BREAKING: High Level Source Confirms Secret U.S. Nuclear Warhead Transfer, And This is Not for Syria

InfoWars reported: A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.

According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.

This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.

The brief report from the top level military source, which was written in a rush to get the information out, reads:

“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”

The fact that this transfer was not signed for and there were no papers is key. It shows how the military is now secretly operating with the transfer of nuclear weapons, and what’s more, we know that DERMO (a military base in Florida) is a hotbed of special operations. Why is DERMO operating the nuclear warheads out of Dyess Air Force base with no paper trail? This shows that this is a highly secretive, black ops style move here that the military does not want on record.

The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria.

Dyess Nuke Site

Top Level Military Officer ‘Extremely Alarmed’

This leak inside the military industrial complex comes after prior sources have also revealed to us that B-1′s and B-2 bombers were ordered to head out of their respective bases (B-1B’s leaving Dyess specifically) across the nation and they haven’t come back. All of this is happening amid the growing Syrian crisis that has developed amid the ignition of a WW3-level wrestling match between the United States and Russia. Now, based on the transfer to South Carolina that is not on record and was not signed for, we may be looking at a pattern that reveals an extremely hot war scenario.

And here’s what’s essential to understand: There’s no question that the Syrian issue is huge, and it’s very possible that the US military is now under orders by Obama to prepare a strike, but the reality is that the much greater issue here is what’s going on with the US and Russia. What we’re seeing here is a proxy war turned hot with Syria, and we’ve been covering this for months now. Even the mainstream media has reported in the past how the evolution of war in Syria has turned into a hot proxy war against Russia via the Syrian rebels and Assad’s troops.

We now even have the Russian media openly discussing the hot war by the United States against Russia and how this will essentially lead to World War 3.  But the fact of the matter is that we’re already progressively moving towards World War 3 . Obama and United States officials are already talking about boots on the ground in Syria and taking down the Russian-backed Assad regime. They are already moving forward following the blatantly staged chemical attacks that were absolutely carried out by the Obama-funded Syrian rebels in order to initiate a war scenario.

Why do you think Obama has been aiding in the training, funding, and supplying of the bloodthirsty Syrian rebels since 2011 through secret orders admitted by Reuters? The entire angle here is not to help the civilians of Syria, who the Obama-backed rebels already are beheading and murdering to cheering crowds. No, this has always been a buildup to a World War 3 scenario between Russia and the United States. And now, with the absolute insanity of Obama and the military industrial complex pushing these wars, it’s here.

World War 3 Is Starting

I have spoken to my connections in the Russian media and they are all confirming that World War 3 is the hottest topic right now amid the populace, and the fact of the matter is that all of the top level military officials over there are looking at this Syrian incident as the catalyst — as the spark. There’s a reason that Russia has begun amassing 160,000 troops and heavy military equipment following an Israeli strike on Russian missiles in Syria. There’s a reason that the troops were called along with naval ships and bombers to attain ‘immediate combat readiness’ along the border. We reported on this months ago while the media was too busy focusing on the Trayvon Martin case to talk about the ignition of World War 3.

What we’re looking at right now is the beginning of World War 3 unless we manage to stop it. The elite are crazy enough and drunk enough with power to launch anything if it means advancing their vast lust for power and control. Thankfully, we now have a public that is much more awake to what’s going on and able to put a speed bump in the overall war plan as admitted by Obama adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski last week, but it will take a lot of awakening to stop Obama from launching these attacks that have been in the works for years.

We encourage you to continue checking out Infowars and Storyleak for more updates on this and the latest news and information we find out on this developing situation.

Read entire story at InfoWars.

MSU Professor William Penn: Republicans ‘Raped This Country,’ ‘A Bunch of Dead White People’

This is the type professors that infiltrate our higher learning facilities, talking out of his a**, rants of his narrow-minded little world. I wish I was in that classroom, there would have been more than a few inaudibles and mumblings, that pseudo-professor would have gotten an ear full.

UPDATE: MSU Professor Suspended

D.C. Delegate: Only Democrat ‘Loyalty’ Can Save Obama on Syria

HolmesTheBlaze reported: Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) is uncertain about the of the prospect of the U.S. striking Syria, but the non-voting D.C. delegate to Congress said she could see herself voting out of “loyalty” to the Democrat Party and President Barrack Obama.

Speaking during the Bill Press show Tuesday morning, Del. Norton explained that the situation in Syria requires attention, but she’s not sure if the response should involve the U.S. military.

“I can’t believe that the only way to address it is a slight bombing which will somehow punish somebody or deter somebody,” she said.

The show’s host then asked if it would be justified for the president to act even if Congress says, “no.”

“No, oh boy, no,” she answered. “I think it’ll be like the ‘red line’ trap. He said if the ‘red line’ you cross it. I think once you say, ‘I’m going to Congress,’ you can’t say, ‘Okay, I’m going to do it anyway.’”

It’s important to note that Del. Norton cannot actually cost a vote in the debate. Still, she told Press: “If [Obama] gets saved at all, I think it’ll be because, it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage.”

“At the moment, that’s the only reason I would vote for it if I could vote on it,” she added:

Obama: ‘Proud Partner’ of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group ISNA, This Guy has No Humility

Obama sends his best regards to The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas ties and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trials.

For more information of Obama’s ties to ISNA and the Muslim Brotherhood/Terrorism, check here, here and here.  And, if your blood pressure is still in check, watch the next video below:

Man Tries to Stick Up Clerk Who Also Happens to Be a Four-Deployment Iraq War Veteran Proficient in Firearms, Guess Who It Doesn’t End Well For?

Iraqi War VeteranTheBlaze reported: Bad idea: holding up a store clerk who happens to be proficient in firearms.

Jon Lewis Alexander. (

Worse idea: holding up a store clerk who is not only proficient in firearms, but who also happens to be an Iraq war veteran and a former prison guard and private investigator.

Jon Lewis Alexander, 54, is no ordinary store clerk. He has worked several “high risk” jobs and served four tours of duty in Iraq during his 30 years in the U.S. military.

And his training shows.

Video surveillance from Saturday night captures the moment a would-be thief entered the Marionville, Mo., store where Alexander works. The thief hesitates for a moment and pulls a gun — but not fast enough to dissuade Alexander from pulling his own Walther PPX 9 mm handgun and sticking it in the hapless thief’s mouth.

No one was hurt and no shots were fired.

“One of the policemen told me later, ‘You’re a lucky man,’” Alexander told Monday. “I said, ‘I think he (the robber) is a little luckier than I am.’ ”

The following surveillance footage comes by way of the store’s owners, Max and Jeannine Dawson:

Alexander said the man walked in smoking a cigarette, which he was promptly told to put out. The thief then reached for his gun and demanded “all the (expletive deleted) money,” reports.

The veteran reacted quickly, throwing down the thief’s arm. Alexander tehn drew his own weapon and, according to the report, threatened to “blow his (expletive deleted) head off.”

Pistol at his side, the thief backed away slowly and then bolted from the store. The store clerk remembers being amused by the fact that he “didn’t even bother holstering his weapon.”

Dawson fully supports Alexander’s handling of the situation, saying “I think it’s a great thing.”

Meanwhile, the store clerk explains that he never fired a shot because the thief’s weapon was never pointed directly at him.

“If I had seen the actual barrel of the gun, I would have pulled the trigger,” he said. “My life wasn’t threatened.”

He adds that he didn’t immediately tell his wife, Pam, about the incident because he didn’t want to upset her. However, she eventually saw a copy of the surveillance footage.

“It took her a while to calm down,” he said. “But I got all kinds of lovin’ when she came home.”

Does Seeing President Obama’s Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil?

Obama Foot on DeskTheBlaze reported: Lots of folks have seen the photo of President Obama with his foot on the Oval Office desk, which hit the front page of the Drudge Report Sunday.

And there’s some anger over the image:

It’s not the first time Obama has been depicted on camera in casual repose before the historic desk:

Does Seeing President Obamas Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil?


Does Seeing President Obamas Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil?


Does Seeing President Obamas Foot on the Oval Office Desk Make Your Blood Boil?

Disrespectful no matter what political party the president belongs to? Work-day personality and nothing more?

Putin Warns West Against One-Sided Action in Syria, But…

Vladimir PutinTheBlaze reported: NOVO-OGARYOVO, Russia (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has warned the West against taking one-sided action in Syria, but says Russia “doesn’t exclude” supporting a U.N. resolution on punitive military strikes if it is proved that Damascus used poison gas on its own people.

Putin spoke in a wide-ranging interview to The Associated Press and Russia’s state Channel 1 television late Tuesday at his residence outside Moscow.

It was the only one he granted prior to the summit of G-20 nations in St. Petersburg, which opens Thursday.

The summit was supposed to concentrate on the global economy but now looks likely to be dominated by the international crisis over the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria’s civil war.

Putin expressed hope that he and President Barack Obama would have serious discussions in St. Petersburg.

‘Treason’ Or ‘Free Speech?’ – Are These Anti-Syria Strike Pictures From U.S. Military Members Okay?

ArmyTheBlaze reported: Since the U.S. has started serious discussions about taking military action against Syria, many have publicly spoken out against a possible military strike. And now it appears that some of our uniformed service personnel have come forward to express their disagreement with an attack, any attack on Syria.

More than 2,000 people have “liked” this image that was posted on Sunday.

There were also photos posted from people wearing the uniforms of the Marines, Navy and Air Force. These have also received Facebook “likes” in the thousands.

US Marine on Syria

US Navy personnel on Syria

Military montage on Syria

Is this kind of behavior allowed? Well, there are rules concerning what uniformed military personnel can and cannot do, especially when it comes to making a political statement. In reviewing the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Article 88 could come into play here. That section states:

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

We see that commissioned officers could be called to question if they posted a photo like those seen above. What about enlisted or non-commissioned personnel? The UCMJ has rules for these folks as well. According to Article 92, failure to obey an order could result in being court-martialed.

Any person subject to this chapter who–

(1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation;

(2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or

(3) is derelict in the performance of his duties;

shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Where do you stand on this issue? Should members of the military be allowed to publicly post their disagreement with a possible strike on Syria while they are in uniform?