The Pentagon Is Preparing A Cruise Missile Attack Against Syria, If This Happens Prepare for the Unhinging of the Middle East

There is a very serious series of events unfolding before our eyes in the Middle East.  The U.S. is obviously sticking their ‘head in the sand’ believing Assad is responsible for gassing his own people.  However, if in fact, the Syrian Freedom Fighters were responsible for launching chemical weapons that killed countless men, women, and children, we have the makings of World War III.

There is more to this story than which party is responsible for the horrid attack and killing innocent lives.  Wait until you see who is behind this charade.

Info Wars reported: Earlier today, in “US Refines “Military Options” Ahead Of Syrian Strikes“, we reported on what we thought was now inevitable especially since it was in agreement with what we predicted with absolute certainty over a month ago in “US Prepares For “Kinetic Strikes” Against Syria.”  There we said: “The pre-story here is well-known to most: in a repeat fabulation of the Iraq “WMD” lie, the US and the entire developed world “found” Syria to have crossed a red-line when it used chemical weapons, despite subsequent reports that it was the Syrian rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, who were the party responsible for chemical weapon use. No matter though: the public media campaign was hatched, and merely waited for the catalyst. That catalyst may be imminent…”

Sure enough, a month later the convenient catalyst emerged when this Wedensday, despite the entire world watching Assad (and as Iraq WMD inspector Rolf Ekeus stating the obvious in  “It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country“), we are meant to believe that the Syrian leader launched the biggest nerve gas attack in the history of the Qatari, Al-Qaeda and CIA-funded and organized Syrian rebellion. Two days later, without any actual investigation, the west determined somehow, on its own, that the attack was launched by Assad, not a false flag attack by the rebels even though it was their chemical weapons depot that had been previously uncovered. Visions of Colin Powell lying to the world (with his former aide admitting years later the WMD speech was the “lowest point in my life) should now be emerging right before your eyes.

Moments ago the inevitable denouement arrived when as CBS’ David Martin reports, the US is preparing for a cruise missile launch against Syria, and is further ordering warships closer to Syria to be prepared and ready for when the trigger is pulled.

















Read the rest of the story to find out why we are going to attack Syria.







Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 8/24/2013 The Beat Goes On: ‘No One Respects Us, No One Fears Us, We Look Weak and We’ve Lost Our Credibility’

Saturday, August 24th Judge Jeanine Opening Statement Best Lines:

‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.’

‘Oh, I feel better the same attorney general who also lied in front of Congress about investigating reporters In-Over-His-Head Eric Holder.’

‘The red line for chemical weapons has its own beat, a year ago Mr. president, you said the use or mere movements of chemical weapons by Syria would cross your ‘RED LINE’ in a pro it’s confirmed that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons you in April ‘Paper Tiger’ mode said that that was a game-changer and signal that the US would supply the Syrian rebels with weapons which of course never arrived but the Muslim Brotherhood they got their F-16’s and armored tanks and 1.3 billion of OUR dollars.’

Obama: Race War Agenda For America is Stoked by Obama and His Minions

In light of several high profile black on white murders in recent days, the invective has been noticeably less verbose. The most anger Jesse Jackson could muster over the gang-initiation hate crime slaying of Australian student Chris Lane was a tepid tweet stating that the incident should be “frowned upon.”

Lane was slaughtered by a gunshot to the back as part of a gang initiation by three juveniles, an incident which the media initially tried to downplay as “bored teens.” Two of the suspects are black. It subsequently emerged that one of the suspects had posted racist tweets on his account before the murder, stating “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.” Another reads, “Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!.” “Woods” is a racist term for white people.

It’s time to take note America. We cannot allow this to continue any longer.

Obama: Delays Keystone Pipeline Decision Until 2014, Because it Would Add 42,100 Jobs… Huh?

Keystone PipelineAs anomalous as this may sound, it’s true. Obama is delaying the Keystone Pipeline project because it would inject life into a flailing economy, and it would ultimately delay his agenda of destroying America.

Let’s face it, a thriving economy is the last thing Obama wants; he would rather face a room full of Ted Cruzs’ than add 42,100 jobs into an economy about to implode.

Breitbart reports: Delay after delay has kept the Obama administration from giving a final go ahead for construction of the Keystone pipeline and the upwards to 42,100 jobs it would create. Now the State Department is saying the decision will be pushed off again–this time until 2014.

This newest hurdle was put in place with a demand by environmentalists that the government investigate a supposed conflict of interest with the contractor that was hired to write a report on the pros and cons of the pipeline project. The review rated the project favorably.

The State Department’s Office of Inspector General announced on August 23 that the results of the investigation into whether or not Environmental Resources Management has ties to pipeline builder TransCanada Corp. won’t be ready until January.

This late release of the results of the investigation almost assures that the government won’t begin making any decisions until 2014.

The President has done everything he can to distance himself from having to make this final decision. He’s demurred many times to definitively say where he stands on the project and has even diminished the number of jobs the pipeline will create, characterizing the whole project as inconsequential.

Earlier in the year, Obama said that the pipeline would only create 2,000 jobs and that the whole project was just a “blip” in the big jobs picture. This is a claim even the left-leaning called false.

Not long after that, the President absurdly downgraded his estimate even further, claiming that only 50 jobs would be created by the project.

Still, even Democrat backers of the project say they are “optimistic” that the whole thing will be approved eventually.

After a recent visit to the Canadian oil sands, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) said she believes the pipeline will eventually get the green light.

Benghazi: ‘I Want the Whole World to Know it, She (Hillary Clinton) Lied to My Face, And You Don’t Want this Person to be President’

The reinstatement of four State Department employees who were put on administrative leave following last year’s Benghazi attack only further has only reinforced Pat Smith’s believe that Hillary Clinton should never be president. Smith’s son, Sean, was one of four Americans who died in the 9/11 attack on the American diplomatic facility in Benghazi.

On Fox News this morning, Smith said that the former secretary of state had broken her promise to the grieving mother to hold the people accountable for the security failure. According to Smith, Clinton told her she would investigate the attack and contact her, but she never ended up hearing back from America’s top diplomat.

“Not only that, but she knew at the time that it was wrong what she was telling me,” Smith said, referring to the administration’s claim that the attacks were instigated by a YouTube video. “I want the whole world to know it: she lied to my face, and you don’t want this person to be president.”

Smith has been the most vocal family member of the Benghazi, saying that she has been stonewalled by Obama administration officials for answers to what happened to her son. She’s also primarily placed the blame on Clinton for not doing enough during and after the attack.

Uh-Oh: Obama Uses ‘R-Word’ at White House Ceremony

Robert Griffin IIIBreitbart reported: Intentionally or not, President Barack Obama poked the far left bear during Tuesday’s White House ceremony honoring the 1972 Miami Dolphins when he used what many of his liberal base consider a racist, derogatory, and patently offensive term: Redskins.

By doing so, however, the president has potentially and many may argue finally offered the remote possibility that he might be on the side of an issue–like retaining the Washington Redskins name–which enjoys overwhelming public support.

While giving his speech on the ‘72 Dolphins’ historic 17-0 season, President Obama said:

“Winning the Super Bowl, however, was not a foregone conclusion. The Dolphins had to win in Pittsburgh just to make it there. And once they did, they still were slight underdogs to the Redskins in the big game.”

Although the Rachel Maddows of the world may take issue with the president ignoring their calls to abandon the mere mention of the “R-word,” they are, as usual, running opposite of popular public opinion. A recent Associated Press-GfK poll conducted in May found that “nearly four in five” Americans support keeping the Redskins name.

President Obama, whose job approval numbers are now in the mid-40’s and trending down, may find it advantageous to be willing to listen not to his liberal base, but instead to 79 percent of Americans. Suppose after five years in office, one has to start somewhere.