MSNBC: Shocking Defamatory Piece on Alex Jones by MSNBC’s Alex Wagner

Alex Jones the Racist?This is deeply disturbing.  Admittedly, MSNBC come up with their share of garbage, but today’s piece by Alex Wagner took it to a whole new level.  Along with her band of proletarians, they claimed Alex Jones is a racist, and went so far to blame the Boston bombings on Jones!

Red Flag reported: MSNBC engaged in one of the most egregious and defamatory hit pieces in its entire history earlier today when host Alex Wagner and guests all but blamed Alex Jones for the Boston bombings, claiming with no evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were inspired to carry out the attack by the “deeply racist” Jones and his website.

“Alex Jones may sound crazy, but he has 300 million people that have watched him on YouTube,” said Wagner, characterizing Jones as “deeply racist,” despite the fact that Jones has preached a message of peaceful, non-violent inclusiveness for the best part of two decades.

“These folks are getting paid to be racist,” remarked former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, as MSNBC showed a screenshot of Steele went on to claim that only a “small percentage” of people read Infowars despite the fact that it gets more web traffic than

Neither Steele or Wagner presented a single example of Alex Jones being “racist,” a shred of evidence that he was “getting paid to be racist,” nor was any proof offered that the Tsarnaev brothers were fans of

On the contrary, Alex Jones and Infowars are renowned for communicating a message of non-violence and racial harmony, stemming back from the 90′s when Alex Jones protested against and bullhorned the Ku Klux Klan.

In comparison, MSNBC is part owned by General Electric, a titan of the military-industrial complex and one of the biggest arms manufacturers on the planet – not to mention a key Obama campaign contributor. Who exactly is promoting violence?

Wagner also tried to legitimize convoluted logic that terrorist atrocities are caused by distrust in the establishment, and therefore people like Alex Jones who build an audience based off that premise are somehow to blame for terrorist attacks.

In reality, distrust in mainstream media and government is shared by a huge majority of patriotic, peaceful Americans. Recent polls show that a whopping 77% of US citizens distrust television news and 73% distrust the federal government.

Perhaps MSNBC should take a look at their own biased, defamatory, inaccurate and offensive content if they are interested in figuring out why the network’s viewing figures recently plunged to a 6 year low.  The clip above represents the very definition of criminal defamation with malice of forethought and intent to do harm. Alex Jones is ordering MNSBC publicly to cease and desist and will also make this clear via registered mail. Jones is also demanding that he be allowed to appear on the show in question and defend himself.

Shocking Study: Welfare Pays More Than Work in 35 States, Receive $60,590 Pre-tax Income Annually in Hawaii

Welfare in Hawaii‘Keep you eye on the ball’… Obama is doing just that, he’s keeping his eye on the prize.  Those of you reading this, pay attention because it’s all part of the plan; Obama is breaking down America piece by piece.  And when I say Obama, I mean Obama the figurehead, Obama the puppet.

Paying anywhere near minimum wage is criminal in my opinion, but when you are trying to break down a country as strong as the United States, it takes extensive measures.

The Daily Caller reported: Looking for a good paying job? Well, look no further.

No, really, stop looking. In 35 states, welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job, according to a new study by the libertarian Cato Institute, and in 13 states welfare pays more than $15 per hour.

“One of the single best ways to climb out of poverty is taking a job, but as long as welfare provides a better standard of living than an entry-level job, recipients will continue to choose it over work,” said Michael Tanner, senior policy analyst and co-author of the study.
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The study is an updated version of one Tanner put out in 1995 that estimated the full value of welfare benefits packages across the states. The 1995 study found that such tax-free welfare benefits greatly exceeded the poverty level and “their dollar value was greater than the amount of take-home income a worker would receive from an entry-level job.”

Despite efforts to curb welfare spending, many welfare programs and benefits have continued to outpace the income that many workers can receive for working an entry-level job, which disincentivizes work, according to the study.

“The current welfare system provides such a high level of benefits that it acts as a disincentive for work,” reads the study. “Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and in 13 states it pays more than $15 per hour.”

According to the study, the federal government funds 126 separate programs designed to support low-income earners. Seventy-two of these programs provide cash or in-kind benefits to recipients. This is on top of additional welfare programs operated by state and local governments.

Welfare recipients in Hawaii get the most benefits, according to Tanner, at $29.13 per hour — or $60,590 pre-tax income annually. However, the state’s minimum wage is only $7.25 per hour, according to the Labor Department. Hawaiians on welfare also earn 167 percent of the median salary in the state, which is only $36,275.
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The District of Columbia, Massachusetts and Connecticut have the next more generous welfare benefits.

D.C. welfare recipients can earn $24.43 per hour. In Massachusetts they can get $24.30 per hour. In Connecticut welfare recipients can receive $21.33 per hour.

“If Congress and state legislatures are serious about reducing welfare dependence and rewarding work, they should consider strengthening welfare work requirements, removing exemptions, and narrowing the definition of work,” says the study.

Must See Speech: Cam Edwards Pushes Back on Gun Control Advocates, and Impresses Upon Us That We Need to Do the Same

‘If Gun Control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry R.F.D.’

A must-see speech by Cam Edwards, host of Cam and Company on, Sirius XM and Sportsman Channel. The speech was held at the Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco Party in Colorado sponsored by the Independence Institute.

Cam gives a great overview of the gun control advocates’ narrative and their tips f or “effective messaging.” Among them, “Don’t assume the facts and don’t wait for them” and “Challenge the NRA’s silence.” As Cam says in his speech, they don’t want to allow people to grieve or wait for facts. They want to make it political as soon as possible. This speech is only 30 minutes and highly recommended.

California: Confiscation of Legally Purchased Guns ‘Armed Prohibited Persons’ (APPs) Has Begun

Leave it up to California… InfoWars reports that confiscation of legally purchased guns, otherwise known as ‘Armed Prohibited Persons’ (APPs), has begun in California.  This ladies and gentlemen, is the beginning and will only ramp up from here.

InfoWars reports: As reported by David Knight, California law enforcement is now confiscating legally purchased guns from registered gun owners who have been labeled “Armed Prohibited Persons” (APPs.)

Police shoved two M16s within inches of gun owner Joe Mendez’s face during a raid on his house to seize his legally-purchased firearms.

Fourteen officers total were involved.

Police even showed up later to lie to Mendez’s wife about the raid, saying that they were only taking a report after her car was involved in a “hit and run.”

All of the targeted APPs had purchased their firearms legally but the State of California declared afterwards that they were prohibited from gun ownership due to minor misdemeanor convictions or mental health concerns.

Gov. Jerry Brown even signed a bill this past spring to expand the program by spending $24 million to hire an additional 36 officers for a total of 69 agents to track down nearly 20,000 people on the APP list.

Before they can embark on gun confiscations, officers perform “tedious, expensive and time-consuming work, requiring hours of background checks and cross-referencing,” as reported by NPR.

“There’s a lot of work that goes into these,” said California Dept. of Justice spokesperson Michelle Gregory to NPR. “People aren’t always home, there’s different stories as to where the firearms may be and there’s a lot of follow-up [that] needs to happen after.”

“So there’s still going to be a lot of work even after they come out to these homes trying to confiscate these weapons.”

In 2011, a gun confiscation sweep across 43 counties over a six week period resulted in over 1,200 firearms seized from 723 people.

Later on, the state can easily expand the list of “prohibited persons” to include even people who are behind on their state taxes or did not pay their toll fees on time.

This is clear evidence that gun registration ultimately leads to confiscation.

Egyptian PM: ‘Does Not Fear Civil War,’ Will Survive With or Without U.S. Aid

Egypt PM ReutersBreitbart reported: Egyptian Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi said Tuesday he “does not fear civil war” in Egypt and that his country can find ways to survive if the Obama administration cuts off aid.

Speaking to ABC News, Beblawi said that any U.S. decision to shut down military aid to Egypt “will be a bad sign and will badly affect the military for some time,” but said even if Obama does suspend the funds, Egypt has “survived off Russian military aid for decades” in the past, “so there are ways that someone can survive.”

Beblawi also made it clear he will not be shamed into apologizing for the Egyptian military’s attempt to clear out pro-Morsi, pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters.

He asserted, “the fact of the matter is [the protesters] were not peaceful.” He said the government asked them to go and made announcements over loudspeakers asking the protesters “to leave peaceably and they answered back by firing.”

Beblawi said he has “no remorse” for attempts to clear out those protesters.

He also suggested Egyptian military deaths from last week’s clashes were not reported as eagerly as the deaths of the protesters. Said Beblawi: “there were victims on both sides.”

Obama, Biden Planning ‘Fun’ College Tour

Obama Beer Thumbs up ReutersBreitbart reported: While Egypt is burning, Syria is in chaos, and unemployment is rising in more than half of America’s states, the White House is joyfully reporting that Joe Biden will join Barack Obama for a “fun and informative” bus tour on college costs.

Spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama would speak about how to “reign in the skyrocketing costs of a college education. It is going to be hopefully both fun and informative. The president does plan to have some new proposals that he’s going to be talking about.”

Biden is scheduled to join Obama for the Scranton, Pennsylvania leg of the tour. When Earnest was asked by the press what was the “fun” going to be, he replied, “The current plan is for the vice president to join the president in Scranton, so that should be fun. See?”

Biden lived in Scranton as a child.

Earnest reassured the White House press corps that this trip was solely to discuss education policy, saying, “The focus of the proposals that the president will be talking about will be higher education.”

Obamacare: Companies Dumping Spousal Coverage, Forcing Employees to Pay for Children

Obama Health InsuranceWe knew the hammer was going to begin to fall on ObamaCare, the burning question is how it will fall.

The latest news, is companies are beginning to drop spousal coverage and forcing employees to pay for children separately in order to save money.

Breitbart reported: According to a report on Tuesday from the Pittsburgh Tribune, companies are now compensating for Obamacare costs by throwing coverage options away for spouses who work. Those employees who wish their working spouses to join their health insurance plan will be charged extra cash. Employees are also being forced to pay full price for children’s health insurance.

Because Obamacare does not dictate that family health plans cover working spouses, more and more businesses are using that loophole to dump spousal coverage. And as for children, according to James McTiernan, health care consultant with Triad Gallagher, companies can pass on the cost of dependent coverage directly to the employee. Major companies including PNC Bank have imposed surcharges on employee spouses. Overall, 18 percent of large employers now use such surcharges or no-coverage for spouses, a jump from 15 percent in 2011.

Ted Cruz Answers a Burning Conservative Question on Obama: ‘Why Don’t We Impeach Him?’

TheBlaze reported: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz answered a burning question whispered, echoed, and sometimes shouted in the hallways of Conservative households and establishments on Monday night regarding President Obama: “Why don’t we impeach him?”

Cruz gave a simple answer according to National Review’s Katrina Trinko: There aren’t enough votes in the Senate:


The House of Representatives must pass impeachment by a simple majority. The trial then goes before the Senate, where a two-thirds vote is required to remove the official from office.

That answer came after Cruz acknowledged it as a “good question” while addressing a group of Tea Partiers in Kingwood, Texas, just outside of Houston.

Cruz’s comments come on the heels of the senator making news regarding his citizenship. After releasing his birth certificate Monday to the Dallas Morning News, Canadian law experts said it actually showed Cruz would have duel citizenship given he was born there. Later in the day, Cruz said he would renounce his Canadian citizenship.

The Lawless White House: Obama’s Impeachable Offenses

Barack ObamaBarack Obama has not only committed numerous treasonous acts while president of the United States, he has for the most part, dismissed the entire Constitution to suit his goals and objectives.  That of which is to dismantle this country’s free market system and replace it with a form of socialism.

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”

Nor, does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.

Nor, does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws.  Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

But for Barack Obama the limits of the Constitution matter very little; particularly so the separation of powers that the Founders crafted as a check-and-balance against an unhealthy concentration of power in one branch of the government.  In fact, Obama has publicly derided the Constitution as a “charter of negative liberties” and pledged to work to “break free from the essential constraints placed by the Founding Fathers.”

In a recent column Charles Krauthammer addressed the issue of a President who “writes his own laws.” Krauthammer affixes the title befitting of the President’s lawless nature: “Caudillo in Chief.” After a litany of grievances as examples document his assertions, Krauthammer concludes:

Such gross executive usurpation disdains the Constitution. It mocks the separation of powers. And most consequentially, it introduces a fatal instability into law itself. If the law is not what is plainly written, but is whatever the president and his agents decide, what’s left of the law?

What’s the point of the whole legislative process — of crafting various provisions through give-and-take negotiation — if you cannot rely on the fixity of the final product, on the assurance that the provisions bargained for by both sides will be carried out?

Consider immigration reform. The essence of any deal would be legalization in return for strict border enforcement. If some such legislative compromise is struck, what confidence can anyone have in it — if the president can unilaterally alter what he signs?

Yet this president is not only untroubled by what he’s doing, but open and rather proud. As he tells cheering crowds on his never-ending campaign-style tours: I am going to do X — and I’m not going to wait for Congress.

That’s caudillo talk. That’s banana republic stuff. In this country, the president is required to win the consent of Congress first.

At stake is not some constitutional curlicue. At stake is whether the laws are the law. And whether presidents get to write their own.

The editors at Investor’s Business Daily picked up on the issue, too.  Following is what they call “just a small sampling” of a “Lengthy Legacy of Lawlessness.”

 Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

July 1, 2013: The Obama administration unilaterally decided to delay the employer mandate provision of ObamaCare for a year, which is to provide information to the feds about the extent of an applicant’s insurance. Never mind that the law states the mandate must go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014 — they are now relying on the “honor system” from applicants to determine if they are qualified for subsidies.

 June 25, 2013: The Supreme Court ruled in Shelby County v. Eric Holder that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is “unconstitutional” and that “the formula can no longer be used as a basis for subjecting jurisdiction to preclearance.” Instead of complying with the ruling, Holder filed suit to order Texas to submit to preclearance, in defiance of Congress’ authority to legislate and the Supreme Court’s authority to rule on the constitutionality of the law.

June 15, 2012: The Obama administration announced it will stop deporting illegal immigrants under the age of 30 in a “deferred action” policy to circumvent immigration laws. This comes after Congress rejected a similar measure about a year ago. Since then, more than 500,000 illegals have received the deferment and only 20,000 have been rejected. As for the law-abiding applicants who have been waiting in line, well, that’s Obama’s idea of “lawfulness.”

May 20, 2013: A Washington Post article revealed that Fox News reporter James Rosen was investigated by the DOJ, which subpoenaed his phone records and emails in direct contravention of the First Amendment under the pretense of a leak investigation.

May 13, 2013: AP reported the DOJ secretly collected phone records of AP reporters and editors, a move completely outside the realm of law. Even the AP — which up until then had been pretty submissive to the Obama agenda — was appalled by the breach.

May 10, 2013: The IRS revealed it targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status beginning in March 2010, a direct targeting of political opponents through the tax laws. It’s one of the crimes that led Congress to impeach President Nixon.

May 3, 2011: When asked when he first heard of Operation Fast and Furious, Attorney General Eric Holder falsely testified, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.” Head of the National Drug Intelligence Center Michael Walther told Holder about Fast and Furious in a July 2010 memo. Subsequent revelations showed he knew all along.

March 27, 2012: EPA issued final rules regulating greenhouse gas emissions on electric utilities that require power plants to use nonexisting carbon capture-and-control technology to meet new emission standards, in defiance of the Congress’ rejection of cap-and-trade legislation.

(3 more impeachable offenses in original article)

Original article: Lawless in the White House by Bob Beauprez, former GOP Congressman from Colorado, Bob Beauprez – Monday, August 19, 2013:…