WW II Veteran: Allegedly Beaten by Two Black Teens Outside Eagles Lodge, Left to Die

Delbert BeltonWWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

Belton, 88, succumbed to his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Witnesses say Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge at 6410 N. Lidgerwood, adjacent to the Eagles Ice-A-Rena, around 8 p.m. Wednesday when the two male suspects attacked him as he was about to head inside to play pool.

Police responded with K-9s to track the suspects’ scent but were not able to locate them.

“It does appear random. He was in the parking lot, it appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault,” Spokane Police Major Crimes Detective Lieutenant Mark Griffiths said.

Belton died from his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

“Shorty,” as he was known by his friends at the Eagles Lodge, served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific during WWII and was shot in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. He went on to work at Kaiser Aluminum at the company’s Trentwood plant for more than 30 years. Belton’s wife passed away several years ago.

He loved playing pool, even though he claimed he was no good at it and had been a member of the Eagles Lodge for the last four months. In addition to playing pool he loved working on cars.

Shorty was Ted Denison’s best friend of 23 years; the two played pool occasionally and worked on cars daily.

“He was always there for me when I needed him,” Denison said. “We’d joke back and forth. We were always having fun, some sort of fun.”

He was the kind of nice old man who’d become your friend in minutes.

“Probably every time I come into town, he’d have a project for me to do,” Denison said. “I thought of him more as a dad than I did a friend really.”

Now, with the suspects still at large and the Spokane Police Department working to track them down, Shorty’s friends are hoping for justice.

“I don’t understand how somebody could do this. I really don’t,” Denison said.

Spokane police are looking for two male suspects in the attack. They said the suspects are African Americans between 16 and 19 years old. One suspect was described as heavy set and wearing all black clothing. The other was described as being about 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. There was no description of what clothing the second suspect was wearing other than a silk do-rag.

Below, are pictures of the alleged killers from surveillance cameras:

Delbert Belton Suspect 1Delbert Belton Suspect 2

Catastrophic Signals: Presidential Meeting Signals There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in the Background, The Dollar?

Without sounding like an alarmist, indications are such that we could be looking at something serious brewing beginning at the White House.  And given the company that Obama chose to meet with, a good guess is that it’s related to the Dollar getting close to collapsing spelling a global crisis.

InfoWars reported: If there’s one thing we know about how the US government operates, it’s that the American people are often the last to know about serious problems that may be taking place behind the scenes.

Obama MeetingThis week, in a move that has spooked a lot of economic and financial analysts, President Barack Obama held a special, closed door meeting with the heads of the U.S. government’s financial, monetary and oversight agencies. It included members of the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, the CFTC, the SEC, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

This has left many wondering what is really going on – and if a serious event is about to take place yet again.

I guess I’m always unnerved as a result of what happened in April, the last time the President of the United States had a meeting with all of the bank heads, and two days later the price of gold was smashed for over $200.

Now, the President is meeting with all of the heads of the various agencies, institutions, the Fed, and all of the other key money entities in the United States today.  What’s that all about?

But clearly if the President is having this meeting, there is a crisis unfolding somewhere in the background, and it could very well relate to the dollar, interest rates, and the massive derivatives market associated with interest rates… This surge in interest rates may have already seriously destabilized the entire financial system, and that’s why there is this meeting taking place in the White House today.  The fact is that the vast majority of derivatives in the global financial system are related to interest rates.

Now, the entire financial system may be on the precipice of some sort of catastrophic event unfolding because of what we have already seen in the bond market, and how the derivatives are so heavily intertwined.  Meaning, we may be on the verge of another disastrous derivatives meltdown.

John Embry – King World News via Steve Quayle

Ahead of the 2008 collapse, as the pillars of our financial system were undergoing a controlled detonation, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve assured us the crisis had been contained. Experts and pundits on television were screaming to investors that everything was fine and to keep buying the dips.

Behind the scenes, however, President Bush, the Federal Reserve, and the world’s leading financial institutions were scrambling to figure out how to keep the whole thing from falling apart. As former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson noted, we were on the brink of a historic collapse, and they knew it well ahead of time.

The American people were not as fortunate. Most of us came to the realization things had taken a turn for the worse only after 50% of our wealth had been wiped out in a stock market and housing crash.

Today, like before, all of the experts in Washington and the mainstream media are making a point to reassure us that we are in the midst of an economic recovery. However, key economic indicators suggest otherwise. We are seeing a plunge in global shipping, a halt in consumer spending, and perhaps most importantly, a significant rise in interest rates and the US government’s borrowing costs.

Now, as the President meets with a veritable who’s who of government finance, lending and monetary policy one can’t help but think something is amiss.

Are we on the brink of another global disaster?

Egyptian Bishop: Christians Are Starving Because They Are Afraid to Leave Their Homes

Egyptian ChristiansOn Wednesday, Bishop Joannes Zakaria of Luxor, Egypt, stated that Christians are “afraid to come out of their homes” thanks to fear of the Muslim Brotherhood, and are therefore starving due to lack of food. “I would like to help Christians but I can’t because I myself am confined to my home,” he said.

According to Zakaria, the Muslim Brotherhood attacked him personally on August 16. Police protected him, and armored cars have been stationed at his home for that purpose ever since. “Because of security we canceled the celebrations of the Assumption, which we commemorate on August 22, not August 15,” he said. “Everyone is at home, and I myself have been at the bishop’s residence for 20 days now. Security officers have advised me not to leave.”

Zakaria said he did not understand why the Muslim Brotherhood was attacking Christians. “It is true that Christians took part in some demonstrations against him, but there were 30 million Egyptians, most of whom were Muslim, who protested against the deposed president.”

Michelle Obama: Much Like Her Husband is Closely Associated with the Teachings of Marxism

Michelle ObamaConservative Angle strongly maintains that Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, are very much products of their environment and ultimately out to destroy America and rebuild it under their ‘vision,’ as twisted as that may seem.

Below, is an article by the Freedom Outpost that formulates Michelle Obama’s past and, how this dynamic duo’s actions explain the ‘almost’ irreversible mess we are in.

I did some background checking into Michelle Obama and her links with socialists, communists and other high ranking radicals that wish nothing more than to destroy the United States as it is, and create a brand new United States! This may sound absurd and demeaning, but it is true. Some of the words spoken by Michelle Obama and her husband Barack Obama have come directly from a radical book titled Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky.

I’ll expose Alinsky’s background in future articles, but before we go too far, let us just start with Michelle Obama’s college days, since to find her high school history seems to be quite difficult.

Michelle Obama’s maiden name was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, and she was born on January 17, 1964. She married Barack Hussein Obama in 1992.

According to FrontPageMagazine reporter Jacob Laksin, “In a [February 2008] interview with Newsweek, [Michelle] Obama reveals that she got into Princeton … not on the strength of her grades, which she admits were unexceptional, but thanks to her brother Craig, a star athlete and gifted student who preceded her to the school. As a ‘legacy’ candidate and a beneficiary of affirmative action, Michelle Obama was granted an opportunity that others more accomplished were denied.”

The First lady got her college education due to her brother and her ethnicity, not her excellence in academics. So why is she such a radical racist woman? It must come from somewhere in her background. Perhaps her parents were the ones who led her to this road of turmoil about racial prejudice. Let us take a brief look to see just what she was doing at Princeton while she was there and what types of people she had as her close friends. Some of Michelle Obama’s contacts in College were of the Marxist/socialist types. Princeton, 1984 Charles C. Johnson wrote on October 30, 2012, “Michelle Obama attends and promotes a ‘Black Solidarity’ event for guest lecturer Manning Marable, who was, according to Cornel West, probably ‘the best known black Marxist in the country.’ The event is the work of the Third World Center (TWC), a campus group whose board membership is exclusively reserved for minorities.”

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama the Radical

With this documented article, we see that Michelle Obama, much like her husband is closely associated with the teachings of Marxism and had attended meetings with Marxist-type people. We must now wonder, why did the people elect a man with a wife that has such a marked background, mixed with Marxism and communism by association with such types of people?

Michelle Robinson’s racial animosity of Caucasian people is exposed through her articles and statements from the time she was at Princeton. One can see this in her ideas that the white population at Princeton were a bunch of “racist” individuals. Johnson quotes an article Michelle Robinson (Obama) wrote while at Princeton University, following an introduction to the quotation.

‘If ever there was an example of the TWC governing board’s obsession with race, an editorial from October 21, 1981 is it. The members took great offense to an op-ed titled “Rebuilding Race Relations,” calling the article “racist, offensive, and inaccurate” for daring to question the group’s true commitment and to present a thesis on race relations counter to its own. “The word RE-building implies that race relations once existed and, for some mysterious reasons, fell apart … ,” the board wrote in a scathing letter to the editor. “We, on the other hand, believe that race relations have ​never​ been and still are not at a satisfactory level. We are not RE-building. We cannot RE-build something that never existed in the first place.”’

Read the entire article.

[Shocking Video]: Section 8 Welfare Recipient Destroys a House That Was in Mint Condition When She Moved In, Our Government Dollars at Work


A welfare recipient who received over $1,000 per month for rent from government, only needed to come up with $53/month to pay this landlord, and couldn’t do it. This welfare recipient destroyed the house that was in mint condition prior to her moving in.

Cruz Missile: Texas Ted Cruz, ‘The Conservatives’ Secret Weapon,’ Chides Phony Liberal Fantasies Better Than Anyone Right Now

‘If there’s one passionate, principled, Conservative, one stand-up, stand-out leader, in the fight against phony liberal fantasies it’s Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Cruz Missile.’  ( great line 🙂

Full Transcript (from YouTube):

‘Texas Tech the cruise missile scoring direct hits on phony arguments about Obama’s desperate defenders as well as on the weak-kneed doubters in his own party.’

‘Welcome to Liberty News TV I’m Norvell Rose.’

‘If there’s one passionate principled conservative one stand up stand out leader in the fight against phony liberal fantasies its texas senator Ted Cruz. And you know that Obama’s pack of progressives is aware of the cruise missile and wary of him because they’re starting the fire back even if somewhat feebly as crews successfully targets them, they’re beginning to target him. Just watch what happened in a recent Texas Town Hall meeting the crew sailed in his campaign to defund Obamacare.’

‘Gentlemen thank you for sharing your views. You know, part of the first amendment is about respecting the views of others.’ While most voices on the left and many on the right complained about even condemn the defund initiative Cruz continues the campaign unrelenting in his message unfazed in maintaining his focus.  Unswayed and unbowed, by those charges that Republicans would dare to shut down the federal government in their vain attempt to defund Obamacare crews insists the GOP should strengthen its backbone and clear its throat and argue the opposite.’

‘He told that town hall president Obama has already unilaterally and lawlessly granted waivers of the employer mandate in Obamacare to every giant corporation in America.  Why is it that President Obama is threatening to shut down the federal government to deny those very same waivers to hard-working American families that is an argument we can win.  Cruz also counters the liberal claim that Republicans can’t come up with a better alternative to ObamaCare and all the benefits therein.’

‘And why can’t they? Because the suppose it benefits of Obama’s health care takeover scheme are a bunch of baloney their far-left fantasies starry-eyed imaginings of progressive ideologues who believe there really is such a thing as a free lunch and a free dinner with drinks.  And while President Obama drifts off into new fantasy lands have magical thinking spinning fairy tales about new rights created out of thin air, the cruise missile takes aim at realities.  Obama tells America that health insurance is now a right health insurance a commercial product is a right for all Americans.  While Obama makes up stuff like that Ted Cruz tells enthusiastic audiences to buck up, to believe to carry on the fight even when especially when the establishment the media the intellectuals the push middle grounders especially when they wag their toms and their fingers in opposition.’

‘Texas Ted the cruise missile speaks truth to power truth to pretense truth to those who would hide behind flimsy excuses and the fear of failure.  Unapologetically Cruz says we’ve got to do something Conservatives haven’t done in a long time we’ve got to stand up and when the argument and that is liberty news TV for today I’m normal rose thanks for watching and we hope to see you right back here next time.’

U.S. Coptic Christians Chant: ‘Obama, Obama, Don’t You Care?’

Coptic ChristiansBreitbart reported: On Monday, in Nashville, Tennessee, more than 200 Coptic Christians protested the Obama administration’s indifference to the plight of Coptic Christians in Egypt while Coptic Christian churches, schools and businesses have been burned and Christians killed. They chanted, “Obama, Obama, don’t you care? Christian blood is everywhere!”, “We love Egypt. We love U.S.” and “Eid wahda”, which means “one hand” and implies that Egyptian Christians and Muslims both decry the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood. One demonstrator spoke into a camera of The Tennessean and said:

We are hoping you all pray for us in Egypt. Egypt is under siege right now by the Muslim Brotherhood.  We hope you pray for a free Egypt, a democratic Egypt and peace in the Middle East.

Ted Cruz Inspires With Grassroots Appeal to Defund ObamaCare

Ted Cruz - ObamacareTheBlaze reported: Regardless of whether the grassroots campaign led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, to defund ObamaCare is politically wise, the methods and language he’s used to mobilize the conservative base are worth studying.

Cruz’s central message of “this starts with you” is delivered with a blend of genuine humility and Senatorial eloquence — enough to inspire support without patronizing. Grassroots conservatives’ relationship with the beltway establishment has long been uneasy, but these tactics could help bridge the gap.

When Cruz calls for a “grassroots army,” he’s not looking merely for boots on the ground, but for digital activists to help spread his message. Just 20 years ago, three news networks and a handful of major newspapers had the power to set the narrative. Today, there are more Americans on Facebook and Twitter than there are who voted in the last election. Cruz understands that the democratization of information-sharing has created an opportunity for the digital grassroots to drive a message, even when the legacy media isn’t picking up on it.

If new media is the mouthpiece for the grassroots, bloggers and digital activists are the ringleaders, and Cruz’s reverberating impact in his seven months in Washington is a testament to his strong relationship with these leaders. His rise, in two years, from a little-known lawyer who first announced his Senate campaign on a bloggers’ conference call to a serious contender for President of the United States in 2016, has been fueled entirely by the grassroots. Even those who scoff at the Tea Party and don’t like Cruz’s brand of conservatism can no longer overlook the powerful role activists play in the party.

Cruz laid down his strategy to defund Obamacare at a Heritage Foundation bloggers’ briefing, and was met with such support that Heritage launched a two-week, nine-stop national tour and a social media campaign–#StopObamacare–that has generated significant buzz. Cruz then put in an appearance a few days later at RedState Gathering, one of the largest annual conferences for online conservative activists. By focusing on the digital grassroots, Cruz’s plans have garnered attention in the media and on the ground than other conservative proposals.

Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee–along with Americans for Tax Reform and a coalition of center-right groups–supports an alternative plan to delay Obamacare for a year, with the rationale that it would force vulnerable Democrats to take a vote on the delay of Obamacare before the 2014 election. This strategy would also allow Republicans to keep public attention centered on the upcoming budget showdown, forcing Obama to stand by his initial commitment to “veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending.” Despite broad support from influential center-right groups and policy makers, this plan hasn’t generated as much excitement among the grassroots–in large part because its supporters haven’t put in the legwork with digital activists.

Cruz, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) have given digital activists a new sense of importance in mainstream Republican politics by continuing to engage with them even after taking office. It would be a cliche to say that these three Senators, the youngest in the Republican conference, represent a new generation, but they certainly bring to the table a mindset different from their more senior colleagues.

The Republican establishment’s seasonal embrace of the grassroots–relying on them to do the hard work of turning out voters during election years but tuning them out while Congress is in session–has contributed to the trust gap between digital activists and the Beltway veterans. Cruz and his allies have placed the grassroots at the center of the political equation, and put in the legwork required to build relationships over time by speaking early and often to digital activists and bloggers.

From national figures like Michelle Malkin to local, community-based activists, the digital grassroots have earned the trust of the conservative base in a way that most politicians will never be able to. These activists have the power to serve as the link between Washington and the broader grassroots–if properly engaged, online leaders can both drive a narrative and organize millions of conservatives, on the web and on the ground. Unfortunately, few in the Beltway class and even fewer in the conservative leadership seem to notice.

Cruz’s rapid rise contrasts starkly with the GOP establishment, which has lost the last two presidential elections amidst low base turnout. And with its favorability ratings hitting an all-time low this spring, the party could do itself a great favor by taking a few pages from his playbook.

Agree or disagree with Cruz’s strategy, there’s a divide within his party, and the Texan is winning because of his tactics.