Wild Bill: The War Drums Are Getting Louder, ‘If You Think That We Will Allow Our Children to Live Under Tyranny, You Will Have Tragically Underestimated’

‘Your shameful conduct is doing nothing but pushing this nation into a second American Revolution.’

‘You can sabotage our energy production so we paid dearly for gas and electricity.  You can launch media smear campaigns against good people who seek office we will tolerate those we have tolerated those.  When you steal our elections you are declaring war stop it stop it now before the war drums become unstoppable.  If you think that we will allow our children to live under tyranny you will have tragically miss underestimated us.’

Claim: Barack Obama Hid His Gay Life to Become President, Chicago Homosexual Community Shocked He Could Keep it Secret

Is Obama Gay?You may or may not know that Barack Obama has a well documented life as a gay man living in Chicago, prior to his parade to the White House.

Maybe that explains the overabundance of admiration he displayed toward Jason Collins when he came out of the closet.

In fact, Obama personally called Collins, giving him top priority out of his busy schedule at the time, which included many domestic threats.  Just another disingenuous incident to make you wonder just who in the hell is running our country.

The article dives into a claim that has been in existence for many years, but according to a prominent member of Chicago’s Homosexual community was aware of Obama’s secret life.

WND reported back on 9/11/12: A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website HillBuzz.org, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s claims.

“It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.

WND also spoke with a member of the East Bank Club in Chicago, who confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual. The upscale fitness club, which has some 10,000 members, is not a “gay” facility.  But it’s one of a number of places identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a “gay gym,”  where homosexuals meet and engage in sexual activity.

In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.

In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.

WND also has documented in two separate articles, here and here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.

DuJan said that during Obama’s first presidential campaign, “there was fear in the gay community” about talking openly about Obama being homosexual, particularly after the murder in December 2007 of Donald Young, the openly gay choir director at Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, who was known to be a close friend of Obama.

“People did not want to talk openly about Obama being gay,” he said.

“Then, when we saw how Larry Sinclair was demonized, anybody who would expose Obama worried they would be silenced if they dared to speak the truth about Obama’s gay life,” DuJan said.

‘Obama’s secrets’

DuJan said he has been told “Obama’s secrets would have to come out just like John Edwards’ secrets came out.”

He said Obama stopped going to gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago when he began running for the U.S. Senate in 2004.

“Back then, Obama could walk around Chicago and people generally wouldn’t recognize him, even though he was a state senator in the Illinois assembly at the time,” DuJan said.

DuJan insisted that while he’s a supporter of Hillary Clinton, he holds no personal animus toward Obama. He said he campaigned for Clinton in 2008 “because I had waited for years for her to be able to run.”

“I opposed Obama not because I’m a racist, or that I hate Obama, I just knew the type of person Obama associated with in Chicago,” he said.

He pointed to Obama’s association with convicted Chicago real estate magnate Tony Rezko, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright.

“Obama was a dirty politician that the media never wanted to vet – that’s what concerned me about Obama,” Du Jan said.

DuJan spoke further of his claims about Obama in an interview Monday night on Andrea Shea King’s show on BlogTalkRadio.com, which included questions from WND during the last half of the show.

Man’s Country

Madsen published an article in his Wayne Madsen Report in May 2010 claiming Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were members of the same bathhouse in Chicago.

“President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bathhouse in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city,” Madsen wrote.

He said the bathhouse, “Man’s Country,” catered “to older men,” noting “it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s ‘grand old bathhouses.’”

Madsen wrote his 2010 report after traveling to Chicago to interview bartenders and customers at several “gay” bars.

DuJan gave WND a list of “gay” bars in Chicago where older customers hang out and tell stories about how Obama, prior to 2004, frequented visited to pick up men for sex, including several on Halstead Street, widely known as an “uber-gay Chicago street.

Writing in HillBuzz.org Tuesday, DuJan said rooms at Man’s Country bathhouse are still referred to as the “presidential suite,” or the “Oral Office,” because “the current President used to haunt the place when he was a just another Illinois state senator that no one had ever heard of or cared about.”

DuJan said he believes that, someday, “all of this is going to be as public knowledge as JFK’s affair with Marilyn Monroe and the other women he cavorted with while married to Jackie.”

“Someday,” he said, “in the next 10-20 years, everyone will know all about Man’s Country, and the place will no doubt get a plaque of sometime commemorating that place as a gay hangout for the future leader of the free world.”

Obama, Holder, and Sharpton Are On It: Horrible Video Of 13 Year Old White Boy Being Beaten On School Bus By 3 Older Black Teens

Yet another atrocity that goes unnoticed by blacks. This time, three black teen punks gang up on a white boy in the back of a bus beat the crap out of him. What makes this story even more infuriating is the bus driver, sits by and does nothing to help this 13-year old victim.


Red Flag News reported: Gulfport police recently released surveillance video from a school bus that shows the bus driver’s perspective of a beating earlier this month.

In the video from July 9th, the victim is sitting in the second seat of the Pinellas school bus with his head down. The violence starts as soon as he stands-up to get off the bus.

The bus driver, John Moody can be heard yelling for somebody to try to stop them and calls dispatch for help, “I got a fight. I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry.”

The punches and kicks continue, and the victim falls between the seats. At one point you can hear his screams on the video. The bus driver yells at the attackers, “leave that boy alone,” but doesn’t try to intervene physically.

Then he again calls dispatch to verify the address. “Get somebody out here quick, quick quick they’re about to beat this boy to death. There’s nothing I can do…please send somebody,” said Moody.

According to Pinellas school bus driver policy the driver’s first duty is to call dispatch, and only has to step in if they think it’s safe. They’re not required to intervene.

Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent has publicly questioned the driver’s lack of action even after the offending teens had left the bus. “There was time for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the child in this case. He didn’t make any effort to do so and that’s what we want to bring to the attention of the prosecutor,” said Chief Vincent.

Police investigators turned this video and other evidence to the state attorney’s office. Prosecutors will determine whether to charge the driver with child neglect.

UPDATE: No Jail Time for Two out of Three Black Teens.

May the Real Racist Please Stand Up: Charlie Rangel Calls Tea Partiers “White Crackers”

Charlie RangelIf people such as Charlie Rangel weren’t so dumb, it would be funny.  I mean really, how can a man of his mental capacity ever come close to reaching the position he holds?

In short, Charlie Rangel made a buffoon of himself [again] Friday after calling Tea Partiers and other Republicans ‘white crackers.’

And, on a lighter note, I wish somebody would tell ole’ Charlie to trim those eye brows of his. Come on Charlie, if you are going to call us white crackers, look presentable.

Town Hall reports: Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) made some colorful remarks in a Daily Beast interview released Friday. Most notably, he called Tea Partiers and other Republicans “white crackers.”

House Republicans? Have done more damage to American competitiveness than al Qaeda ever could. “What is happening is sabotage. Terrorists couldn’t do a better job than the Republicans are doing.”

The Tea Party? Defeat them the same way segregation was beaten. “It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police.
The term “cracker” has been all over the news lately. In the midst of the George Zimmerman trial, for instance, Trayvon Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel called the defendant a “creepy ass cracker” during her testimony. Despite Jeantel’s equivocations, those familiar with the word know that it has always referred to poor whites. Of course it’s a racial slur.
This begs the question — why is it deemed acceptable for a sitting congressman to use the word? No one in the mainstream media seems to care as Rangel says it nonchalantly in an on-the-record interview.

If racial slurs against minorities are taboo, why do anti-white slurs escape scrutiny? The media ruined Paula Deen’s career for admitting that she used the N-word decades ago in private, but it couldn’t care less about an elected official’s public bigotry against whites.

Rangel and his defenders operate under the flawed assumption that anti-white bigotry is impossible, when in fact bigotry against whites (especially Southern whites) is more popular than ever. Liberal media elites love political correctness when it comes to “disadvantaged groups,” but there’s nothing they love more than to demean working-class whites and Southerners (just check out TLC’s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, a monstrous example of the media’s ridiculous anti-white, anti-Southern stereotyping).

Someone should hold Charlie Rangel accountable for his carefree bigotry, but I’m not holding my breath. These are the times we live in.

One Small Step for the DHS, One Giant Step for the New World Order: Department of Homeland Security, United States… and Canada and Mexico?

While defending the NSA’s massive spying programs during a Wednesday briefing, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) held up an NSA chart identifying the “Homeland” as the United States…Canada and Mexico.

DHS US, Canada, Mexico

The Atlantic Wire, the first publication to notice the map’s discrepancy, reports:

You may also be surprised to learn that our homeland now includes both Mexico and Canada, two areas that we understood to be autonomous nations that are not part of the United States. Normally, this would be written off as a design goof, as one of the NSA’s (newly adept) graphics guys using a little more light blue than he ought.

This being the NSA, we’re not inclined to offer that benefit of the doubt. Is this a way of blending in Canadian and Mexican terror activity disruptions (which, we’ll remind you, is different from actual plots interrupted) to give a larger sense of the NSA’s success at halting terrorism within our borders?

We don’t and can’t know, of course, since the information about almost all of these 54 events is classified. Just know that the homeland is safe — be it Tampa, Toronto, or Tijuana — and that it’s all thanks to the NSA.

Watch the video proof below: