Power Outage: Samantha Power in Ireland During Urgent Syria Meeting, Sources Say

Samantha FoxFox News reported: Mystery solved. America’s ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power was in Ireland on a personal trip when she missed an emergency meeting on the alleged chemical gas attack in Syria, U.N. sources tell Fox News.

A day earlier, State Department officials were mum when asked for information on Power’s whereabouts. She had come under fire for missing Wednesday’s urgent U.N. Security Council meeting, where delegations weighed how to respond to charges that the Assad regime had just committed the deadliest chemical weapons attack in the country’s two-year civil war.

The meeting, and her absence, came just 19 days after Power assumed the U.N. leadership post.

Power also did not attend a meeting Friday afternoon on Sudan — another trouble spot that Power has focused on in the past — though it is likely that such a meeting would have been attended by a deputy anyway.

But U.S. officials are defending Power, saying she was on a preplanned trip and could not have made it back in time. Power was born in Ireland, and her family is from there. The nature of the visit to her home country is not clear; officials say that since the trip was personal, they were safe-guarding her privacy.

One U.S. Mission official told Fox News that Power was the one pushing for immediate consultations by the Security Council after reports surfaced of the attack Wednesday morning.

The official said Power believed the situation required an urgent response, and should not wait until her return to New York. The official said the U.S. was competently represented at the session by Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo, a seasoned diplomat who had been running the U.S. shop on an interim basis.

The official noted that other permanent members of the council also were not represented by their permanent ambassador at Wednesday’s meeting. The official stressed that Power has been in constant contact with her staff and the White House.

But Richard Grenell, a former U.N. spokesman under the George W. Bush administration, questioned how someone who had been on the job just 19 days could miss the session. Grenell told Fox News that her absence at this meeting could “scar her career.”

The State Department was also unusually coy about Power’s whereabouts when asked on Thursday.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki declined, twice, to say where Power was during Wednesday’s meeting. “I don’t have any more details for you,” she said.

Asked again, Psaki said: “She had a previously scheduled trip. I don’t think I need to go into more detail from here.”

Meanwhile, the administration is looking into the chemical attack allegations, and Reuters reported late Friday that U.S. intelligence agencies have made a “preliminary assessment” that the Assad government did use chemical weapons this week.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest also said “there is some evidence to indicate that chemical weapons may have been involved.”

“And given our interest in ensuring that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating and the need to protect our allies in the region, the president believes that this is something that requires our attention,” he said. “This is also something that requires the attention of the international community.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/23/found-samantha-power-in-ireland-during-urgent-syria-meeting-sources-say/#ixzz2cqlRIvkQ

Delbert Belton WW II Vet Murder Suspects: One Taken Into Custody, Police Still Searching for the Other

The Blaze reported: The Spokane Police Department has arrested a suspect and are searching for another in the brutal beating death of 88-year-old WWII veteran Delbert Belton.

Demetrius Glenn, 16, was reportedly taken into custody by police early Friday morning. He will be tried as an adult for first degree murder and robbery, KXLY-TV reports. Police are currently searching for the second suspect, identified as Kenan Adams-Kinard.

Delbert Belton Murder Suspects

Glenn reportedly has a lengthy a criminal history. He has faced charges of malicious mischief, third and fourth degree assault and driving without a license, KHQ News reports. He was also reportedly involved in a “riot with a deadly weapon.”

Kinard also has a juvenile criminal history, but few details were immediately available.

Belten was pronounced dead early Thursday morning after being brutally beaten by two teens in a parking lot on Wednesday evening. The veteran, also known affectionately as “Shorty,” was wounded in the Battle of Okinawa. He was shot in the leg but heroically continued to fight.



Miracle Story: Ohio Dad Who Came ‘Back From the Dead’ After Son Says: ‘You’re Not Going to Die Today’

Ohio Dad Comes Back to LifeThe Blaze reported: A 37-year-old Ohio man has stunned medical professionals after “coming back from the dead” — and he says “nobody but God” could’ve pulled it off.

It all began on August 5 when Anthony Yahle’s wife, Melissa, called 911 around 4 a.m. when she noticed irregularities in her husband’s breathing and was unable to wake him up.

ABC News reports that Melissa — who is a nurse – and the couple’s 17-year-old son, Lawrence, performed CPR until an ambulance could arrive.


The Yahale family appears on CNN (Photo: CNN)

Though paramedics were able to find a heartbeat and things originally seemed like they would turn out alright, Anthony’s heart stopped at the hospital and doctors were unable to revive him.

After roughly 45 minutes, cardiologist Dr. Raja Nazir reportedly said it was time to call the time of death.

But Anthony’s son, Lawrence, refused to give up hope.

Wearing a cross necklace and speaking clearly on CNN, the young hero explained that something just didn’t feel “right” about the situation.

“[My dad is] 37-years-old, he’s never had a heart problem. He’s not dead in that room,” Lawrence recalled thinking.

Lawrence said he went back to where his father was and started praying with his pastor, Paul.

“Something came in me and got me to point at him, and I said, ‘Dad you’re not going to die today.”‘

“I stood there for a few more moments, and I started walking back to the counseling room to comfort my sisters and my mom,” Lawrence continued. “[I] took about three steps and my pastor, Paul, he looked and me and said, ‘Lawrence! Lawrence!’”

The boy’s father had begun showing signs of life and, unbelievably, doctors were able to resuscitate him.

Watch the family’s complete interview courtesy of CNN, below (skip to around 2:30 for Lawrence’s remarks):

Mother Jones Magazine: Suddenly Notices the Cult of Obama

ObamessiahBreitbart reported: Kevin Drum of the hard left magazine Mother Jones is shocked to have found that there really is a cult of Obama out there.

In an August 19 blog post headlined “The Great Emo-Prog vs. O-Bot Debate,” Drum was absolutely flabbergasted to find that there really are people who imagine that Obama is the second coming of the messiah.

“I’ve long been skeptical of the idea that Obama has a core group of supporters from 2008 who really do consider him The One, a shining beacon of light who can do no wrong. But I’m the one who was wrong,” Drum wrote ruefully.

Drum has found to his amazement that there really are people who will call you any manner of names, assume you are a racist, and claim you aren’t a real leftist over even the slightest criticism of Obama.

Drum also complained that:

If you express anything short of absolute condemnation of everything the NSA has done, your Twitter feed quickly fills up with hysterical proclamations from the emo-progs that you’re a right-wing shill, a government lackey, a useful idiot for the slave state, and an obvious fool. Conversely, if you criticize the NSA’s surveillance programs, your Twitter feed quickly fills up with equally hysterical proclamations from the O-Bots that you hate Obama, you’ve always hated Obama, and you’re probably a racist swine who’s been waiting ever since 2009 for a chance to take down the nation’s first black president.

Over at National Review’s The Corner blog, Charles W. Cooke jokes, “welcome to my world.”

“Just so as you know, this rule goes also for Obamacare, the economy, foreign policy, firearms law, and absolutely every other area of public policy,” Cooke writes. “I have been called a ‘racist’ for so long now that I’m almost looking forward to a Hillary presidency so that I can be called a ‘sexist’ instead.”

Obama: ‘At Some Point the Government Will Run Out of Money’


Breitbart reported: President Obama, speaking at the State University of New York-Buffalo:

“So at some point, the government will run out of money, which means more and more costs are being loaded on to students and their families,” the president said.

Defund ObamaCare Effort Gaining Steam

Defund ObamacareBreitbart reported: FreedomWorks has been working with conservative activists in their home states this August to have them question senators about their objections to Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-Utah) letter vowing to vote against bills that fund ObamaCare.

That letter was  stuck at 13 signers but gained support on Wednesday when Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.)  became the 14th senator to sign on. 

Meanwhile Heritage Action kicked off their “Defund Obamacare” tour, this week with well attended townhalls in Fayetteville, ARDallas, TX and Tampa FL.  They are visiting nine cities between August 19 and August 29 with Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint and Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).   Other cities on the tour include: Nashville, Tenn., Birmingham, Ala., Indianapolis, Columbus, Ohio,  Pittsburgh, and Wilmington, Del.

Heritage Action CEO Mike Needham recently appeared on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers to discuss the defunding effort. He explained that Republicans should act on principle and honor the promises they made when they were elected to stop Obamacare:

Glenn Beck: ‘Who Is Leading Us?,’ A Scathing Critique of Obama’s ‘Divisive’ Leadership

Glenn Beck on Obama's Divisive LeadershipTheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck asked three simple questions of his audience on Thursday: Who is leading us? What do they believe? And where are they taking us?

In determining the answers, Beck paid particular attention to the difference between actions and words, analyzing a number of news stories of the day.

“[President Obama] can give speech after speech about people coming together, but if he’s not living that, if that’s not his attitude…it doesn’t work,” he said.

Beck highlighted a number of stories into which the president has “injected” himself, while noting his silence on “other divisive stories where there’s a real chance to unite people.”

Note the difference between the president’s heartfelt comments on the Trayvon Martin case, and his silence on the Christopher Lane case, Beck said.

“I’m watching my commander-in-chief and I’m wondering – why doesn’t he care about this case?” Beck asked.  “Does he really care about equal justice, or justice sometimes, for the right people?  Is the president really concerned about racism, as he claims he is, or is he only concerned about racism sometimes, with some people?”

“You can make your own decision, but here’s the real question — what are his actions teaching people?” Beck added.  “Where is he leading us?  What is he building?”

In Beck’s opinion, the president is “building a society that says justice is not blind” and “equal justice no longer exists.”

When the president’s actions do line up with his words, Beck said the insight is “breathtaking.”

“[The president] spoke flowingly during the Arab Spring, and his administration supported the Muslim Brotherhood vocally, and their actions met their words — and when that happens, they’rerarely pro-America,” Beck said.

After highlighting additional issues, Beck turned to the audience: “Our actions and our words must meet at all times.  Let us be for all classes of people.  Let us be for all colors of people.  Let us be for all people of faith or lack thereof.”

“Let us judge people by the content of their character,” he continued.  “If we don’t, America will quickly arrive at a dangerous destination because this administration is teaching by example, and people are learning.”

Watch the complete segment, below:
