[Video] Former Marine Corp Colonel: ‘Homeland Security is Building a Domestic Army and Shrinking the Military’ To Use Against American Citizens

The recent movement of militarized police and the New Hampshire government trying to obtain armored vehicles confirms what this man is saying. Marine Corp Colonel speaks out with conviction at a local council meeting about the militarization of our police forces.  This council meeting occurred on 08/12/13 at 41 Green St, Concord, NH 03301.

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” 

– President Obama, Colorado, July 2, 2008


Reggie Love: The Shocking Revelation of Obama’s Former Bodyman Claiming What the President Did During Day of Bin Laden Raid

It was a long day for the WH staff, including Obama, but according to Reggie Love, most of the day was not in the situation room, but rather playing cards.

The Blaze reported: On the day Navy SEALs were raiding Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and killing the 9/11 mastermind, President Obama didn’t spend every moment in the White House situation room. Instead, the commander in chief played cards in a private dining room that day, too — about 15 games of spades, in fact, his former personal assistant Reggie Love recently told a UCLA forum.

“Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [Obama] was like, ‘I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing,’” Love recalled during a Q&A at an Artists & Athletes Alliance event.

Instead, Love said he, Obama, White House photographer Pete Souza, and staffer Marvin Nicholson got together in a nearby private dining room and “must have played 15 games of spades” (and were interrupted by a steady stream of dispatches, according to UCLA Today).

Also interesting was Love’s description of how that all-important day was spent: Love said Obama usually worked half days on weekends, but on the day of the raid—Sunday, May 1, 2011—he and Obama spent the entire day at the White House “until almost midnight.”

Love added that when he left the White House later that night, after the president delivered news of bin Laden’s death, “there were thousands of people out on Pennsylvania Avenue, people crying and cheering. It was a very powerful, moving day.”

We should be clear that Love didn’t specify which parts of the Situation Room activities Obama chose to skip. There is the famous photo published by the White House showing him in the room during what appears to be the climax of the raid.

Still, it will likely raise questions regarding how the president may have reacted during another important military event during his presidency: the terror attack on the compound in Benghazi.

If he was playing cards while others were down in the situation room on arguably the most important night of his presidency, some will wonder, what might Obama have been doing on the night of the Benghazi raid more than a year later?

Below are Love’s videotaped comments. (Although the the Artists & Athletes Alliance event occurred last month, according to Red Alert Politics, Love’s comments first started getting play today.)

For his specific comments about the night bin Laden was killed, go to the 6:15 mark:

Gulfport, FL Bus Beating: No Jail Time for For Black Teens That Savagely Beat a 13-Year Old White Teen

Gulfport Beating No Jail TimeSo sure we’ll see Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and maybe the prez himself, speak out for this 13-year old white kid that was savagely beaten by three black kids… right?

There should be outrage within the white community, but this story will most quietly slip away into the night with nothing but a few murmurs on the Internet… I hope I’m wrong.

Fox News reported: Nine months of probation is the recommendation for two of three teenagers accused in a brutal beating aboard a Gulfport school bus.The teens made an appearance Tuesday morning in their hearing in Pinellas County, but no final decision has been made on their future.A judge has set another court appearance for Aug. 27.Following the release of video from the bus, the case has garnered national attention, with people outraged over the teens’ actions – as well as the lack thereof from people aboard the bus.

It’s only been a month since the attack.

You can see the three 15-year-old boys brutally attack a 13-year-old, hitting and kicking him over and over again.

Gulfport police tell us the boys were mad because the 13-year-old had told school officials at Lealman Intermediate School that two of the three were selling drugs in a school restroom.

Police say the teens decided to get retribution by jumping him on the bus.

The boy ended up with a broken arm after the beating. The boys hopped off the bus via the emergency exit.

While police have charged the teens, they also question the decision to let them all travel on the same bus after the drug sales were reported, and many have questioned the actions of the bus driver, who did not step in to help.

“He suffered a brutal attack because of that,” Thomas Woodman of the Gulfport Police Department told FOX 13. “And furthermore, that attack was not stopped by anybody on the bus, including that of the adult bus driver.”

Probation was recommended for Khemradj Lloyd and Julian McKnight on Tuesday, while a decision is waiting to be made on Joshua Reddin, who also faces charges for stealing money from the victim.

The family of the teens declined to comment. However, McKnight’s father did speak briefly to a FOX News reporter as he walked into the courthouse.

“My son has never been a bad person, he just got mixed up with bad people,” McKnight’s father said.

On the security video, you can hear bus driver John Moody get on the bus radio and call for help, but there are still questions about how long he took to help the victim.

The 17-year veteran bus driver retired a few days after the fight.

That part of the investigation continues.

Civil Unrest: Activists Against Immigration Reform to Appear on Univision’s ‘Al Punto’

American ActivistBreitbart reported: A prominent citizen activist who is against the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill because he fears it will lower wages for working class Americans will make an appearance this Sunday on Univision’s Al Punto, the Spanish-language Sunday show hosted by Jorge Ramos.

D.A. King, a citizen activist from Georgia who quit his small business more than a decade ago to become an advocate against comprehensive immigration reform and amnesty, told Breitbart News he was “grateful to Mr. Ramos for inviting” him to his “widely viewed” show. He acknowledged that he has “wanted to meet him for quite some time.”

King said he is “familiar” with the Ramos’s “Hispanic-centric agenda that another amnesty is the solution to America’s immigration crisis” and hopes the popular and influential host can respectfully give him an opportunity to explain why he became an advocate against comprehensive immigration reform while doing research on his hand-me-down computer.

As Breitbart News has reported, pro-immigration reform groups are using the August recess to go into hostile districts to advocate for their policy goals. King, as Breitbart News reporter Lee Stranahan suggested opponents of immigration reform do, is likewise trying to get his message across to an audience and host who may not be the most receptive to it.

Stranahan attended a pro-immigration reform town hall in Houston, TX that was hosted by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) and noticed only three opponents of immigration reform were present.

King believes unchecked immigration will increase tribalism and negatively impacting assimilation, and he said going down to the U.S.-Mexico border and the 9/11 attacks made him the fierce advocate he is today.

“I hope for a polite and respectful conversation with Mr. Ramos about immigration, immigrants, illegal aliens, justice and the fact that the USA takes in more real, legal immigrants than any nation on the planet. We don’t have anything to apologize for,” King said. “My adopted sister is an immigrant. I hope that Mr. Ramos will at least recognize that the federal government has not just a right, but a duty to the American people to enforce its immigration laws.”

King said the Senate’s amnesty bill would, at best, “only reduce illegal immigration by 30-50% and would lower the wages of low-skilled Americans–including the Latino immigrants who obeyed our immigration laws. “

“After more than a decade of careful study, pro-enforcement activism and helping to produce state level legislation, I completely disagree,” King told Breitbart News. “I think we proved beyond any doubt that legalization does not stop illegal immigration in 1986.”

Noting that “the argument to grant another legalization and to expand immigration rings hollow with Americans of all descriptions who are allowed access to the facts,” King said he is hoping that, “Mr. Ramos may be able to tell me on the air when he thinks the next amnesty should be scheduled.”

Citing a 2012 Department of Homeland Security report, King emphasizes that most people do not realize that Communist China sends the most immigrants to the United States after Mexico.

“I am hoping that Mr. Ramos wants to talk policy and not indulge in name-calling or leveling the usual charges leveled at Americans who demand an equal application of the law,” King said.

King is not a Republican, and he says Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) are the reasons he is not.

“I am not a member of any political party,” he said. “I am an independent. I work closely with a lot of elected officials in the Georgia Capitol.”

He extensively blogs about American sovereignty and posts fact-based analysis on the immigration debate–using mostly data provided by the government–on his website, TheDustinInmanSociety.org, which is named after an American who was killed by an illegal immigrant.

King acknowledges that “real villains are not the dirt-poor” illegal immigrants, noting they are “a byproduct of the corruption.”

“Most of the people who come here illegally or overstay a visa do so because they can make more money here than they can in their home nation,” King said last Friday in an appearance on The Wilkow Majority on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 with guest host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. “This is not too difficult to figure out.”

He refers to Latino activist groups as “the tribalists,” saying they seek to impose a divisive ethnic agenda. He has called out Democrats, Wall Street, big business interests, and Republicans that he asserts have been colluding to get comprehensive immigration reform passed to lower the wages of working class Americans.

“I was taught that we have an American culture to which immigrants will assimilate. And I am incredibly resentful that’s not what’s happening anymore,” he told the New York Times in a profile piece he described as relatively fair. “The tribalists will not make any difference with any Republican who has enough sense to get on an airplane every Monday and fly to Washington.”

King, whose billboards influenced Georgia’s Republican senators to vote against the Senate’s immigration bill, said if he were dirt poor in a third-world country, he “would be doing everything to get here as well.” But he acknowledged that American cannot accept everyone, and comprehensive immigration reform programs only hurts American workers, which include “real legal immigrants.”

He said he was proud that a “working class kid from Detroit” has been able to help impact public opinion on immigration by emphasizing that corporate America often colludes with liberals to flood the labor force to lower wages.

“On my watch, that cannot happen without a fight,” he said.

King said fighting against that drives him to relentlessly combat comprehensive immigration reform.

“The illegal alien lobby never changes. It’s the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party joining forces with the Chamber of Commerce, the far left and the Democrats in an effort to expand cheap labor and increase voting for the Democratic Party,” King said.

On a lighter note, while King is anticipating what will be a spirited debate with Ramos, he said he has never been to Miami, and the self-described “committed Foodie” told Breitbart News he is also looking forward to some “authentic Cuban cuisine” in South Florida.

Federal Debt Dilemma Solved: Stop Reporting It! Debt Stuck at $16,699,396,000,000 for 87 Days and Counting

US TreasuryThe Obama administration has found a way out of his feckless spending.  Stop keeping track!  There, case solved!

For the last 87 days, our federal debt has been stuck at $16,699,396,000,000, despite the $98 billion that’s been mounting, according to the Treasury Department Financial Management Service (FMS).

CNSNews.com: The Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service (FMS), which publishes both the federal government’s official Daily Treasury Statement and its official Monthly Treasury Statement, is reporting that in July the federal government ran a deficit of $98 billion but that the federal government’s debt remained exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for the entire month.

The FMS said that the deficit went up $98 billion ($97,594,000,000) in the Monthly Treasury Statment for July, which it released on Monday.

At the same time, the FMS said the debt stayed at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 in its Daily Treasury Statements, which are published every business day. The Daily Treasury Statements show the daily value of the federal government debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress.

At the static $16,699,396,000,000 level that the Treasury reported for every day of July, the debt was just $25 million below the legal limit of $16,699,421,000,000 that was set in a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama.

If Treasury’s daily statements were to declare that the government had borrowed an additional net $98 billion to cover the $98 billion deficit the Treasury declared in its monthly statement for July, the Treasury would be conceding that the government had already surpassed the legal limit on the debt–and has been violating the law by continuing to borrowing additional money.

Instead, even as the Treasury was running up the $98-billion deficit it reported in the July Monthly Treasury Statement, every one of the 22 Daily Treasury Statements published for July said the Treasury had closed out the previous business day with exactly $16,699,396,000,000 in debt.

The Daily Treasury Statement for Aug. 12, released Tuesday afternoon, says the debt remained stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 during the first 12 days of this month, too.

On May 17, the first day the Treasury reported that the debt had hit exactly $16,699,396,000,000–and was thus just $25 million below the legal limit–Treasury Secretary Lew sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying he was beginning to implement what he called “the standard set of extraordinary measures” to prevent the Treasury from exceeding the legal limit on the federal debt.

Since Lew sent that letter–announcing that he would use “extraordinary measures”–the debt has remained stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for 87 straight days.

That includes all 31 days in July when Lew’s Treasury says it was running a $98 billion deficit.

When Lew stops using “extraordinary measures” to keep the debt at exactly $16,699,396,000,000, the government will have another debt-limit crisis.

– See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/treasury-ran-98-billion-deficit-july-debt-stayed-exactly-16699396000000#sthash.NSlXvkfa.dpuf

Obamacare Exemption: None Dare Call It Treason

The Nuclear OptionBreitbart reported: WASHINGTON — Even by the standards of Washington, this is one sick, twisted and deceitful deal. Quite possibly, it is a whole new low, even for the federal government.

Had we innocent, taxpaying citizens not long ago lost our capacity to be outraged by the disgraceful manner in which this place operates, we would already be in all-out political revolt. Against President Obama. Against Democrats in Congress. And, especially, Republicans.

Literally, revolutionary wars have been fought over less.

Last week, while many Americans spent hard-saved money on long overdue vacations, the snakes and weasels inside the federal bureaucracy schemed until they hatched an evil plan. It would feather their own nests with more of your money, protect themselves from the ravages of the laws they foist upon us, desecrate our Constitution and then smear us with insult so putrid it would make a roadside vulture gag.

All the legal, constitutional and parliamentary maneuvering is enough to confuse Albert Einstein, but here is the bottom line: Congress and staff managed to get themselves exempted from one of the most punishing aspects of Obamacare.

Yes, you should be sharpening the tines of your pitchforks.

Back when the President and his henchmen rammed Obamacare through Congress, Republicans inserted a key provision requiring that whatever Frankenstein healthcare boondoggle got yoked upon the hardworking American people would also be yoked around the necks of every congressman and staffer on Capitol Hill. President Obama, being the slick fellow that he is, made sure it did not apply to him or anybody working for him in the White House.

The noble idea was that if they were seizing control of our titanic — yet still largely functioning –health care system and started ramming into every passing iceberg, then, by God, they were not going to get to be first in line for the life boats. No, they were going to go down with the ship.

If Obamacare was good enough for the American people, it should be good enough for Congress.

Well, that was BEFORE the bill passed, when they still needed to get it through. Now, it simply will not do.

It turns out that the healthcare packages currently provided to Congress and their staff are so generous and the squalor that will be caused by Obamacare is so terrible that the healthcare law simply cannot be applied to such precious people.

The thought is so terrifying that staffers from both parties in both chambers of Congress declared they would quit if forced to endure Obamacare. To those of us paying the bills around here, this sounded like a great idea.

But the federal bureaucracy blanched in terror. There would be a mass exodus of “talent,” they shrieked. There will be a “brain drain!”

After all, without these people, who would come up with all these fantastic new laws like, say, Obamacare?

I mean, if it was “talent” and “brains” that got us into this mess, maybe it’s time to try something else. Like letting them all quit. Or exempting all Americans from Obamacare.

Instead, after personal pleas made directly to President Obama, his administration quietly ruled last week in the dead of August that Congress and staff would be exempted.

Now they will dispute this and say that, indeed, they are being forced out of their cushy government health insurance plans and into the Obamacare health exchanges. This much is true. But there is a dirty, dirty secret. You are still paying for their insurance.

If a regular citizen makes $100,000 a year working for a private company and loses his insurance because of  Obamacare, he must pay out of his pocket for the insurance he will be forced to purchase from the exchanges.

However, if you are a sainted Congressional staffer earning $100,000 a year and enter the exchanges, guess who picks up the tab for your new insurance plan? That’s right, your employer, the federal government, the lowly taxpayer.

In other words, under Obamacare, the only people forced into the exchanges whose insurance will still be paid for by their employer will be members of Congress and their staff.

Not only is this sneaky, self-dealing and cynical, it is a dishonest bait-and-switch. And once again, we lowly taxpayers are the suckers who get stuck with the bill, get chained down by their terrible laws and laughed at all the way to the hospital.

WH: Politicians Need Guns, But You Don’t

Gun Free ZoneBreitbart reported: A petition that called for politicians to live in the same gun-free zones that schoolchildren do was filed on the formal White House petitions website and received a classic Obama Administration turndown. It seemed reasonable to ask politicians if they were willing to eschew their armed security just as they asked schoolchildren to do.

The original petition read:

Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them

Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians.

You’ll never guess how the White House responded–but then again, you probably already did. Here’s their response:

Working to Keep Everyone Safe

Thanks for your petition.

We live in a world where our elected leaders and representatives are subject to serious, persistent, and credible threats on a daily basis. Even those who are mere candidates in a national election become symbols of our country, which makes them potential targets for those seeking to do harm to the United States and its interests. In 1901, after the third assassination of a sitting President, Congress mandated that the President receive full-time protection, and that law is still in effect today. Because of it, those who are the subject of ongoing threats must receive the necessary and appropriate protection.

At the same time, all of us deserve to live in safer communities, which is why we need to take responsible, commonsense steps to reduce gun violence, even while respecting individual freedom. And let’s be clear: President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. You can see him talk about that in a previous petition response.

Uh, wait a minute. Was the White House actually saying it believed in the Second Amendment?

But the common-sense steps the President has proposed don’t infringe in any way on our Second Amendment rights. We ought to be able to keep weapons of war off the streets. We ought to close the loopholes in the background check system that make it too easy for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns — an idea that has the support of 90 percent of people in the United States.

That’s why the President and an overwhelming majority of Americans are calling on Congress to pass gun safety legislation that closes loopholes in the background check system and makes gun trafficking a federal crime.

Oh, more gun control. That does sound more like them.

A minority in the Senate is blocking this common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence, but President Obama is already taking action to protect our kids with executive actions. He is taking the steps available to him as President to strengthen the existing background check system, give law enforcement officials more tools to prevent gun violence, end the freeze on gun violence research, make schools safer, and improve access to mental health care.

You can learn more about the President’s positions on this issue at WhiteHouse.gov/NowIsTheTime.

What’s good for Barack Obama is definitely not good for the innocent children of America. No protection for them, armed security for him. It’s amazing how much he cares about America’s kids.

Obama Administration: Splurging on Taxpayer Dime, Including Eric Holder Racking Up 697K In Personal Expenses

Obama and Holder SpendingWhat struggling economy?  With people out of work and debt piling up to unprecedented levels, the Obama administration goes about their merry way with the King and Eric Holder leading the charge.  Not only are our liberties being stripped away by the most corrupt administration this country has seen, they are robbing us blind as well.

Breitbart reported: With a struggling economy and government debt piling up, President Obama promised to look at the budget line by line. Well, I’ve got a few lines he can examine. How about starting with the taxpayer-funded personal junkets taken by Obama administration officials (including the First Family)?

Recently, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit to obtain records detailing the costs of President Obama’s February 2013 “boys’ weekend” in Palm Beach, Florida, as well as the simultaneous vacations of Michelle Obama and Joseph Biden in Aspen, Colorado (our previous discoveries regarding the First Family’s vacations can be found here).

JW placed Attorney General Eric Holder’s personal travel under the microscope, releasing documents from the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealing that between March 27, 2009, and August 24, 2012, Attorney General Eric Holder accrued $4,263,704.01 in total travel expenses. This included $697,525.20 in taxpayer-funded personal travel expenses. We acquired these records in June in response to an August 2012 Freedom of Information Act request.

Altogether, Holder took 213 out-of-Washington trips during the 42 months for which we obtained records. His 31 personal trips during the time period included two trips to Martha’s Vineyard with a flight-only price tag of $95,184.50, as well as eight trips to Farmingdale, New York, at a flight cost of $118,553.71.

On September 9, 2010, Holder took a one-day personal jaunt to gambling mecca Atlantic City that cost the taxpayers $7,408 in flight expenses alone. Wasn’t it President Obama who once cautioned American taxpayers that when “times are tough,” the American people should “tighten their belts” instead of that “blowing a bunch of cash” on Vegas?

Holder’s first taxpayer-funded trip noted in the documents was to an April 2009 “US/Mexico Arms Trafficking Strategy Meeting” (government cost “unavailable”) concerning gun-running between the US and Mexico, an issue in which the attorney general subsequently said he had no involvement. Among other controversial Holder travel expenditures:

  • In April, 2011, Holder charged taxpayers $15,452.50 for a speaking engagement at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in New York City.
  • In June, 2012, Holder charged $38,108.18 in “business and personal” expenses to address LULAC, a liberal group that strongly supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, in Orlando and New Orleans.
  • In July, 2012, Holder charged an additional $38,108.18, this time fully billed to the taxpayers, to speak before La Raza, another controversial pro-amnesty group, in Las Vegas.
  • Also in July, 2012, Holder flew on a Department of Defense plane, at unknown cost, to speak before the NAACP convention in Houston.

The documents also include Holder’s personal expense form reports for room service and lodging.

Now, to be fair, by long-standing presidential executive fiat, Attorney General Holder is a “required use” official who must take government aircraft for all travel while in office due to “security and communications needs,” according to a February 2013 U.S. Government Accountability Office report. The requirement dates most recently from 2004.

However, according to Bloomberg Businessweek, “For personal trips, Holder is required to reimburse the government for the equivalent commercial coach fare, which is often much less than the total trip costs according to the GAO.”

Here’s the thing. Holder doesn’t fly commercial. He usually flies on a Gulfstream V, the same private luxury jet owned by former Apple chairman Steve Jobs and billionaire businessman Mark Cuban. So no wonder the numbers do not square in favor of the taxpayer.

Last Tuesday night, I appeared on Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor” program with guest host Laura Ingraham to discuss these luxury trips. In my interview with Ingraham, I noted the tone deafness of the Obama administration when it comes to these luxury vacations: “[Holder’s] personal trips cost $700,000 or so. He should be more sensitive to the costs his personal junkets are costing the American people…Our debt is out of control and they should cut these costs back.” You can watch the segment here.

And then there is also the question of all of those alleged “official trips.” Take a look at the list above, and note the timing of Holder’s speeches and the groups involved. Some of these 2012 trips were for speeches to leftist groups essential to the president’s reelection campaign. And, as I said on Fox News, if someone wants to call these specific trips “official business,” then I have a bridge to sell them.

The Obama administration has so blurred the lines between official government business and Obama campaign business that it’s difficult to know where one leaves off and the other begins. This is not an excuse for wrongdoing. It’s just an observation on the DC shell game.

We should hope that these documents help Attorney General Holder understand the burden his unnecessary personal travel places on American taxpayers. The notion that federal officials such as Holder have access to a fleet of luxury jets for discounted personal travel for “security” reasons should strike most Americans as a scam that needs to be reformed.

And, in case you’re wondering, we criticize Republicans for similar travel abuse.  See this 2008 McClatchy news story, entitled “Attorney general’s private trips have cost taxpayers.”

In the meantime, JW will continue to do what it can to bring the light of day the costs associated with these luxury vacations, hoping that public scrutiny might lead to some necessary changes.