Obama Postpones Hollywood Fundraiser to Promote Syria Strike

Obama in TearsBreitbart reported: President Barack Obama plans to reschedule a $32,400-a-plate Hollywood fundraiser and has canceled an AFL-CIO convention speech to help build congressional support for his proposed attack on Syria.

The Hollywood Democratic National Committee fundraiser was organized by Friendssitcom co-creator Marta Kauffman and will be rescheduled for “the near future.”

Obama’s decision to forego the AFL-CIO convention address spares him a potentially embarrassing clash with union members who are furious about Obamacare’s impact on their jobs. The Nevada AFL-CIO unanimously passed a resolution late last monthcondemning Obamacare’s “destruction of the 40-hour workweek.” And in a recent interview, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka conceded that Obamacare is creating an environment where employers are “restructuring their workforce to give workers 29-and-a-half hours so they don’t have to provide them healthcare.” Trumka added that Obamacare “does need some modifications to it.”

Attendees of the Hollywood fundraiser were given the opportunity to receive a refund for their donation to the Democratic National Committee.

Tea Party Groups Nationwide Unite Against American Attack on Syria

Tea Party SignBreitbart reported: Republican leaders in Washington, including Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Senators McCain (R-AZ)Graham (R-SC), and Corker (R-TN), are supporting President Obama’s call for an American attack on Syria, but Tea Party groups around the country are united in their opposition to such military action.

Tea Party activists appear to be virtually unanimous in their support for the position taken by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), who said on Tuesday the United States “should not serve as Al-Qaeda’s Air Force.”

Lynn Moss, co-organizer of the Mid-South Tea Party in Memphis, Tennessee, expressed a view held by many Tea Party activists around the country. Moss told Breitbart News on Thursday, “both sides of the conflict in Syria are enemies of the United States. It would be foolish,” she said, “and self-defeating to involve ourselves in this already volatile situation.”

Joanne Jones, vice chairman of the Charleston Tea Party in South Carolina, told Breitbart News Thursday that “conservatives of many stripes are opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria. Particularly in light of today’s account of al Qaeda-linked rebels murdering residents of a Christian village, it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince us that the United States would indeed be helping the ‘right’ rebels.”

Bobby Alexander, chairman of the Central Kentucky Tea Party Patriots, told Mother Jones, “[c]onservatives in Kentucky do not want us involved in Syria.” John Kemper of the United Kentucky Tea Party added, “[t]he things I’m seeing and emails I’m getting from folks around the state, they’re not in favor of [an American attack on Syria.]”

Mark Kevin Lloyd, a Tea Party activist in Virginia, told Breitbart News that “the Obama administration and some in the Republican leadership seems overly concerned about the president’s credibility in the eyes of the world. Both President Obama and Speaker Boehner need to understand they each have the same credibility problems in the eyes of the American people.

“How can the president be so sure of the situation in Syria, and so clueless about Benghazi? Too many questions, not nearly enough answers.”

Bruce Carroll, chairman of Carolina Conservatives United, told Breitbart News, “we share the humanitarian concern for the Syrian people who have been killed and injured by conventional weapons and chemical weapons and the millions of refugees that are suffering due to that nation’s two-year civil war.

For Carroll, though, such concerns do not justify American intervention. “We strongly believe the situation in Syria will not improve, and could well deteriorate, due to American military involvement,” he said. “Additionally, we do not believe President Obama has adequately made the case that any national security interests are at stake, a minimum requirement for military actions abroad.”

Mark West, founder of the Chattanooga Tea Party in Tennessee told Breitbart News Thursday: “while Americans have come to expect flawed and disastrous foreign policy decisions from the Obama administration, what is alarming is the foolish part that Republicans are playing in embracing and facilitating Obama’s latest plan to attack Syria.”

According to West, “what should be painfully obvious to any alert American is that Obama’s plan (and now his Republican allies’) to launch “limited” attacks into a highly volatile war zone has the strong likelihood of escalating into a broader and protracted war. And if this occurs, Tennesseans will remember the fateful role that Senator Corker and other Republicans played in endorsing another one of Obama’s helter-skelter foreign policy initiatives.”

Though President Obama maintains he does not need Congressional authorization to conduct military action against Syria, he has nonetheless agreed to ask for Congressional support, without promising that he will be bound by votes taken in the House and Senate on the issue. On Wednesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10 to 7 to support President Obama’s call for an American air strike on Syria. Votes in the full Senate as well as in the House are expected to take place soon.

With those important votes looming, members of the Senate and the House are hearing from their constituents, the vast majority of whom oppose such action, according to recent polls. The virtually unanimous sentiment of Tea Party activists appears to be leading public opinion throughout the country in its opposition to American military attacks on Syria.

Special Report: Did the Obama Administration Help Contrive the Syrian Chemical Attack?

Rush Limbaugh raised the issue on Tuesday, and the Russians have been explicit that it’s a very real possibility. The administration of course, is denying it — the possibility that the Syrian rebels — not Bashar Al Assad — are the ones who used chemical weapons recently in Syria.

Rush Limbaugh Cites Scholar Yossef Bodansky, a well respected author and expert on the matter, of the Theory That Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons

Yossef Bodansky (Source: http://www.ikashmir.net)

White HouseThere is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.

On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for exploiting the US-led bombing in order to march on Damascus and topple the Bashar al-Assad Government, the senior commanders explained. The Qatari and Turkish intelligence officials assured the Syrian regional commanders that they would be provided with plenty of weapons for the coming offensive.Yossef Bodansky

Indeed, unprecedented weapons distribution started in all opposition camps in Hatay Province on August 21-23, 2013. In the Reyhanli area alone, opposition forces received well in excess of 400 tons of weapons, mainly anti-aircraft weaponry from shoulder-fired missiles to ammunition for light-guns and machineguns. The weapons were distributed from store-houses controlled by Qatari and Turkish Intelligence under the tight supervision of US Intelligence.

These weapons were loaded on more than 20 trailer-trucks which crossed into northern Syria and distributed the weapons to several depots. Follow-up weapon shipments, also several hundred tons, took place over the weekend of August 24-25, 2013, and included mainly sophisticated anti-tank guided missiles and rockets. Opposition officials in Hatay said that these weapon shipments were “the biggest” they had received “since the beginning of the turmoil more than two years ago”. The deliveries from Hatay went to all the rebel forces operating in the Idlib-to-Aleppo area, including the al-Qaida affiliated jihadists (who constitute the largest rebel forces in the area).

Several senior officials from both the Syrian opposition and sponsoring Arab states stressed that these weapon deliveries were specifically in anticipation for exploiting the impact of imminent bombing of Syria by the US and the Western allies. The latest strategy formulation and coordination meetings took place on August 26, 2013. The political coordination meeting took place in Istanbul and was attended by US Amb. Robert Ford.

More important were the military and operational coordination meetings at the Antakya garrison. Senior Turkish, Qatari, and US Intelligence officials attended in addition to the Syrian senior (opposition) commanders. The Syrians were informed that bombing would start in a few days.

“The opposition was told in clear terms that action to deter further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime could come as early as in the next few days,” a Syrian participant in the meeting said. Another Syrian participant said that he was convinced US bombing was scheduled to begin on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Several participants — both Syrian and Arab — stressed that the assurances of forthcoming bombing were most explicit even as formally Obama is still undecided.

The descriptions of these meetings raise the question of the extent of foreknowledge of US Intelligence, and therefore, the Obama White House. All the sources consulted — both Syrian and Arab — stressed that officials of the “Mukhabarat Amriki” actively participated in the meetings and briefings in Turkey. Therefore, at the very least, they should have known that the opposition leaders were anticipating “a war-changing development”: that is, a dramatic event which would provoke a US-led military intervention.

The mere fact that weapon storage sites under the tight supervision of US Intelligence were opened up and about a thousand tons of high-quality weapons were distributed to the opposition indicates that US Intelligence anticipated such a provocation and the opportunity for the Syrian opposition to exploit the impact of the ensuing US and allied bombing. Hence, even if the Obama White House did not know in advance of the chemical provocation, they should have concluded, or at the very least suspected, that the chemical attack was most likely the “war-changing development” anticipated by the opposition leaders as provocation of US-led bombing. Under such circumstances, the Obama White House should have refrained from rushing head-on to accuse Assad’s Damascus and threaten retaliation, thus making the Obama White House at the very least complicit after the act.

Meanwhile, additional data from Damascus about the actual chemical attack increases the doubts about Washington’s version of events. Immediately after the attack, three hospitals of Doctors Without Borders (MSF: médecins sans frontières) in the greater Damascus area treated more than 3,600 Syrians affected by the chemical attack, and 355 of them died. MSF performed tests on the vast majority of those treated.

MSF director of operations Bart Janssens summed up the findings: “MSF can neither scientifically confirm the cause of these symptoms nor establish who is responsible for the attack. However, the reported symptoms of the patients, in addition to the epidemiological pattern of the events — characterized by the massive influx of patients in a short period of time, the origin of the patients, and the contamination of medical and first aid workers — strongly indicate mass exposure to a neurotoxic agent.” Simply put, even after testing some 3,600 patients, MSF failed to confirm that sarin was the cause of the injuries. According to MSF, the cause could have been nerve agents like sarin, concentrated riot control gas, or even high-concentration pesticides. Moreover, opposition reports that there was distinct stench during the attack suggest that it could have come from the “kitchen sarin” used by jihadist groups (as distinct from the odorless military-type sarin) or improvised agents like pesticides.

Some of the evidence touted by the Obama White House is questionable at best.

Read the rest of the story at Global Research.

Video: Watch Confrontation of Questioning to Dyess Air Force Base Over Secret Nuke Transfer

On Tuesday of this week, Alex Jones and I shared high level military intelligence that exposed the unsigned transfer of nuclear warheads to South Carolina. Hours after we received the information, Senator Lindsay Graham was reported in mainstream news publications as warning of a nuclear attack in South Carolina if we do not initiate war with Syria. Ultimately, we may be sitting on some of the most profound (and dangerous) intelligence that we have ever come across.

In order to find more answers, I confronted Dyess Air Force base. Surprisingly, when I inquired about ‘transfers’ from the base, the representative told me that she could not comment on ‘weapons transfers’. Remember, I never said a single word about weapons. In fact, it’d be much more likely I was talking about personnel transfers. You can see the entire call yourself below:

NYT: Obamacare Increases Tax Rates 12 Times More than Romneycare

Obama HmmpBreitbart reported: During the rancorous debate over Obamacare, President Barack Obama and his team said the president’s healthcare plan was modeled on the system Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney implemented in Massachusetts.

However, a New York Times analysis by University of Chicago economics professor Casey B. Mulligan finds that Obamacare’s impact on nationwide marginal tax rates will be 12 times greater than the rate increases under Romneycare in Massachusetts.

The finding holds critical implications for employment and work hours.

“It follows that the effect of the Affordable Care Act on employment and work hours would be roughly 12 times as great as the effect of the Massachusetts law,” writes Mulligan. “The bottom line was that it was wrong to expect the two laws to have had the same effects.”

Mulligan added: “Call me gloomy, but I’m one economist who thinks that adding, on average, five percentage points to marginal tax rates will noticeably depress the labor market, while adding a few tenths of a point in Massachusetts did not.”

Obamacare’s myriad delays and blown implementation deadlines have given Republicans a key issue for the 2014 midterm elections. The Republican National Committee recently launched its #ObamaCosts publicity campaign to highlight how Obamacare is killing jobs, lowering healthcare access, increasing premiums, and weakening the U.S. economy.

Obamacare’s grand opening is in 25 days.

Michelle Obama: Takes Credit for ‘Cultural Shift’ in U.S. Eating Habits


Like her husband, Michelle comes up short on humility, but full of delusion; they both believe their mere existence makes all of our lives better.  Nevertheless, that did not prevent the First Lady from laying claim of her vast self-perceived importance insinuating that she, was the driving factor for a ‘cultural shift’ that ultimately has improved eating habits across America.

Michelle Obama credited her anti-obesity program with bringing about a “cultural shift” in the way Americans eat.

“Make no mistake about it. We are changing the conversation in this country. We are creating a cultural shift on how we live and eat. And our efforts are having an impact on our children’s lives.”

The first lady touted the success of her Let’s Move anti-obesity program during a visit on Friday to Orr Elementary School in Washington, D.C.

Obama said when she first began her signature initiative, she couldn’t imagine a time when fast-food commercials advertised for breakfast sandwiches made with egg whites. And she praised restaurants like Red Lobster and Olive Garden for offering healthy choices.

Obama also reiterated an August study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that showed 19 states and territories saw obesity rates decline among low-income preschoolers.

But the first lady warned there was a still a “long way to go in solving this problem.”

“Right now, we’re truly at a pivotal moment – a tipping point when the message is just starting to break through, when new habits are just beginning to take hold, and we’re seeing the very first glimmer of the kind of transformational change that we’re capable of making in this country.”

She was joined at the event by basketball star Shaquille O’Neal, sprinter Allyson Felix and gymnast Dominique Dawes.

Obama, who stands tall at 5 feet 11 inches, joked that the 7-foot-1-inch O’Neal was “one of the few people on earth that can make me feel small.”

“I can always wear my heels when Shaq is around,” she said.

After the remarks, she and O’Neal took to the school’s PA system to praise students for getting more active. Then they did a workout with some fourth and fifth graders, including running, skipping, squats and jumping jacks.

The End Game: The Globalists Contrivance to Gut America, Obama and Summers Laughing All the Way to the Bank

The Globalists have been in the game to dismantle America has been in place for many years, make no mistake about it.  I have listed some resources at the bottom of this article for your perusing.

Western Journalism reported: Investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered a secret memo sent from Timothy Geithner to Larry Summers in 1997, which spelled out how the banksters would gut the world’s economy and lead to an eventual global meltdown.

No one saw the 2008 global meltdown coming, right? It was just a coincidence that Obama’s “economic team,” including Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner, had a trillion dollar “Stimulus” bill already written and the financial apparatus already in place to “bail out” the so-called “too-big-to-fail” banks.

And if you believe that, I’ve got some swampland in Florida I’d like to sell you.

In 1997, Timothy Geithner was the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury working for his boss Larry Summers, then Deputy Secretary, soon to take the helm of the Treasury under Bill Clinton.

The secret memo—now referred to as the “End Game” memo because it begins with Geithner’s words “As we enter the end game…”—included the direct, private phone numbers of the world’s bankers, including billion dollar embezzler Jon Corzine, then head of Goldman Sachs, along with the heads of the other megabanks.

And what was to come? Figuring out how to create a derivatives market with unlimited returns.  By the year 2000, Geithner and Summers’ back room deals had grown the derivatives market from a few hundred billion to a a staggering $100 trillion, just for one of the megabanks.

How did the Geithner-Summers dream team go about gutting the world economy?

Two things: The first was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a Depression-era law forbidding financial institutions from engaging in both commercial banking and trading in securities. Glass-Steagall was replaced in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, signed by the bankster-in-chief at the time, Bill Clinton.

But that just took care of how to gut the United States of its money. Step two was figuring out how to also gut the world’s banks.  According to investigative journalist Greg Palast, the World Trade Organization, at the instigation of the Geithner-Summers dream team, rewrote the financial services agreements with the world’s banks to allow derivatives trading. Some nations, not wanting to destroy their economies with the toxic derivatives sold by the megabanks, weren’t so happy about this and fought back. The World Trade Organization (WTO)–like a mafia shakedown—forced the world’s banks to accept derivatives trading or face a worldwide embargo of their country’s exports. One by one, they all agreed to the shakedown.

Who was the face of the WTO shakedown? Timothy Geithner, who, in addition to his duties at the Treasury, became what was secretly called the “Ambassador to the World Trade Organization.” Geithner strong-armed a staggering 155 countries with membership in the the World Trade Organization to accept a global version of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.

What is the derivatives market now worth? Hold on to your wallet: one thousand trillion dollars, all made by gutting the world economy.

But gutting of the world’s economy couldn’t go on forever. Collapse would come and did come in the form of the world-wide 2008 economic collapse, just as the economic collapse came in 1929 as the result of the Fed gutting the economies of the world.

But this time, the banksters got smart: getting the American taxpayers to cover their losses. According to a class action lawsuit—Starr International v. United States of Americanow winding its way through federal court with Ben Bernanke subpoenaed to testify–during the so-called bank bailouts after the economic crisis, Bernanke’s Federal Reserve funneled hundreds of billions of dollars to the megabanks—including foreign banks—all in the name of saving the world’s economy. And all paid for by the American taxpayer.

But the lawsuit only scratches the surface. According to one estimate, the Federal Reserve’s so-called “bailout” of the world’s megabanks amounted to sixteen trillion dollars.

And the man who laid the plans for the raping of America, Larry Summers—what’s he been up to?

He’s about to be appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve.


The History of Money Changers (Excellent resource to learn the history):


Read this article to get an idea of the evil we are up against:


Rothschilds and George Soros factoids:



Christian Bakers: Refused Cake Order for Gay Wedding Forced to Close Shop After Tirades from Gays

Christian BakersWashington Times reported: A husband-and-wife bakery shop team in Oregon were forced to close their shop doors and move to cheaper digs — their home — after gay-rights activists hounded them and drove away contract business because they refused for Christian reasons to bake for a same-sex wedding.

Aaron and Melissa Klein own and operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa. In the past few months, they’ve faced heated scrutiny — some in the form of physical threats — from those in the gay-rights crowd who decried their May refusal to bake for a lesbian couple who wanted to marry.

The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs of traditional marriage when they turned down that business gig, The Blaze reported. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint with the state, accusing the shop owners of discrimination.

Since, they’ve been hounded by vicious telephone calls and emails.

Some of those threats were shocking. One emailer wished for the couple’s children to fall ill. Another expressed hope that Mr. Klein should be shot and even raped, The Blaze reported.

And yet another wrote: “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot.”

The couple said on top of that, their vendors were “badgered and harassed” into stopping all associations with the bakery.

The Kleins say they’re now closing up their doors and moving their operations to their home. Their business, they say, has suffered a serious revenue hit from the unexpected activism and backlash.