Mark Levin: On Hannity, New Book ‘Liberty Amendments’ Is The Best Opportunity To Overturn This Tyrannical Government

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comMark Levin (‘The Great One’)appeared on Fox News on 8/16/2013 and discussed his new book ‘The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic’ (below).  Levin’s book  offers, in our opinion, the best opportunity to overturn the soft tyranny we now have under the Obama administration.  This is a clear concise method of overtaking the Constitution, using the Constitution.

Pick up Mark Levin’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED new book ‘Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic’ by clicking the book below.

U.S. Army Buys Nearly 600,000 Soviet AK-47 Magazines, What’s Up With This?

US Army AK-47Last month, CA reported soviet troops were being recruited for large event security.  Earlier this week, we heard from a Marine Corp Colonel stating that Homeland Security is Building a Domestic Army and Shrinking the Military’ To Use Against American Citizens.

Now, we learn from InfoWars that the U.S. Army is buying nearly 600,000 AK-47’s from the Soviet.  The pieces are disturbingly starting to fit together.

From InfoWars: The U.S. Army is buying almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or NATO.
All the magazines combined weigh more than the operating weight of a C-5 Galaxy. Credit: USAF

A U.S. Army solicitation on the Federal Business Opportunities site asks for approximately 592,825 new AK 30-round magazines.

The solicitation even refers to the magazines as being for “non-standard weapons.”

More specifically, they are for the AK-47 designed by the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War, which is now commonly used by opposition forces in proxy wars around the world.

This magazine order is an astronomical amount.

Assuming an individual, unloaded magazine weight of 0.95 pounds, all of these magazines combined weigh more than the operating weight of a Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, one of the largest aircraft in the world.

The C-5 Galaxy wouldn’t even be able to carry all of these magazines. Two trips would be necessary.

To put it in another perspective, all these magazines combined weigh more than seven 18-wheelers each carrying the maximum legal load of 8,000 pounds.

The U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) made the request for the immense amount of magazines, which seems excessive for only research and development purposes.

Chances are these magazines will end up in one of the numerous conflicts around the world.

Show your support for the Second Amendment with the Second Amendment shirt featuring an AK-47.

This isn’t the first time that the federal government has made massive bulk purchases of guns, gun parts, and ammunition which are extremely popular with private gun owners but not in NATO use.

Last month, we reported that the army bought 2,550,000 live rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo.

The army is storing a portion of the ammo at Camp Stanley in Boerne, Texas, which is also supposedly a CIA outpost.

The Obama-backed Syria rebels could definitely use the 7.62x39mm for their AKs, especially considering that Congress has already cleared the CIA to openly ship munitions to them.

In 2012, ARDEC looked for a vendor who could “reach around the world at any given moment to gather and provide multiple types of weapons and weapon parts.”

The weapons requested included both foreign non-standard and obsolete U.S. military weapons, such as the aforementioned AK-47, 1911s and M1903 Springfields.

Expect to see even more large orders for “non-standard” ammunition in the future.

Below is a video on AK-47 magazines:

Sharia Creep Watch: Tennessee Elementary School Bans Pork to Appease Muslims

Todd Starnes reported: Third grade teachers at Sunset Elementary School in Brentwood, Tenn. sent home an “Approved Snack List” for the school year and it specifically banned anything that comes from a pig.snacklist

“No meats containing pork,” read the memorandum. “Starting Monday, August 12, 2013 your child must provide their own snack from the above approved snack list.”

Muslim Snacklist

Kids could nosh on raw vegetables without dips or sauces, fresh fruit, crackers, pretzels, and popcorn – but no ribs or pork rinds.

“Only choose a food from the following list to bring into school for snack,” the memorandum stated in bold-face type. “No other food items are permitted.”

One day after the pork ban went into effect, Williamson County Schools posted a message on their Facebook page telling parents to ignore the rules.

“Schools should only be offering suggested snack choices, and that information will be sent home only if your child is in a classroom where there is a food allergy,” the district stated. “Any reference to not allowing pork products in school is incorrect. Please disregard.”

The district said the point of the memorandum was to address food allergies and approved snack lists.

The memorandum did not explain why the school had become a pork-free zone, leading to lots of confusion among parents.

“I’ve never heard of a life-threatening pork allergy,” one parent wrote on Facebook.

The no-pork rule generated lots of conversation on Nashville’s talk radio stations and a number of callers and several hosts wondered if it had something to do with students who might be Muslim.

“Typical list for a Madrassa,” wrote Nashville radio host Michael DelGiorno on his Facebook page.

“If you think this has anything to do with something besides appeasing Muslims then you are either stupid or willfully ignorant,” one of his listeners wrote.

“Is this school system trying to satisfy a religion?” another listener asked. “I see a big red flag here.”

Vacation Time: Obamas Go Biking on Martha’s Vineyard as Egypt Chaos Rages

While Egypt burns and his administration is buried in numerous scandals that he is directly involved in, Barack Obama says he’s having a “great time as always” on vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. Obama took his wife, Michelle, and daughters Malia and Sasha on a late morning bike ride Friday through the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest.

Glenn Beck: ‘Today, I Officially Declare Myself a Rodeo Clown, Today, I Declare That We Are All Rodeo Clowns’

‘This guy was absolutely involved he now has resigned not because they’ve targeted this rodeo clown. No no no he’s resigned because they haven’t kicked him out above the rodeo clown Association. Let me tell you something Rodeo Association, if you go down this road you will for ever damage rodeos, you’ll shut them down because who the hell is going to your rodeos?

‘It’s not a bunch of people whose are politically correct, they are clear sinking, common sense farmers cowboys, straight-ahead Americans, that’s who’s going.