Disgrace at Benghazi: Navy Seal Waited 20 Hours on a Rooftop for Help with a Shattered Leg, Is That The Way We Pay Back Our Heroes?

This is utter Disgrace: Benghazi Hero Who Fought Alongside Seals Had To Wait On Roof With Shattered Leg For 20 Hours For Medical Help. And the only response we get from the POS Obama is referring Benghazi (among many) as a ‘phoney’ scandal.

Red Flag News reports: David Ubben, a State Department diplomatic security agent who was gravely injured in the terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is in the Walter Reed medical center near Washington, D.C., recuperating from injuries that almost cost him his right leg, but until Friday was kept out of reach of reporters.

Fox News established contact with Ubben at Walter Reed, showing only his blurred-out face in a still photograph during a television broadcast.

But members of Congress say they are still meeting resistance from the State Department, which is reportedly stonewalling them and denying them access to Ubben, who is still on the federal payroll and can’t speak about his Benghazi experience without clearance from State.

Four Americans died in Benghazi on Sept .11, 2012, including Ambassador Chris Stevens and former Navy SEALs Ty Woods and Glen Doherty. Mortar rounds launched at the roof of the CIA Annex to the U.S. Consulate, where Ubben, Woods and Doherty were stationed, killed the two SEALs and tore Ubben’s leg to ribbons.

Louis Farrakhan: The Devil Himself, Reacts to Trayvon Martin’s Verdict, ‘We Have to Rebel Against These Tyrants’


From Breitbart: In this week’s installment of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam YouTube video series, “The Time and What Must Be Done,” the controversial minister uses the shooting of Trayvon Martin to argue that America was “not made” for minorities, imploring his audience to “rebel against these tyrants”–presumably the institutional forces of “white supremacy.”

“You are gonna have to come to the realization that the death or murder of Trayvon was a nail in the coffin of white supremacy. Our people are rising, but you don’t know where to go; you don’t know what to do. But this has gone on in every generation. It’s telling us that we’re living in a society where we will never get the justice that God wants for us. We will never find the equity that God wants for us, nor the freedom. We have to separate. We have to find a path, and America, you have to let the black man go.”