Glenn Beck on Egypt: “May I Beg You – Prepare, The World has Come Unhinged.”

WARNING: Graphic Content.

The death toll in the most recent wave of violence, which began last week, has now passed 900 people in Egypt.

“May I beg you – prepare,” he concluded. “Please prepare. The world has come unhinged.”

More Million Muslim March Fireworks: ‘You’re a Stooge and a Frontman!,’ Hannity Guest Explodes at Million Muslim March Organizer

If you thought things got heated during last week’s Hannity discussion on the Million Muslim March, tonight blew that benchmark away. Chris Phillips, one of the organizers of the march faced off in a contentious back and forth with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, which advocated for the “separation of mosque and state.”

Sharia Warning: Comcast Cable May be Adding Al Jazeera to Their Lineup, Please Consider Making a Bold Statement by Cancelling Comcast if They Proceed

Al Jazeera on ComcastIf you use Comcast, you may be a little ticked off to find out that they may be in the process of selling you out… they may be considering adding Al Jazeera to their lineup.  Well, now’s your chance.

Al Jazeera is adding their network to 50 million homes beginning tomorrow, 8/20/2013.

Let Comcast know that if they decide to jump on this bandwagon, you will cancel your subscription; that will send a clear message that we do not want Al Jazeera part of our American landscape!  Do you want to make a bold statement?  Keep a watchful eye, starting with Al Jazeera’s attempt to win Americans over with their ‘letter-writing’ campaign.

The Blaze reported: Al Jazeera America is spearheading a letter-writing campaign to get people to request the new network be added to their channel lineup.

Al Jazeera America begins broadcasting Tuesday but will only be available in about 50 million homes. A link on the network’s website allows users to search whether the channel is available in their neighborhood, and provides a form letter for potential customers to request it from their TV providers.

“I am writing to request that you add Al Jazeera America as part of your channel lineup. I want to watch Al Jazeera America for its objective, balanced, in-depth news reporting on stories that matter,” the letter states. “Please let me know when I can expect to see Al Jazeera America as a channel option.”

Al Jazeera America will provide domestic and overseas news coverage with bureaus in a dozen cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Miami and Detroit. The Qatar-based Al Jazeera network announced the purchase of Al Gore’s Current TV earlier this year, and has hired former CNN journalists Ali Velshi and Soledad O’Brien among its correspondents.

The New York Post reported Sunday that the network, at least for now, is lacking in a significant advertiser base; it will launch with just six minutes of commercials per hour, less than half of what cable news channels typically air.

Al Jazeera America can certainly use all the help it can get from customer requests; interim CEO Ehab Al Shihabi acknowledged last week that 75 percent of Americans have not seen any Al Jazeera coverage yet still have a negative view of the network. At the same time, he said 90 percent of Americans who watch the channel feel positive about its coverage.

Al Jazeera’s effort mirrors a similar campaign by TheBlaze TV, which has encouraged radio and Internet subscribers to call their TV operators and request the network.

Obama Administration: Lies, Lies, and More Lies, This Time Secretly Suspending Military Aid to Egypt…

Obama Administration LiesThe U.S. government has decided privately to act as if the military takeover of Egypt was a coup, temporarily suspending most forms of military aid, despite deciding not to announce publicly a coup determination one way or the other, according to a leading U.S. senator.

In the latest example of its poorly understood Egypt policy, the Obama administration has decided to temporarily suspend the disbursement of most direct military aid, the delivery of weapons to the Egyptian military, and some forms of economic aid to the Egyptian government while it conducts a broad review of the relationship. The administration won’t publicly acknowledge all aspects of the aid suspension and maintains its rhetorical line that no official coup determination has been made, but behind the scenes, extensive measures to treat the military takeover of Egypt last month as a coup are being implemented on a temporary basis.

The office of Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the head of the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee, told The Daily Beast on Monday that military aid to Egypt has been temporarily cut off.

“[Senator Leahy’s] understanding is that aid to the Egyptian military has been halted, as required by law,” said David Carle, a spokesman for Leahy. Read more via The Daily Beast…

Obama: Ran 1 Trillion in Deficits Every Year in First Term

Obama 1 Trillion Deficit Every YearObama running 1 trillion dollar deficits is no surprise to anyone that keeps up on news and understands basic economics.

The one note worthy bit in all of this bad news, is perhaps that last years deficit was more in inflation-adjusted dollars than the peak World War II deficit of fiscal 1943!

Brietbart reports: President Barack Obama ran $1 trillion deficits for each of the four years of his first term. The Congressional Budget Office’s updated figures released last week reveal that in 2012, Obama had a $1.087 trillion deficit, marking the fourth year in a row he presided over a $1 trillion deficit.

According to CNS News, last year’s deficit “was even greater in inflation-adjusted dollars than the peak World War II deficit of fiscal 1943–which was $54.554 billion in 1943 dollars and $723.8714 billion in 2012 dollars, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics online inflation calculator.”

In 2011, the U.S. ran a $1.2956 trillion deficit; in 2010, the U.S. ran a $1.2935 trillion deficit; in 2009, the U.S. ran a $1.412.7 trillion deficit.

Still, Obama continues to tout his record as a deficit hawk.

“Our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years,” said Obama last month.

McCain: Obama’s Response to Egyptian Crisis Leaves Us with ‘No Credibility’ in MidEast

Senator McCainBreitbart reported: On CNN’s State of the Union With Candy Crowley on Sunday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said the Obama administration’s response to the current Egyptian crisis has destroyed American credibility in the region.

“We have no credibility, Candy, that’s the problem, because we know that the administration called the Egyptians and said, look if you do a coup we’re going to cut off aid, because that’s the law, we have to comply with the law,” McCain told Crowley.

“This administration,” he concluded, “did not do that after threatening to do so.”

McCain doubled down on his calls for the United States to end aid to the Egyptian military in light of their recent crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. “We do have influence, but when you don’t use that influence, you don’t have that influence,” he said.

Unlike the Obama administration, which has avoided defining the military’s ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi, McCain called it a “coup,” a claim he first made earlier in the month.

McCain also said that the military is not on the path to restore a democratic government in Egypt, and the military’s recent actions are not consistent with American values. “American interests are American values,” McCain said.

McCain’s statements to Crowley followed the script of his joint announcement on Friday with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in which they called on the Obama administration to cut off the $1.5 billion in annual aid the United States provides to Egypt.

McCain and Graham are following the lead of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) who had each criticized the Obama administration’s handling of the Egyptian crisis and called for a halt in American aid.

On Thursday, Cruz said in a statement that “[t]he first step is to send an unequivocal message that the United States is a nation of laws and suspend aid to Egypt.” The current Egyptian crisis, he added, is “the most recent manifestation of this administration’s failed policy in that country.”

The Looming ObamaCare Train Wreck

Obamacare DisasterBreitbart reported: The Affordable Care Act is the most recent and far reaching effort by the government to control healthcare in America. Our system has been the envy of the world with both clinical and research innovation at the heart of its foundation. What made our healthcare system exceptional was the fact that it was based on free enterprise.

Doctors were free to practice medicine under the guidelines set forth by their Hippocratic Oath and patients were free to seek treatment from physicians of their choice. Initially it was very simple and affordable – the independent private physician had both a moral/ethical and a fiduciary responsibility to the patient. The doctor patient relationship was sacrosanct and there was no third party middle man.

Since 1948, when the United Nations created the World Health Organization (WHO) there has been an inexorable movement towards centralization of the power to take decisions away from the individual and give them to the government in the form of regulation and mandates. This model was adopted readily by countries and is the under pinning of socialized medicine. The US was notably the only developed country to hold out. However, that changed in 1965 when Medicare was passed as part of the Social Security amendments. Medicare was set up as a federal program that provided socialized medicine for America’s seniors.

  • Just like Obamacare, it was initially sold to Americans as a government program that would ‘take care’ of Americans. It would make the Government the benefactor, the caregiver, and the savior absolving Americans from personal responsibility – all you would have to do is put your faith and money in the government and everything would be taken care of with nothing to worry about.
  •  Just like Obamacare, Medicare was drafted by bureaucrats and politicians who were more interested in concentrating power and controlling the purse strings, not providing true healthcare.
  • Just like Obamacare, there were no doctors or patients involved with the crafting of the legislation; and therefore, there was no one who was a true advocate for the patient.

Over the years, Medicare has devolved into a bankrupt, bloated, and wasteful system that has been a piggy bank for Congress (e.g., Congress removed 700 billion dollars from the Medicare trust fund set aside for patient care to help fund Obamacare). Although the costs for seniors have increased in the form of higher deductibles, there has been a steady decline in access and treatment options.

There is nothing to suggest that money taken for Obamacare will do anything more than add additional money to their slush fund. For those who argue that healthcare will improve, they should realize that under Obamacare, Medicare reimbursements to hospices will increase 1% while those to hospitals will fall – making it hard to argue that healthcare in this new system will not emphasize rationing and palliative care to keep costs down.

While people are distracted by the argument about will they or won’t they defund Obamacare, the medical system that was once the envy of the world is being dismantled and reconfigured as a government controlled grid falsely packaged as a caring patient-centered system that will provide unlimited access to medical care, the freedom to choose your doctor with ever decreasing costs. Despite the blame being placed on Republicans about wanting people to die, the truth is Obamacare is set up to do the very thing that is said its opponents want.

If left in place, Obamacare will continue to drive a broken system propped up by taxpayer money. One where physicians, that still choose to be a part of it ,will be kept in line through fear and intimidation, while allowing cartels such as the medical insurance industry and big Pharma to collude via medication formularies and pharmacy benefit management companies to control both price and access to medication.

Hospitals will continue to consolidate and become too big to fail by removing their competition and making themselves the only game in town. They will also limit access to patient care in the process by increasing waiting times for appointments and restricting access by offering insurance underwritten by the hospital limiting patients to facilities and doctors within their system.

The most ironic part about Obamacare is it will not lead to a significant decrease in those who cannot access meaningful healthcare. People still won’t be able to access healthcare either because they can’t find a doctor or they cannot afford to seek treatment. The only difference is they will be forced to pay for the privilege… but maybe that’s the point. Create the problem, wait for the reaction and provide the solution as Harry Reid gleefully admitted – single payer.

It’s time for Americans to stop being distracted by the bright shiny thing ….We deserve better.

Outrage as Forever 21 Cuts 1% of Employees to Obamacare-Safe Hours

Forever 21Breitbart reported: Forever 21 is taking some hits from customers after a leaked memo from the company to its employees detailed cuts in employee hours seemingly in response to Obamacare.

In the memo, Carla Macias, associate director of human resources at the company, wrote:

Company-wide, Forever 21 recently audited its staffing levels, staffing needs and payroll in conduction with reviewing its overall spending budget. As a result, we are reducing a number of full-time non-management positions.

Although the company released a statement on Facebook that explained “less than 1% of all U.S. store employees” would be affected, the announcement caused a firestorm.

Hours would be cut to a maximum of 29.5 a week—a fraction less than what the Affordable Care Act designates as full-time. This allows Forever 21 to sidestep the law’s requirement for companies who employ 50 or more workers to provide health insurance coverage for any full-time employees.

The employees whose hours will be cut will lose medical, dental, vision and voluntary coverage on Aug. 31.

Instead of blaming Obamacare, some consumers blamed Forever 21—herehere, and here, for starters.

Forever 21 denied the decision had to do with Obamacare on their Facebook page, saying, “Forever 21, like all retailers, staffs its stores based on projected store sales, completely independent of the Affordable Care Act.”

It’s Official, Being on Welfare Pays Better than Many Private Sector Jobs, You Can Sit on Your Duff and Make $38,004/Year Tax Free

Obama on WelfareHere’s an offer for you: $38,004 per year, tax free.No work required.  Apply at your local welfare office.

The federal government funds 126 separate programs targeted towards low-income people, 72 of which provide either cash or in-kind benefits to individuals. (The rest fund community-wide programs for low-income neighborhoods, with no direct benefits to individuals.) State and local governments operate more welfare programs.Of course, no individual or family gets benefits from all 72 programs, but many do get aid from a number of them at any point in time.

Today, the Cato institute is releasing a new study looking at the state-by-state value of welfare for a mother with two children. In the Empire State, a family receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, public housing, utility assistance and free commodities (like milk and cheese) would have a package of benefits worth $38,004, the seventh-highest in the nation.

While that might not sound overly generous, remember that welfare benefits aren’t taxed, while wages are. So someone in New York would have to earn more than $21 per hour to be better off than they would be on welfare.That’s more than the average statewide entry-level salary for a teacher.  Read more at NY Post.