Eric Holder: Racks up $4.2 Million in Travel Expenses, Including $697,525 in Personal Trips to Resorts

The administration from hell, just keeps coming at us from all angles.  Eric HolderEric Holder is reported to squander $4.2 million of taxpayer money for travel expenses over the four years he’s made a mockery of the DOJ position.

Red Flag News reports: Attorney General Eric Holder has racked up more than $4.2 million in travel expenses over four years, including $697,525 in taxpayer-provided personal trips to resort areas like Martha’s Vineyard and Atlantic City, according to documents provided to the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

The records from Justice and provided to Secrets show that Holder, who is required to travel on government aircraft because of security, submitted bills of $16,452.50 to speak at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on New York in April 2011, $38,108.18 in expenses to address the pro-immigration reform group LULAC in June 2012, and $38,108.18 to speak to another pro-immigration group, La Raza, in Las Vegas in July 2012.

Oprah: Compares Trayvon Martin to a Lynching of Emmett Till, ‘In My Mind, Same Thing’

Oprah WinfreyNever been a fan of Oprah, but her latest remark puts puts me at odds of being able to stomach hearing another word uttered from her again.  Okay, so I’m there already.

But Comparing the Zimmerman case of self-defense to a lynching that occurred 58 years ago is not only irresponsible, it will no doubt infuriate some, including myself.

The Blaze reports: Oprah Winfrey says there is a clear “parallel” between the murders of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and 14-year-old Emmett Till in 1955.

“In my mind, same thing,” she said.

Oprah went on to say that people “can get stuck in that and not allow yourself to move forward and to see how far we’ve come.”

Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Fla., following a violent altercation with George Zimmerman in February 2012. Zimmerman, who claims he shot Martin in self-defense, stood trial and was found not guilty on murder and manslaughter charges by a jury. At least two members of the jury have publicly stated there was simply not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman.

In contrast, Till was savagely murdered by a group of white men in 1955 after he was spotted apparently flirting with a white woman.

The men took Till to a barn, beat him viciously and gouged out one of his eyes before shooting him in the head and dumping his body in the Tallahatchie River in Mississippi.

According to Oprah, that is the “same thing.” She is not; however, the first person to make the comparison.

Al-Qaeda: U.S. Official Warns of an Planned Attack That’s ‘Going to Be Big,’ ‘Strategically Significant’

Terror ThreatA senior U.S. official told ABC News they believe Al-Qaeda terrorists are planning or have planned, an attack that is “going to be big” and “strategically significant,” based on intercepted communications.

Obama countered by closing 21 U.S. embassies and consulates in the Muslim world.

ABC News reported:

“The part that is alarming is the confidence they showed while communicating and the air of certainty,” the official said, adding that the group — Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — appeared to have a media plan for after the attack.

Authorities do not know the exact target of the planned attack, according to the official.

“We do not know whether they mean an embassy, an airbase, an aircraft, trains,” the official said.

The official said there is concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of a terrorist.

“We are concerned about surgically implanted devices,” said. “These are guys who have developed the techniques to defeat our detection methods.”

The official also said authorities were stunned that the group broke “operational security” — meaning they talked likely knowing it would be picked up by intercepts.

The new details come as 21 U.S. embassies and consulates in the Muslim world closed their doors Sunday in the face of the threat, and a global travel warning was issued for U.S. citizens.

CBS News reported Saturday that a team of operatives planning to carry out a major terror plot was “already in place.”

Glenn Beck: Goes Doom and Gloom, Explains What He Fears Most Could Spell WW III, ‘The Proxy War Is About to Be Discovered’

Glenn Beck reflected on the latest news across the Middle East and within the United States on radio Monday, saying he continues to fear the path we are on leads to World War III. The theory has credence and explains the many ‘mysterious’ happenings around the world, especially as they relate to Obama-world.

“My theory is this whole thing is coming apart at the seams, that this thing is at its end,” he said, proceeding to reflect on how many years passed between the election of former president Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the beginning of World War II.

“Just like with FDR, I think things are falling apart,” Beck explained. He specifically pointed out that a wildly disproportionate amount of U.S. jobs added in July were part-time, low-paying, or both, and that many are blaming the burdensome costs the president’s health care plan places on employers.

Couple economic instability with a “proxy war” in the Middle East, Beck said, and trouble is on the horizon.

“You’re at the point now where the proxy war is about to be discovered,” Beck asserted. “Russia has picked Iran; we have picked the Muslim Brotherhood and Libya and Egypt…”

“It’s been a cold war, it’s been a proxy war, it’s been one where nobody really understands it yet, but I think you’re about to,” he continued. “I think this whole thing in the Middle East is the beginning of the end of the proxy war and a covert war. You are now going to see an openly hot war, I fear, and the beginning of World War III.”

The Obama Economy: Nearly 90% of New Jobs Have been Part Time

Part Time JobsNews that certainly comes as no surprise, nearly 90% of the new jobs coming to market since 2009 have been part time.

That’s right, full time, high paying jobs have been replaced by low paying part time jobs that do nothing but inflate job growth.

Washington Times reports: House Republicans have crunched the numbers and say that since President Obama took office, the economy has added seven times more part-time jobs than it has created full-time jobs.

Since January 2009 the country has added a net total of 270,000 full-time jobs, but it has added 1.9 million part-time jobs, according to the House Ways and Means Committee.

The numbers come as Republicans argue that the president’s health care law is pushing businesses to save money and push workers into shorter schedules to avoid the penalties that come from hiring more full-time workers, who under the law will be required to be covered with health care insurance.

Muslim Brotherhood: The Truth About Torture Chambers Is Finally Exposed to The World

Muslim Brotherhood TortureChristians have long been the target of the Muslim Brotherhood, but only since the story broke on Fox News last March did we really begin to see how widespread and horrific it really has become.

And since the Egypt turmoil, it’s been reported that indeed, torture has become common practice amongst the rank and file of hard left Islamist groups.

Human Events reports: Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into [a] torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse.  Such stories have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report. Demonstrators, some of whom were Muslim, say they were taken from the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in suburban Cairo to a nearby mosque on Friday and tortured for hours by hard-line militia members.

While it is good that Fox News reported on the Brotherhood’s “torture chambers,” its report is also a reminder of how much the American public is often kept in the dark concerning what happens to Christians in Muslim countries—indeed, about what happens in the Muslim world in general.

The fact is, months earlier, numerous reports, not to mention pictures and videos, circulated in the Arabic media about the Muslim Brotherhood’s “torture chambers.”

On January 6—nearly three months before the Fox News report appeared, I wrote the following words in a FrontPage Magazine article, concerning how several Muslim Brotherhood affiliated clerics had:

issued fatwas, or Islamic decrees, that all such protesters [against Morsi] are to be fought and killed, regardless of whether they are fellow Muslims, leading to the violent attacks and killings during the uprisings against Morsi, including the “Muslim Brotherhood’s Torture Rooms.”

I linked the phrase “Muslim Brotherhood’s Torture Rooms” back to a December report published by the Arabic-language newspaper Al Masry Al Youm, titled (in translation), “Inside the Brotherhood’s Torture Rooms.”  The report explained in detail the “torture strategy” the Brotherhood was using against protesters (scroll down beneath the Arabic text to see graphic images of some of those tortured). Coptic Solidarity translated and summarized the report as follows:

A recent Al Masry Al Youm report, titled “Inside the Brotherhood Torture Rooms at Itihadiya [one of the presidential palaces]” written during last week’s protests indicates how Egyptian police appear paralyzed before the Muslim Brotherhood’s violence and how the attacks on Mina Philip—who was stripped naked and violently beat—were part of a planned and organized attack by the Brotherhood.  Reporters spent 3 hours inside the Muslim Brotherhood “torture chambers” next to the Itihadiya Palace.  “We were able to enter after an introduction was made by a Brotherhood channel.”  According to the report, the main room has about 15 Muslim Brotherhood well-built men, along with policemen and 3 Brotherhood men in suits; the men in suits decide who gets to be in the room at all times. The process starts with the capture of a protestor opposed to President Morsi or one [who] is suspected of being a demonstrator.  The Brotherhood members start beating the person up as a group all over his body then they drag him to a nearby chamber where they take off his shirt and take his wallet, money and phone.  They later start interrogating him while beating him up and accusing him of receiving funds from opposition members.  They sometimes call their channel to film the “capture of thugs.”  Later, he is taken to the main room where he is beaten up again and his clothes are torn.  His ID is given to a Brotherhood lawyer who takes down his information.  Later, the lawyer would give the person’s ID to the police officer on the scene.

Thus, while Fox News should be commended for its report, that these “torture chambers”—reports of which flooded the Egyptian media— were finally exposed to the American mainstream three months later is a reminder of how woefully in the dark most Americans are when it comes to the truth about the Islamic world.

To a large extent, much of this is caused by Western reporters who simply cannot transcend their own epistemology, who find it hard to believe—and thus report on—the anachronistic absurdities they hear.  Indeed, Fox News seems only to have reported on the Brotherhood’s torture chambers because Muslim mosque leaders—not Egyptian Christians or secularists whose accounts are often dismissed as biased against the Brotherhood—confirmed it, as found in the report’s two opening sentences: “Such stories [of torture chambers] have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report”—hence apparently why Fox deemed it legitimate enough to report on.

If Fox News reported on the Brotherhood’s torture chambers only after mosque officials verified it—always a rarity, especially considering that it is mosque leaders who habitually radicalize and incite Muslims against Christians, and cover it up—one can only imagine the la-la-land of make believe the viewers of CNN, BBC, etc., are repeatedly subjected to.

Update: One need not try to imagine anymore.  The narrative being relayed by Western mainstream media concerning events in Egypt—which is very much based on the pro-Brotherhood Al Jazeera’s distortions and lies, which portray as victim the aggressors—has so little to do with reality, especially in comparison to what is being reported by independent Egyptian reporters.  But it does fit the Obama administrations agenda.  More on this later.

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