes unrelated to national security.

It is interesting to compare the president’s position in this official White House image of the president during an Affordable Care Act video conference in the Situation Room…

With this famous Situation Room snapshot during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden:

Obama uses secure White House bunker in fight for... Obamacare?

McCain: Obama Would be Impeached if ‘Boots on the Ground’ in Syria


Breitbart reported: Senator John McCain with Phoenix radio host Mike Broomhead “No one wants American boots on the ground, nor will there be American boots on the ground, because there would be a impeachment of the president if they did that.”

Obama: “Inside Job” Destroying America

Obama-ProtestersTheBlaze reported: Have you seen the movies “Olympus Has Fallen” or “White House Down“? These movies are about terrorists taking over the White House and kidnapping the President. But those movies are based on attacks from outside.

Barack Obama proves you don’t need Russia, or China, or North Korea, or radical Muslim terrorists to take down the White House. Obama is doing more damage from the inside, without firing a shot, than our worst enemies could ever imagine.

At Columbia University (Class of 1983), my fellow classmates admitted they hated America, hated “the rich,” and despised Judeo-Christian values. We spent our days discussing and debating their plan to destroy capitalism and radically change America from within by electing one of their own to the Presidency.

Once elected, the plan was to overwhelm the system with spending, taxes, entitlements and debt. Capitalism would topple, business owners would lose everything, and Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for government to save them. In that way America would become a socialist nation.

Recognize that plan? It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Barack Obama was one of my Columbia classmates. No one ever saw him, he rarely if ever attended class, even professors don’t remember him. Maybe he was too busy attending socialist or communist meetings and studying this plan. Because it is clear he learned well.

What is happening to America right in front of our eyes is this exact plan. Real life is replicating the silver screen. With economic and moral carnage from coast-to-coast, and now throughout the Middle East, it is clear the White House is down, and Olympus has fallen, from within.

Just look at the facts:

In Egypt seventy churches have been burned and Christians killed by the Muslim Brotherhood, yet Obama says nothing. As a matter of fact, Obama’s White House spokesman made a joke about the killing of Christians in Egypt.

While the murder of Christians does not pass any “red line,” Obama is mortified when radical Muslims murder other radical Muslims in Syria. That passes Obama’s “red line” and triggers a desperate desire for America to go to war, and risk the lives of our brave soldiers to defend our sworn enemy, Al Qaeda, and risk starting World War III.

The President of the United States seems to be a friend of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. He’ll meet with them, praise them, fund them, and even invite friends of theirs to the White House. Now he wants to enter a civil war in Syria on their behalf. But make friends with Republicans? Actually sit down with Republicans at the White House? Listen to the concerns of Republicans? Now that is too much to ask.

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

When George Zimmerman was found innocent of the death of Trayvon Martin, Obama quickly weighed in. Yet our President says nothing about the black-on-black genocide in the streets of Chicago (his hometown), or the out-of-control black-on-white crime wave happening across America.

Just in the past few days a white Australian baseball player was murdered by black youth in Oklahoma; a white 88-year old World War II veteran was murdered by black youth in Spokane; and12 black youths participated in a brutal gang rape in a Wilmington, Del. park.

I’m waiting for Obama to call a press conference and say, “These two women gang raped by black youth in that park could have been my daughters. This violence by black youth must stop.”

I fear I’ll be waiting for…eternity. After all, this is the same President whose Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently ruled that it is racist for employers to conduct criminal background checks on black job applicants, because they might find out the applicant is a criminal. But the EEOC says it’s fine to do it for white job applicants.

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

Under Obama our nation is so broke we no longer have the money for White House tours, or to properly staff air traffic controllers, or to keep open our Top Gun training for Navy fighter pilots, or to keep illegal immigrant felons behind bars, or to keep pools open for military families.

Yet somehow we have tens of millions of dollars so our President can vacation in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard and go on countless golf outings. We somehow have $100 million for him and his family to take a trip to Africa, where he pledged $7 billion of our money to provide electricity for the citizens of Africa. And, what about the millions for the IRS to spend on lavish conferences and the billions Obama is giving the Palestinians and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oh, and don’t forget the billions Obama has spent to arm Al Qaeda and Hezbollah rebels in Libya and Syria, who will later use these same weapons to kill us. Actually they already have- see Benghazi.

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

Amazingly, while our President arms Muslim rebels, he wants to disarm American citizens. Even that pales next to the arming of our own government agencies. Even the Agriculture Department and Department of Education now have militarized SWAT teams. The Department of Homeland Security just bought 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point bullets- enough to fight 30 years of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Does the U.S. government fear its own citizens? Is Obama preparing for a revolution in the streets? Civil war?

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

In California, Democrats have proposed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to serve on juries. Obama spends millions of our taxpayer dollars for advertising in Mexico telling illegal immigrants in America they are eligible for food stamps. Billions in welfare payments are given to illegal immigrants disguised as “earned tax credits” even though they pay no taxes in the first place. Our government pays commissions to “recruiters” to inform Americans it is their “patriotic duty” to sign up for food stamps. Patriotic duty? Sounds like Soviet-era communist propaganda, doesn’t it?

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

Obama hands out free “Obama phones.” The catch is they are all bugged. Big Brother listens to your every word.

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

And then there’s Obamacare. It’s such a train wreck even Obama’s most loyal supporters – unions – want out. The head of the IRS testified he wants out. Even the company Obama hired to promote Obamacare relies on part-time workers, who have no health benefits. Economic disaster looms.

Unimaginable. Until Obama came along.

None of this should come as a surprise. Remember Democrat delegates booed God three times at Obama’s Presidential convention. And only days ago in Iowa, a Democrat activist opened a meeting with prayer – thanking God for the “blessing” of abortion.

Yes my fellow Americans, the White House is down, Olympus has fallen, and America is being destroyed from within. Who needs terrorists? Obama’s plan is so much more efficient.

Lindsey Graham: Failure to Strike Syria May Result in U.S. Getting Nuked

Lindsey GrahamTheBlaze reported: Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been a vocal supporter of striking Syria, appeared to imply that if the U.S. doesn’t take military action against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime a nuclear war may ensue.

“I believe that if we get Syria wrong, within six months – and you can quote me on this – there will be a war between Iran and Israel over their nuclear program,” Graham told a gathering of supporters in South Carolina Wednesday, according to U.S. News and World Report.

“It won’t come to America on top of a missile, it’ll come in the belly of a ship in the Charleston or New York harbor,” he added.

The comments appeared to be an amplified version of what Graham said on Tuesday.

“If we get Syria wrong, if we show weakness here regarding Assad’s chemical weapons utilization, you’re almost ensuring a war between Israel and Iran over their nuclear program, and we will surely get drawn into that,” Graham said Tuesday.

“So to the American people: if you’re worried about the Iranians getting a nuclear weapon, as I am, the last card to play to stop that is how we handle Syria,” he added.