China: Sends Warships to Syria Coast to ‘Observe’ the actions of US and Russian Ships

Jinggangshan WarshipInfoWars reported: China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.

According to the Russian news outlet, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat, has conventional armaments and secondary cannons, and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.

The report states that additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their identity is unknown.

Yesterday it was reported that Russia was sending three more ships – two destroyers and a missile cruiser – to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its forces which already include three other warships dispatched over the last two weeks.

Earlier this week, Russia criticized the United States for sending warships close to Syria, with Russian Defense Ministry official Oleg Dogayev remarking, “The dispatch of ships armed with cruise missiles toward Syria’s shores has a negative effect on the situation in the region.”

Five U.S. destroyers and an amphibious ship are currently positioned in the eastern Mediterranean awaiting strike orders. The USS Nimitz and three other warships are also stationed in the nearby Red Sea.

In a related story, China today toughened its rhetoric on Syria, warning President Barack Obama that, “Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price.”

The Global Times, a newspaper described by Foreign Policy Magazine as “hyper nationalistic” and an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece, also published an editorial yesterday which slammed Obama for failing to prove that last month’s chemical weapons attack was the work of the Syrian government, charging that Washington’s “geopolitical interests” in the region were behind the military build-up.

The editorial, which also complains of the total lack of media coverage in America concerning reports that Syrian rebels admitted responsibility for last month’s chemical weapons attack, accuses the White House of “ignoring logic as it beats war drums.”

The video below shows the Jinggangshan warship in action during an exercise earlier this year.

MSU Professor Suspended: After Liberal Rant, Anti-Republican Tirade Caught on Video

A Michigan State University professor who was caught on video ranting about “racist” Republicans has been suspended for the remainder of the semester, Campus Reform reports.

Professor William Penn’s tirade was “inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive,” Dean Karen Wurst of the College of Arts & Letters said in an email to students Thursday.

“On Aug. 29, during your Literatures, Cultures, Identities course, Professor William Penn made comments he has acknowledged were inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive and may have negatively affected the learning environment,” she wrote. “Once MSU was made aware of the situation the Office of the Provost immediately began a review.”

“As a result, Penn’s duties have been reassigned, and he will not be teaching this semester,” she added. “A new instructor is being assigned to your course.”

Penn will not be returning in 2013. As of this writing, it is unclear whether Penn will be suspended with pay.

Here’s a copy of the Dean’s email:

MSU Suspension

Here is the liberal rant by Penn in case you missed it.

In the video, Penn accuses Republicans of trying to suppress minorities.

“If you go to the Republican convention in Florida, you see all of the old Republicans with the dead skin cells washing off them,” he said. “They are cheap. They don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could.”

“This country still is full of closet racists,” he said. “What do you think is going on in South Carolina and North Carolina. Voter suppression. It’s about getting black people not to vote. Why? Because black people tend to vote Democratic.”

“Why would would Republicans want to do it?” Penn asked at one point. “Because Republicans are not a majority in this country anymore. They are a bunch of dead white people. Or dying white people.”

Vladimir Putin: Warns Against ‘Illegal’ U.S. Military Action in Syria, Kerry ‘Lies, and He Knows that He Lies’

Yesterday, we published a piece by InfoWars regarding a high level source confirming the U.S. are transferring nuclear warheads.  Today, we have a story out of that Russia is issuing a clear warning to the Obama administration that if the U.S. strikes Syria, it would be clearly outside of UNSC.


RT reported: Russia needs convincing proof, not rumors, from UN experts that chemical weapons were used in Syria, said the Russian president in an interview with First Channel and AP. It is up to the UN Security Council to decide on the next course of action, he said.

Speaking to journalists from Russia’s state Channel 1 television and Associated Press, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a number of decisive statements regarding the supposed use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict, which evoked a threat of a US-led strike on Syria.

“We believe that at the very least we should wait for the results of the UN inspection commission in Syria,” Putin said, adding that so far there is no information about what chemical agent exactly was used in the attack in Damascus’ suburbs and who did it.

“I’ve already said I find it absolutely ridiculous that [Syrian] government’s armed forces, which today are actually on an offense mission and in some regions have already encircled the so-called rebels and are finishing them off, that the Syrian army has used prohibited chemical weapons,” Putin said.

“They know all too well that this could become a cause for sanctions and even for a military operation against them. That’s stupid and illogical.”

“We proceed from the assumption that if anyone has information that chemical weapons were used by the Syrian regular army, then such proof must be presented to the UN Security Council and the UN inspectors,” Putin said, stressing that the proof must be “convincing” and not based on “rumors” or any sort of “eavesdropped intelligence data,” conversations etc.

“Even in the US there are experts who question the reliability of the facts presented by the administration. These experts do not exclude the possibility that the Syrian opposition has conducted a pre-planned provocation in order to give their sponsors a reason for military intervention,” he acknowledged.

Putin later leveled criticism at US Secretary of State John Kerry as he spoke to human rights activists on Wednesday, saying Kerry “lied” by claiming there was no Al-Qaeda militants fighting in Syria and that the military strike against President Assad will not boost the terrorist network’s presence in the region.

“They lie, plainly. I watched the Congressional debate. A congressman asked Mr. Kerry: “Is there any Al-Qaeda [in Syria]? There are reports they have been growing stronger.” He [Kerry] replied: “No. I say with all responsibility: there is no [Al-Qaeda] there,” Putin explained.

The Russian President then said the Al-Nusra Front terrorist organization, which pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda, has been at the forefront of the rebel groups fighting Assad’s forces, and that the US is well aware of that.

“Well, he [Kerry] lies. And he knows that he lies. This is sad,” Putin remarked.

Speaking of Kerry’s confidence in that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons, Putin recalled former US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s rhetoric on the eve of American invasion in Iraq.

Powell even brandished some test tube with a white powder as he attempted to persuade the international community that Iraq has chemical weapons, Putin said, stressing that it later turned out that “all these arguments did not hold water.”

Putin says he “does not exclude” that Russia may agree with a military operation if it is proved that the Syrian government is behind the attack, however he emphasized that in accordance with international law a decision of the UN Security Council is needed for that.

“All other reasons and means that excuse using military force against an independent sovereign state are unacceptable and cannot be classified otherwise but as an aggression,” Putin noted.

“We would be convinced by a detailed investigation and direct evidence of who exactly used chemical weapons and what substances were used. Then we’ll be ready to take decisive and serious action,” said the president.

Answering a question about video records of dead children that allegedly died in the chemical attack in Damascus, Vladimir Putin called the material with dead children “horrible”.

“The questions are what exactly was done and who is to blame. This video does not answer these questions,” Putin said, sharing an opinion that this video is a compilation made by the militants who – even the US acknowledges – have links with Al-Qaeda and are notorious for extreme atrocities.

Putin recommended to pay attention to the fact that in the video with dead children there are no parents, children’s relatives or even medical personnel, while people who do appear in the video remain unidentified. However terrible the picture could be, it cannot be proof of anybody’s guilt, Putin said, and called for investigation of the incident.

Russia is fulfilling arms contracts with Syria “because we believe that we are working with the legitimate government and we are violating neither international law, nor our obligations,” assured Putin, stressing that the UN had imposed no sanctions on the export of weapons to Syria.

He confirmed that Moscow has a signed contract with Damascus to deliver S-300 air defense missile complexes to Syria. The S-300 system is kind of outdated, said Putin, “though they might be a little better than Patriot missiles.”

Russia already has deployed S-400 and forthcoming S-500 systems, “[and] these are all certainly very efficient weapons,” Putin noted.

“We have a contract to supply S300 missiles, and we’ve already supplied some parts, but not all of it, because we decided to suspend the supplies for a while. But if we see international law being violated, we will reconsider our future actions, including supplies of such sensitive weapons to certain regions of the world,” he promised.

Mia Love Asks: ‘How Far Away Are We From Losing the American Dream?’

Mia LoveTheBlaze reported: Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love appeared as the guest host on the Glenn Beck Program Wednesday, speaking about the American dream and whether it even continues to exist.

“I know a little bit about this…” she began.  “I was born to Haitian immigrants who came to this country in the early 1970′s.  [When] my parents arrived they had no earthly possessions – no home, no car, nothing aside from the clothes on their backs and ten dollars in their pockets.  But they did have one thing that money can’t buy that America offers in abundance — real hope for a better tomorrow.  They had hope that their family could find peace here in America that didn’t exist in Haiti.”

She said that before her parents became citizens, they learned English, and about American history and the U.S. Constitution.

“And when they pledged their allegiance to the American flag, they understood what they were saying, and they meant every word of it,” she said.

But is such a story still possible?  Love strongly believes so.

“Please, do not give up hope,” she urged.  “Our best days lie ahead of us…Although the light in our country has dimmed a little at certain times throughout American history, the United States has always remained that shining city on a hill. A nation conceived in liberty that people all around the world would sacrifice anything and everything to come to — this is still true today.”

She reminded of America’s accomplishments during dark times, like defeating slavery or communism.

“But America isn’t a great nation just because of its military might — its a great nation because of its American might and the values it was founded on — fiscal discipline, limited government, personal responsibility,” she said.  “This is the time-tested formula that will put America back on the path to prosperity.  I’m here to tell you that the American dream is not dead. The American dream lives on. You can achieve it by starting with $10 in your pocket. No one else to do it for you.”


Rep. Joe Wilson: Is Obama Attacking Syria to Distract from Scandals?

Breitbart reported: Congressman Wilson (R-SC): “With the president’s redline, why was there no call for military response in April? Was it delayed to divert attention today from the Benghazi, IRS, NSA scandals, the failure of Obamacare enforcement, the tragedy of the White House-drafted sequestration or the upcoming debt limit vote? Again, why was there no call for a military response four months ago when the president’s red line was crossed?”

AFL-CIO President Trumka Admits Obamacare Making Employers Cut Hours

Trumka BacklitBreitbart reported: As President Obama attempts to convince Americans that employers are not cutting employees’ hours to save their jobs from the costs of the Affordable Care Act, evidence to the contrary is piling up.

Even the President of one of the largest private sector unions in the country has admitted that Obamacare is costing employees hours.

In a recent interview, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said employers are “restructuring their workforce,” giving employees fewer hours—and it’s all because of the negative impacts of Obamacare.

AFL-CIO PResident Richard Trumka: The Affordable Care Act does need some modifications to it, because as it does right now, what’s happening is, you have employers that the law says if you pay your, if your employees work 30 hours or more a week, you’ve got to give them healthcare. So they’re restructuring their workforce to give workers 29 and a half hours so they don’t have to provide them healthcare. They’re also doing some taxing to nonprofit plans to pay for for-profit plans.

Meanwhile, a growing list of up to 258 large employers in states all across the country have announced that they are cutting jobs and hours as a result of the impact Obamacare will have on their businesses, organizations, and institutions.

Employers such as Subway sandwich shops, Republic Foods (owner of Burger King), Royal Farms Convenience Stores, public institutions such as Southern Illinois University, Youngstown State University, as well as counties and government agencies on the state level are laying off employees and cutting the hours of others in order to steer clear of the fees and taxes imposed by Obamacare.

With this admission by one of Obama’s biggest boosters and largest political donors, the AFL-CIO casts further doubt on the claim that Obamacare is good for American’s jobs.

Signs Purportedly Warn Students Not To Open Curtains Because of Snipers Outside due to Obama Visit

Do not Open CurtainsTheBlaze reported: Two photos posted to the popular online forum Reddit appear to warn students hosting President Barack Obama for a visit not to open curtains because of snipers outside.

“Do not open curtains,” read the signs, posted to Reddit on Wednesday, in all caps.

“Due to President Obama’s visit there will be snipers on the roof so do not open the curtains,” it added.

The president was in Sweden Wednesday for a brief visit ahead of the G-20 meeting that begins tomorrow in St. Petersburg.

Do not Open CurtainsObama made a scheduled stop at Sweden’s premier technical university, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, to highlight Sweden’s goal to eliminate their use of fossil fuels by 2050.

On their website, the university posted of “practical” security information “concerning the presidential visit.”

“The visit by one of the world’s top leaders to KTH requires considerable security arrangements,” the website said, noting multiple school buildings would be closed and outlining several security precautions.

After Obama’s appearance, the website was updated notifying students “gates and barricades have been removed” and “life on campus is slowly going back to normal.”

“Thank you all for showing understanding for the consequences of the enormous security measures surrounding the visit,” it added.

TheBlaze could not confirm whether or not the pictures posted online were snapped at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Secret Service was not immediately available for comment to TheBlaze Wednesday evening.