Obama: U.S. Armed Forces as ‘My Military,’ Spoken Like a True Totalitarian…

In case you missed it, blow-hard Barack Obama referred to the United States armed forces as “my military” during a statement to the media regarding the Syrian crisis Friday.

“But as I’ve already said,” Obama noted, “I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.”

And Twitter users went and got themselves into a bit of a twist:

Obama: 'My Military' Tweets

Obama: 'My Military' Tweets

What do you think? Innocent semantics, a slip of the tongue, or spoken like a true Totalitarian?

Sean Hannity: We Will Eventually Be Faced With World War 3, And it Will Be Against Radical Islam

As the United States weighs intervention in the Syrian civil war, some are beginning to consider how intervention would impact America’s relationship with other nations which have an interest in preserving the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria. Whatever transpires, we will eventually be faced with the possibility of WW3, and it will be against radical Islam.

4 Blacks Savagely Beat White Woman, A Racially Motivated Attack

Time to take note, this demographic seems to be unraveling before our eyes, all because of race mongers Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and Jackson.

A white woman who claims she was brutally attacked by a group of black teenagers in Pittsburgh’s North Side Sunday. 4 black [girls] savagely beat Ginger Slepski while calling her racial slurs; she said she thought the girls were going to kill her.

Slepski said she suffered multiple injuries, including torn shoulder ligaments not to mention the mental anguish.