Obama Marching U.S. Toward World War III: Russia Sends Syria Their MOST ADVANCED Anti-Ship Missile System To Destroy US Ships

Barack Obama is inching us closer to outright World War III, a calculated move by the Islam-in-Chief.  And of course there still remains the question of whether Assad even used chemical weapons on their own people.

Russia has sent their most advanced anti-ship missiles to Syria to give Obama ‘something to chew on,’ and threaten our military.

Red Flag News reported: The P-800 Oniks Russian П-800 Оникс; English Onyx, also known in export markets as Yakhont, English ruby or sapphire, is a Russian/Soviet supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya as a ramjet version of P-80 Zubr. Its GRAU designation is 3M55. Development reportedly started in 1983, and by 2001 allowed the launch of the missile from land, sea, air and submarine. The missile has the NATO reporting codename SS-N-26. It is reportedly a replacement for the P-270 Moskit, but possibly also for the P-700 Granit. The P-800 was reportedly used as the basis for the joint Russian-Indian supersonic missile the BrahMos.

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Obama Rodeo Clown Was Featured at Texas Rodeo This Weekend, Way to Go Texas!

The Blaze reported: A Texas rodeo isn’t shying away from controversy — instead, they are doing the opposite and promoting an appearance of a rodeo clown wearing a mask of President Obama this weekend.

“You’ve heard about the controversy surrounding the Obama clown in Missouri,” read an announcement from the Mesquite Rodeo, according to the Dallas Observer.

“This weekend, an Obama clown is a special guest star as the Mesquie Rodeo puts on the grand finale to its 2013 season with non-stop action you will only find in the aptly named ‘Rodeo Capital of Texas,’” the announcement added.

As TheBlaze previously reported, an appearance of an Obama rodeo clown at a Missouri rodeo made national news in August, ultimately resulting in the rodeo clown being fired and banned for life from the fair.


Mesquite Arena General Manager Steve Gander reportedly said presidential rodeo clowns have been a long standing tradition at rodeos and that Obama will be joined at the event by three other presidents this weekend.

“Presidential and celebrity clowns and dummies have been in rodeo and other sports and entertainment events since before Richard Nixon,” Gander reportedly wrote.

“We are just being current and exercising our freedom of speech,” he added, assuring it will be “good clean family entertainment” and that the rodeo clowns will be “respectful.

Colin Powell: ‘Questionable’ George Zimmerman Verdict, ‘I Would Like to See Him (Obama) be More Passionate About Race Questions’


On CBS’s “Face the Nation,” former Secretary of State Colin Powell states on the verdict from George Zimmerman’s trial in the self-defense shooting of Trayvon Martin: ‘I think that it will be seen as a questionable judgment on the part of the judicial system down there, but I don’t know if it will have staying power. These cases come along, and they blaze across the midnight sky and then after a period of time, they’re forgotten.’

When asked about how Obama reflected on race issues: ‘I would like to see him be more passionate about race questions.’