Egypt Will Soon ‘Expose’ Obama Strategy to the World, ‘Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for the Muslim Brotherhood’

Obama and EgyptEgypt’s growing frustration of the Obama administration, is growing to the point that they are now talking about ‘opening the files’ to expose this administration in full color.

Whether the exposure’s talking points amount to anything beyond what conservatives have been screaming bloody murder about the past 5 years remains to be seen.

InfoWars reported: The evidence is mounting that the military government currently ruling Egypt has decided to embarrass the Obama administration as part of a strategy to suppress Muslim Brotherhood activity in Egypt.

Last week, WND reported that Tehani al-Gebali, the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, gave a speech and participated in an interview broadcast on Egyptian television that identified Malik Obama, the Kenyan half-brother of President Obama, as “a major architect” managing investments for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

In the speech, Gebali said she would like “open files” to expose nations like the United States that are resisting the current military-controlled government of Egypt by continuing to support “terrorist” groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

“The Egyptian people are astounded,” wrote Coptic Egyptian author Michael Armanious in an article titled “Egyptians Bewildered Over Support for the Muslim Brotherhood,” published by the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council. “They simply do not understand the Obama Administration’s efforts to bring the Muslim Brotherhood back to power.”

‘What many Egyptians cannot understand is: Why is the U.S. administration siding with the forces of oppression in their country and assisting with its transformation into a failed state under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt simply cannot be allowed to become another Somalia or Afghanistan, controlled by its own version of the Taliban.’

Armanious puzzled over why the Obama administration supported the Muslim Brotherhood when the result of the “Arab Spring” was to oust Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and elect Muslim Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi as president June 30, 2012.

Read full article

DHS Black Employee Website Promoting Race War on Paid Leave, ‘In Order for Black People to Survive the 21st Century, We Are Going to Have to Kill A Lot of Whites’

DHSFox News reports: The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that an employee who runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war has been put on paid administrative leave.

Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government, operates the website named “War on the Horizon.” It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.

Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

Kimathi has been with the department since 2009. His website criticizes whites, gays, those of mixed race, and blacks who integrate with whites. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, earlier this week reported on Kimathi’s role in running the site.

The report showed the site’s content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. The website declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Kimathi reportedly got the go-ahead from the government to create and maintain his website. That’s because as a law enforcement agency employee, he is required to get permission in writing if he engages in outside activities which includes everything from working a second job to volunteering.

The SPLC says Kimathi obtained official permission but did it by misrepresenting the true nature of his site.

“He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.”

ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a written statement this week that the agency “does not condone any type of hateful rhetoric or advocacy of violence of any kind against anyone.”

Read more:

Obama Plan to Make College Affordable Will Raise Costs

Tuition-increase-APBreitbart reported: This week, President Obama is hitting the road to unveil his plan to “combat the soaring costs of higher education.” His three part plan consists of connecting financial aid to school performance, supporting academic innovation, and making college more affordable.

His road tour and policy initiatives sound good in the nightly news cycle. They make for great talking points, but President Obama’s plan does not address the fundamental reasons behind why tuition is rising. Both sides can agree that rising college costs are a big problem and burden for students.  But more college subsidies and government aid will not solve the problem; in fact it is the reason why tuition is rising.

Over the past thirty years tuition has risen by over 250%, despite Washington continually putting forth new government aid programs and subsides with the attempt to cut tuition costs. The more money Washington puts into the hands of students only enables the colleges and universities to continue propping up the price of education.

When students have access to low-interest loans and government aid, colleges have no incentive to cut costs. Why should a college lower tuition if more students are able to pay with subsidized loans from the government?

Neal McCluskey, associate director of the Cato Institute said, “Basically the aid ensures that students can pay almost anything they are charged.”  Universities have no reason to lower tuition because they know whatever sticker price they put on a college degree, there will be students ready to take out low interest loans to pay for it.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 71% of all undergraduate students received some type of financial aid in the 2011-2012 academic year, up from 66% in 2007/2008. The average amount also grew from 9,000 to 10,800 in just four years.

Nowhere in President Obama’s plan does he talk about cutting back on aid or low interest loans to students. There is also a deeper problem with the entire cost of college debate. We need to ask ourselves: Is college for everyone?

In 2012, a Harvard study was released that showed only 56% of all students who enter college will graduate within six years. Forty-six percent of all students who enter college will not graduate, yet many members of congress are pushing for increased government aid and programs to allow more people to go to college.

The narrative needs to be personalized for each student and individual. Yes, college tuition is a problem for many young Americans, but it is a problem exacerbated by government subsidies and an overwhelming demand to get a college degree, despite high dropout rates.

Subsidies and grants throw off the natural market signals that are supposed to allow students to make informed decisions on the true value of a college degree. Increasing aid, and expanding subsidies only intensifies the problem which will lead us down a path of more college dropouts and a continuation of skyrocketing tuition.

Congressman Reveals Obama Policy That Opened Asylum Floodgates

Border Patrol AgentsBreitbart reported: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) has sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano that reveals the Obama administration policy of asylum overwhelms the ability to enforce laws. This comes in the wake of a Breitbart News story about the sudden surge of “credible fear” requests at Mexico/U.S. border crossings.

The letter begins by referencing the story that Breitbart News brought to national prominence:

Dear Secretary Napolitano,

I write regarding the recent surge in foreign nationals, largely from Mexico, claiming asylum at U.S. ports of entry. This surge has been overwhelming Border Patrol agents in San Diego, California. Border Patrol agents reported that in one day 200 aliens came through the Otay Mesa, San Diego port of entry while as many as 550 overflowed the processing center there and in nearby San Ysidro claiming a “credible fear” of the drug cartels in Mexico.

Rep. Goodlatte then lays out the concern that another Breitbart News story pointed out—that the asylum process is being exploited by Mexican nationals—and highlights the surge in such claims since 2009:

Such claims have increased from 5,222 in 2009 to 23,408 in just the first three quarters of 2013. According to the most recent data available, DHS is permitting 92% of these claimants to move forward to further proceedings, despite the fact that press reports indicate that up to 91% of these claimants from Mexico are ultimately denied. In addition, most are likely being released into the U.S. pending further proceedings before Immigration Judges as opposed to being detained as required by law.

At the end of the letter, Goodlatte reveals the smoking gun: the change in immigration policy implemented by Obama officials that appears to have created the loophole that has led to the increase in asylum claims.

…this process has been changed by the current Administration via executive fiat. On December 9, 2010, Director Morton issued an ICE policy directive that is contrary to the statute and the regulations. Under this policy directive, any arriving alien who has been found to have a credible fear and can establish identity, that they are not a flight risk, or a danger to the community, should be released by ICE. The memo required ICE field offices to document the parole decisions in a “Record of Determination /Parole Determination worksheet.” This is inconsistent with the Congressional mandate in statute that requires detention.

Rep. Goodlatte is saying something very significant here; the Obama administration made a significant shift in 2009 about the way the United States deals with people asking for asylum and changed the burden of proof for detention. Prior to 2009, the policy for those requesting asylum was that they were detained unless. In the Obama era, the default is that those seeking asylum are released on their own recognizance. Just as significant, the Obama ICE did this without approval from congress.

Breitbart News is waiting for the Department of Justice to respond to a request for more details in the rates of no-shows at the immigration trials for Mexican nationals.

Below is the complete text of Rep. Goodlatte’s letter:

I write regarding the recent surge in foreign nationals, largely from Mexico, claiming asylum at U.S. ports of entry.  This surge has been overwhelming Border Patrol agents in San Diego, California.  Border Patrol agents reported that in one day 200 aliens came through the Otay Mesa, San Diego port of entry while as many as 550 overflowed the processing center there and in nearby San Ysidro claiming a “credible fear” of the drug cartels in Mexico.

According to testimony prepared by Joseph Langlois, Associate Director of the Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate, at United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which was to be provided before the Subcommittee on National Security of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on June 27, 2013:

“USCIS has experienced an unprecedented surge in the credible fear workload, as credible fear requests have increased from 5,369 in fiscal year 2009 to 19,119 referrals through May of Fiscal Year 2013.  If present trends continue, USCIS estimates that we will receive a total of 28,679 credible fear requests in FY 2013, a 434% increase over the last five years.”

Additionally, the House Judiciary Committee received disturbing statistics from USCIS indicating that the number of illegal immigrants intercepted at ports-of-entry and along the border claiming asylum is increasing exponentially. Such claims have increased from 5,222 in 2009 to 23,408 in just the first three quarters of 2013. According to the most recent data available, DHS is permitting 92% of these claimants to move forward to further proceedings, despite the fact that press reports indicate that up to 91% of these claimants from Mexico are ultimately denied. In addition, most are likely being released into the U.S. pending further proceedings before Immigration Judges as opposed to being detained as required by law.

I am concerned that credible fear claims are being exploited by illegal immigrants in order to enter and remain in the United States. As you know, after an alien is encountered by the Border Patrol, USCIS conducts a screening interview to determine whether the alien has a fear of returning to their home country. The finding of “credible fear” is the start of the process for certain aliens to raise an asylum claim. After such a finding, the alien is issued a notice to appear in immigration court where they must prove that their fear of return to their home country is based on persecution under a statutorily protected ground and is in fact a legitimate asylum case.  However, once these aliens receive court dates, they often fail to appear for immigration court proceedings and end up disappearing into the United States.

As reported by the press, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sources indicate that addresses provided to authorities by aliens who claim credible fear are often fake. Those who fail to appear in court are ordered removed by an Immigration Judge in absentia. To make matters worse, according to information provided to me by ICE, there are approximately 500,000 aliens who remain in the U.S. despite final orders of removal.

The recent press accounts indicate that aliens are being coached in the asylum process and are being taught to use certain terms to ensure that they are found to have a credible fear as a threshold for an asylum case. The aliens allegedly claim that they have a credible fear of return to Mexico based on drug cartel and gang violence. According to critics, asylum claims from Mexico are highly unusual and often are an orchestrated sham.  Indeed, as mentioned before, reports indicate that as many as 91 percent of asylum claims from Mexico are ultimately denied. Critics allege that the purpose is not to obtain asylum, but rather to game the system by getting a free pass into the U.S. and a court date that they do not plan to show up for.

Not only is the rise in credible fear claims concerning, but I am concerned with the inability of the Administration to follow the current law that pertains to the asylum process.  Pursuant to §235(b)(1)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), arriving aliens are subject to mandatory detention whether they are found to have credible fear or not. An “arriving alien” is a person who was stopped by U.S. officers at a port of entry while attempting to enter the U.S. Under the statute and corresponding regulations at 8 C.F.R §235.3, under limited circumstances “parole” from detention is available for arriving aliens where the applicant can show parole is required to meet a medical emergency or is necessary for a legitimate law enforcement objective.  Additionally, an applicant can be paroled where there are urgent humanitarian reasons or a significant public benefit consistent with §212(d)(5) of the INA. Any such alien should also be detained pending a credible fear interview.

However, this process has been changed by the current Administration via executive fiat. On December 9, 2010, Director Morton issued an ICE policy directive that is contrary to the statute and the regulations. Under this policy directive, any arriving alien who has been found to have a credible fear and can establish identity, that they are not a flight risk, or a danger to the community, should be released by ICE. The memo required ICE field offices to document the parole decisions in a “Record of Determination/Parole Determination worksheet.” This is inconsistent with the Congressional mandate in statute that requires detention.

And not surprisingly, the timing of this memo appears to correlate with the uptick of credible fear claims in recent years. Additionally, while ICE is not detaining these aliens, Fiscal Year 2012 Executive Office of Immigration Review statistics demonstrate that 29% of released aliens failed to appear for their immigration court proceedings.

Once again the Administration has chosen to turn the immigration enforcement switch off in a manner contrary to the intent of Congress, by simply enforcing the immigration laws when, where, and as it is deemed fit. Such actions are the primary reason why our immigration system is broken today. We plan to conduct oversight of this issue and address concerns via the House’s step-by-step approach to reforming our immigration system. Hence, we request a briefing with the relevant Department of Homeland Security components. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Numerous Business Are Worried About Obamacare — and Here’s What They’re Starting to Do About It

ObamacareGETTYTheBlaze reported: Mid- and large-sized companies overwhelmingly expect health-care costs to increase under Obamacare — and most are eyeing possible changes to their health insurance offerings because of a looming excise tax for pricier plans under the health-care reform law, a new survey of employers finds.

In fact, 40 percent of 420 companies surveyed by Towers Watson said they will be changing their insurance plans’ designs in 2014 in light of the coming excise tax as well as to control employee-related health costs.

And nearly 60 percent of the companies view private health insurance exchanges as a possible way to control their health-care and administrative costs by shifting the work of insuring their workers off to those exchanges in the future.

But most of those companies — which collectively employ 8.7 million people — don’t have firm near-term plans to do so.

The study also found those same companies are increasingly unlikely to offer their employer-sponsored plan for retirees older than age 65 as Obamacare state insurance exchanges go into effect, and as Medicare remains available to those people.

Obamacare Tax: 40 Rumor of Companies To Change Plans

The number of employers either very or somewhat likely to discontinue such plans for those retirees grows from 25 percent in 2014 to 44 percent in 2015, according to Towers Watson, the global professional services company, which released its study Wednesday.

But the same study found a very strong majority of those companies — 82 percent — see their ability to offer subsidized health benefits to existing workers as an “important” as part of their “employee value proposition” for 2014, according to the study.

And 98 percent of the employers have no definite plans to discontinue health-care coverage in 2014 and 2015 and direct their full-time workers to the state health insurance exchanges.

“Most companies very much still see health-care benefits as a core offering,” said Ron Fontanetta, a senior health-care consultant at Towers Watson.

“It’s a very visible benefit, and it garners a lot of attention among executives, in part because it’s very visible to employees and also because it costs a lot,” Fontanetta said.

Companies taking action

However, the Towers Watson study is being released on the same day that it was revealed that delivery giant United Parcel Service told white-collar employees two months ago that UPS was excluding 15,000 working spouses from the Atlanta-based company’s health plan next year because of increased medical casts, and “costs associated with the Affordable Care Act,” according to a memo cited by the Kaiser Health News service.

UPS’ decision, according to Kaiser Health, is based on the ability of the affected employees’ spouses to obtain insurance coverage elsewhere.

A UPS spokesman told Kaiser Health that the company expects to save about $60 million per year with that decision.

The Towers Watson study, in a reflection of the high costs that UPS and other companies are identifying and reacting to, found that the chief financial officers of the companies surveyed are increasingly involved in decision-making for those businesses’ health-care strategies.

When the survey asked companies to what extent their CFOs are more involved in such decisions than they were three to five years ago, 46 percent of the companies said it was to either a great or significant extent.

Obamacare Tax: 40 Rumor of Companies To Change Plans

Fontanetta said those CFOs aren’t necessarily sitting down with benefits managers and designing health-care offerings. But, he said, “They are increasingly asking questions about ‘where are we taking our future strategy? how does the challenge of offering health care reconcile with our broader financial goals as an organization?’”

“They want to understand, increasingly, what are the different strategic pathways [the companies] might take,” Fontanetta said.

Looming excise tax

At the forefront of many of those CFOs’ minds, and the minds of other executives at the surveyed companies, is the looming threat of an excise tax on benefits under a provision of the Affordable Care Act that goes into effect in 2018.

That tax on the companies will initially be on health-care coverage whose aggregate cost for workers exceed $10,200 for self-only coverage and $27,500 for other coverage.

The tax is 40 percent of the amount that the worker pays in excess of those limits. Despite the fact that the tax doesn’t kick in for more than four more years, it is already affecting having an effect on decision-making.

A total of 60 percent of employers said that the excise tax will have either significant or moderate influence on their health-care benefits strategy in 2014 and 2015, the study found.

“This is a big deal,” Fontanetta said of those results. “It’s one of the most important findings.”

He noted that more than 60 percent of the companies expect to be subject to the excise tax, absent any changes in their health-care offerings that would avoid it.

“But we don’t think companies are going to sit tight,” Fontanetta said.

The Unprecedented Secrecy of the Obama Administration

NixonObamaBreitbart reported: President Barack Obama, on his first full day in office in 2009, said, “Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”

Time has given the lie to this bold statement.  Repeatedly.

In fact, what America has seen is unprecedented secrecy. Judicial Watch has had to file over 1,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and well over 100 lawsuits against the Obama administration seeking information about:

  • Obamacare;
  • the continued funding of the criminal ACORN network;
  • tracking Wall Street bailout money;
  • the czar racket;
  • immigration policy;
  • election integrity;
  • information on Operation Fast and Furious (which led to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and countless Mexican citizens);
  • records concerning the illegal appointment of Richard Cordray to the NSA-esque, personal consumer credit data drilling Consumer Finance Protection Board;
  • the images of the capture, killing and burial of Osama bin Laden (that might upset the terrorists);
  • disastrous green energy loan guarantees;
  • Benghazi;
  • Billions of dollars of spending on Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac (the government takeover of the mortgage market);
  • Hillary Clinton’s ethics compliance records (from an administration that has probably perfected the “ethics waiver,” but that’s another story).

This president touts transparency but condones law-breaking of open records laws by his administration. The Obama administration has perfected the art of “selective transparency.” It releases documents when it serves them and keeps them secret when it does not. For instance, the Obama White House makes a show of posting some of the Secret Service’s White House visitor log entries, while withholding hundreds thousands of others and opposing the logs’ full release under law in court.  We’ve even had to sue for basic information on the taxpayer costs of the Obamas’ many luxury vacations.

We battled the Bush administration all the way up to the Supreme Court on secrecy issues.  But I can tell you that Obama makes George W. Bush seem like a piker on government secrecy.  Leftists will, in rare honest moments, tell you, too: the Obama administration is less transparent than the Bush administration.

Time is a friend to the politician with scandals and embarrassments to hide, in the hopes that the news cycle will move on or that the public will forget.  Getting beyond the Obama administration’s smokescreen is about a simple principle: the public’s right to know the full truth about what its government is up to.

There are many “big lies” that live within the Obama administration.  But few are promoted more directly by this president than the one about his administration’s supposed transparency.

Egyptian Poll: ‘Very Strong Perception’ Obama Backs Muslim Brotherhood

Obama Morsi ReutersBreitbart reportedTIME Magazine reports that Egyptians “remain convinced that President Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed President Mohamed Morsi.”

Speaking on August 22, the head of Egypt’s Social Democratic Party Mohamed Abou El-Ghar said: “America is losing Egypt… There is a very strong perception that they are supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and they are against other parties.”

El-Ghar said this perception began growing when Senator John McCain (R-AZ) met with representatives from the Muslim Brotherhood in February 2012 but would not meet with with representatives from other parties. He said the perception “was furthered” when U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “criticized Egypt’s military” for deposing Morsi in July.

On the day El-Ghar was interviewed, that perception was strengthened when State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki reiterated the Obama administration’s call for the release of Morsi.

Psaki said the administration is concerned “about arbitrary arrests” and believes “there should be a process for [Morsi’s] release.”

Ted Cruz on ObamaCare: ‘It’s Going to Take a (Political) Tsunami, But I’m Going to Do Everything I Can To Encourage that Tsunami’

says that Republicans are working to defund and repeal President Barack Obama’s health care reform law in order to help African-Americans and Hispanics. In an interview with CNN that aired on Sunday, Cruz told host Candy Crowley that he was “not convinced” that the president would continue to refuse to repeal his signature legislation if Republicans forced a government shutdown.

The Texas Republican admitted that he did not yet have the votes to shut down the government, but he didn’t expect the fight to heat up until September.

“It’s going to take a tsunami, and I’m going to do everything I can to encourage that tsunami,” he explained.

“But what about, you lost?” Crowley asked. “This has been put into law. It’s already law. Why not just get on board and try it?”

“Because it’s not working and it’s hurting Americans,” Cruz insisted. “And by the way, the people that it’s hurting the most are the most vulnerable among us are the more vulnerable among us. The people who are losing their jobs are young people, are Hispanics, are African-Americans, are single moms. I don’t think that’s fair, I don’t think that’s right.”

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 500,000 young African-Americans and 913,000 Latinos have already benefited from Obamacare because they have been allowed to stay on their parents’ health care plans. Additionally, 6.8 million African-Americans and 10.8 million Latinos will have opportunities to buy coverage through health care exchanges.

Watch this video from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Aug. 25, 2013.

Police Arrest 2nd Suspect in Death of 88-Year-Old WWII Veteran

Kenan Adams KinardThe Blaze reported: Police in Spokane, Wash. said they have arrested the second suspect in the beating death of 88-year-old Delbert Belton.

Police arrested Kenan Adams-Kinard on murder and robbery charges. (Image source: Spokane Police Department)

Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, was arrested shortly after 3 a.m. Monday morning on first-degree murder and first-degree robbery charges, the Spokane Police Department announced. Adams-Kinard was arrested without incident in a basement apartment in Spokane.

“Good investigative work and follow-up on dozens of tips led to the apprehension of the suspect four days after the initial incident,” the Spokane Police Department said. Belton, a World War II veteran, was found severely beaten with head injuries in an Eagles Lodge parking lot Wednesday night and died of his injuries the following morning.

Police announced the arrest of 16-year-old Demetrius Glenn on Friday.