Million Muslim March: AMPAC is Planning to March in Washington D.C. On the Same Day (9/11) as the Worst Massacre in American History… Bad Idea

Million Muslim MarchThe mere thought of a ‘million Muslim march’ on 9/11 left me speechless, even considering this group is one of the most radical around.

The AMPAC (American Muslim Political Action Committee) is planning a one million Muslim march in Washington D.C. on the date of the worst massacre on American soil will bring out the worst in Americans.

Breitbart reported: A group called The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) is planning a one million Muslims march to Washington D.C. on September 11th. The timing of the group’s march is seen by many as tasteless (to say the least) considering it is scheduled for the anniversary of the worst domestic massacre in American history perpetrated in the name of Islam. AMPAC ups the tasteless quotient by issuing “demands” for the American government:

We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.

We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment . We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people.

The group seems to rationalize the date chosen for their march by claiming that the media has been lying to the American people with regard to the role Islam played in the 9/11 attacks:

On 9.11.01 our country was forever changed by the horrific events in New York. The entire country was victimized by the acts done on that day. Muslim and Non Muslim alike were traumatized but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains. To this day every media outlet and anti Islamic organization has committed slanderous and libel statements against us as Muslims and our religion of Islam.

Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.

These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa. Why do we have to defend our religion while doing Dawa? Why can’t we just share the perfection of the Quran and the beauty of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SWS)?

Please Like and Share to let the AMPAC what you think of their Million Muslim March idea.


Glenn Beck Theory: The Osama bin Laden/Situation Room Photo Theory

The Blaze reported: How closely have you looked at the now-historic photo of the White House Situation Room during the Osama bin Laden raid?

On his radio show Thursday — in light of recent claims that President Obama said “I can’t watch this entire thing” and played about “15 games of Spades” during the 2011 raid — Glenn Beck took a closer look at everything from the president’s lack of a seat at the table to what the commander in chief’s motivations may have been for reportedly opting to be absent for a large part of the proceedings.

Glenn Beck 'Situation Room' Theory

In this handout image provided by the White House, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and members of the national security team receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. (Getty Images)

“First of all, who can’t watch? Who can’t watch the biggest villain in American history being shot?” Beck asked. “One, somebody who is internally conflicted on this whole thing. And if you are a fan of the Muslim Brotherhood and you’ve embraced the Muslim Brotherhood…then there’s a chance this president couldn’t watch it because he thinks injustice is being done.”

“I don’t particularly subscribe to that point of view because I don’t think the president is a Muslim, but I do think he has Muslim and Arabic sympathies that run much deeper than his American sympathies,” Beck added.

Beck then offered his second theory: “The other reason why you play Spades all day and you’re not in the Situation Room is because you’re a coward. You’re just, ‘Oh, I’m so upset. I just can’t ‑‑ I don’t know. I can’t watch that. It’s so ‑‑ it’s so exciting and yet so dangerous! I can’t watch that.’”

“Who does that?” Beck demanded. “That’s a girl. That’s a guy who ‑‑ well, rides a girl’s bike with a little girl helmet…What kind of commander in chief is not in the Situation Room?”

“Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt,” Beck said. “He’s not conflicted at all — he’s worried about the men…you’re so worried that you won’t sit there and be with them? It’s not like you’re a casual observer. You ordered them to go do it…You have the responsibility to be there with them. [So] if the call needs to be made that they don’t have to send somebody up on the elevator to go get you and say, ‘Mr. President, I have to make a call right now…’ You make the call. You’re there. You sent them into harm’s way, and you can’t watch it.”
The Situation Room Photo

“The entire [Situation Room] is designed for the president of the United States because he’s the commander in chief,” Beck began. “Not the generals, nobody else –he makes the call. So the entire situation room is built with him at the head of the table. All of the monitors sit in front of him. Everybody else has to turn their body and look…All the clocks, all the intel, everything is on that wall facing him. [It’s] all built for him in that power situation.”

“Now — who is sitting at the head of that table?” Beck asked, in reference to the famous photo above.

“The general,” he continued. “And then you have some advisers and Hillary Clinton and then you have Joe Biden, who has been sitting there.”

But not only is the president not at the head of the table, Beck said, he appears not even to have a proper seat at the table. Nor does he have a computer, “because he’s been playing cards apparently all day.”

But it goes still even further than that, Beck said.

Beck said he’s been reading a lot about Walt Disney lately, and when the man entered a room, “there was just so much profound respect” for him that everybody stood.

With the president of the United States, Beck and his co-hosts argued, it seems as though nobody even offered him a chair, or it was offered and he said, “No thanks — I’m just coming in for a second, not going to stay long.”

Looking at the picture, Beck remarked: “He’s in the corner, in the corner, not even at the table sitting at a little folding chair, a little teeny chair off to the side like an aide to the general…It’s amazing.”

“He is absolutely a fraud,” Beck concluded. “I don’t know, he might be a better person than what they’ve portrayed, but he’s not who he says he is, in any way, shape, or form. He’s just not that guy. And he’s afraid.”

“What you should know today is the only reason why they’re going after the rodeo clowns and everything else is because they are freaked out you’re going to figure this out,” Beck said.

Who Has the Most Fake Twitter Followers?

Fake Twitter AccountThe Blaze reported: There are fakers among us, at least on Twitter.

And although it’s not new news that some Twitter followers are not real, it’s interesting none the less to take a look at the breakdown every once in a while of notable people who might not be as popular as they seem.

Thanks to the tool “Fakers” by Status People, it’s easy to look up the percentage of faker, inactive and good accounts among the followers of any person’s Twitter base.

You might remember when we reported nearly a year ago that 70 percent of President Barack Obama’s followers at the time were fake.  It looks like he’s lowered that number a bit but still more than half are considered fake, according to Status People’s tool.

Before we go any further, we must point out that not all fake followers are acquired willingly. To be sure, buying of Twitter followers is an actual practice, but some fake followers are gained through spam or bots. When a Florida social media agency noticed it had gained 10,000 followers within day, it set out to figure out what great thing it did to merit the attention. It turned out though, a bot most likely targeted the firm.

What’s the harm in having fake followers? It not only promotes a false sense of notoriety and reach, but The Next Web has pointed out some of the dangers too many fakeres can pose to legitimate followers as well:

Fake followers can incur phishing, hacking and even infecting real fans with spammy links. Security solutions company Barracuda Networks performed a study on fake follower accounts in August, and uncovered plenty of dangers hidden within fake followers.

“Hackers spend a lot of time preying on social networks, and they’ll try any method to do it,” explains Paul Judge, chief researcher at Barracuda Labs. “And when we looked at Twitter, we saw that attackers have become very efficient at utilizing the viral features in Twitter to carry own attacks, which are found in those fake follower accounts.”

As the Social People put it, “it’s important for you to be sure when you communicate on Twitter that you are communicating with real and active followers. Because the more active your follower base the more likely they are to share your content.”

Now, here’s a look at various notable figures and how they rate in terms of fake follower percentages (again remember, not all fakers were necessarily purchased).

Let’s target some political figures first (note: hover over the chart to see actual percentages):–GovChristie

How about commentators and media accounts (including our very own Billy Hallowell):

And for reference a couple celebrity targets:

If you end up checking on your own faker status and find you have acquired some, consider going through your list an eliminating profiles you think might be fake. Indicators can be a lack of profile picture and text, few followers and few or no tweets. There also are tools to help you remove them, like FakerBeGone, which can help identify get rid of fake followers in large quantities.

TheBlaze’s Mike Opelka contributed to this report. Featured image via Annette Shaff /

Liberal Lunatic Fringe: Serves as a Reminder of the Dangers Lurking From the Obama Supporters

An “Organizing For America” volunteer at ‘Climate Day Action’ in Huntington Beach, California (I know, that says it all) calls for the arrest of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) or anyone who opposes the government, claiming it’s treason. Ugh, I knew we had people like this roaming earth, but looking at it in a video sheds new light.

Fed-Up Catholic Bishop Leaves Democratic Party for GOP After 44 Years, ‘I Couldn’t Do it Anymore’

Catholic BishopThe Blaze Reported: The head of the diocese of Providence, R.I., said he left the Democratic Party for the GOP after witnessing the pro-abortion, pro-same sex marriage stance of the party at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

For Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin, that was his “a-ha moment.” He had been a registered Democrat since 1969.

“[I]t was just awful,” Tobin said of the DNC on Tuesday before a meeting of the Rhody Young Republicans in Providence.

Tobin, 65, said he is unwilling to be “associated structurally with that group, in terms of abortion and NARAL and Planned Parenthood and [the] same-sex marriage agenda and cultural destruction I saw going on,” WPRI-TV reports. “I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

The bishop has changed his party registration to Republican, though the registration itself doesn’t mean much to him.

Bishop Tobin now a registered Republican, turned off by Dems’ 2012 campaign

Tobin said he was “profoundly disappointed” that many Catholic politicians in the state of Rhode Island “abandoned ship” on the issue of gay marriage.

“This was a critical issue and they let us down,” he added.

Read WPRI-TV’s full report here.

Longtime Democrat Wants to Bring TheBlaze TV to Vermont – Here’s Why

The Blaze reported: Sandy Baird is a lawyer, professor, and a longtime Democrat. She also happens to think that Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze TV should be brought to Burlington, Vt.

How is that possible? Well, in a day when rodeo clowns are shunned from society for wearing a mask mocking the President Barack Obama, Baird still believes in the First Amendment.

“I support the efforts to have TheBlaze TV come to Burlington, because I support free speech and believe we should have access to as many political perspectives as possible,” she said, according to a Vermont paper.

In a follow-up interview with TheBlaze, Baird explained that she was equally outspoken about bringing Al Jazeera America to the local Burlington Telecom network (BT) — a battle she won, by the way.

“I think that my students — as well as all Americans — need to see all those views, and frankly, they don’t on [the] mainstream media,” she said.  “They either watch MSNBC, which is a channel for the Democrats, or they watch Fox, which is a vehicle for the Republicans. And while that’s fine, we need a lot more views. And frankly, a lot more information. And that’s why I totally support free speech.”

Though she wasn’t familiar with the Missouri rodeo incident, after a brief rundown, Baird offered this insight: “I was at one point the state legislator for my district, and at that point there was a big movement here in Vermont to outlaw flag burning, and I took the position then and I’ll take the same position now — the Constitution is not about speak that we agree with. The Constitution is about speech that we don’t agree with. You are free in this country, it seems to me – at least we have been – to express disagreeable opinions.”

When asked what it says about American politics today, that someone standing up for something as basic as the First Amendment can be considered to be “taking a stand” — Baird responded: “It says to me that the government is seriously expanding into the area of human rights, and that Americans can no longer be guaranteed that they have the same human rights that we were born with, which was in the Constitution.”

“The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech…and that’s what should be upheld,” she said. “No matter what we think of that person’s opinion…Without that kind of free speech, we are no longer a free country.”

Baird said she has always leaned left in her life – she served in the legislature as a Democrat – but said lately she’s begun to say “that we shouldn’t be left or right.”

“We should have sort of an alliance of people on the left and the right of people who are willing to work for our Constitution. And that doesn’t come in either left or right positions. That comes from people who are simply concerned with upholding the Constitution, and they are found on both the left and the right. And that’s where I am.”