Obama and Biden Head to Golf Course 30 Minutes After Syria Announcement

Obama Goes Golfing

Roughly 30 minutes following his Syria announcement, two of the three stooges, Obama and Biden (just missing Kerry for a turkey) head to the golf course.

WND reports: (ABC News) Roughly half an hour after announcing his administration would seek congressional approval for military intervention in Syria’s civil war, President Obama left the White House for the golf course.

Accompanied by Vice President Biden and trip director Marvin Nicholson, a frequent golfing partner, Obama embarked for the course at nearby Fort Belvoir in Virginia. Nicholson’s brother was also in attendance.

Pack of 12 Black Juveniles Brutally Gang Rape 2 Women in Wilmington, Delaware

WILMINGTON, Del. (CBS) — Neighbors near Kosciuszko Park in Wilmington expressed anger and outrage Friday, after learning the details of a brutal gang-rape that happened in the park Thursday.

Police say two women, ages 32 and 24, were reportedly attacked and sexually assaulted by a group of 10 to 12 black male juveniles in Kosciuszko Park at about 6:54 p.m. Thursday. According to police, the suspects, who range in age from 12 to 17-years-old, remain on the loose.

The victims were transported to Christiana Hospital for treatment.

Wilmington police increased patrols Friday in the park which is located in the 600 block of South Franklin Street in the Hedgeville Community.

The women were released from the hospital Friday, but as of Friday night, police had no suspects and no witnesses.

“The new criminal we’re seeing, they’re bold, they’re brazen, and they have a total disregard for life,” said Maria Cabrera, city councilwoman-at-large in Wilmington.

Neighbors who live near the park gathered with reporters, politicians, and police for a small rally Friday against crime and in show of support of the victims.

“This is a good neighborhood, and I lived around here for a year,” said Baseer Powell, who had come to walk through the park. “I’m surprised this happened, but its on these kids’ parents to raise them right.”

His wife Sharee said in light of today’s events, there will be no more family visits to the park.

“Who told you that it was ok to mistreat women to this magnitude? And what do you need from society so that you can make better choices,” said Wilmington Councilwoman Sherry Dorsey-Walker, whose district includes the park. “There’s no easing someone’s mind when you have young people committing these types of crimes.”

The incident remains under investigation by the Wilmington Police Department.

Anyone with information is urged to call:

Detective Joseph Cooper @ 302.576.3634
Wilmington Police Confidential Tip Line @ 302.576.3990
Crime Stoppers @ 1-800.TIP.3333 or online at http://www.tipsubmit.com.

Pat Buchanan: Chemical Attack ‘Reeks Of False Flag Operation,’ There’s Now Documented Evidence the U.S. is Funding Al-Qaeda

During an interview with Newsmax Thursday, three-time presidential adviser Pat Buchanan joined the growing number of mainstream voices now specifically labeling the recent chemical attacks in Syria as a false flag.

“…First, this thing reeks of a false flag operation,” said Buchanan. “I would not understand or comprehend that Bashar al-Assad, no matter how bad a man he may be, would be so stupid as to order a chemical weapons attack on civilians in his own country when the immediate consequence of which might be that he would be at war with the United States. So this reeks of a false flag operation.”

Throughout the course of the Syrian conflict, the Obama administration and its western allies have continually failed at their attempts to bring down the Assad government. Despite the administration’s claims of an “undeniable” Assad chemical attack, US officials have continued to cast doubt on the evidence.

Evidence pointing to a rebel-backed false flag chemical attack to blame Assad has continued to pile up as public approval for a Syrian intervention crumbles. Not only did the British parliament vote down the Cameron government’s attempts to intervene militarily, A Reuters poll from earlier this week found that 91 percent of Americans oppose military air strikes.

Just last Thursday, Al-Qaeda-backed Syrian rebels admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak that they had carried out the chemical attacks after being supplied the weapons from Saudi Arabia. The information backs up comments made by Syria’s deputy foreign minister as well as multiple YouTube videos showing the US funded rebels launching chemical attacks with “Saudi factory” labeled weapons.

Ron Paul’s statement calling the chemical attacks a false flag while on Fox News last Wednesday has seemingly opened the flood gates for other journalists to come forward with their similar findings. During an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News Friday, photojournalist Jonathan Alpeyrie, who was kidnapped and held captive by Syrian rebels for 81 days last April, said he also believed the recent chemical attack was a rebel backed false flag operation.

This coincides with the fact that Obama is now publicly on the same side as Al-Qaeda, as Anthony Gucciardi has broken down:

Read more on Info Wars.

Krauthammer: Obama ‘This is Amateur Hour’


Obama showed his true colors Saturday, after the announcement that he changed his mind and he will now await for congress approval before striking Syria. I think everyone will agree that Obama ultimately did ‘the right thing,’ but the way he went about it shows that he is not capable of leading the United States — it was truly amateur hour in the Rose Garden today.

Daily Caller reported: Immediately following his statement from the Rose Garden on Saturday, which President Barack Obama said he would delay a strike on Syria until seeking authorization from Congress, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer took to Fox News to slam the president.

Krauthammer criticized Obama for the way he has handled the unfolding of events surrounding the crisis in Syria.

“[T]he most astonishing thing is the lack of any urgency,” Krauthammer said. “As you say, Congress will be back in a week. He says, ‘I can strike in a day or a week or a month,’ as if he is a judge handing down a sentence and the execution can be any time in the future. There is a war going on. Do you think everybody is going to hold their breath, hold their arms, step aside until Obama decides when he wants to go to Congress?
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“Look, I think he should go to Congress,” he continued. “I think it is absolutely necessary. But he has done no preparation. What they should have done — I mean, this is sort of amateur hour. When there were the first attacks six months ago or if you like, when we had the current attacks, he should have immediately have called in the Congress the way the prime minister of Britain had called in the parliament, had a debate and got a resolution and then went out and told the world we are going do x or we are not going to do x.”

Only 10% of Americans Think Race Relations Have Improved Under Obama

Obama depressedBreitbart reported: Only 10% of Americans think race relations have improved since the election of Barack Obama, according to a new Rasmussen poll. 43% think race relations have deteriorated and 44% say there’s been no change. Only 30% of those polled think race relations are good or excellent.

Yet in January 2009, just before Obama was inaugurated, 48% of Americans thought race relations would improve, including 75% of blacks. But now, 87% of black Americans say the U.S. justice system is unfair to blacks. 80% of black Americans think George Zimmerman was guilty in Trayvon Martin’s shooting death.

Instant Karma: The Brobdingnagian Burglar Beatdown

If only Karma didn’t ‘kick in’ like this all the time eh?  These two perpetrators picked the wrong two guys to rob.

This Brob·ding·nag·i·an burglar beat down occurred in Charlottesville, Va., two suspected robbers left the scene of their own crime looking like the victims.  The pictures below are not the victims of a crime, they are the perpetrators who learned a very painful lesson.

The Blaze reported: Two suspected robbers left the scene of their own crime looking like the victims of a brutal attack after their would-be victims fought back.

Johnny Calderon Jr., 19, and Gerald Allen, 18, attempted to rob two University of Virginia students at gunpoint, which turned out to be a huge, painful mistake, according to police in Charlottesville, Va.

Police arrived on the scene to find the two students had beaten up and detained the suspects

Gerald Allen and Johnny Calderon

Clearly, Allen got the worst of the beating. His right eye was swollen shut and his face bloodied. However, Calderon didn’t get off easy and arrived at the police station with a black eye and plenty of bruises.

Calderon has been charged with two counts of attempted robbery, one count of pointing a firearm and using a firearm in the commission of a felony, WVIR-TV reports. Allen is facing two counts of attempted robbery.

“Calderon is due in General District Court Friday morning for a hearing. Allen is due in court on October 3,” the report adds.

NBC29 WVIR Charlottesville, VA News, Sports and Weather

Shocking Persecution: Christian Sentenced to Death by Hanging for a Sip of Water Reserved for Muslims

Christian Sentenced to Death for Drinking WaterAasiya Noreen “Asia” Bibi has been sentenced to death by hanging in Pakistan for drinking water “from a well belonging to Muslim women, [and] using ‘their’ cup in the burning heat of the midday sun.”

And this ‘religion’ expects Americans to welcome them into the United States?

As her religion faces persecution across the Middle East, a Christian woman explains why she faces hanging in Pakistan for the crime of ‘blasphemy’

New York Post reported: To her neighbors, Aasiya Noreen “Asia” Bibi, a poor mother of five in the tiny village of Ittan Wali in central Pakistan, was guilty — guilty of being Christian in a nation that is 97% Muslim. For four years she has languished in a prison cell for this, facing death by hanging. Her new memoir, “Blasphemy,” was dictated to her husband from jail, who relayed it to French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet. Fifty percent of the proceeds the book will go to support Bibi and her family. Tollet says the situation is dire. Embarrassed by Bibi’s case but still refusing to release her because of angry protests by extremists, the Pakistan government has transferred her to a more remote prison, hoping the 42-year-old dies quietly behind bars, perhaps poisoned by another inmate. Already two government officials who have spoken out on her behalf have been murdered, including Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti, who was killed by the Taliban. In this excerpt, Bibi explains the simple “transgression” that led to her plight.

I’m the victim of a cruel, collective injustice.

I’ve been locked up, handcuffed and chained, banished from the world and waiting to die. I don’t know how long I’ve got left to live. Every time my cell door opens my heart beats faster. My life is in God’s hands and I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. It’s a brutal, cruel existence. But I am innocent. I’m guilty only of being presumed guilty. I’m starting to wonder whether being a Christian in Pakistan today is not just a failing, or a mark against you, but actually a crime.

But though I’m kept in a tiny, windowless cell, I want my voice and my anger to be heard. I want the whole world to know that I’m going to be hanged for helping my neighbor. I’m guilty of having shown someone sympathy. What did I do wrong? I drank water from a well belonging to Muslim women, using “their” cup, in the burning heat of the midday sun.

I, Asia Bibi, have been sentenced to death because I was thirsty. I’m a prisoner because I used the same cup as those Muslim women, because water served by a Christian woman was regarded as unclean by my stupid fellow fruit-pickers.

That day, June 14, 2009, is imprinted on my memory. I can still see every detail.

That morning I got up earlier than usual, to take part in the big falsa-berry harvest. I’d been told about it by Farah, our lovely local shopkeeper. “Why don’t you go falsa picking tomorrow in that field just outside the village? You know the one; it belongs to the Nadeems, the rich family who live in Lahore. The pay is 250 rupees.”

Because it was Sunday, my husband Ashiq wasn’t working in the brickworks. While I was getting ready to go to work he was still fast asleep in the big family bed with two of our daughters, who were also worn out after a long week at school. I looked at them with love before I left the room, and thanked God for giving me such a wonderful family.

When I got to the field, around 15 women were already at work, picking away, their backs hidden by the tall bushes. It was going to be a physically exhausting day in such heat, but I needed those 250 rupees.

Some of the women greeted me with a smile. I recognized my neighbor, Musarat, who was the seamstress in my village. I gave her a little wave, but she turned back to the bushes again at once. Musarat wasn’t really an agricultural worker and I didn’t often see her in the fields, so I realized times must be hard for her family. In the end, it was just our lot to be poor, all of us.

A hard-faced woman dressed in clothes that had been mended many times came over to me with an old yellow bowl.

“If you fill the bowl you get 250 rupees,” she said without really looking at me.

I looked at the huge bowl and thought I would never finish before sunset. Looking at the other women’s bowls, I also realized mine was much bigger. They were reminding me that I’m a Christian.

The sun was beating down, and by midday it was like working in an oven. I was dripping with sweat and I could hardly think or move for the suffocating heat. In my mind, I could see the river beside my village. If only I could have jumped into that cool water!

But since the river was nowhere near, I freed myself from my bushes and walked over to the nearby well. Already I could sense the coolness rising up from the depths.

I pull up a bucketful of water and dip in the old metal cup resting on the side of the well. The cool water is all I can think of. I gulp it down and I feel better; I pull myself together.

Then I start to hear muttering. I pay no attention and fill the cup again, this time holding it out to a woman next to me who looks like she’s in pain. She smiles and reaches out . . . At exactly the moment Musarat pokes her ferrety nose out from the bush, her eyes full of hate:

“Don’t drink that water, it’s haram!”

Musarat addresses all the pickers, who have suddenly stopped work at the sound of the word “haram,” the Islamic term for anything forbidden by God.

“Listen, all of you, this Christian has dirtied the water in the well by drinking from our cup and dipping it back several times. Now the water is unclean and we can’t drink it! Because of her!”

Read more at New York Post.

Ted Nugent: Wife Arrested for Gun Found in Luggage

Infowars reported: The wife of Ted Nugent was arrested Thursday for a handgun found in her carry-on luggage at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

Ted Nugent Wife ArrestedShemane Ann Nugent’s attorney, David Finn, said that she made an “honest mistake” having the gun in her bag, as reported by the Dallas Morning News.

“She is very embarrassed. She’s never been in this situation before,” Finn said. “She has expressed remorse for any inconvenience for any public safety officials.”

According to Finn, Nugent does not have a criminal record.

Over the years, several celebrities and well-known personalities have been arrested for firearm possession at airports, with the vast majority of them receiving reduced sentences and charges from the courts.

Last March, professional boxer Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero faced up to four years in prison for bringing a .40 S&W pistol to JFK International Airport.

Two months later, prosecutors dropped the charge to “disorderly conduct” and required Guerrero to pay a $250 fine, serve 50 hours of community service and surrender his firearm.

Earlier in the year, Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive end Da’Quan Bowers was also arrested for carrying a .40 S&W handgun in his carry-on luggage, this time at LaGuardia Airport.

Like Guerrero, Bowers’ charge was also dropped to “disorderly conduct” but had an more lenient sentence. Bowers paid a $250 fine and an additional $120 surcharge.

In 2006, Snoop Lion (formerly known as Snoop Dogg) was arrested on “suspicion of illegal drug and gun possession” after police searched his vehicle parked illegally in the loading zone at the Bob Hope Airport.

The next year, the rapper pled no contest to “gun possession by a convicted felon” and a drug charge.

A judge sentenced him to a three-year suspended sentence, five years’ probation, and 800 hours of community service.

Also in 2006, comedian Katt Williams was arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport after security found a stolen handgun in his luggage.

He was later sentenced to three years probation and three days in jail.

In a more well-known case from 1997, then-Cowboys coach Barry Switzer said he forgot about the loaded handgun in his carry-on luggage found by security at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

After a court fined him $3,500 and one year of deferred adjudication, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones also fined him $75,000.

The question remains on how the charges against Nugent will turn out.

Will the court follow this pattern of proper leniency (except for the outright confiscation of Guerrero’s gun) as shown in these previous cases, especially considering that Nugent is a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record whatsoever?

Her alleged “crime” did not harm anyone at all and the charges should be dropped entirely.

Our government has even frowned upon arming more pilots to serve as the “last line of defense” against attempted hijackings.

Last year, the Obama Administration pushed to reduce the number of armed pilots in cockpits by cutting the budget on firearms training, even though armed pilots are on five times as many flights as federal air marshals.

If the administration would follow Ted Nugent’s lead as a great defender of the Second Amendment, we would actually be safer rather than merely living in an illusion of safety as we are groped by total strangers at the airport.

U.S. Fighting Mexican Cartels with Privatized Manned Aerial Surveillance

Border CopterBreitbart reported: It has long been known that U.S. authorities use unmanned aerial drones to patrol the nearly 2,000-mile U.S./Mexico border. However, a recent report by FOX News’ William La Jeunesse reveals the U.S. is engaging in aerial surveillance over Mexican soil—manned surveillance flights.

Such efforts are not new on the part of U.S. authorities. Manned surveillance flights have long been a part of U.S. efforts to break the backs of Colombian drug cartels. The Colombian mission has seen its share of catastrophe, though. Two surveillance planes went down, a pilot was killed by narco-guerrillas, and a number of Americans were held captive for years until Operation Jaque, a Colombian operation, freed them.

A private company conducts the operations, which La Jeunesse says are daily. He was quoted Aram Roston of vocative.com as stating: “I’m told that they fly daily and as much as possible. They land, they refuel, they get their maintenance, and they get out again.” He also wrote that the planes are manned by a defense contractor named Sierra Nevada.

The privatization of U.S. border security and anti-cartel efforts are not new in the war against Mexican cartels, though they have been substantially under-reported in U.S. media. Several sources in U.S. law enforcement who work directly on such issues have acknowledged to Breitbart News that rural border counties sometimes hire privatized narcotics interdiction teams to assist in drug war efforts with boots on the ground.

Law enforcement from Laredo, Texas to Oregon have acknowledged that a severe lack of resources exist to handle the Mexican cartels’ efforts in rural U.S. counties. Laredo Police Department’s Joe Baeza spoke to Breitbart News on multiple past occasions regarding rural Texas counties along the U.S./Mexico border that do not have internet, much less the gear, firepower, or manpower to deal with such organized criminal efforts.

In an interview with Breitbart News from May of this year, Oregon Department of Justice Communications Director Jeff Manning acknowledged that Mexican cartel operations were overwhelming rural Oregon counties’ law enforcement capabilities. The general consensus among the law enforcement sources who spoke with Breitbart News on this issue, excluding the two mentioned above, acknowledged that privatized efforts were ultimately more affordable than hiring needed officers, and the experience levels of some of the privatized border warriors are sometimes difficult to match in rural counties.

Though no information is available as to why the U.S. has chosen to use private subcontractors to conduct surveillance over Mexico, the issues surrounding such efforts on the ground north of the border may help to illuminate the reasons. However, unlike rural Texas or Oregon county efforts, the flights in this case involve federal agencies such as the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), who reportedly had over 100 planes at their disposal as early as 2009. U.S. government agencies’ contracting with private companies has come under fire previously with allegations of cronyism or fiscal waste, as they have ample resources to operate the missions themselves, unlike rural U.S. counties.