Ted Cruz: Grassroots Effort is Needed to Fight and Win, We Must Defund Obamacare

Ted Cruz

There’s only a few Republicans that stand between the American people and ultimate collapse of our economy.

Mark your date September 30th, as one of the most important days in our recent history.  We must support Ted Cruz efforts or we will be staring down at a total collapse come 2014.  Please join me in supporting our congressmen to defund ObamaCare.

The Blaze reports: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks to local residents during a fundraising picnic for the Iowa Republican Party, Friday, July 19, 2013, in Des Moines, Iowa. Credit: AP

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A grassroots effort against President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could persuade skittish Republicans to deny money for the law and overcome arguments that any resulting shutdown of the government would be the GOP’s fault, Sen. Ted Cruz said Friday.

“We have to stand up and win the argument,” the Texas Republican said to spirited applause on the opening day of the annual RedState Gathering, a meeting of conservatives highly critical of many established Republican leaders as well as Democrats.

Cruz, a tea party-backed first-term lawmaker, has long suggested that one way of taking money from the law would be to hold up a continuing funding resolution to keep government agencies running after Sept. 30. Several of his Republican colleagues have called such a move counterproductive and detrimental to the party and the nation.

Cruz said the effort should start in the House with passage of a resolution that would fund government with the exception of the health care law.

“We don’t have the votes right now. In fact, to be honest, we’re not close,” Cruz said. But, he noted, he won a come-from-behind victory in Texas’ Republican Senate primary last year with strong grassroots support, beginning with conservative bloggers.

On Friday, the GOP-controlled House passed for the 40th time a measure targeting the law that Republicans deride as “Obamacare.” The bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law passed on a near party-line vote of 232-185. But the legislation is certain to be ignored in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Liberal groups announced Friday a campaign in Louisiana and nine other states to counter criticism of the health care law. They’re also encouraging those who need insurance to enroll in the state exchanges established under the law when the enrollment period opens Oct. 1.

Yet Another Benghazi Update: Trey Gowdy’s Explosive Claim About Benghazi Survivors, Obama ‘Changing’ Names and ‘Dispersing’ Around Country

It’s a Benghazi Frenzy today, which is only good news.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was on with Greta Van Susteren last night to discuss the Obama scandals. This was after Jake Tapper on CNN broke the news that there were “dozens” of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11 when the consulate came under attack. Gowdy then told Greta the Obama Administration is hiding the survivors, dispersing them around the country, and changing their names. And, at the same time Obama is calling this a ‘phony’ scandal!

Mark Levin: CNN Reveals Benghazi Bombshell, This Could be a Huge Break to Expose Coverup

The recent news that CIA operatives are getting polygraphed was reported yesterday, is now gaining traction and could be huge. CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, as dozens of CIA operatives were reported on the ground during the Benghazi attack. If this story (CNN report) is accurate, it will be an absolute ‘block buster.’

Obama: Recovery Has Created Fewer Jobs in 2013 Than Ronald Reagan’s Recovery Created in a Single Month in 1983

Ronald ReaganBreitbart reported: In 1983, as President Ronald Reagan’s economic policies took hold, the American recovery started to roar back to life. This was thanks to Reagan’s across-the-board tax cuts and an overall philosophy of getting government out of the way of American ingenuity. The result was that the entire dynamic of an economy that had been in a malaise for nearly a decade completely turned around.

In one month, September of 1983, the Reagan Recovery created 1,114 MILLION jobs.

This was no fluke, either. The next 15 months saw amazing job growth (in thousands): 271, 352, 356, 447, 479, 275, 363, 308, 379, 312, 241, 311, 286, 349, 127.

By contrast, President Obama attacked his inherited recession in the exact opposite way Reagan did. Obama passed onerous regulations, including Dodd-Frank and ObamaCare. Worse, his class warfare rhetoric demanding higher taxes and even more regulation, has never ceased. The uncertainty he creates in the labor market in unprecedented.

Despite the media’s spin, the results have been disastrous for the American people. Thus far, all year, the Obama Recovery has created fewer jobs than Reagan’s recovery created in that single month.

Over 7 full months in 2013, only 953,000 jobs have been created.(77% of those part-time)

What the media won’t tell you as they say things like, “Well, we are growing, just not fast enough,” is that it did not have to be like this.

Video-making Gilberton Police Chief Mark Kessler: Hailed as National Second Amendment Leader by Gun Rights Activists

The chief of police in Gilberton Borough, Pennsylvania (population 834), was under fire after posting a series of profanity-laced videos that insult liberals. The video posted below, intended for John Kerry and the UN is one of them that started the uproar:

*WARNING: The video below contains graphic, profane, and offensive language.*

The Gilberton Borough council met to address the uproar over its police chief, Mark Kessler. The council voted 5-1 to suspend Kessler 30 days without pay. Technically, the borough didn’t suspend Kessler for his profanity laced diatribes supporting the Second Amendment and verbally blasting the likes of Secretary of State John Kerry and Democratic House minority leader Nancy Pelosi. Kessler was disciplined for using borough property — the semiautomatic and automatic weapons he is seen shooting in the videos — without borough permission.

ObamaCare: The Private Sector Hunkers Down, of 953,000 Jobs Created In 2013, 77%, Or 731,000 Are Part-Time

And so the official fallout of ObamaCare begins.

Zero Hedge reports: When the payroll report was released last month, the world finally noticed what we had been saying for nearly three years: that the US was slowly being converted to a part-time worker society. This slow conversion accelerated drastically in the last few months, and especially in June, when part time jobs exploded higher by 360K while full time jobs dropped by 240K. In July we are sad to report that America’s conversation to a part-time worker society is not “tapering”: according to the Household Survey, of the 266K jobs created (note this number differs from the establishment survey), only 35% of jobs, or 92K, were full time. The rest were… not.

What is worse, however, is when one looks at job creation broken down by “quality” in all of 2013. The chart below does the bottom line some justice:

But what really shows what is going on in America at least in 2013, is the following summary: of the 953K jobs “created” so far in 2013, only 23%, or 222K, were full-time. Part-time jobs? 731K or 953K of total.

When the payroll report was released last month, the world finally noticed what we had been saying for nearly three years: that the US was slowly being converted to a part-time worker society. This slow conversion accelerated drastically in the last few months, and especially in June, when part time jobs exploded higher by 360K while full time jobs dropped by 240K. In July we are sad to report that America’s conversation to a part-time worker society is not “tapering”: according to the Household Survey, of the 266K jobs created (note this number differs from the establishment survey), only 35% of jobs, or 92K, were full time. The rest were… not.

What is worse, however, is when one looks at job creation broken down by “quality” in all of 2013. The chart below does the bottom line some justice:

But what really shows what is going on in America at least in 2013, is the following summary: of the 953K jobs “created” so far in 2013, only 23%, or 222K, were full-time. Part-time jobs? 731K or 953K of total.