Did Secretary of State John Kerry Orchestrate The Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria?

Info Wars reports: Once again the US invokes false flag attacks and outright lies to stoke the flames of war. John “Lurch” Kerry gave a speech today that is going to lead us to WW3. Channeling Colin Powell, Dubya and the Kuwaiti Incubator Girl, “Lurch” the ketchup baron laid out a series of lies and falsehoods about the Syrian government to justify more military action in that region. Of course “Lurch” said they will never be able to find proof of who carried out the attack.

The military industrial complex is going into over drive as two large wars and numerous covert ops around the world are not enough satisfy our satanic overlords. They want more blood more dead kids and Al-Qaeda outposts in every middle eastern country. It’s time to call the government puppets out, they are liars.

Here is an analysis from Alex Jones — Spread it far and wide. Here is the video proof straight from the liars mouths. Don’t say you didn’t know, don’t say you weren’t warned, don’t enlist in their foreign wars of aggression. Speak out and be prepared for more false flag attacks, more lies and calls for war. Chemical weapons attacks are just the beginning.

Obama: Compared Putin to Not Only Stalin but ‘Stalin and Hitler Combined,’ Proxy War with Syria is Really a Hot War with Russia, Prepare Yourself for WW III

Obama obviously made the conscious decision to slander a world leader (Putin) when he went on the Jay Leno show, essentially in front of the world, calling Putin a combination of Stalin and Hitler.

That move has ignited the flame and has turned into a ‘hot bed’ scenario, a proxy war that will be played out on Syria’s playground.  However, Syria is simply a pawn, used as an excuse to start World War III.

Karl Rove Group ‘Opposes’ Obamacare by Entering Viral Video Contest

Karl Rove UPIBreitbart reported: Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS is “fighting” Obamacare’s implementation by submitting a video to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) $30,000 video contest. The video makes fun of Obamacare and casts the president’s health care law as a boon for elites.

“We’re in it to win it,” Crossroads GPS president and CEO Steven Law said in a press release announcing the video’s contest submission. “There is an ugly side to this law, and we expect the government to communicate those less savory aspects of the law to young people just as they are hyping some of the benefits. We hope every young person will watch this video – and vote for it.”

In the video, Rove’s group says of Obamacare: “Obamacare: Just like guys enjoy premium leather seats, so to, you’ll enjoy paying triple the health care premiums out of your new part time salary. Speaking of guys, ever been on a ‘man date’ before? At Obamacare, we’re full of mandates.”

According to Kaiser Health News, the contest is costing HHS $30,000 and Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the rollout of it during a recent visit to Houston, Texas.

“We’re encouraging folks to create a song, or a graphic, or a video about the law’s benefits,” Sebelius said of the contest. “Like staying on their parent’s plan until they’re 26, not being denied coverage because of a pre-existing health condition.”

Rove has adamantly opposed fighting Obamacare by defunding it in the upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR) that funds government’s operations. The move, led by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), is one of the only legislative solutions that could potentially delay or stop the law, as any bill passed in the House to repeal the Affordable Care Act will not be taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

As Sen. Lee argued in a recent interview with Breitbart News, other plans to get rid of Obamacare before have all fallen apart. He said his plan is “our last best shot” to eliminate the president’s health care law. “There were reasons for this [establishment funding Obamacare through previous CRs]; I voted against those because I didn’t think we should be implementing Obamacare,” he said.

“But they [the CRs] still passed with Republican support from both houses, continuing resolutions that fund Obamacare,” Lee continued. “We’ve got one last stop on the Obamacare expressway and that last stop is with the continuing resolution. So at this point, we need to draw a line in the sand as Republicans and say we’re not going to fund this.”

Obama Bypassing Congress with Climate Agenda

Breitbart reported: Barack ObamaObama dusting off shoulder is moving full speed ahead with his climate agenda, bypassing Congress by pushing regulatory actions and executive orders.

A crop of regulations at the Environmental Protection Agency intends to restrict pollution from new and existing power plants by implementing new emissions standards. The battle lines are drawn. Democrats and environmentalists are complain about the GOP’s stand against crippling industry, while the GOP maintains that Obama is doing an end-run around Congress.

Obama said on Friday, “Unfortunately, what we’ve seen too often in Congress is that the fossil fuel industries tend to be very influential — let’s put it that way — on the energy committees in Congress and they tend not to be particularly sympathetic to alternative energy strategies.”

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, complained on Obama’s behalf, “He’s doing it with one hand tied behind his back.”

Heather White, executive director of the Environmental Working Group, chimed in, “It’s great that he’s taking this step through his administrative power. Congress is going to be a big challenge, as we know. But the science is clear and people are ready and they’re ready for his leadership.”

But GOP members, concerned that the regulations will cripple the coal industry and raise the price of gas and home energy, shot back. Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), chairman of the House’s subcommittee on energy policy, said, “Because it’s very difficult to pass any legislation, they’re doing more by regulatory actions and executive order. To think that [they] are really serious about removing coal from the equation of our energy needs is a big, big stretch.”

Revised draft emission standards for new power plants are due from the Administration in September; new standards for existing plants will be proposed by the EPA next June and implemented in 2015.

Opponents of the new regulations are whistling in the dark that Obama’s new EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, will not be as assiduous in her pro-environmental stance as her predecessor, Lisa Jackson. But Daniel J. Weiss, director of climate strategy for the leftist Center for American Progress, confidently stated, “Lisa Jackson has handed the baton to Gina McCarthy, who will run with it.”

House Republicans set into motion action to limit the administration’s regulatory authority before they left town this month with various bills, including one that gives the Energy Department veto power over environmental rules damaging the U.S. economy. Although the Senate will defeat them, Whitfield said, “I think it’s time we really focused public attention on this.” He wants to have a hearing in September with 13 agencies testifying.

Even if Obama passes his new federal rules, states will not be forced to abide by them until 2016, at which point he will be gone. And there are other obstacles for him, as Phil Wallach, from the Brookings Institution, pointed out: “The more you have these changes coming from executive action and executive interpretations of statutes, you’re going to, on the one hand, get lots of opponents denouncing the changes as sort of ‘Oh, it’s the imperial presidency,’ but more importantly you’re going to have a lot of people who have standing to sue.”

This obviously upsets environmentalists; Melinda Pierce, a deputy director at the Sierra Club, said, “The goal of the opposition to any kind of regulation is to throw sand in the works, to slow it down at every turn.”

Howard Feldman, director of regulatory and scientific affairs for the American Petroleum Institute, noting that much of Obama’s climate plan is being run under the aegis of the Clean Air Act, was clear, saying, “Our position is, the Clean Air Act is not the right tool to be addressing climate issues with.”

The Most Pathetic Answer Ever Given by a State Department Official, Maybe Aptly Name it ‘Who’s on First?’


Ms. Harf is a perfect example of a liberal making a playwright out of words to satisfy their position. Disgusting and humorous at the same time…

TRANSCRIPT from Breitbart:

QUESTION: Yeah, I do. All right. So tell us what is going on or what happened or did not happen in Jericho today.
MS. HARF: Ah, okay.
MS. HARF: Yes. So I can assure you that no meetings have been canceled. I know there was some confusion about this.
QUESTION: Marie, let me just stop you right there.
MS. HARF: Yes.
QUESTION: That is not the question. My question is: Can you tell –
MS. HARF: I was going to get there.
QUESTION: Oh, you were? Okay, good.
MS. HARF: But it’s okay.
QUESTION: Go ahead.
MS. HARF: Do you want to ask it again?
QUESTION: No, no, no, no. Finish.
MS. HARF: Okay. As we’ve said repeatedly, we’re not going to read out or announce every meeting that happens in the Middle East peace process as they’re ongoing. I can assure you, contrary to some reports, that no meetings have been canceled. We’ve been clear that the two parties are engaged in serious and sustained negotiations.
QUESTION: All right. There was a meeting scheduled to take place today between the Israelis, Palestinians, and possibly with an American – with Americans present at some or all in Jericho. Did that meeting go ahead?
MS. HARF: As I said before, we’re not going to make announcements about every single meeting, but I can assure you that there have been no cancelations of meetings.
QUESTION: Does that mean that this meeting happened?
MS. HARF: I’m going to repeat the same line back to you, Matt.
QUESTION: I don’t –
MS. HARF: As we’ve repeatedly said, we’re not going to confirm every meeting that takes place. I’ve said that from the beginning. I know it’s frustrating for everyone that we’re not going to, but that’s where we’re going to be on this.
QUESTION: No, it’s not frustrating. I find it entertaining that you’re unable to give a straight answer –
MS. HARF: I just gave you a straight answer.
QUESTION: — to whether a meeting took place. No, you didn’t.
MS. HARF: I’m not going to confirm whether or not it took place —
QUESTION: But no meeting –
MS. HARF: — as we’ve said from the beginning.
QUESTION: — has been canceled?
MS. HARF: Correct.
QUESTION: So that means that all scheduled meetings were going – will go ahead – have gone ahead?
MS. HARF: Correct.
QUESTION: Okay. And the meeting – there was a meeting scheduled for today in Jericho.
MS. HARF: Again, I’m not going to –
QUESTION: Is that correct?
MS. HARF: — confirm every specific meeting that we have as part of this process.
QUESTION: But you just said that – it’s either yes – it has to be one or the other –
MS. HARF: It doesn’t.
QUESTION: — because you said no meetings are being canceled, but you can’t say that it took place today?
MS. HARF: Correct. Yes.
QUESTION: So that’s –
MS. HARF: We are not going to confirm from this podium every single meeting or whether meetings happen. When there are misconceptions out there about whether something’s taken place or whether something’s been canceled, we will endeavor to clear those up as necessary.
QUESTION: But you’re not clearing it up. You’re making it even more confusing.
MS. HARF: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. Again, we are not going to announce or confirm every meeting. We’re just not.
QUESTION: But you’ll deny a cancelation.
MS. HARF: That any meetings were canceled. Correct.
QUESTION: Was that postponed?
QUESTION: Do you —
QUESTION: Rescheduled?
MS. HARF: No, no – not postponed or canceled.
QUESTION: Look, I can appreciate the sensitivity of this and why —
MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.
QUESTION: — you’re beating around the bush, but please don’t try and say that you’re making it clear when you’re making it unclear. You’re —
MS. HARF: I don’t understand what’s not clear about saying I’m not going to confirm every meeting. You can ask —
QUESTION: But you just said that no meetings have been canceled —
MS. HARF: Right.
QUESTION: — but you can say that it took place.
MS. HARF: Yes.
QUESTION: So that means – what does that mean?
MS. HARF: It means that I’m not going to confirm when meetings took place. There were rumors —
QUESTION: Whatever.
QUESTION: It means —
MS. HARF: No, no, Elise, that’s not fair.
QUESTION: It means nothing.
MS. HARF: Look, when some – when there are press reports out there that a meeting’s been canceled, I’m going to say, generally speaking, no meetings have been canceled. I’m not going to stand here —
QUESTION: So if it wasn’t canceled, then it took place?
MS. HARF: I’m not going to stand here and tell you a meeting took place and when and where and who was involved. And that’s going to be the case for the rest of this nine months, people, so get ready for it, and you can keep asking the questions and you’re going to keep getting the same response.
QUESTION: So we should get accustomed to more confusing non-denials and denials?
MS. HARF: You should get accustomed to us not announcing when meetings are taking place necessarily in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Yes.
QUESTION: But if you’re going to clear up misconceptions, then just clear it up. Don’t —
MS. HARF: Okay.
QUESTION: — say you’re going to clear it up and then not clear it up.
MS. HARF: I’ll take your advice onboard going forward.
QUESTION: In retrospect, was it a mistake to say that there would be a second meeting in Jericho when you announced the first one?
MS. HARF: No, not at all.
QUESTION: Oh? So – but then you can’t say if it actually happened or not? I might be able to be – I would be more sympathetic to your position or your case here if you hadn’t ever announced that the meeting in Jericho was going to happen, but you did. Okay?
MS. HARF: Right. And I don’t have anything —
QUESTION: So from going —
MS. HARF: — to announce on it.
QUESTION: From now, going forward, if you don’t want to be caught in this verbal trapeze act that you’re involved in, don’t announce that there’s going to be a meeting in the first place and then say you can’t say that it – whether it happened or not.
MS. HARF: Again, we will announce – at times announce meetings when we feel it’s important to do so. And when we don’t, we will not announce every meeting.
QUESTION: So when things are going —
MS. HARF: And I’m not looking for your sympathy on this, either, Matt.
QUESTION: So when – okay. Well, that’s good because you don’t really have it. So the answer is that when the meeting – when things are going well, you’ll talk about it. But when they’re going bad, you’ll refuse to —
MS. HARF: I wouldn’t read anything —
QUESTION: — you’ll refuse to talk about it.
MS. HARF: No, I think that’s a – I think that’s a leap in assumption that is in no way based up by any facts that you have.

Conservatives Pressure Mitch McConnell on Effort to Defund Obamacare

Mitch McConnellTheBlaze reported: WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservative group is launching a radio ad challenging Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell to oppose any money for President Barack Obama’s health care law even if it means triggering a government shutdown.

The Senate Conservatives Fund is spending nearly $50,000 on the 60-second commercial that will begin airing on Tuesday in Kentucky, where McConnell is locked in a tough race for a sixth term. The GOP leader faces both a primary rival, businessman Matt Bevin, and a Democratic foe, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.

“Republicans in Congress can stop Obamacare by refusing to fund it, but Senator Mitch McConnell refuses to lead the fight,” says the ad which also makes a reference to a recent campaign embarrassment for McConnell.

“The Obamacare bill stinks, and holding your nose won’t make it any better,” the commercial says.

Earlier this month, audio of a Jan. 9 telephone conversation revealed that Jesse Benton, McConnell’s campaign manager, said he was “holding my nose” while working for the candidate. Benton later said in a statement that he believes in McConnell and is 100 percent committed to his re-election.

The Associated Press obtained a text of the conservative group’s ad in advance.

The Senate Conservatives Fund, which was founded by former South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, is spending close to $200,000 on radio ads in six other states calling on GOP senators to refuse to fund the health care law. The group’s targets are North Carolina’s Richard Burr, South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Mississippi’s Thad Cochran and Arizona’s Jeff Flake.

The issue has divided Republicans, with House and Senate GOP leaders wary of the political impact of any government shutdown but tea party conservatives determined to undermine the health care law.

The federal 2013 fiscal year ends Sept. 30. New money must be appropriated by then to avoid a shutdown of countless government offices and agencies.

The radio ad comes as another conservative group, the Madison Project, launched a radio spot on Monday critical of McConnell, labeling him a “career Washington politician” who claims to be a conservative. The Madison Project is supporting Bevin’s candidacy.

The Senate Conservatives Fund has not endorsed in the Kentucky GOP primary, but in a statement in July, executive director Matt Hoskins said the group was open to backing Bevin. Hoskins said McConnell could lose the Senate race and cost the GOP its shot at the Senate majority.

The group said it was “waiting to see if the grassroots in Kentucky unite” behind Bevin.

SHOCKING: High School Teacher Gets 30 Days For Raping 14-year-old Girl, Who Later Killed Herself, He Also Received 1 Day ‘Credit,’ No This Not a Typo

Stacey RamboldThis is a clear cut example of how far off course our moral compass has gotten; this judge is clearly delusional and needs to be removed from his bench.

Billing Gazette reported: A Montana teacher convicted of raping a 14-year-old student who later committed suicide will serve just 30 days in prison after a judge suspended almost his entire 15-year sentence.

The student’s mother, who had previously testified that the rape was a “major factor” in her daughter Cherice Morales’s suicide, repeatedly screamed “you people suck!” during sentencing on Monday before storming out, the Billings Gazette reports.

The teacher, Stacey Dean Rambold, was charged in 2008 with three counts of sexual intercourse without consent. He pleaded guilty to one count, but the case was complicated by the girl’s suicide just weeks before her 17th birthday. Rambold was ordered to complete a sex-offender treatment program to have the charges dismissed, but prosecutors revived the case when they learned he had been terminated from the program.

The judge, who said Morales was “as much in control of the situation” as Rambold, said that the teacher’s termination from the program did not warrant the lengthy imprisonment. He suspended all but 31 days of the 15-year sentence — and gave Rambold credit for one day already served.

UPDATE: Montana Judge Defends Decision to Send Dead Teen’s Rapist to Jail for 31 Days: ‘It Wasn’t This Forcible Beat-Up Rape’