Benghazi Accused with Involvement: Claims He Is Not Hiding, Has Not Been Contacted by U.S., Not Even by FBI Team That Traveled to Libya

Benghazi Suspect Not Questioned

A suspect to having involvement in the Benghazi has NOT been questioned by FBI or Libyan government, not even contacted!

Translation=we (Obama and friends) don’t care a ‘hill of beans’ about Benghazi and don’t plan on doing anything about it.

Despite being accused of possibly playing a role in the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attack, Ahmed Abdu Khattala has reportedly not been questioned in Libya by U.S. investigators. However, that’s not because he is in hiding.

He revealed as much to CNN, a media outlet that has now extracted more information from the Benghazi suspect than the United States government.

Khattala told CNN’s Arwa Damon, in a portion of the full interview aired on Wednesday, that American investigators were not searching for him and he is not in hiding. He is also denying any role in the Benghazi attack.

Further, he claimed that not even the FBI investigative team that went to Libya in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack attempted to contact him. He said the Libyan government has not reached out to him.

Khattala reportedly told CNN that he is willing to talk with U.S. investigators about what he witnessed on the night of the attack. However, he made it clear that he would not voluntarily agree to interrogation.